Dr Robyn Jackowich
BA, MSc, PhD
- Available for postgraduate supervision
My primary research areas are clinical and health psychology, and my work is unified by a general theme of understanding, supporting, and improving sexual and reproductive health.
My research programme covers three broad areas:
- Application of psychological theories and the biopsychosocial model to understand the nature of sexual and reproductive health concerns and their impact on mental health, relationships, and daily functioning (for example, attending and participating in school or work).
- Evaluating and improving healthcare access and equity
- Development and evaluation of interventions, treatments, and resources to meaningfully improve sexual and reproductive health, drawing from a person-centered approach
My recent projects have focused on menstrual health (severe period pain, premenstrual dysphoric disorder), genito-pelvic pain/discomfort (persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia, endometriosis), postnatal contraception, sexual dysfunction and wellbeing. I work closely with stakeholders (e.g., healthcare professionals, policy makers) and people with lived experience to co-develop this research.
- Möller-Christensen, C., Moffat, M., Thompson, C., Jackowich, R., Sullivan, C. and Rankin, J. 2024. Women's experiences of postnatal contraception care while breastfeeding: a multi-methods cross-sectional study. The Lancet 404, article number: S79. (10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02024-5)
- Moffat, M., Jackowich, R., Möller‐Christensen, C., Sullivan, C. and Rankin, J. 2024. Demographic and pregnancy‐related predictors of postnatal contraception uptake: A cross‐sectional study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 131(10), pp. 1360-1367. (10.1111/1471-0528.17821)
- Mulroy, M. E., Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2024. Examining the psychometric properties of the HBI-19 scale in a sample of women with persistent genital arousal symptoms. The Journal of Sex Research 61(4), pp. 603-613. (10.1080/00224499.2023.2176423)
- Jackowich, R. A., Poirier, E. and Pukall, C. F. 2024. Predictors of psychosocial and functional outcomes in Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesia: Application of the fear avoidance model. The Journal of Pain 25(1), pp. 238-249. (10.1016/j.jpain.2023.08.008)
- Gierc, M., Jackowich, R. A., Halliday, S. and Davidson, J. R. 2023. A scoping study of insomnia symptoms in school teachers. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 21(3), pp. 304-321. (10.1080/15402002.2022.2087655)
- Jackowich, R. A., Young, M., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. #PGADFacts: Results from a 12-month knowledge translation campaign on persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD). The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 31(2), pp. 242-252. (10.3138/cjhs.2022-0011)
- Yessick, L. R., Jackowich, R. A., Coyle, S. M., Salomons, T. V. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. Investigation of the relationships among self-efficacy, stress, and dyspareunia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 48(8), pp. 819-832. (10.1080/0092623X.2022.2060887)
- Gauvin, S. E. M., Mulroy, M. E., McInnis, M. K., Jackowich, R. A., Levang, S. L., Coyle, S. M. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. An investigation of sexual and relationship adjustment during COVID-19. Archives of Sexual Behavior 51(1), pp. 273–285. (10.1007/s10508-021-02212-4)
- Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Sexual arousal disorders. In: Maggino, F. ed. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-4., (10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7_104654-1)
- Jackowich, R. A., Boyer, S. C., Bienias, S., Chamberlain, S. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Healthcare experiences of individuals with persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia. Sexual Medicine 9(3), article number: 100335. (10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100335)
- Jackowich, R. A., Smith, K. B. and Brotto, L. A. 2021. Pain characteristics, psychosocial wellbeing, and sexual wellbeing of women diagnosed with provoked vestibulodynia and a history of sexual abuse. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 43(4), pp. 447-454. (10.1016/j.jogc.2020.11.021)
- Goldstein, I. et al. 2021. International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) review of epidemiology and pathophysiology, and a consensus nomenclature and process of care for the management of persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD). Journal of Sexual Medicine 18(4), pp. 665-697. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.01.172)
- Jackowich, R. A., Mooney, K. M., Hecht, E. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Online pelvic floor group education program for women with persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia: Descriptive feasibility study. JMIR Formative Research 5(1), article number: e22450. (10.2196/22450)
- Jackowich, R. and Pukall, C. 2020. Prevalence of persistent genital arousal disorder in 2 North American samples. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 17(12), pp. 2408–2416. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.09.004)
- Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2020. Persistent genital arousal disorder: a biopsychosocial framework. Current Sexual Health Reports 12(3), pp. 127-135. (10.1007/s11930-020-00268-2)
- Jackowich, R., Pukall, C. F. and Goldstein, I. 2020. Persistent genital arousal disorder. In: Goldstein, A. T. et al. eds. Female Sexual Pain Disorders: Evaluation and Management. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 387-394., (10.1002/9781119482598.ch43)
- Pukall, C. F., Bergeron, S., Rosen, N. O. and Jackowich, R. 2020. Persistent genitopelvic pain: classification, comorbidities, chronicity, and interpersonal factors. Current Sexual Health Reports 12(1), pp. 15-23. (10.1007/s11930-020-00239-7)
- Best, M. W. et al. 2020. Motivation and engagement during cognitive training for schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition 19, article number: 100151. (10.1016/j.scog.2019.100151)
- Vaughan-Johnston, T. I., Jackowich, R. A., Hudson, C. C., France, K. D., Hollenstein, T. and Jacobson, J. A. 2020. The role of individual differences in emotion regulation efficacy. Journal of Research in Personality 84, article number: 103904. (10.1016/j.jrp.2019.103904)
- Jackowich, R. A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2020. A comparison of medical comorbidities, psychosocial, and sexual well-being in an online cross-sectional sample of women experiencing persistent genital arousal symptoms and a control group. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 17(1), pp. 69–82. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.09.016)
- Pukall, C. F., Jackowich, R., Mooney, K. and Chamberlain, S. M. 2019. Genital sensations in persistent genital arousal disorder: a case for an overarching nosology of genitopelvic dysesthesias?. Sexual Medicine Reviews 7(1), pp. 2-12. (10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.08.001)
- Jackowich, R. A., Pink, L., Gordon, A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2018. An online cross-sectional comparison of women with symptoms of persistent genital arousal, painful persistent genital arousal, and chronic vulvar pain. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 15(4), pp. 558–567. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.02.007)
- Jackowich, R., Pink, L., Gordon, A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2017. Symptom characteristics and medical history of an online sample of women who experience symptoms of persistent genital arousal. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 44(2), pp. 111-126. (10.1080/0092623X.2017.1321598)
- Jackowich, R. A., Pink, L., Gordon, A. and Pukall, C. F. 2016. Persistent genital arousal disorder: a review of its conceptualizations, potential origins, impact, and treatment. Sexual Medicine Reviews 4(4), pp. 329-342. (10.1016/j.sxmr.2016.06.003)
- Handy, A. B., Jackowich, R. A., Wibowo, E., Johnson, T. W. and Wassersug, R. J. 2016. Gender preference in the sexual attractions, fantasies, and relationships of voluntarily castrated men. Sexual Medicine 4(1), pp. e51-e59. (10.1016/j.esxm.2015.11.001)
- Jackowich, R. A., Vale, R., Vale, K., Wassersug, R. J. and Johnson, T. W. 2014. Voluntary genital ablations: contrasting the cutters and their clients. Sexual Medicine 2(3), pp. 121–132. (10.1002/sm2.33)
- Treleaven, M. M., Jackowich, R. A., Roberts, L., Wassersug, R. J. and Johnson, T. 2013. Castration and personality: correlation of androgen deprivation and estrogen supplementation with the Big Five factor personality traits of adult males. Journal of Research in Personality 47(4), pp. 376-379. (10.1016/j.jrp.2013.03.005)
- Kukula, K. C., Jackowich, R. A. and Wassersug, R. J. 2013. Eroticization as a factor influencing erectile dysfunction treatment effectiveness. International Journal of Impotence Research 26(1), pp. 1-6. (10.1038/ijir.2013.29)
- Möller-Christensen, C., Moffat, M., Thompson, C., Jackowich, R., Sullivan, C. and Rankin, J. 2024. Women's experiences of postnatal contraception care while breastfeeding: a multi-methods cross-sectional study. The Lancet 404, article number: S79. (10.1016/S0140-6736(24)02024-5)
- Moffat, M., Jackowich, R., Möller‐Christensen, C., Sullivan, C. and Rankin, J. 2024. Demographic and pregnancy‐related predictors of postnatal contraception uptake: A cross‐sectional study. BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 131(10), pp. 1360-1367. (10.1111/1471-0528.17821)
- Mulroy, M. E., Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2024. Examining the psychometric properties of the HBI-19 scale in a sample of women with persistent genital arousal symptoms. The Journal of Sex Research 61(4), pp. 603-613. (10.1080/00224499.2023.2176423)
- Jackowich, R. A., Poirier, E. and Pukall, C. F. 2024. Predictors of psychosocial and functional outcomes in Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder/Genito-Pelvic Dysesthesia: Application of the fear avoidance model. The Journal of Pain 25(1), pp. 238-249. (10.1016/j.jpain.2023.08.008)
- Gierc, M., Jackowich, R. A., Halliday, S. and Davidson, J. R. 2023. A scoping study of insomnia symptoms in school teachers. Behavioral Sleep Medicine 21(3), pp. 304-321. (10.1080/15402002.2022.2087655)
- Jackowich, R. A., Young, M., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. #PGADFacts: Results from a 12-month knowledge translation campaign on persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD). The Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality 31(2), pp. 242-252. (10.3138/cjhs.2022-0011)
- Yessick, L. R., Jackowich, R. A., Coyle, S. M., Salomons, T. V. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. Investigation of the relationships among self-efficacy, stress, and dyspareunia during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy 48(8), pp. 819-832. (10.1080/0092623X.2022.2060887)
- Gauvin, S. E. M., Mulroy, M. E., McInnis, M. K., Jackowich, R. A., Levang, S. L., Coyle, S. M. and Pukall, C. F. 2022. An investigation of sexual and relationship adjustment during COVID-19. Archives of Sexual Behavior 51(1), pp. 273–285. (10.1007/s10508-021-02212-4)
- Jackowich, R. A., Boyer, S. C., Bienias, S., Chamberlain, S. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Healthcare experiences of individuals with persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia. Sexual Medicine 9(3), article number: 100335. (10.1016/j.esxm.2021.100335)
- Jackowich, R. A., Smith, K. B. and Brotto, L. A. 2021. Pain characteristics, psychosocial wellbeing, and sexual wellbeing of women diagnosed with provoked vestibulodynia and a history of sexual abuse. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada 43(4), pp. 447-454. (10.1016/j.jogc.2020.11.021)
- Goldstein, I. et al. 2021. International Society for the Study of Women's Sexual Health (ISSWSH) review of epidemiology and pathophysiology, and a consensus nomenclature and process of care for the management of persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia (PGAD/GPD). Journal of Sexual Medicine 18(4), pp. 665-697. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2021.01.172)
- Jackowich, R. A., Mooney, K. M., Hecht, E. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Online pelvic floor group education program for women with persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia: Descriptive feasibility study. JMIR Formative Research 5(1), article number: e22450. (10.2196/22450)
- Jackowich, R. and Pukall, C. 2020. Prevalence of persistent genital arousal disorder in 2 North American samples. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 17(12), pp. 2408–2416. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2020.09.004)
- Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2020. Persistent genital arousal disorder: a biopsychosocial framework. Current Sexual Health Reports 12(3), pp. 127-135. (10.1007/s11930-020-00268-2)
- Pukall, C. F., Bergeron, S., Rosen, N. O. and Jackowich, R. 2020. Persistent genitopelvic pain: classification, comorbidities, chronicity, and interpersonal factors. Current Sexual Health Reports 12(1), pp. 15-23. (10.1007/s11930-020-00239-7)
- Best, M. W. et al. 2020. Motivation and engagement during cognitive training for schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Schizophrenia Research: Cognition 19, article number: 100151. (10.1016/j.scog.2019.100151)
- Vaughan-Johnston, T. I., Jackowich, R. A., Hudson, C. C., France, K. D., Hollenstein, T. and Jacobson, J. A. 2020. The role of individual differences in emotion regulation efficacy. Journal of Research in Personality 84, article number: 103904. (10.1016/j.jrp.2019.103904)
- Jackowich, R. A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2020. A comparison of medical comorbidities, psychosocial, and sexual well-being in an online cross-sectional sample of women experiencing persistent genital arousal symptoms and a control group. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 17(1), pp. 69–82. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2019.09.016)
- Pukall, C. F., Jackowich, R., Mooney, K. and Chamberlain, S. M. 2019. Genital sensations in persistent genital arousal disorder: a case for an overarching nosology of genitopelvic dysesthesias?. Sexual Medicine Reviews 7(1), pp. 2-12. (10.1016/j.sxmr.2018.08.001)
- Jackowich, R. A., Pink, L., Gordon, A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2018. An online cross-sectional comparison of women with symptoms of persistent genital arousal, painful persistent genital arousal, and chronic vulvar pain. The Journal of Sexual Medicine 15(4), pp. 558–567. (10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.02.007)
- Jackowich, R., Pink, L., Gordon, A., Poirier, ?. and Pukall, C. F. 2017. Symptom characteristics and medical history of an online sample of women who experience symptoms of persistent genital arousal. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy 44(2), pp. 111-126. (10.1080/0092623X.2017.1321598)
- Jackowich, R. A., Pink, L., Gordon, A. and Pukall, C. F. 2016. Persistent genital arousal disorder: a review of its conceptualizations, potential origins, impact, and treatment. Sexual Medicine Reviews 4(4), pp. 329-342. (10.1016/j.sxmr.2016.06.003)
- Handy, A. B., Jackowich, R. A., Wibowo, E., Johnson, T. W. and Wassersug, R. J. 2016. Gender preference in the sexual attractions, fantasies, and relationships of voluntarily castrated men. Sexual Medicine 4(1), pp. e51-e59. (10.1016/j.esxm.2015.11.001)
- Jackowich, R. A., Vale, R., Vale, K., Wassersug, R. J. and Johnson, T. W. 2014. Voluntary genital ablations: contrasting the cutters and their clients. Sexual Medicine 2(3), pp. 121–132. (10.1002/sm2.33)
- Treleaven, M. M., Jackowich, R. A., Roberts, L., Wassersug, R. J. and Johnson, T. 2013. Castration and personality: correlation of androgen deprivation and estrogen supplementation with the Big Five factor personality traits of adult males. Journal of Research in Personality 47(4), pp. 376-379. (10.1016/j.jrp.2013.03.005)
- Kukula, K. C., Jackowich, R. A. and Wassersug, R. J. 2013. Eroticization as a factor influencing erectile dysfunction treatment effectiveness. International Journal of Impotence Research 26(1), pp. 1-6. (10.1038/ijir.2013.29)
Book sections
- Jackowich, R. A. and Pukall, C. F. 2021. Sexual arousal disorders. In: Maggino, F. ed. Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research. Cham: Springer, pp. 1-4., (10.1007/978-3-319-69909-7_104654-1)
- Jackowich, R., Pukall, C. F. and Goldstein, I. 2020. Persistent genital arousal disorder. In: Goldstein, A. T. et al. eds. Female Sexual Pain Disorders: Evaluation and Management. John Wiley & Sons, pp. 387-394., (10.1002/9781119482598.ch43)
Research Summary
My primary research areas are clinical and health psychology, and my work is unified by a general theme of understanding, supporting, and improving sexual and reproductive health.
My research programme covers three broad areas:
- Application of psychological theories and the biopsychosocial model to understand the nature of sexual and reproductive health concerns and their impact on mental health, relationships, and daily functioning (for example, attending and participating in school or work).
- Evaluating and improving healthcare access and equity
- Development and evaluation of interventions, treatments, and resources to meaningfully improve sexual and reproductive health, drawing from a person-centered approach
My recent projects have focused on menstrual health (severe period pain, premenstrual dysphoric disorder), genito-pelvic pain/discomfort (persistent genital arousal disorder/genito-pelvic dysesthesia, endometriosis), postnatal contraception, sexual dysfunction and wellbeing. I work closely with stakeholders (e.g., healthcare professionals, policy makers) and people with lived experience to co-develop this research.
Please view Google Scholar for the most updated list of my publications.
Funding Awards
2023: Health and Care Research Wales (HCRW), Health Reserach Grant. £269,577. Jackowich R (PI), Boivin J (Principal Co-I), Noyes J, Gameiro S, McLaughlin L, Fair Treatment for the Women of Wales (Co-Is). Severe period pain is not normal: A realist evaluation of severe period pain managementin primary care across the reporductive life course in Wales.
2023: UKRI MRC Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account. £49220. Jackowich R (PI), Boivin J (Co-I). Digitalisation of the endometriosis symptom reporting tool.
2018: Scholars in Women’s Sexual Health Research Grant, International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health (ISSWSH). $5000 (USD). Jackowich R (PI). An investigation of genital sensitivity, lubrication, and blood flow, psychosocial, sexual and relationship functioning in women with persistent gentital arousal disorder (PGAD).
2015: Senate Advisory Research Council, Queen’s University. $8500 (CAD). Pukall CF (PI), Gordon A, Pink L, Bouchard K, Jackowich R (Co-PIs). Psychosocial functioning in women with persistent genital arousal disorder.
Media Articles/Interviews
Jackowich R., Ritchie, K., Archambault, P., Maniate, J. (2022, May). Improve care and safety for all: Integrating trauma-informed, culturally safe perinatal practices for patient and provider wellbeing. Psynopsis. https://cpa.ca/docs/File/Psynopsis/2022/Psynopsis_Vol44-2.pdf
Dionne, C. (2020, December 8). “Episode 106: PGAD with Robyn Jackowich”. Vino & Vaginas: The Podcast. https://www.vinoandvaginaspodcast.com/episode-list
Savage, D. (2020, April 28). “Aroused State” (Savage Love). The Stranger. https://www.thestranger.com/savage-love/2020/04/28/43538500/savage-love
Pukall C., Coyle, S., Jackowich R., McInnis M., & Yessick, L. (2018, December 18). Recruiting participants for sex research: How social media has broadened-and severely limited-our reach. https://www.sexlab.ca/blog?month=12-2018
Bienias, S., Jackowich R., & Pukall, C. F. (2018, January 16). Focusing on healthcare experiences of those with a poorly understood and managed condition: Persistent genital arousal disorder. https://www.sexlab.ca/blog/164
Pukall, C. F., Jackowich R., & Gauvin, S. (2016, September). Sexual health research: Beyond the birds and the bees. Sophomoremag.com
Jackowich R., & Pukall, C. F. (2015, November 26). Can you feel super turned on ‘down there’ when you are not at all ‘in the mood’? Yes. And it’s called persistent genital arousal disorder. https://www.sexlab.ca/blog/8
Research Group
I am a member of the Fertility Studies Research Group.
2022: PhD, Clinical Psychology, Queen’s University (Canada)
2022: Clinical Psychology Residency Program, Health-Rehabilitation Track, The Ottawa Hospital (Canada). Canadian Psychological Association accredited program.
2016: MSc, Clinical Psychology, Queen’s University (Canada)
2010: BA, Psychology, University of British Columbia (Canada)
Honours and awards
2023: Andrew McGhie Prize, most outstanding doctoral thesis in Department of Psychology ($3000 CAD)
2023: Governor General’s Academic Gold Medal (Canada)
2021: Journal of Sexual Medicine, Best Paper in Women’s Sexual Health
2020-2021: Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award, Doctoral Level ($37000 CAD)
2019: Society for Sex Therapy and Research, Conceptual/Original Poster Award
2018: Routledge Journal of Sex and Martial Therapy, Young Investigator Award ($1500 CAD)
2017-2020: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarship ($150000 CAD)
2017: World Association for Sexual Health Congress, Top 10 Best Abstract
2017: J A Low Research Day, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Queen’s University, Best Clinical Oral Presentation
2016-2017: Queen’s University, Academic Excellence Award ($30000 CAD)
2015-2016: Ontario Women’s Health Scholars Award, Masters Level ($19000 CAD)
2014-2015: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Masters Award ($17500 CAD)
Academic positions
2023 - Present: Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
2022 - 2023: Research Associate, Population Health Sciences Institute, Newcastle University
If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or would like further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details above) or submit a formal application.