As Project Director for the MFL Mentoring project, my expertise spans research, innovation and project management.
In terms of research, I am currently researching in the following areas: language policy, multilingualism, interdisciplinarity and digital technologies. I take a collaborative and active approach to research, developing research based on the delivery and outcomes of the MFL Mentoring Project and open source databases.
In terms of project management, I have extensive experience of delivering large scale, high-value, multi-stakeholder projects across public organisations. I have experitse in project design, delivery, implementation, data management and evaluation.
I am currently developing expertise in innovation, developing an understanding of the wider research and impact cultures and their relationship to Social Sciences innovation and commercialisation.
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Owen, G. and Arfon, E. 2025. Languages connect us. An investigation into learner perspectives on international languages in secondary schools in Wales. Wales Journal of Education
- Holley, T., Black, J., Gorrara, C. and Jenkins, L. 2023. Humanities and the arts: Pioneering SHAPE in Schools, a human world focus. Open Access Government 40(1), article number: 306. (10.56367/OAG-040-10990)
- Jenkins, L. 2022. Opening the world during lockdown: multilingual and multicultural experiences for learners in Wales through mentoring. In: Turok-Squire, R. ed. COVID-19 and Education in the Global North. Palgrave Macmillan,, pp. 83-108., (10.1007/978-3-031-02469-6_4)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Jepson, E. and MacHin, T. 2020. Multilingual perspectives: preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 244-257. (10.1002/curj.11)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Jepson, E. and Llewelyn Machin, T. 2020. Persbectifau amlieithog: paratoi ar gyfer dysgu ieithoedd yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e70-e84. (10.1002/curj.46)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L. and Mosley, N. 2019. Modern languages and mentoring: Lessons from digital learning in Wales. Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS). Available at: http://www.meits.org/policy-papers/paper/modern-languages-and-mentoring-lessons-from-digital-learning-in-wales
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Owen, G. and Arfon, E. 2025. Languages connect us. An investigation into learner perspectives on international languages in secondary schools in Wales. Wales Journal of Education
- Holley, T., Black, J., Gorrara, C. and Jenkins, L. 2023. Humanities and the arts: Pioneering SHAPE in Schools, a human world focus. Open Access Government 40(1), article number: 306. (10.56367/OAG-040-10990)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Jepson, E. and MacHin, T. 2020. Multilingual perspectives: preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 244-257. (10.1002/curj.11)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L., Jepson, E. and Llewelyn Machin, T. 2020. Persbectifau amlieithog: paratoi ar gyfer dysgu ieithoedd yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e70-e84. (10.1002/curj.46)
Book sections
- Jenkins, L. 2022. Opening the world during lockdown: multilingual and multicultural experiences for learners in Wales through mentoring. In: Turok-Squire, R. ed. COVID-19 and Education in the Global North. Palgrave Macmillan,, pp. 83-108., (10.1007/978-3-031-02469-6_4)
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L. and Mosley, N. 2019. Modern languages and mentoring: Lessons from digital learning in Wales. Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS). Available at: http://www.meits.org/policy-papers/paper/modern-languages-and-mentoring-lessons-from-digital-learning-in-wales
My research interests are largely based on Languages, Mentoring and Multilingualism in Wales and beyond and link directly to my current role as Project Director for the MFL Mentoring project.
I am increasingly interested in research relating to innovation, digital technologies and interdisciplinarity in learning.
MFL Mentoring mobilises mentoring methodologies to improve motivation and resilience for language learning at GCSE and beyond. Our project encourages a multilingual, global mindset that is open to all regardless of a learner’s socio-economic background or proficiency in the language classroom. Our learners are encouraged to be curious and to challenge their perspectives and assumptions by exploring the world through language and culture. This project is funded by the Welsh Government and enjoys fruitful partnerships with Aberystwyth, Bangor, Swansea and UWTSD Universities.
The project trains university students to mentor learners aged 12-14 as they make their GCSE option choices. Mentoring sessions take place either in the classroom or online depending on the needs of the school. Mentors run six sessions each autumn and spring term with small groups of mentees to provide a learner-centred approach. Each session focuses on a different theme to help learners see the multidisciplinary nature of language learning. The themes explore all languages and cultures around the world rather than promoting one language in particular. This ensures that, regardless of a learner’s language profile or proficiency, there is something to inspire and motivate. We have worked in over 130 of the Secondary Schools across Wales.
The effectiveness of the methodologies has attracted national and international attention and the project has had satellite projects in England, Spain and in other discplines, such as Physics. This has led to engagement in the UKRI ASPECT programme which supports universities to develop their social sciences research into viable business propositions. We have also won and delivered small research grants funded by the ESRC, AHRC and the GW4.
- Forthcoming. Jenkins, L., Machin. T. (2021) Opening the world during lockdown: Multilingual and multicultural experiences for post-16 pupils, a mentor-led project. Childhood experience during the pandemic.
- Jenkins, L, Beckley, R, Kirkby, R, Owen, G. 2021. Rainbows in our Windows: Childhood in the Time of Corona, Moving Online: A post-16 languages recovery project in an era of Covid-19. English Association Issues in English. 2020(15), pp. 75-90. Not available online.
- Gorrara, C.et al. 2020. Multilingual perspectives: preparing for language learning in the new curriculum for Wales. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. 244-257. (10.1002/curj.11)
- Gorrara, C.et al. 2020. Persbectifau amlieithog: paratoi ar gyfer dysgu ieithoedd yn y cwricwlwm newydd i Gymru. Curriculum Journal 31(2), pp. e70-e84. (10.1002/curj.46)
- Jenkins, L. 2020. Preface. Modern Languages Open, (1), p.37.
- Gorrara, C., Jenkins, L. and Mosley, N. 2019. Modern languages and mentoring: Lessons from digital learning in Wales. Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS). Available at:
- Arfon, E., Gorrara, C, Jenkins, L. 2019. Rapid Review of Global Futures 2015-2020. Welsh Government sponsored report. Not publicly available.
- Jenkins, L. 2018. Engaging Welsh Modern Language Learners in Secondary Schools: Mentoring as a Proven Practice, Scottish Languages Review, Summer 2018 (34), pp.17-28.
- Jenkins, L. 2018. Mentoring for Change.The Linguist.
I supported delivery of a final year Undergraduate module in MLANG: the Student Teaching Module (2018-2020).
I also supported delivery of a module for ERASMUS students (2018-2020).
2015: Masters in European Studies (Distinction): Cardiff University
2014: BA Italian and English Literature (First Class): Cardiff University
(2020-) present: Education Consultant, SHAPE (London School of Economics)
(2017-) present: Project Director, MFL Mentoring Project (Welsh Government)
2019-2020: Director and Project Development Manager, Language Horizons (Department for Education, England)
2018-2019: Project Development Manager, Language Horizons (Department for Education, England)
2016-2018: Research and Development Executive, Rewise Learning Foundation
Co-investigator on the following projects:
2021-22: Welsh Government: £230,000: Raising the Profile of Modern Foreign Languages: A Mentoring Initiative Phase VI
2021: ESRC IAA: £11,100: Developing Pobl Communications
2020-21: Welsh Government: £230,000: Raising the Profile of Modern Foreign Languages: A Mentoring Initiative Phase V
2019-20: Welsh Government: £180,000: Raising the Profile of Modern Foreign Languages: A Mentoring Initiative Phase IV
2019: AHRC: £1,500: 'Rethinking the Languages Pipeline in the Era of Brexit, Language Acts and World-Making, Open World Research Initiative
2019-2020: Department for Education, UK: £430,000: Digital Languages Mentoring, further roll out
2018-19: Department for Education, UK: £94,000: Pilot Digital Languages Mentoring project
2018-19: Welsh Government: £139,000: Raising the Profile of Modern Foreign Languages: A Mentoring Initiative Phase III
2018: AHRC: £1,500: 'Language Learning Opens Doors to Other Worlds: Memory Acts through Digital Technologies'. Language Acts and World-Making, Open World Research Initiative
2018: AHRC: £2,900: 'Evaluating the effectiveness of e-mentoring and a digital languages platform for FLL in Wales', Multilingualism: Empowering Individuals, Transforming Societies (MEITS) Open World Research Initiative