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Dr Tianyi Jiang

Lecturer in Law


I joined Cardiff School of Law & Politics in January 2020. I was previously a lecturer in law at the University of Huddersfield. I received education in both the UK and China. I completed my PhD in law without correction at Bangor University in 2017. I was awarded LLM in International Business Law by the University of Manchester in 2008 and LLB by Qingdao University (China) in 2005.

My research interests lie in international trade law and shipping law, specifically focusing on the carriage of goods by sea, international sales law, and the interplay between technological innovations and the development of shipping law. I also work on commercial law more generally.

I have written a series of articles on “dry” shipping matters involving shipping documents. Also, I am working on developing a research project on the interplay between emerging disruptive technologies and the evolving shipping law and practice. I adopt both the legal doctrinal and multidisciplinary approaches to explore and examine shipping law issues under various jurisdictions, such as the UK, the US, China, and Singapore, etc. I have presented my works at some well-regarded conferences, including the London Maritime Law and Policy Research Group annual conferences (London, UK), European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research (Toruń, Poland), Transport Law De Lege Ferenda (Rotterdam, Netherland); and published my works in world-leading commercial law and maritime law journals, such as the Journal of Business Law (Sweet&Maxwell), the Journal of International Maritime Law (Lawtext), and the Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce, etc.

Prior to becoming an academic, I worked as a commercial lawyer and practised in China. I worked in-house in the legal departments of some significant companies, including the Haier Group and China COSCO Shipping. My role in these companies gave me a deep understanding of international trade and shipping law-related matters, which enables me to bring academic rigour and commercial awareness to my current role at Cardiff University.









My current research focuses on the harmonisation and modernisation of the law on the legal functions of transport documents in international cargo transactions. It adopts a holistic perspective, examining the functions of transport documents and their electronic equivalence in a broad context that integrates shipping with trading in its entirety, aiming to identify how the law in this area will evolve and uncover the interplay between the law, policy and disruptive technology.



Undergraduate: Commercial law

Postgraduate: Carriage of Goods by sea


  • Qualifications:

Bangor University, PhD, 2017

University of Manchester, LLM, 2008 

Qingdao University, China, LLB, 2005

  • Professional memberships

Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Member of the Society of Legal Scholars

Member of the Socio-Legal Studies Association

Member of the Society of Advanced Legal Studies

  • Academic positions

2020 - present Lecturer in Law, Cardiff University

2018 - 2020  Lecturer in Law, University of Huddersfield

2013 - 2017 Teaching Assistant and Student Officer, School of Law, Bangor University

  • Speaking engagements

"The blockchain-based bill of lading: how should it be managed by law?" Transport Law de lege ferenda 2019 Rotterdam, 2019, Erasmus School of Law, Erasmus University Rotterdam

"The legal function of the bill of lading in transfer of rights—To which extent should the law in this regard be unified?"10th Annual Maritime Law & Policy Research Conference, City University of London, 2019

"The right of control in carriage of goods by sea: should it be codified as a mandatory right or left to the freedom of contract?" 10th European Colloquium on Maritime Law Research, Torun', Poland, 2018

"Title to sue under the contract of carriage and the connection with the underlying transaction of cargo" Annual World Congress of Ocean, Dalian, China, 2014

"The transfer of right under the bill of lading and the connection with the underlying transaction of cargo—From the perspective of reforming Chinese Maritime Law" 5th London Maritime Law and Policy Conference, City University of London, 2014

"Shipper's legal status after the transfer of the bill of lading--a comparative study between Chinese law and English law" Welsh Law Schools Annual Conference, Gregynog, Wales, 2013

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76134
Campuses Law Building, Room Room 0.13, Museum Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3AX