Dr Michael Johnson
Lecturer: Information Management and Teaching
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
- Johnson, R. M., Healey-Benson, F., Adams, C. and Dohn, N. B. 2024. Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. In: Johnson, R. M. et al. eds. Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in Networked Learning Springer-Cham, pp. 1-19., (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4_1)
- Johnson, R. M. 2024. Doing phenomenological research into being a healthcare student with a mobile phone. In: Johnson, R. M. et al. eds. Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in Networked Learning Springer-Cham, pp. 81-105., (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4_5)
- Johnson, M. et al. eds. 2024. Phenomenology in action for researching networked learning. Research in Networked Learning. Springer Cham. (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4)
- Healey-Benson, F., Johnson, M., Adams, C. and Turville, J. 2024. What is it like for a learner to participate in a Zoom breakout room session?. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC 2022), Sundsvall, Sweden, 16-18 May 2022 Presented at Jaldemark, J. et al. eds.Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Mid-Sweden University: Networked Learning Conference Consortium, (10.54337/nlc.v13.8582)
- Johnson, M. 2024. Mobilage thinking and empirical encounters: Data gathering and analysis of networked learning experiences. Presented at: The Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2024), Valletta, Malta, 15-17 May 2024 Presented at Cutajar, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Valletta, Malta: Networked Learning Conference Consortium pp. 14 (1)., (10.54337/nlc.v14i1.8087)
- Johnson, M., Israel, J., Elliott, J. and Williams, G. 2023. Dipyn o Gymraeg? A bit of Welsh? Bilingualism and automatic translation in clinical practiceaAssessment documentation?. Presented at: 2023 Learning & Teaching Conference, Centre for Student Life, Cardiff University, 7-8 September 2023.
- Johnson, M. 2020. Phenomenology and networked learning: mobilage glimpsed from the inside through an online focus group. Presented at: Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning 2020, Online, 18-20 May 2020Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Networked Learning. Aalborg University, Denmark pp. 157-163., (10.54337/nlc.v12.8651)
- Johnson, M. R. 2018. Using mobilage thinking to study healthcare students’ experiences of using and learning to use mobile phones for academic work. PhD Thesis, Lancaster University.
- Johnson, M. 2018. Success in IT – what do student nurses think it takes? A quantitative study based on Legitimation Code Theory. Research in Learning Technology 26, article number: 2049. (10.25304/rlt.v26.2049)
- Johnson, M. 2018. Encounters with the mobilage (virtual or actual)?. Presented at: Eleventh International Conference on Networked Learning, Zagreb, Croatia, 14-16 May 2018 Presented at Bajić, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018. Zagreb: Zagreb University of Appplied Science pp. 181-188.
- Barnes, R., Israel, J. and Johnson, M. 2017. Assessing competence in practice: to tech or not to tech? Piloting an electronic practice assessment document. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation Learning & Teaching Conference 2017, Cardiff University, 4th July 2017. Cardiff University:
- Johnson, M. 2016. Information technology implementation in service enhancement: a qualitative case study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 6(7), pp. 67-73. (10.5430/jnep.v6n7p67)
- Johnson, M. 2016. The role of human actors in legitimising informal networked learning of academic digital practice. Presented at: 10th international conference on networked learning, Lancaster, UK, 9-11 May 2016 Presented at Cranmer, S. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 10th international conference on networked learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University pp. 516-523.
- Johnson, M. 2015. Create a free online educational resource. Education for Primary Care 25(2), pp. 122-124. (10.1080/14739879.2014.11494258)
- Watkins, D., Dummer, P., Hawthorne, K., Cousins, J., Emmett, C. and Johnson, M. 2014. Healthcare students’ perceptions of electronic feedback through GradeMark®. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 13, pp. 27-47. (10.28945/1945)
- Johnson, M. 2014. UniversIT. Cardiff University. - teaching_resource
- Johnson, M. 2012. Promoting connections through Community Equity. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Networked Learning 2012, Maastricht School of Management, 2-4 April 2012 Presented at Hodgson, V. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Networked Learning 2012. Maastricht: Lancaster University pp. 153-159.
- Johnson, M. 2010. Anonymity in online discussion forums - does it promote connections?. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, 3-4 May 2010 Presented at Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2010. Aalborg: Aalborg University pp. 198-206.
- Johnson, M. 2008. Expanding the concept of networked learning. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Networked Learning, Halkidiki, Greece, 5-6 May 2008 Presented at Hodgson, V., McConnell, D. and Retalis, S. eds.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning 2008. Lancaster: Lancaster University pp. 154-161.
- Johnson, M. 2008. Investigating & encouraging student nurses’ ICT engagement. In: Kidd, T. T. and Chen, I. eds. Social Information Technology: Connecting Society and Cultural Issues. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, pp. 313-335.
- Clouston, T. J., Wilby, P. and Johnson, M. 2003. Learning Together: A Model for e-communication in Groups. Presented at: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK, 8-11 September 2003.
- Johnson, M. 2018. Success in IT – what do student nurses think it takes? A quantitative study based on Legitimation Code Theory. Research in Learning Technology 26, article number: 2049. (10.25304/rlt.v26.2049)
- Johnson, M. 2016. Information technology implementation in service enhancement: a qualitative case study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice 6(7), pp. 67-73. (10.5430/jnep.v6n7p67)
- Johnson, M. 2015. Create a free online educational resource. Education for Primary Care 25(2), pp. 122-124. (10.1080/14739879.2014.11494258)
- Watkins, D., Dummer, P., Hawthorne, K., Cousins, J., Emmett, C. and Johnson, M. 2014. Healthcare students’ perceptions of electronic feedback through GradeMark®. Journal of Information Technology Education: Research 13, pp. 27-47. (10.28945/1945)
Book sections
- Johnson, R. M., Healey-Benson, F., Adams, C. and Dohn, N. B. 2024. Introducing Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. In: Johnson, R. M. et al. eds. Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in Networked Learning Springer-Cham, pp. 1-19., (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4_1)
- Johnson, R. M. 2024. Doing phenomenological research into being a healthcare student with a mobile phone. In: Johnson, R. M. et al. eds. Phenomenology in Action for Researching Networked Learning. Research in Networked Learning Springer-Cham, pp. 81-105., (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4_5)
- Johnson, M. 2008. Investigating & encouraging student nurses’ ICT engagement. In: Kidd, T. T. and Chen, I. eds. Social Information Technology: Connecting Society and Cultural Issues. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, pp. 313-335.
- Johnson, M. et al. eds. 2024. Phenomenology in action for researching networked learning. Research in Networked Learning. Springer Cham. (10.1007/978-3-031-62780-4)
- Healey-Benson, F., Johnson, M., Adams, C. and Turville, J. 2024. What is it like for a learner to participate in a Zoom breakout room session?. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC 2022), Sundsvall, Sweden, 16-18 May 2022 Presented at Jaldemark, J. et al. eds.Proceedings for the Thirteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Mid-Sweden University: Networked Learning Conference Consortium, (10.54337/nlc.v13.8582)
- Johnson, M. 2024. Mobilage thinking and empirical encounters: Data gathering and analysis of networked learning experiences. Presented at: The Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning (NLC2024), Valletta, Malta, 15-17 May 2024 Presented at Cutajar, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Conference on Networked Learning. Valletta, Malta: Networked Learning Conference Consortium pp. 14 (1)., (10.54337/nlc.v14i1.8087)
- Johnson, M., Israel, J., Elliott, J. and Williams, G. 2023. Dipyn o Gymraeg? A bit of Welsh? Bilingualism and automatic translation in clinical practiceaAssessment documentation?. Presented at: 2023 Learning & Teaching Conference, Centre for Student Life, Cardiff University, 7-8 September 2023.
- Johnson, M. 2020. Phenomenology and networked learning: mobilage glimpsed from the inside through an online focus group. Presented at: Twelfth International Conference on Networked Learning 2020, Online, 18-20 May 2020Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Networked Learning. Aalborg University, Denmark pp. 157-163., (10.54337/nlc.v12.8651)
- Johnson, M. 2018. Encounters with the mobilage (virtual or actual)?. Presented at: Eleventh International Conference on Networked Learning, Zagreb, Croatia, 14-16 May 2018 Presented at Bajić, M. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networked Learning 2018. Zagreb: Zagreb University of Appplied Science pp. 181-188.
- Barnes, R., Israel, J. and Johnson, M. 2017. Assessing competence in practice: to tech or not to tech? Piloting an electronic practice assessment document. Presented at: Centre for Education Innovation Learning & Teaching Conference 2017, Cardiff University, 4th July 2017. Cardiff University:
- Johnson, M. 2016. The role of human actors in legitimising informal networked learning of academic digital practice. Presented at: 10th international conference on networked learning, Lancaster, UK, 9-11 May 2016 Presented at Cranmer, S. et al. eds.Proceedings of the 10th international conference on networked learning. Lancaster: Lancaster University pp. 516-523.
- Johnson, M. 2012. Promoting connections through Community Equity. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Networked Learning 2012, Maastricht School of Management, 2-4 April 2012 Presented at Hodgson, V. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Networked Learning 2012. Maastricht: Lancaster University pp. 153-159.
- Johnson, M. 2010. Anonymity in online discussion forums - does it promote connections?. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Networked Learning 2010, Aalborg, Denmark, 3-4 May 2010 Presented at Dirckinck-Holmfeld, L. et al. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Networked Learning 2010. Aalborg: Aalborg University pp. 198-206.
- Johnson, M. 2008. Expanding the concept of networked learning. Presented at: 6th International Conference on Networked Learning, Halkidiki, Greece, 5-6 May 2008 Presented at Hodgson, V., McConnell, D. and Retalis, S. eds.Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Networked Learning 2008. Lancaster: Lancaster University pp. 154-161.
- Clouston, T. J., Wilby, P. and Johnson, M. 2003. Learning Together: A Model for e-communication in Groups. Presented at: 5th International Collaborative Conversations Conference, Bournemouth University, Bournemouth, UK, 8-11 September 2003.
- Johnson, M. R. 2018. Using mobilage thinking to study healthcare students’ experiences of using and learning to use mobile phones for academic work. PhD Thesis, Lancaster University.
- Johnson, M. 2014. UniversIT. Cardiff University. - teaching_resource
My primary field is educational research, and, within that, networked learning. During doctoral studies with Lancaster University (2014-2019 link to thesis), I began to explore phenomenology within networked learning and continue this through reading canonical authors (very slowly!); for example, Gadamer's Truth and Method and Heidegger's Being and Time. In 2020 I began a Wikiversity framework of open notes on Truth and Method. Also in 2020, I began hanfod.NL with Felicity Healey-Benson.
My teaching responsibilities include staff and students and primarily lie along the interface between knowledge work and information technology. This can surface in design and delivery of sessions to support learning particular applications (e.g. MS PowerPoint) or it could be subsumed within 'study skills' or 'evidence based practice'. I seek to promote meaningful and critically reflective adoption of information technologies where appropriate, recognising that an authentic context is vital for learning. This may not entail (much) explicit 'IT Teaching' per se although there is a place for that. To some extent, individuals must find their own path through to adopting the knowledge work practices which are effective and sustainable. Technological determinism may draw us into abandoning tried and tested technologies and practices, wasting time and effort better spend on the pursuit of deeper scholarship. I am as happy inducting freshers into University knowledge work as I am supervising PhD or MSc systematic review / work-based project dissertations.
Having studied leadership and management topics in Aberdeen University as an undergraduate, in 2012 I helped develop and still continue to teach and assess a Masters module on leadership in healthcare which has run along networked learning priciples from the start.
Keeping me grounded are teaching team membership of two level 5 modules on the Bachellor of Nursing (Hons) programme: lit review and Global Health.
In 2021 I took on the role of Student Representative Co-Ordinator for the School. Students are full members of the University and it is my privilege to encourage their vital input to our work.
My current role began in 2001, combining proficiency in information technology (provided 2nd line support to the University 1998-2001) and teaching (PGCE with Bath Spa in 1998) to support the school, its staff and students develop enhanced use of IT. From 2002 I studied part time with Lancaster University for an MSc in Advanced Learning Technology and became affiliated with the networked learning conference. After a year seconded part time as a Lecturer in Medical Education, in 2014 I again joined Lancaster for a part-time doctorate in e-Research and Technology Enhanced Learning, graduating in December 2019, just before the pandemic. The guts of my thesis was published in 2024 within an edited collection I led.
I maintain an interest in eAssessment and a recent major strand of work has been to digitise clinical placement assessment documentation and processes, in partnership with colleagues and the developers of MyProgressTM, MyKnowledgeMaps Ltd. In 2019, Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) awarded us ~£100k to develop a bilingual interface with automatic translation between English and Cymraeg for free text input. I am interested in how automated translation of text may boost the confidence of those reluctant to write in Cymraeg, especially in formal and high-stakes contexts (see my thought-piece poster).
In 'my own time' I love to help asylum seekers and refugees adjust to life in Wales. I enjoy classical music and curating my photos, for example, of Pembrokeshire skies on flickr.
Professional memberships
- Member of BERA, SRHE, ALT, and BPS
- Co-founder and Secretary of hanfod.NL
- Member of the WCEBC Steering Committee.
- Alumni member of Lancaster's Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning
Committees and reviewing
- Reviewer and editorial board member for Studies in Technology Enhanced Learning
- Reviewer for the Networked Learning Conference
- Reviewer for Joanna Briggs Institute
- Reviewer for Research in Learning Technology
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Education, especially in clinical and/or Higher Education settings.
- Applications and implications of information technology.
- Networked Learning
- Phenomenology of Practice (in relation to networked learning)
- Technology Enhanced Learning
Please review the School's research programme Web page. If you wish to discuss undertaking a programme of postgraduate research within the School of Healthcare Sciences please first contact the School's Research Office by email to hcarephdenquiries@cardiff.ac.uk
Contact Details
+44 29206 87940
Ty Dewi Sant, Room 3.13, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN
Research themes
- Technology-enhanced learning
- Networked Learning
- Phenomenology
- Digital Fluency