Professor Christopher Jones
Professor of Geographic Information Systems
I am Professor Geographical Information Systems in the Cardiff School of Computer Science & Informatics with a particular interest in geographical information retrieval (GIR). My current interests in GIR focus on
- modelling the use of vague spatial relational terminology such as ‘near’, ‘at’, and ‘next to’, in order to enable automated interpretation and generation of natural language descriptions of location;
- retrieval of environmental information from social media such as Twitter and Flickr, including observations of particular species of wildlife.
Other current and recent research relates to the use of computer vision methods for identifying features of buildings to support the creation of rich 3D models that are annotated with their architectural features.
I have been co-chair of the workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval since its inception in 2004. I am also co-chair of the workshop Speaking of Location.
I was involved in some of the early initiatives in GIR including leading the EU SPIRIT project on the design of spatially-aware search engines and the development of novel methods for spatio-textual document indexing, place name ontologies (gazetteers) and modelling vague place names with evidence from the web.
Several projects that I have worked on have been in collaboration with the Ordnance Survey. One of these projects in the area of label placement in cartography led to the development, initially at the University of South Wales with Tony Cooke and John McBride, of the Maplex label placement engine that is a module in the ESRI ArcGIS product. Another project led to the development with Florian Twaroch of the web site to acquire knowledge of the use of vernacular place names.
I have also worked on and retain interest in various aspects of computer cartography, particularly map generalisation, multi-scale spatial databases, and three-dimensional modelling the geoscientific data.
- Jones, C. B., Stock, K. and Perkins, S. E. 2024. AI-based discovery of habitats from museum collections. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39(4), pp. 323-327. (10.1016/j.tree.2024.01.006)
- Sinha, S., Vijeta, T., Kubde, P. K., Gajbhiye, A. P., Radke, M. A. and Jones, C. 2023. Sarcasm detection in product reviews using textual entailment approach. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information, Seoul, South Korea, 15-17 December 2023NLPIR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 310-318., (10.1145/3639233.3639252)
- Stock, K., Wijegunarathna, K., Jones, C. B., Morris, H., Das, P., Medyckyj-Scott, D. and Whitehead, B. 2023. The BioWhere Project: unlocking the potential of biological collections data. GI_Forum 11(1), pp. 3-21. (10.1553/giscience2023_01_s3)
- Aflaki, N., Stock, K., Jones, C. B., Guesgen, H. and Morley, J. 2023. An empirical study of the semantic similarity of geospatial prepositions and their senses. Spatial Cognition & Computation 23(2), pp. 132-176. (10.1080/13875868.2022.2111683)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2023. Topological data analysis for geographical information science using persistent homology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 37(3), pp. 712-745. (10.1080/13658816.2022.2155654)
- Radke, M. A., Gupta, A., Stock, K. and Jones, C. B. 2022. Disambiguating spatial prepositions: The case of geo-spatial sense detection. Transactions in GIS 26(6), pp. 2621-2650. (10.1111/tgis.12976)
- Edwards, T., Jones, C. B. and Corcoran, P. 2022. Identifying wildlife observations on twitter. Ecological Informatics 67, article number: 101500. (10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101500)
- Stock, K., Jones, C. B., Russell, S., Radke, M., Das, P. and Aflaki, N. 2022. Detecting geospatial location descriptions in natural language text. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36(3), pp. 547-584. (10.1080/13658816.2021.1987441)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2022. A persistent homology model of street network connectivity. Transactions in GIS 21(1), pp. 155-181. (10.1111/tgis.12844)
- Hall, M. M. and Jones, C. B. 2022. Generating geographical location descriptions with spatial templates: a salient toponym driven approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36(1), pp. 55-85. (10.1080/13658816.2021.1913498)
- Stock, K., Jones, C. B. and Tenbrink, T. 2022. Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research. Spatial Cognition & Computation 22(3-4), pp. 185-224. (10.1080/13875868.2022.2095275)
- Edwards, T., Jones, C. B., Perkins, S. E. and Corcoran, P. 2021. Passive citizen science: The role of social media in wildlife observations. PLoS ONE 16(8), article number: e0255416. (10.1371/journal.pone.0255416)
- Jeawak, S. S., Jones, C. B. and Schockaert, S. 2020. Predicting the environment from social media: a collective classification approach. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 82 (10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101487)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2020. Predicting environmental features by learning spatiotemporal embeddings from social media. Ecological Informatics 55, article number: 101031. (10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.101031)
- Pezzica, C., Schroeter, J., Prizeman, O., Jones, C. and Rosin, P. 2019. Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning. Presented at: 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens, Vol. IV-2. Copernicus pp. 123-132., (10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W6-123-2019)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2019. Embedding geographic locations for modelling the natural environment using Flickr tags and structured data. Presented at: ECIR 2019: 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, Cologne, Germany, 14-18 April 2019. pp. -.
- Twaroch, F. A., Brindley, P., Clough, P. D., Jones, C. B., Pasley, R. C. and Mansbridge, S. 2018. Investigating behavioural and computational approaches for defining imprecise regions. Spatial Cognition & Computation (10.1080/13875868.2018.1531871)
- Prizeman, O., Jones, C., Parisi, M. and Pezzica, C. 2018. How can century-old architectural hierarchies for the design of public libraries be re-interpreted and re-used?. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 8(4), pp. 481-494. (10.1108/JCHMSD-08-2017-0051)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2018. Robust tracking of objects with dynamic topology. Presented at: ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, 6-9 November 2018ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. ACM pp. 428-431., (10.1145/3274895.3274922)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2018. Mapping wildlife species distribution with social media: Augmenting text classification with species names. Presented at: GIScience 2018: 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Melbourne, Australia, 28-31 August 2018 Presented at Winter, S., Griffin, A. and Sester, M. eds.10th International Conference of Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), Vol. 114. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl/Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik pp. 34:1-34:6., (10.4230/LIPIcs.GISCIENCE.2018.34)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2018. Stability and statistical inferences in the space of topological spatial relationships. IEEE Access 6, pp. 18907-18919. (10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2817493)
- Purves, R. S., Clough, P., Jones, C. B., Hall, M. H. and Murdock, V. 2018. Geographic information retrieval: progress and challenges in spatial search of text. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 12(2-3), pp. 164-318. (10.1561/1500000034)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2017. Modelling topological features of swarm behaviour in space and time with persistence landscapes. IEEE Access 5, pp. 18534-18544. (10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2749319)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. B. and Schockaert, S. 2017. Using Flickr for characterizing the environment: an exploratory analysis. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT), L’Aquila, Italy, 4-8 September 201713th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics pp. 21:1-21:13., (10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2017.21)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2016. Spatio-temporal modeling of the topology of swarm behavior with persistence landscapes. Presented at: ACM - SIGSPATIAL 2016, Burlingame, CA, USA, 31 October - 3 November 2016GIS '16 Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. New York, NY.: ACM, (10.1145/2996913.2996949)
- Spasic, I., Zhao, B., Jones, C. B. and Button, K. 2015. KneeTex: An ontology-driven system for information extraction from MRI reports. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 6, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13326-015-0033-1)
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial building models with photo captions and illustration labels using template matching & SIFT. Presented at: GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2015, Leeds, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Hall, M. M., Jones, C. and Smart, P. 2015. Spatial natural language generation for location description in photo captions. Presented at: Conference on Spatial Information Theory COSIT 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 12-16 October 2015.
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Automatic semantic and geometric enrichment of CityGML building models using HoG-based template matching. In: Abdul-Rahman, A. ed. Advances in 3D Geoinformation. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Springer International Publishing, pp. 357-372., (10.1007/978-3-319-25691-7_20)
- Jones, C. B., Rosin, P. L. and Slade, J. D. 2014. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations. Presented at: Workshop on Vision and Language, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2014,, Dublin, Ireland, 23 August 2014.
- Van Laere, O., Schockaert, S., Tanasescu, V., Dhoedt, B. and Jones, C. B. 2014. Georeferencing Wikipedia documents using data from social media sources. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 32(3), article number: 12. (10.1145/2629685)
- Tanasescu, V., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2014. Reverse geocoding for photo captioning with a meta-gazetteer. Presented at: ACM-SIGSPATIAL 2014, Dallas, Texas, USA, 4th November 2014SIGSPATIAL '14 Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 509-512., (10.1145/2666310.2666492)
- Cooper, C., Orford, S., Webster, C. J. and Jones, C. B. 2013. Exploring the ripple effect and spatial volatility in house prices in England and Wales: regressing interaction domain cross-correlations against reactive statistics. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 40(5), pp. 763-782. (10.1068/b37062)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2012. What can I do there? Towards the automatic discovery of place-related services and activities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(2), pp. 345-364. (10.1080/13658816.2011.595954)
- Younis, E. E. G., Jones, C. B., Tanasescu, V. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Hybrid geo-spatial query methods on the semantic web with a spatially-enhanced index of DBpedia. Presented at: GIScience 2012: 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH, USA, 18-21 September 2012 Presented at Xiao, N. et al. eds.Geographic Information Science: 7th International Conference, GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH, USA, September 18-21, 2012. Proceedings, Vol. 7478. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 340-353., (10.1007/978-3-642-33024-7_25)
- Smart, P. D., Quinn, J. A. and Jones, C. B. 2011. City model enrichment. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66(2), pp. 223-234. (10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.12.004)
- Hall, M., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2010. Interpreting spatial language in image captions. Cognitive Processing 12(1), pp. 67-94. (10.1007/s10339-010-0385-5)
- Smart, P. D., Jones, C. B. and Twaroch, F. A. 2010. Multi-source Toponym Data Integration and Mediation for a Meta-Gazetteer Service. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6292, pp. 234-248. (10.1007/978-3-642-15300-6_17)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. An ontology of place and service types to facilitate place-affordance geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 6th ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19th February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1722080.1722085)
- Twaroch, F. A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. A web platform for the evaluation of vernacular place names in automatically constructed gazetteers. Presented at: 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, (10.1145/1722080.1722098)
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2009. Supporting frameworks for the geospatial semantic web. Presented at: 11th international symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, 8-10 July 2009 Presented at Mamoulis, N. et al. eds.Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-10, 2009. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 355-372., (10.1007/978-3-642-02982-0_23)
- Twaroch, F. A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining the web to detect place names. Presented at: 2nd international workshop on Geographic information retrieval, Napa Valley, CA, USA, 29-30 October 2008 Presented at Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. eds.GIR '08 Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Geographic information retrieval. New York: ACM pp. 43-44., (10.1145/1460007.1460017)
- Schockaert, S., Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining topological relations from the Web. Presented at: 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Turin, Italy, 1-5 September 2008 Presented at Tjoa, A. M. and Wagner, R. R. eds.DEXA 2008: 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications : proceedings, 1-5 September, 2008, Turin, Italy. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 652-656., (10.1109/DEXA.2008.15)
- Jones, C. B., Purves, R. S., Clough, P. D. and Joho, H. 2008. Modelling vague places with knowledge from the Web. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(10), pp. 1045-1065. (10.1080/13658810701850547)
- Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. S. 2008. Geographical information retrieval. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(3), pp. 219-228. (10.1080/13658810701626343)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Evaluating field crisping methods for representing spatial prepositions. Presented at: ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Napa Valley, CA, USA, 29-30 October 2008 Presented at Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. eds.Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval : 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA, October 29-30, 2008. New York, NY: ACM pp. 9-10., (10.1145/1460007.1460019)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Quantifying spatial prepositions. Presented at: 16th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Irvine, CA, USA, 5-7 November 2008GIS '08 Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems, Irvine, CA, 5-7 November 2008. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1463434.1463507)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. A field based representation for vague areas defined by spatial prepositions. Presented at: Methodologies and Resources for Processing Spatial Language Workshop at LREC’2008, Marrakech, Morocco, 31 May 2008. pp. 36-41.
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Building place ontologies for the semantic web: Issues and approaches. Presented at: GIR 2007 4th ACM Workshop On Geographic Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 November 2007GIR '07 Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Geographical information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 7-12., (10.1145/1316948.1316951)
- Jones, C. B., Arampatzis, A., Clough, P. and Purves, R. 2007. The Design and Implementation of SPIRIT: a Spatially-Aware Search Engine for Information Retrieval on the Internet. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(7), pp. 717-745. (10.1080/13658810601169840)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. A framework for combining rules and geo-ontologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4524, pp. 133-147. (10.1007/978-3-540-72982-2_10)
- Alazzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Spatio-temporal Personalised Web Search. Presented at: GISRUK 15th Annual Conference 2007, Maynooth, Ireland, 11-13 April 2007 Presented at Winstanley, A. C. ed.GISRUK 2007: Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference. Maynooth, Ireland: National University of Ireland pp. 457-459.
- Jones, C. B., Kreveld, M. v., Reinbacher, I. and Sanderson, M. 2006. Web-Based Delineation of Imprecise Regions. Computers Environment and Urban Systems 30(4), pp. 436-459. (10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2005.08.001)
- Leblanc, M. J. et al. 2006. Evidence for Megalake Chad, north-central Africa, during the late Quaternary from satellite data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 230(3-4), pp. 230-242. (10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.07.016)
- Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. 2006. GIR’05-2005 ACM Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval. Sigir Forum 40(1), pp. 34-37.
- Smart, P., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. 2006. A visual editor for validating Geo-Ontologies in OWL. Presented at: GISRUK 2006: 14th Annual GIS Research UK Conference, Nottingam , UK, 5-7 April 2006 Presented at Priestnall, G. and Aplin, P. eds.Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference. pp. 222-226.
- Vaid, S., Jones, C. B., Joho, H. and Sanderson, M. 2005. Spatio-Textual Indexing for Geographical Search on the Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3633, pp. 218-235. (10.1007/11535331_13)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Building a geographical ontology for intelligent spatial search on the web. Presented at: The IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications - DBA 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2005 Presented at Hamza, M. H. ed.Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications. Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press pp. 167-172.
- Jones, C. B. and Mark Ware, J. 2005. Map generalization in the Web age. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(8-9), pp. 859-870. (10.1080/13658810500161104)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3761, pp. 1466-1482. (10.1007/11575801_33)
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. B. 2005. HCPO: an efficient insertion order for incremental Delaunay triangulation. Information Processing Letters 93(1), pp. 37-42. (10.1016/j.ipl.2004.09.020)
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. 2005. Shape-aware line generalisation with weighted effective area. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Leicester, UK, 23 - 25 August 2004 Presented at Fisher, P. F. ed.Developments in Spatial Data Handling. Berlin: Springer pp. 369-380., (10.1007/3-540-26772-7_28)
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. A filter flow visual querying language and interface for spatial databases. GeoInformatica 8(2), pp. 107-141. (10.1023/B:GEIN.0000017744.85002.4c)
- Jones, C. B., Abdelmoty, A., Finch, D. J., Fu, G. and Vaid, S. 2004. The SPIRIT spatial search engine: Architecture, ontologies and spatial indexing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3234, pp. 125-139. (10.1007/978-3-540-30231-5_9)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. An evaluation of geo-ontology representation languages for supporting web retrieval of geographical information. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference (GISRUK 2004), Norwich, UK, 28th-30th April 2004.
- Jones, C. B., Purves, R., Ruas, A., Sanderson, M., Sester, M., van Kreveld, M. and Weibel, R. 2002. Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project. Presented at: SIGIR 2002: 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Tampere, Finland, 11-15 August 2002Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 387-388., (10.1145/564376.564457)
- Ware, J. M., Wilson, I. D., Ware, J. A. and Jones, C. B. 2002. A tabu search approach to automated map generalisation. Presented at: 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, McLean, VA, USA, 8-9 November 2002Proceedings of the 10th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. New York, NY: ACM pp. 101-106., (10.1145/585147.585169)
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. B. 2001. Design and Implementation of Multi-Scale Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2121, pp. 1611-3349.
- Herbert, M. J. and Jones, C. B. 2001. Contour correspondence for serial section reconstruction: complex scenarios in palaeontology. Computers & Geosciences 27(4), pp. 427-440. (10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00076-5)
- Alani, H., Jones, C. B. and Tudhope, D. 2001. Voronoi-based region approximation for geographical information retrieval with gazetteers. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15(4), pp. 287-306. (10.1080/13658810110038942)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2000. Episodes in space: qualitative representation and reasoning over spatio-temporal objects. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 9(1), article number: 131. (10.1142/S0218213000000100)
- Jones, C. B., Stock, K. and Perkins, S. E. 2024. AI-based discovery of habitats from museum collections. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 39(4), pp. 323-327. (10.1016/j.tree.2024.01.006)
- Stock, K., Wijegunarathna, K., Jones, C. B., Morris, H., Das, P., Medyckyj-Scott, D. and Whitehead, B. 2023. The BioWhere Project: unlocking the potential of biological collections data. GI_Forum 11(1), pp. 3-21. (10.1553/giscience2023_01_s3)
- Aflaki, N., Stock, K., Jones, C. B., Guesgen, H. and Morley, J. 2023. An empirical study of the semantic similarity of geospatial prepositions and their senses. Spatial Cognition & Computation 23(2), pp. 132-176. (10.1080/13875868.2022.2111683)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2023. Topological data analysis for geographical information science using persistent homology. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 37(3), pp. 712-745. (10.1080/13658816.2022.2155654)
- Radke, M. A., Gupta, A., Stock, K. and Jones, C. B. 2022. Disambiguating spatial prepositions: The case of geo-spatial sense detection. Transactions in GIS 26(6), pp. 2621-2650. (10.1111/tgis.12976)
- Edwards, T., Jones, C. B. and Corcoran, P. 2022. Identifying wildlife observations on twitter. Ecological Informatics 67, article number: 101500. (10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101500)
- Stock, K., Jones, C. B., Russell, S., Radke, M., Das, P. and Aflaki, N. 2022. Detecting geospatial location descriptions in natural language text. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36(3), pp. 547-584. (10.1080/13658816.2021.1987441)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2022. A persistent homology model of street network connectivity. Transactions in GIS 21(1), pp. 155-181. (10.1111/tgis.12844)
- Hall, M. M. and Jones, C. B. 2022. Generating geographical location descriptions with spatial templates: a salient toponym driven approach. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 36(1), pp. 55-85. (10.1080/13658816.2021.1913498)
- Stock, K., Jones, C. B. and Tenbrink, T. 2022. Speaking of location: a review of spatial language research. Spatial Cognition & Computation 22(3-4), pp. 185-224. (10.1080/13875868.2022.2095275)
- Edwards, T., Jones, C. B., Perkins, S. E. and Corcoran, P. 2021. Passive citizen science: The role of social media in wildlife observations. PLoS ONE 16(8), article number: e0255416. (10.1371/journal.pone.0255416)
- Jeawak, S. S., Jones, C. B. and Schockaert, S. 2020. Predicting the environment from social media: a collective classification approach. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 82 (10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2020.101487)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2020. Predicting environmental features by learning spatiotemporal embeddings from social media. Ecological Informatics 55, article number: 101031. (10.1016/j.ecoinf.2019.101031)
- Twaroch, F. A., Brindley, P., Clough, P. D., Jones, C. B., Pasley, R. C. and Mansbridge, S. 2018. Investigating behavioural and computational approaches for defining imprecise regions. Spatial Cognition & Computation (10.1080/13875868.2018.1531871)
- Prizeman, O., Jones, C., Parisi, M. and Pezzica, C. 2018. How can century-old architectural hierarchies for the design of public libraries be re-interpreted and re-used?. Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development 8(4), pp. 481-494. (10.1108/JCHMSD-08-2017-0051)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2018. Stability and statistical inferences in the space of topological spatial relationships. IEEE Access 6, pp. 18907-18919. (10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2817493)
- Purves, R. S., Clough, P., Jones, C. B., Hall, M. H. and Murdock, V. 2018. Geographic information retrieval: progress and challenges in spatial search of text. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 12(2-3), pp. 164-318. (10.1561/1500000034)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2017. Modelling topological features of swarm behaviour in space and time with persistence landscapes. IEEE Access 5, pp. 18534-18544. (10.1109/ACCESS.2017.2749319)
- Spasic, I., Zhao, B., Jones, C. B. and Button, K. 2015. KneeTex: An ontology-driven system for information extraction from MRI reports. Journal of Biomedical Semantics 6, article number: 34. (10.1186/s13326-015-0033-1)
- Van Laere, O., Schockaert, S., Tanasescu, V., Dhoedt, B. and Jones, C. B. 2014. Georeferencing Wikipedia documents using data from social media sources. ACM Transactions on Information Systems 32(3), article number: 12. (10.1145/2629685)
- Cooper, C., Orford, S., Webster, C. J. and Jones, C. B. 2013. Exploring the ripple effect and spatial volatility in house prices in England and Wales: regressing interaction domain cross-correlations against reactive statistics. Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 40(5), pp. 763-782. (10.1068/b37062)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2012. What can I do there? Towards the automatic discovery of place-related services and activities. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 26(2), pp. 345-364. (10.1080/13658816.2011.595954)
- Smart, P. D., Quinn, J. A. and Jones, C. B. 2011. City model enrichment. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 66(2), pp. 223-234. (10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2010.12.004)
- Hall, M., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2010. Interpreting spatial language in image captions. Cognitive Processing 12(1), pp. 67-94. (10.1007/s10339-010-0385-5)
- Smart, P. D., Jones, C. B. and Twaroch, F. A. 2010. Multi-source Toponym Data Integration and Mediation for a Meta-Gazetteer Service. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6292, pp. 234-248. (10.1007/978-3-642-15300-6_17)
- Jones, C. B., Purves, R. S., Clough, P. D. and Joho, H. 2008. Modelling vague places with knowledge from the Web. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(10), pp. 1045-1065. (10.1080/13658810701850547)
- Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. S. 2008. Geographical information retrieval. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 22(3), pp. 219-228. (10.1080/13658810701626343)
- Jones, C. B., Arampatzis, A., Clough, P. and Purves, R. 2007. The Design and Implementation of SPIRIT: a Spatially-Aware Search Engine for Information Retrieval on the Internet. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21(7), pp. 717-745. (10.1080/13658810601169840)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. A framework for combining rules and geo-ontologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4524, pp. 133-147. (10.1007/978-3-540-72982-2_10)
- Jones, C. B., Kreveld, M. v., Reinbacher, I. and Sanderson, M. 2006. Web-Based Delineation of Imprecise Regions. Computers Environment and Urban Systems 30(4), pp. 436-459. (10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2005.08.001)
- Leblanc, M. J. et al. 2006. Evidence for Megalake Chad, north-central Africa, during the late Quaternary from satellite data. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 230(3-4), pp. 230-242. (10.1016/j.palaeo.2005.07.016)
- Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. 2006. GIR’05-2005 ACM Workshop on Geographical Information Retrieval. Sigir Forum 40(1), pp. 34-37.
- Vaid, S., Jones, C. B., Joho, H. and Sanderson, M. 2005. Spatio-Textual Indexing for Geographical Search on the Web. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3633, pp. 218-235. (10.1007/11535331_13)
- Jones, C. B. and Mark Ware, J. 2005. Map generalization in the Web age. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 19(8-9), pp. 859-870. (10.1080/13658810500161104)
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Ontology-based spatial query expansion in information retrieval. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3761, pp. 1466-1482. (10.1007/11575801_33)
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. B. 2005. HCPO: an efficient insertion order for incremental Delaunay triangulation. Information Processing Letters 93(1), pp. 37-42. (10.1016/j.ipl.2004.09.020)
- Morris, A. J., Abdelmoty, A., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. A filter flow visual querying language and interface for spatial databases. GeoInformatica 8(2), pp. 107-141. (10.1023/B:GEIN.0000017744.85002.4c)
- Jones, C. B., Abdelmoty, A., Finch, D. J., Fu, G. and Vaid, S. 2004. The SPIRIT spatial search engine: Architecture, ontologies and spatial indexing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3234, pp. 125-139. (10.1007/978-3-540-30231-5_9)
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. B. 2001. Design and Implementation of Multi-Scale Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2121, pp. 1611-3349.
- Herbert, M. J. and Jones, C. B. 2001. Contour correspondence for serial section reconstruction: complex scenarios in palaeontology. Computers & Geosciences 27(4), pp. 427-440. (10.1016/S0098-3004(00)00076-5)
- Alani, H., Jones, C. B. and Tudhope, D. 2001. Voronoi-based region approximation for geographical information retrieval with gazetteers. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 15(4), pp. 287-306. (10.1080/13658810110038942)
- El-Geresy, B. A., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2000. Episodes in space: qualitative representation and reasoning over spatio-temporal objects. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 9(1), article number: 131. (10.1142/S0218213000000100)
Book sections
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Automatic semantic and geometric enrichment of CityGML building models using HoG-based template matching. In: Abdul-Rahman, A. ed. Advances in 3D Geoinformation. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Springer International Publishing, pp. 357-372., (10.1007/978-3-319-25691-7_20)
- Sinha, S., Vijeta, T., Kubde, P. K., Gajbhiye, A. P., Radke, M. A. and Jones, C. 2023. Sarcasm detection in product reviews using textual entailment approach. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information, Seoul, South Korea, 15-17 December 2023NLPIR '23: Proceedings of the 2023 7th International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval. Association for Computing Machinery pp. 310-318., (10.1145/3639233.3639252)
- Pezzica, C., Schroeter, J., Prizeman, O., Jones, C. and Rosin, P. 2019. Between images and built form: automating the recognition of standardised building components using deep learning. Presented at: 27th CIPA International Symposium “Documenting the past for a better future”, Avila, Spain, 1-5 September 2019ISPRS Ann. Photogramm. Remote Sens, Vol. IV-2. Copernicus pp. 123-132., (10.5194/isprs-annals-IV-2-W6-123-2019)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2019. Embedding geographic locations for modelling the natural environment using Flickr tags and structured data. Presented at: ECIR 2019: 41st European Conference on Information Retrieval, Cologne, Germany, 14-18 April 2019. pp. -.
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. 2018. Robust tracking of objects with dynamic topology. Presented at: ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Seattle, Washington, USA, 6-9 November 2018ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. ACM pp. 428-431., (10.1145/3274895.3274922)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. and Schockaert, S. 2018. Mapping wildlife species distribution with social media: Augmenting text classification with species names. Presented at: GIScience 2018: 10th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Melbourne, Australia, 28-31 August 2018 Presented at Winter, S., Griffin, A. and Sester, M. eds.10th International Conference of Geographic Information Science (GIScience 2018), Vol. 114. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics (LIPIcs) Dagstuhl, Germany: Schloss Dagstuhl/Leibniz-Zentrum fuer Informatik pp. 34:1-34:6., (10.4230/LIPIcs.GISCIENCE.2018.34)
- Jeawak, S., Jones, C. B. and Schockaert, S. 2017. Using Flickr for characterizing the environment: an exploratory analysis. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT), L’Aquila, Italy, 4-8 September 201713th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory (COSIT 2017). Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics pp. 21:1-21:13., (10.4230/LIPIcs.COSIT.2017.21)
- Corcoran, P. and Jones, C. B. 2016. Spatio-temporal modeling of the topology of swarm behavior with persistence landscapes. Presented at: ACM - SIGSPATIAL 2016, Burlingame, CA, USA, 31 October - 3 November 2016GIS '16 Proceedings of the 24th ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. New York, NY.: ACM, (10.1145/2996913.2996949)
- Slade, J. D., Jones, C. B. and Rosin, P. L. 2015. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial building models with photo captions and illustration labels using template matching & SIFT. Presented at: GIS Research UK (GISRUK) 2015, Leeds, UK, 15-17 April 2015.
- Hall, M. M., Jones, C. and Smart, P. 2015. Spatial natural language generation for location description in photo captions. Presented at: Conference on Spatial Information Theory COSIT 2015, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 12-16 October 2015.
- Jones, C. B., Rosin, P. L. and Slade, J. D. 2014. Semantic and geometric enrichment of 3D geo-spatial models with captioned photos and labelled illustrations. Presented at: Workshop on Vision and Language, 25th International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Coling 2014,, Dublin, Ireland, 23 August 2014.
- Tanasescu, V., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2014. Reverse geocoding for photo captioning with a meta-gazetteer. Presented at: ACM-SIGSPATIAL 2014, Dallas, Texas, USA, 4th November 2014SIGSPATIAL '14 Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 509-512., (10.1145/2666310.2666492)
- Younis, E. E. G., Jones, C. B., Tanasescu, V. and Abdelmoty, A. 2012. Hybrid geo-spatial query methods on the semantic web with a spatially-enhanced index of DBpedia. Presented at: GIScience 2012: 7th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Columbus, OH, USA, 18-21 September 2012 Presented at Xiao, N. et al. eds.Geographic Information Science: 7th International Conference, GIScience 2012, Columbus, OH, USA, September 18-21, 2012. Proceedings, Vol. 7478. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer pp. 340-353., (10.1007/978-3-642-33024-7_25)
- Makki al-Azzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. An ontology of place and service types to facilitate place-affordance geographic information retrieval. Presented at: 6th ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19th February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1722080.1722085)
- Twaroch, F. A. and Jones, C. B. 2010. A web platform for the evaluation of vernacular place names in automatically constructed gazetteers. Presented at: 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR'10), Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010 Presented at Purves, R., Clough, P. and Jones, C. B. eds.GIR '10 Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Zurich, Switzerland, 18-19 February 2010. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, (10.1145/1722080.1722098)
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D., El-Geresy, B. A. and Jones, C. B. 2009. Supporting frameworks for the geospatial semantic web. Presented at: 11th international symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, 8-10 July 2009 Presented at Mamoulis, N. et al. eds.Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 11th International Symposium, SSTD 2009, Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-10, 2009. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 355-372., (10.1007/978-3-642-02982-0_23)
- Twaroch, F. A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining the web to detect place names. Presented at: 2nd international workshop on Geographic information retrieval, Napa Valley, CA, USA, 29-30 October 2008 Presented at Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. eds.GIR '08 Proceedings of the 2nd international workshop on Geographic information retrieval. New York: ACM pp. 43-44., (10.1145/1460007.1460017)
- Schockaert, S., Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Mining topological relations from the Web. Presented at: 28th International Workshop on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Turin, Italy, 1-5 September 2008 Presented at Tjoa, A. M. and Wagner, R. R. eds.DEXA 2008: 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications : proceedings, 1-5 September, 2008, Turin, Italy. Los Alamitos, CA: IEEE Computer Society, pp. 652-656., (10.1109/DEXA.2008.15)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Evaluating field crisping methods for representing spatial prepositions. Presented at: ACM Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Napa Valley, CA, USA, 29-30 October 2008 Presented at Jones, C. B. and Purves, R. eds.Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval : 2008, Napa Valley, California, USA, October 29-30, 2008. New York, NY: ACM pp. 9-10., (10.1145/1460007.1460019)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. Quantifying spatial prepositions. Presented at: 16th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, Irvine, CA, USA, 5-7 November 2008GIS '08 Proceedings of the 16th ACM SIGSPATIAL international conference on Advances in geographic information systems, Irvine, CA, 5-7 November 2008. New York, NY: ACM, (10.1145/1463434.1463507)
- Hall, M. and Jones, C. B. 2008. A field based representation for vague areas defined by spatial prepositions. Presented at: Methodologies and Resources for Processing Spatial Language Workshop at LREC’2008, Marrakech, Morocco, 31 May 2008. pp. 36-41.
- Abdelmoty, A., Smart, P. D. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Building place ontologies for the semantic web: Issues and approaches. Presented at: GIR 2007 4th ACM Workshop On Geographic Information Retrieval, Lisbon, Portugal, 9 November 2007GIR '07 Proceedings of the 4th ACM workshop on Geographical information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 7-12., (10.1145/1316948.1316951)
- Alazzawi, A. N., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2007. Spatio-temporal Personalised Web Search. Presented at: GISRUK 15th Annual Conference 2007, Maynooth, Ireland, 11-13 April 2007 Presented at Winstanley, A. C. ed.GISRUK 2007: Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference. Maynooth, Ireland: National University of Ireland pp. 457-459.
- Smart, P., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. 2006. A visual editor for validating Geo-Ontologies in OWL. Presented at: GISRUK 2006: 14th Annual GIS Research UK Conference, Nottingam , UK, 5-7 April 2006 Presented at Priestnall, G. and Aplin, P. eds.Proceedings of the GIS Research UK 14th Annual Conference. pp. 222-226.
- Fu, G., Jones, C. B. and Abdelmoty, A. 2005. Building a geographical ontology for intelligent spatial search on the web. Presented at: The IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications - DBA 2005, Innsbruck, Austria, 14-16 February 2005 Presented at Hamza, M. H. ed.Proceedings of IASTED International Conference on Databases and Applications. Anaheim, CA: ACTA Press pp. 167-172.
- Zhou, S. and Jones, C. 2005. Shape-aware line generalisation with weighted effective area. Presented at: 11th International Symposium on Spatial Data Handling, Leicester, UK, 23 - 25 August 2004 Presented at Fisher, P. F. ed.Developments in Spatial Data Handling. Berlin: Springer pp. 369-380., (10.1007/3-540-26772-7_28)
- Smart, P. D., Abdelmoty, A. and Jones, C. B. 2004. An evaluation of geo-ontology representation languages for supporting web retrieval of geographical information. Presented at: GIS Research UK 12th annual conference (GISRUK 2004), Norwich, UK, 28th-30th April 2004.
- Jones, C. B., Purves, R., Ruas, A., Sanderson, M., Sester, M., van Kreveld, M. and Weibel, R. 2002. Spatial information retrieval and geographical ontologies an overview of the SPIRIT project. Presented at: SIGIR 2002: 25th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Tampere, Finland, 11-15 August 2002Proceedings of the 25th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval. New York, NY: ACM pp. 387-388., (10.1145/564376.564457)
- Ware, J. M., Wilson, I. D., Ware, J. A. and Jones, C. B. 2002. A tabu search approach to automated map generalisation. Presented at: 10th ACM International Symposium on Advances in Geographic Information Systems, McLean, VA, USA, 8-9 November 2002Proceedings of the 10th ACM international symposium on Advances in geographic information systems. New York, NY: ACM pp. 101-106., (10.1145/585147.585169)
My main research interests are in geographical information systems (GIS), computer cartography and the retrieval of geographically-specific information on the web. For several years I have worked on the representation of map features at multiple levels of detail, resulting in the development of multi-scale spatial databases and of techniques for automated map generalisation. Research on geographically-aware web search engines has been concerned with spatial indexing of web documents and images and with designing ontologies that represent knowledge about the terminology and form of geographical places. I have also worked on environmental change detection, map labelling, data integration and 3D modelling of terrain and of fossils.
1977 : PhD University of Newcastle upon Tyne (Department of Geophysics and Planetary Physics); Topic: Analysis of chemical, physical and optical periodicities in growth rings of Precambrian stromatolites.
1972 : BSc Geology, University of Bristol
Previous posts
1994-2000 : Professor of Geographical Information Systems, University of South Wales.
1993-1994 : Lecturer in Geographical Information Systems, Course Director of MPhil in GIS and Remote Sensing, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge. Fellow and Director of Studies for Geography, Fitzwilliam College.
1983-1992 : Reader (from 1990), previously Principal Lecturer (from 1985) in computer graphics, University of South Waales
1981-1983 : Earth Scientist (Computing), BP Exploration, London
1976-1981 : Analyst/Programmer, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh and Nottingham