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Simon Jones   PhD, BSc (Hons) FLSW MAE FRSB

Professor Simon Jones


Media commentator

Teams and roles for Simon Jones


Simon Jones is Co-Director of the Systems Immunity Research Institute and the Hodge Centre for Translational Neuroscience at Cardiff University. As is an international authority on cytokine biology, he has pioneered significant advances in our understanding of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis) and their treatment by establishing novel paradigms that have changed our knowledge of how cytokines steer inflammation. He discovered that interleukin-6 (IL-6) functions via two distinct signalling mechanisms, resulting in the development of selective inhibitors of IL-6 trans-signalling (e.g., olamkicept) now used as biological medicines. His research has revolutionised pharmaceutical research of other IL‑6 interventions (e.g., tocilizumab), introducing concepts explaining how the course of a disease is altered by mechanisms that fine-tune the cellular interpretation of cytokine cues.

Jones is a senior advisor to the pharmaceutical sector on biological medicines. He was a member of the Actemra Translational Advisory Board, evaluating the clinical introduction of tocilizumab (Roche), and trains clinicians, and healthcare professionals on the actions of cytokine-targeting therapies. Jones serves on grant awarding panels (e.g., UKRI-MRC), editorial boards, and committees advising government and charity funding strategies. Jones was Dean of Research (School of Medicine, Cardiff University). He plays active leadership roles in the International Cytokine & Interferon Society (ICIS), chairing their Cytokines2021 annual conference and forthcoming Cytokines2026 meeting. Jones is cited highly (H‑index: 77) and received the Boltzmann Award from the ICIS for his cytokine research. He was elected Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales (2019), and Member of the Academia Europaea (2021).




























Book sections


Cytokines drive the pathophysiology of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs), and their associated co-morbidities. In landmark research, Jones established novel concepts advancing the treatment of IMIDs with cytokine-targeted therapies. His research into interleukin-6 (IL-6) biology identified the role of the soluble IL-6 receptor (IL-6 trans-signalling) in inflammation, explaining the clinical efficacy of and contraindications associated with IL-6 inhibition (e.g., tocilizumab). These studies established the use of selective inhibitors of IL-6 trans-signalling, inspiring additional research into the clinical application of other widely prescribed biological medicines. With funding from UKRI, charities, and industry, his research has addressed three interconnected themes:

1. The transition from innate to adaptive immunity in inflammation– Cytokines shape the course of inflammation by facilitating communication between infiltrating leukocytes and stromal tissues. Jones identified the regulatory properties of the soluble IL-6 receptor (sIL-6R) in this process by establishing the importance of IL-6 trans-signalling in bridging innate and adaptive immunity (Hurst et al., 2001). He generated the first in vivo evidence that IL-6 trans-signalling promotes disease, identified the first physiological activators of sIL‑6R production and showed how sIL-6R shedding by recruited neutrophils synchronises IL-6 responses between stromal cells and infiltrating leukocytes (Jones et al., 1999; Hurst et al., 2001; Nowell et al., 2003;McLoughlin et al., 2005). These discoveries explain the efficacy of IL-6 targeted therapies (e.g., tocilizumab) in pathology and were pivotal to the development of olamkicept, a first-in-class biological drug inhibitor of IL-6 trans‑signalling (Hurst et al., 2001; Nowell et al., 2003, 2009).

2. The mechanisms shaping immunopathology and disease heterogeneity– Using models of peritoneal dialysis developed in his laboratory, Jones identified how recurrent infections compromise tissue homeostasis to promote pathology (Fielding et al., 2014). He showed how repeated peritonitis alters the local cytokine network controlling acute resolving inflammation to enhance STAT1 transcription factor activities driving peritoneal fibrosis (Jones et al., 2010; Fielding et al., 2014; Millrine et al., 2023). Following this, Jones established that STAT1 shapes the transcriptional output of STAT3 in synovitis to steer disease heterogeneity in rheumatoid arthritis (Nowell et al., 2009; Twohig et al., 2019). His studies of IL-27 biology illustrate the importance of this signalling interplay in driving lymphoid-rich synovitis, a severe and challenging-to-treat form of rheumatoid arthritis (Jones et al., 2015). These data establish new criteria for improving treatment decisions in rheumatoid arthritis and have revolutionised the stratification and study of disease heterogeneity in synovitis.

3. How cells sense and interpret cytokine cues– Jones has identified the importance of regulatory mechanisms that fine-tune the intracellular interpretation of cytokine signals in disease. His demonstration that protein tyrosine phosphatases act as rheostats of Jak-STAT signalling has established this mechanism as a driver of lymphoid-rich synovitis (Twohig et al., 2019). He has also shown that repeated inflammation alters chromatin conformation in stromal tissues to allow STAT transcription factors access to gene enhancers of fibrosis (Millrine et al., 2023). These findings significantly advance our knowledge of context-dependent disease processes, with Jones establishing novel concepts that explain treatment responses to biological medicines, and genetic susceptibility to IMIDs.



  • Oct 1990- Dec 1993 Ph.D. (Biochemistry) Supervisors: Professor O.T.G. Jones (Department of Biochemistry, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK) and Dr N. Topley (Institute of Renal Medicine, University of Wales, College of Medicine, Cardiff, UK)
  • Oct 1986- Jun 1990 B.Sc. Applied Biological Sciences (2.i Hons.) Bristol Polytechnic, Bristol, UK

Career Overview:

  • 2023: Co-Director, Hodge Centre for Translational Neuroscience
  • 2022: Co-Director, Systems Immunity Research Institute, The School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2017 - 2021: Dean of Research, The School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2015 - 2020: Theme Lead for Infection, Immunology & Inflammation, The College of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2012 - 2017: Associate Director of Research, Division of Infection & Immunity, The School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2008 ‑ Professor of Inflammation Biology, School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2005 - 2008: Reader, School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • 2004 ‑ 2005: Reader, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
  • 2003 - 2004: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
  • 1999 - 2003: Lecturer, Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University
  • 1996 -1998: American Heart Association Fellow, Department of Cell Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Alabama, USA (Director: Professor G.M. Fuller).
  • 1994 - 1996: Swiss Foundation Research Fellow, Theodor Kocher Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland (Director: Professor M. Baggiolini).

Honours and awards

Member of Academia Europaea (Elected August 2021)

Fellow of The Learned Society of Wales (Elected May 2019)

Fellow of The Royal Society of Biology (Elected June 2015)

Health & Care Research Wales Faculty Research Lead (Elected June 2014)

The 2004 Bolzmann Award Presented by the International Cytokine Society (ICS) and the International Society for Interferon and Cytokine Research (ISICR) for contributions to cytokine biology.

Professional memberships

Research Advisory Groups:


Welsh Higher Education Brussels (WHEB) Board– Development of European Funding for Welsh Universities

Cardiff Ambassador– Supporting commercial activities in Cardiff (e.g., industry links, conferences)

Pharmaceutical companies

Roche/Chugai– Panel Member for Actemra (tocilizumab) Translational Research Board (2008-2012)

Genentech– Translational Immunology Summit Advisory Board

Eleven Biotherapeutics– Clinical application of biologic drugs EBI-029 and EBI-031

EUSA Pharma– Use of Sirukumab in the treatment of cancer and associated co-morbidity.

Janssen (Johnson & Johnson & GSK)– The clinical application of Sirukumab.

NovImmune AG– Development of biological drugs NI-0101 and NI-1201

Ferring Pharmaceuticals– Clinical development of Olamkicept.

Regeneron/Sanofi– The clinical application of Sarilumab

Glaxo-Smith-Kline– Development of biological drugs against oncostatin-M and IL-27

MAB Designs– Novel targeting of IL-6

Charity Sector

Versus Arthritis Senior Stakeholder Group–

Versus Arthritis Centre Strategy Review Committee (2019-2020)

Academy of Medical Sciences– Invited to research steering groups (‘Advancing research to tackle multimorbidity– the UK perspective’; ‘Multimorbidity: a priority for global health research’– 2018, 2019).

Editorial Board Membership:   

Journal of Biological Chemistry (Editorial Board Member– Immunology) (2015-2021)

Frontiers in Immunology (Pro-inflammatory Cytokines)

Function (linked to the American Society of Physiology)

Society Memberships:             

The Biochemical Society (Theme Panel V Member; 2008-2013)

International Cytokine and Interferon Society (Member of the Meeting Committee; 2017-2024, Member of the Development Committee; 2018-2022)

The Learned Society of Wales

Academia Europaea

Royal Society of Biology

Academic positions

  • Feb 2023- to present. Co-Director, Hodge Centre for Translational Neuroscience, Cardiff University, UK
  • Apr 2021- to present. Co-Director, Systems Immunity Research Institute, Cardiff University, UK
  • Apr 2017- Mar 2021. Dean of Research, The School of Medicine, Cardiff University
  • Mar 2015‑ Sept 2020. College Theme Lead for Infection, Immunology & Inflammation, College of Biomedical & Life Sciences, Cardiff University.
  • May 2015- Mar 2017. Deputy Director, Division of Infection & Immunity, The School of Medicine
  • Jun 2012-May 2015 Associate Director of Research for Infection & Immunity Institute for Infection & Immunity, The School of Medicine
  • Jan 2005‑ Jul 2008 Reader School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK
  • Jan 2004‑ Dec 2004 Reader Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK
  • Sept 2003- Jan 2004 Senior Lecturer Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK
  • Jan 1999- Sept 2003 Lecturer Cardiff School of Biosciences, Cardiff University, UK
  • Jul 1996- Dec 1998 American Heart Association Research Fellow Dept. of Cell Biology, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Jan 1994- Jun 1996 Swiss Foundation Research Fellow Theodor Kocher Institute, University of Bern, Switzerland

Speaking engagements

Examples of invited conference lectures:


  • Multiple Long-term Conditions: From Research to Reality (2025)– Invited speaker, Birmingham, UK
  • 12th International Cytokine & Interferon Society (2024)– Invited speaker, Seoul, Korea
  • 11th International Cytokine & Interferon Society (2023)– Invited speaker, Athens, Greece
  • 2nd International Workshop on Ankylosing Spondylitis: Tales of Molecules and Patients (2023)– invited Speaker, Bellinzona, Switzerland
  • 3rd Int. Symposium of Collaborative Research Centre-877 (2022)– Plenary Speaker, Kiel, Germany
  • EMBO Lecture Course (2022)– Faculty member, Invited Plenary Speaker, Spetses, Greece
  • International Cytokine & Interferon Society (2019)– Invited plenary speaker, Vienna, Austria
  • 16th Scleroderma Research Workshop (2019)– Invited plenary speaker, Cambridge, UK
  • 37th Congress of the Spanish Society of Pharmacology (Partnered with the British Society for Pharmacology)– Invited plenary speaker, Barcelona, Spain (2017)
  • British Society for Rheumatology– Invited plenary speaker (Session Sponsored by the British Society of Immunology), Birmingham, UK (2017)
  • Meet the Mesothelium (Sponsored: Kidney Research UK) – Invited speaker, Manchester, UK (2016)
  • International Congress of Immunology (2016)– Invited speaker, Melbourne, Australia
  • Keystone - Cytokine Jak-STAT signalling in immune disease (2016)– Invited speaker, Colorado, USA
  • 12th European peritoneal dialysis meeting (2015)Invited plenary speaker, Krakow, Poland
  • 14th Scleroderma Research Workshop (2015)– Invited plenary speaker, Cambridge, UK
  • International Cytokine & Interferon Society (2014)– Invited plenary speaker, Melbourne, Australia
  • British Society for Rheumatology (2014)– Invited plenary speaker, Liverpool, UK
  • American College of Rheumatology (2013)– Keynote plenary speaker, San Diego, USA
  • Keystone Conference– Biology of Cytokines & Th17 Cells in Health & Disease (2012), Colorado, USA
  • University of Pennsylvania, USA, Department of Veterinary Pathology– Invited Speaker (2011)
  • University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA, Department of Pathology– Invited Speaker (2011)
  • German Society for Biochemistry & Molecular Biology (2007) Plenary speaker, Hamburg, Germany
  • Australian Society for Medical Research (2006) Invited plenary speaker, Melbourne, Australia

Examples of contributions to medical education programmes:

  • Immune Mediated and Inflammatory Disease Summit (with Janssen Pharmaceuticals)– Royal College of Physicians, London (2017)
  • Midlands Clinical Rheumatology MeetingKeynote Lecture: ‘The biology behind IL-6 therapy’ (2017)
  • CESAS Medical– ‘Considering Interleukin-6’ (one of five invited speakers)– London, UK (2017) (see:
  • Peninsula & Severn Clinical Rheumatology Meeting Invited Lecture – Taunton, Somerset, UK (2016)
  • European League against rheumatism: Roche sponsored satellite meeting (2012) Berlin, Germany.
  • American College of Rheumatology: Roche sponsored satellite meeting (2011) Chicago, USA

Organisation of International Scientific Conferences:

  • International Cytokine & Interferon Society Annual Conference (2026) Chair of Organising committee for the forthcoming Cytokines2026, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • International Cytokine & Interferon Society Annual Conference (2021) Chair of Organising committee for Cytokines2021, Cardiff City Hall, Cardiff, Wales, UK
  • International Cytokine & Interferon Society Conference (Oct 2014)Member of the International Organising Committee for Cytokine 2014, Melbourne, Australia
  • Biochemical Society Member; Theme Panel-V (2008-12) Review of meetings in Signal transduction.

Committees and reviewing

Grant Panel Membership:

Medical Research Council (UKRI)          

Infection & Immunity Board (2020-25)

Centre of Research Excellence (CoRE): Round-2 Evaluation Panel (2024-25)

COVID-19 Agile Committee (2020-21)

Versus Arthritis.                                        

Research Sub-Committee (2011-16; Vice Chair 2015, 2016)

Programme Grant Outline Committee (2015, 2016)

USER Committee (Scientific Advisor, Lay Panel; 2015, 2016)

Versus Arthritis/Cancer Research UK Partnership Group (2018)

Disease Sub-Committee– (Vice Chair 2017-20)

Health & Care Research Wales.                        

Grants Committee Member (2012)

Research for Patient & Public Benefit (Deputy Chair; 2013-18)

Health Fellowships Committee (2014)

Health Research Board Ireland.           

Joint Medical Research Charities Committee (2016, 2018)

Investigator-Led Projects (Chair 2019, 2022, 2024)

Trials Methodology Research Network Review Panel (Chair 2021)

Royal Irish Academy.                           

Early Entry Grant Panel (2008)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87325
Campuses Sir Geraint Evans Cardiovascular Research Building, Floor Second Floor, Room 2F/02, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XN


  • cytokines
  • Inflammation
  • Biological medicines
  • immune-mediated inflammatory diseases
  • rheumatoid arthritis