Dr Natalie Joseph-Williams
Reader in Improving Patient Care
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Reader in Improving Patient Care and Associate Director of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre.
With 17 years experience of shared decision making research, I have a strong track record in publishing impactful findings that have informed national training programmes, NHS healthcare policy, NICE guidelines and international standards in the field of person centred care.
To ensure our research delivers benefits to patients, clinicians and healthcare organisations, I work in close collaboration with national and international organisations. These include Welsh Government, Public Health Wales, NHS Wales, Health Education and Improvement Wales, NICE, the International Shared Decision Making Society and the International Patient Decision Aids Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration.
Key Leadership Roles
- Associate Director of the Health and Care Research Wales Evidence Centre
- School of Medicine Co Academic Lead for Patient and Public Invovlement and Engagement
- International Shared Decision Making Society Executive Board Member and Scientific Lead
- Co Lead of the Person Centred Care work package for the Wales Centre for Primary and Emergency Care Research
- Evidence Based Medicine lead (Year 3 MBBCh) for the C21 Medical Programme at Cardiff University
- Leighton, C., Joseph-Williams, N., Porter, A., Edwards, A. and Cooper, A. 2025. A theory-based analysis of the implementation of online asynchronous telemedicine platforms into primary care practices using Normalisation Process Theory. BMC Primary Care 26(1), article number: 27. (10.1186/s12875-025-02717-0)
- Driscoll, T. et al. 2024. PP35 Does mean ambulance handover time at emergency departments correlate with number of handovers per month?. Emergency Medicine Journal 41, pp. A15-A16. (10.1136/emermed-2024-999.35)
- Gal, M. et al. 2024. Knowledge mobilisation of rapid evidence reviews to inform health and social care policy and practice in a public health emergency: Appraisal of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre processes and impact, 2021–23. PLoS ONE 19(11), article number: e0314461. (10.1371/journal.pone.0314461)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2024. Informing evidence-based policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period: learning from a national evidence centre. Global Health Research and Policy 9(1), article number: 18. (10.1186/s41256-024-00354-1)
- Nollett, C., Eberl, M., Fitzgibbon, J., Joseph-Williams, N. and Hatch, S. 2024. Public involvement and engagement in scientific research and higher education: The only way is ethics?. Research Involvement and Engagement 10(1), article number: 50. (10.1186/s40900-024-00587-x)
- Leighton, C., Cooper, A., Porter, A., Edwards, A. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2024. Effectiveness and safety of asynchronous telemedicine consultations in general practice: systematic review. British Journal of General Practice Open 8(1), article number: 177. (10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0177)
- Edwards, A. et al. 2024. Development of a clinical decision support tool for Primary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: the PriMUS study. Health Technology Assessment (10.3310/RGTW5711)
- Purchase, T. et al. 2023. Analysis of applying a patient safety taxonomy to patient and clinician-reported incident reports during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 23(1), article number: 234. (10.1186/s12874-023-02057-6)
- Eberl, M., Joseph-Williams, N., Nollett, C., Fitzgibbon, J. and Hatch, S. 2023. Overcoming the disconnect between scientific research and the public. Immunology and Cell Biology 101(7), pp. 590-597. (10.1111/imcb.12657)
- Lench, A. et al. 2023. Household Composition and Inequalities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Wales, UK.. Vaccines 11(3), pp. 1-9., article number: 604. (10.3390/vaccines11030604)
- Sparrow, J. M. et al. 2022. Developing decision support tools incorporating personalised predictions of likely visual benefit versus harm for cataract surgery: research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research 10(9) (10.3310/BAGA4188)
- Coulter, A. et al. 2022. Implementing shared decision-making in UK: Progress 2017-2022. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 171, pp. 139-143. (10.1016/j.zefq.2022.04.024)
- Parish, O., Williams, D., Odd, D. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2022. Barriers and facilitators to shared decision-making in neonatal medicine: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of parental perceptions. Patient Education and Counseling 105(5), pp. 1101-1114. (10.1016/j.pec.2021.08.033)
- Scott, H. et al. 2022. A qualitative exploration of decisions about dental recall intervals. Part 2: perspectives of dentists and patients on the role of shared decision making in dental recall decisions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-022-4046-8)
- Scott, H. et al. 2022. A qualitative exploration of decisions about dental recall intervals. Part 1: attitudes of NHS general dental practitioners to NICE Guideline CG19 on the interval between oral health reviews. British Dental Journal 232, pp. 327-331. (10.1038/s41415-022-3998-z)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(10), article number: e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2021. What works in implementing patient decision aids in routine clinical settings? A rapid realist review and update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration. Medical Decision Making 41(7), pp. 907-937. (10.1177/0272989X20978208)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Managing LUTS in primary care: qualitative study of GPs’ and patients’ experiences. British Journal of General Practice 71(710), pp. e685-e692. (10.3399/BJGP.2020.1043)
- Edwards, D. et al. 2021. A rapid review of the effectiveness of alternative education delivery strategies for undergraduate and postgraduate medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre. Available at: http://www.primecentre.wales/resources/RR/Clean/RR00004_Wales_COVID-19_Evidence_Centre_Rapid_Review_Healthcare_Education_August-2021.pdf
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Conducting invasive urodynamics in primary care: Qualitative interview study examining experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 5, article number: 10. (10.1186/s41512-021-00100-y)
- Pell, B. et al. 2020. PRImary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: protocol for development and validation of a diagnostic and clinical decision support tool (the PriMUS study). BMJ 10(6), article number: e037634. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037634)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2019. A descriptive model of shared decision making derived from routine implementation in clinical practice ('Implement-SDM'): Qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 102(10), pp. 1774-1785. (10.1016/j.pec.2019.07.016)
- Phillips, G., Lifford, K., Edwards, A., Poolman, M. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2019. Do published patient decision aids for end-of-life care address patients' decision making needs? A systematic review and critical appraisal. Palliative Medicine 33(8), pp. 985-1002. (10.1177/0269216319854186)
- Williams, D. et al. 2019. The ability of observer and self-report measures to capture shared decision making in clinical practice in the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study.. BMJ Open 9(8), article number: e029485. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029485)
- Jordan, A., Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A., Holland-Hart, D. and Wood, F. 2019. "I'd like to have more of a say because it's my body?: Adolescents' perceptions around barriers and facilitators to shared decision-making. Journal of Adolescent Health, pp. -. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.05.024)
- Sherlock, R. et al. 2019. 'What would you recommend doctor?'- Discourse analysis of a moment of dissonance when sharing decisions in clinical consultations. Health Expectations 22(3), pp. 547-554. (10.1111/hex.12881)
- Jordan, A., Wood, F., Edwards, A., Shepherd, V. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2018. What adolescents living with long-term conditions say about being involved in decision-making about their healthcare: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of preferences and experiences. Patient Education and Counseling 101(10), pp. 1725-1735. (10.1016/j.pec.2018.06.006)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2017. Implementing shared decision making in the NHS: lessons from the MAGIC programme. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 357, article number: j1744. (10.1136/bmj.j1744)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Davies, F., Wood, F. C. and Edwards, A. G. 2015. Choosing a specialist: will patients vote with their feet (and wallets) for person-centered care?. Medical Decision Making 35(6), pp. 688-690. (10.1177/0272989X15583267)
- Durand, M., Witt, J., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Newcombe, R. G., Politi, M. C., Sivell, S. and Elwyn, G. 2015. Minimum standards for the certification of patient decision support interventions. Patient Education and Counseling 98(4), pp. 462-486. (10.1016/j.pec.2014.12.009)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J. 2015. ‘Nobody knows me better than me’: the development and pilot-testing of a patient-targeted complex intervention to prepare patients to participate in shared decision-making. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2014. Toward minimum standards for certifying patient decision aids: a modified Delphi consensus process. Medical Decision Making 34(6), pp. 699-710. (10.1177/0272989X13501721)
- Sepucha, K. R. et al. 2014. "It's valid and reliable" is not enough: critical appraisal of reporting of measures in trials evaluating patient decision aids. Medical Decision Making 34(5), pp. 560-566. (10.1177/0272989X14528381)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A. and Elwyn, G. 2014. Power imbalance prevents shared decision making. BMJ 348, article number: g3178. (10.1136/bmj.g3178)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Elwyn, G. and Edwards, A. 2014. Knowledge is not power for patients: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of patient-reported barriers and facilitators to shared decision making. Patient Education and Counseling 94(3), pp. 291-309. (10.1016/j.pec.2013.10.031)
- Lloyd, A., Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A. G., Rix, A. and Elwyn, G. 2013. Patchy "coherence": using normalization process theory to evaluate a multi-faceted shared decision making implementation program (MAGIC). Implementation Science : IS 8(1), article number: 102. (10.1186/1748-5908-8-102)
- Elwyn, G., Lloyd, A., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Cording, E., Thomson, R., Durand, M. and Edwards, A. G. 2013. Option grids: shared decision making made easier. Patient Education and Counseling 90(2), pp. 207-212. (10.1016/j.pec.2012.06.036)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2013. The cost implications of informed decision-making: a mathematical simulation model of the potential financial effects of a web-based prostate specific antigen decision aid. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 1(1), pp. 193-201. (10.5750/ejpch.v1i1.651)
- Sepucha, K. R. et al. 2013. Establishing the effectiveness of patient decision aids: key constructs and measurement instruments. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 13(Suppl), article number: S12. (10.1186/1472-6947-13-S2-S12)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2012. Shared decision making: a model for clinical practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine 27(10), pp. 1361-1367. (10.1007/s11606-012-2077-6)
- Elwyn, G., Kreuwel, I., Durand, M., Sivell, S., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Evans, R. and Edwards, A. G. 2011. How to develop web-based decision support interventions for patients: a process map. Patient Education and Counseling 82(2), pp. 260-265. (10.1016/j.pec.2010.04.034)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J., Edwards, A. G. and Elwyn, G. 2011. The importance and complexity of regret in the measurement of 'good' decisions: a systematic review and a content analysis of existing assessment instruments. Health Expectations 14(1), pp. 59-83. (10.1111/j.1369-7625.2010.00621.x)
- Evans, R. et al. 2010. Supporting informed decision making for prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing on the web: an online randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 12(3), article number: e27. (10.2196/jmir.1305)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J., Evans, R., Edwards, A. G., Newcombe, R. G., Wright, P., Grol, R. and Elwyn, G. 2010. Supporting informed decision making online in 20 minutes: an observational web-log study of a PSA test decision aid. Journal of Medical Internet Research 12(2), article number: e15. (10.2196/jmir.1307)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2009. Assessing the quality of decision support technologies using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument (IPDASi). PLoS ONE 4(3), article number: e4705. (10.1371/journal.pone.0004705)
- Leighton, C., Joseph-Williams, N., Porter, A., Edwards, A. and Cooper, A. 2025. A theory-based analysis of the implementation of online asynchronous telemedicine platforms into primary care practices using Normalisation Process Theory. BMC Primary Care 26(1), article number: 27. (10.1186/s12875-025-02717-0)
- Driscoll, T. et al. 2024. PP35 Does mean ambulance handover time at emergency departments correlate with number of handovers per month?. Emergency Medicine Journal 41, pp. A15-A16. (10.1136/emermed-2024-999.35)
- Gal, M. et al. 2024. Knowledge mobilisation of rapid evidence reviews to inform health and social care policy and practice in a public health emergency: Appraisal of the Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre processes and impact, 2021–23. PLoS ONE 19(11), article number: e0314461. (10.1371/journal.pone.0314461)
- Cooper, A. et al. 2024. Informing evidence-based policy during the COVID-19 pandemic and recovery period: learning from a national evidence centre. Global Health Research and Policy 9(1), article number: 18. (10.1186/s41256-024-00354-1)
- Nollett, C., Eberl, M., Fitzgibbon, J., Joseph-Williams, N. and Hatch, S. 2024. Public involvement and engagement in scientific research and higher education: The only way is ethics?. Research Involvement and Engagement 10(1), article number: 50. (10.1186/s40900-024-00587-x)
- Leighton, C., Cooper, A., Porter, A., Edwards, A. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2024. Effectiveness and safety of asynchronous telemedicine consultations in general practice: systematic review. British Journal of General Practice Open 8(1), article number: 177. (10.3399/BJGPO.2023.0177)
- Edwards, A. et al. 2024. Development of a clinical decision support tool for Primary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: the PriMUS study. Health Technology Assessment (10.3310/RGTW5711)
- Purchase, T. et al. 2023. Analysis of applying a patient safety taxonomy to patient and clinician-reported incident reports during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods study. BMC Medical Research Methodology 23(1), article number: 234. (10.1186/s12874-023-02057-6)
- Eberl, M., Joseph-Williams, N., Nollett, C., Fitzgibbon, J. and Hatch, S. 2023. Overcoming the disconnect between scientific research and the public. Immunology and Cell Biology 101(7), pp. 590-597. (10.1111/imcb.12657)
- Lench, A. et al. 2023. Household Composition and Inequalities in COVID-19 Vaccination in Wales, UK.. Vaccines 11(3), pp. 1-9., article number: 604. (10.3390/vaccines11030604)
- Sparrow, J. M. et al. 2022. Developing decision support tools incorporating personalised predictions of likely visual benefit versus harm for cataract surgery: research programme. Programme Grants for Applied Research 10(9) (10.3310/BAGA4188)
- Coulter, A. et al. 2022. Implementing shared decision-making in UK: Progress 2017-2022. Zeitschrift für Evidenz, Fortbildung und Qualität im Gesundheitswesen 171, pp. 139-143. (10.1016/j.zefq.2022.04.024)
- Parish, O., Williams, D., Odd, D. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2022. Barriers and facilitators to shared decision-making in neonatal medicine: A systematic review and thematic synthesis of parental perceptions. Patient Education and Counseling 105(5), pp. 1101-1114. (10.1016/j.pec.2021.08.033)
- Scott, H. et al. 2022. A qualitative exploration of decisions about dental recall intervals. Part 2: perspectives of dentists and patients on the role of shared decision making in dental recall decisions. British Dental Journal (10.1038/s41415-022-4046-8)
- Scott, H. et al. 2022. A qualitative exploration of decisions about dental recall intervals. Part 1: attitudes of NHS general dental practitioners to NICE Guideline CG19 on the interval between oral health reviews. British Dental Journal 232, pp. 327-331. (10.1038/s41415-022-3998-z)
- Phillips, R. et al. 2021. Cohort profile: The UK COVID-19 Public Experiences (COPE) prospective longitudinal mixed-methods study of health and well-being during the SARSCoV2 coronavirus pandemic. PLoS ONE 16(10), article number: e0258484. (10.1371/journal.pone.0258484)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2021. What works in implementing patient decision aids in routine clinical settings? A rapid realist review and update from the International Patient Decision Aid Standards Collaboration. Medical Decision Making 41(7), pp. 907-937. (10.1177/0272989X20978208)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Managing LUTS in primary care: qualitative study of GPs’ and patients’ experiences. British Journal of General Practice 71(710), pp. e685-e692. (10.3399/BJGP.2020.1043)
- Milosevic, S. et al. 2021. Conducting invasive urodynamics in primary care: Qualitative interview study examining experiences of patients and healthcare professionals. Diagnostic and Prognostic Research 5, article number: 10. (10.1186/s41512-021-00100-y)
- Pell, B. et al. 2020. PRImary care Management of lower Urinary tract Symptoms in men: protocol for development and validation of a diagnostic and clinical decision support tool (the PriMUS study). BMJ 10(6), article number: e037634. (10.1136/bmjopen-2020-037634)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2019. A descriptive model of shared decision making derived from routine implementation in clinical practice ('Implement-SDM'): Qualitative study. Patient Education and Counseling 102(10), pp. 1774-1785. (10.1016/j.pec.2019.07.016)
- Phillips, G., Lifford, K., Edwards, A., Poolman, M. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2019. Do published patient decision aids for end-of-life care address patients' decision making needs? A systematic review and critical appraisal. Palliative Medicine 33(8), pp. 985-1002. (10.1177/0269216319854186)
- Williams, D. et al. 2019. The ability of observer and self-report measures to capture shared decision making in clinical practice in the United Kingdom: a mixed-methods study.. BMJ Open 9(8), article number: e029485. (10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029485)
- Jordan, A., Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A., Holland-Hart, D. and Wood, F. 2019. "I'd like to have more of a say because it's my body?: Adolescents' perceptions around barriers and facilitators to shared decision-making. Journal of Adolescent Health, pp. -. (10.1016/j.jadohealth.2019.05.024)
- Sherlock, R. et al. 2019. 'What would you recommend doctor?'- Discourse analysis of a moment of dissonance when sharing decisions in clinical consultations. Health Expectations 22(3), pp. 547-554. (10.1111/hex.12881)
- Jordan, A., Wood, F., Edwards, A., Shepherd, V. and Joseph-Williams, N. 2018. What adolescents living with long-term conditions say about being involved in decision-making about their healthcare: A systematic review and narrative synthesis of preferences and experiences. Patient Education and Counseling 101(10), pp. 1725-1735. (10.1016/j.pec.2018.06.006)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2017. Implementing shared decision making in the NHS: lessons from the MAGIC programme. British Medical Journal (BMJ) 357, article number: j1744. (10.1136/bmj.j1744)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Davies, F., Wood, F. C. and Edwards, A. G. 2015. Choosing a specialist: will patients vote with their feet (and wallets) for person-centered care?. Medical Decision Making 35(6), pp. 688-690. (10.1177/0272989X15583267)
- Durand, M., Witt, J., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Newcombe, R. G., Politi, M. C., Sivell, S. and Elwyn, G. 2015. Minimum standards for the certification of patient decision support interventions. Patient Education and Counseling 98(4), pp. 462-486. (10.1016/j.pec.2014.12.009)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2014. Toward minimum standards for certifying patient decision aids: a modified Delphi consensus process. Medical Decision Making 34(6), pp. 699-710. (10.1177/0272989X13501721)
- Sepucha, K. R. et al. 2014. "It's valid and reliable" is not enough: critical appraisal of reporting of measures in trials evaluating patient decision aids. Medical Decision Making 34(5), pp. 560-566. (10.1177/0272989X14528381)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A. and Elwyn, G. 2014. Power imbalance prevents shared decision making. BMJ 348, article number: g3178. (10.1136/bmj.g3178)
- Joseph-Williams, N., Elwyn, G. and Edwards, A. 2014. Knowledge is not power for patients: a systematic review and thematic synthesis of patient-reported barriers and facilitators to shared decision making. Patient Education and Counseling 94(3), pp. 291-309. (10.1016/j.pec.2013.10.031)
- Lloyd, A., Joseph-Williams, N., Edwards, A. G., Rix, A. and Elwyn, G. 2013. Patchy "coherence": using normalization process theory to evaluate a multi-faceted shared decision making implementation program (MAGIC). Implementation Science : IS 8(1), article number: 102. (10.1186/1748-5908-8-102)
- Elwyn, G., Lloyd, A., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Cording, E., Thomson, R., Durand, M. and Edwards, A. G. 2013. Option grids: shared decision making made easier. Patient Education and Counseling 90(2), pp. 207-212. (10.1016/j.pec.2012.06.036)
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2013. The cost implications of informed decision-making: a mathematical simulation model of the potential financial effects of a web-based prostate specific antigen decision aid. European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare 1(1), pp. 193-201. (10.5750/ejpch.v1i1.651)
- Sepucha, K. R. et al. 2013. Establishing the effectiveness of patient decision aids: key constructs and measurement instruments. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 13(Suppl), article number: S12. (10.1186/1472-6947-13-S2-S12)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2012. Shared decision making: a model for clinical practice. Journal of General Internal Medicine 27(10), pp. 1361-1367. (10.1007/s11606-012-2077-6)
- Elwyn, G., Kreuwel, I., Durand, M., Sivell, S., Joseph-Williams, N. J., Evans, R. and Edwards, A. G. 2011. How to develop web-based decision support interventions for patients: a process map. Patient Education and Counseling 82(2), pp. 260-265. (10.1016/j.pec.2010.04.034)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J., Edwards, A. G. and Elwyn, G. 2011. The importance and complexity of regret in the measurement of 'good' decisions: a systematic review and a content analysis of existing assessment instruments. Health Expectations 14(1), pp. 59-83. (10.1111/j.1369-7625.2010.00621.x)
- Evans, R. et al. 2010. Supporting informed decision making for prostate specific antigen (PSA) testing on the web: an online randomized controlled trial. Journal of Medical Internet Research 12(3), article number: e27. (10.2196/jmir.1305)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J., Evans, R., Edwards, A. G., Newcombe, R. G., Wright, P., Grol, R. and Elwyn, G. 2010. Supporting informed decision making online in 20 minutes: an observational web-log study of a PSA test decision aid. Journal of Medical Internet Research 12(2), article number: e15. (10.2196/jmir.1307)
- Elwyn, G. et al. 2009. Assessing the quality of decision support technologies using the International Patient Decision Aid Standards instrument (IPDASi). PLoS ONE 4(3), article number: e4705. (10.1371/journal.pone.0004705)
- Joseph-Williams, N. J. 2015. ‘Nobody knows me better than me’: the development and pilot-testing of a patient-targeted complex intervention to prepare patients to participate in shared decision-making. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Edwards, D. et al. 2021. A rapid review of the effectiveness of alternative education delivery strategies for undergraduate and postgraduate medical, dental, nursing and pharmacy education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Wales COVID-19 Evidence Centre. Available at: http://www.primecentre.wales/resources/RR/Clean/RR00004_Wales_COVID-19_Evidence_Centre_Rapid_Review_Healthcare_Education_August-2021.pdf
- Joseph-Williams, N. et al. 2014. Toward minimum standards for certifying patient decision aids: a modified Delphi consensus process. Medical Decision Making 34(6), pp. 699-710. (10.1177/0272989X13501721)
Research and Implementation interests | Methodological interests |
Current Research Programmes
I am involved in the planning and delivery of the C21 Medical Programme (MBBCh) at Cardiff University.
I am course lead for Year 3 MBBCh Evidence Based Medicine, and design and run various undergraduate sessions (lectures, tutorials, experience weeks) throughout the five year C21 Programme:
- Evidence Based Medicine (Year 3 medical students) - topics include research design, critical appraisal, evidence based practice, shared decision making and quality improvement
- Organising and delivering Student Selected Components (SSCs) for Year 3 and 4 medical students
I also support the Intercalated Medical Degree Programmes (Population Medicine, Medical Education and Emergency, Pre-hopsital and Immediate Care)
- Design and deliver various teaching sessions - writing for the medical literature, critical appraisal, literature searching
- Supervise and assess dissertation projects, supporting students to write a publication from their work
Continuing Professional Education
I have designed or contributed to various Shared Decision Making continuing professional development training programmes, available to NHS staff in the UK.
- 'Shared Decision Making Train the Trainer' Programme for Public Health Wales
This work formed the basis of a REF 2021 Impact Case Study.
- Shared Decision Making programme for Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW)
This programme is due to be launched in Winter 2025, and will be hosted on the HEIW Y Ty Dysgu platform.
Other teaching, supervision and mentoring duties include:
- Supervision of PhD students
- Personal tutor for MBBCh students
- Chair / member of postgraduate research progress review panels
- External PhD Examiner
Contact Details
+44 29206 87141
Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 8th floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS
Research themes
- Patient safety
- Patient and Public Involvement
- health service delivery
- Health services and systems
- Patient information