Dr Hesam Kamalipour
PhD (University of Melbourne) FHEA
Teams and roles for Hesam Kamalipour
Reader in Urban Design
Co-Founding Director of Public Space Observatory Research Centre
Dr Hesam Kamalipour is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Urban Design and the Co-Founding Director of the Public Space Observatory Research Centre at Cardiff University, where he served as Co-Director of the MA Urban Design programme. He is also the Founding Director of the Informal Urban Design Research Lab and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE.
His work lies at the intersections of urban design, informal urbanism, public space, urban morphology, and comparative urbanism. His research has primarily focused on the challenge of understanding the dynamics of informal urbanism in relation to urban design and the ways in which different forms of informality work in a global context. His contributions have been internationally recognised, with a sustained track record of extensive publications, many of which have been widely and highly cited. Google Scholar lists over 2,100 citations to his publications, with an h-index of 22 and an i10-index of 41.
He has led a major handbook project titled The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. The handbook represents the culmination of several years of work and features chapters from 80 international contributors from over 20 countries worldwide. He has also led a substantial monograph project titled Urban Design Education: Designing a Pedagogy for an Evolving Field (Edward Elgar). He is currently engaged in a number of contracted book projects, including co-authoring a research monograph on the spatiality of street vending (Routledge) and authoring another on informal urban design (Routledge).
He is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Cities - Cities in the Global South and an Editorial Board member of Habitat International (Elsevier), Urban Design and Planning (Emerald), The Journal of Public Space (City Space Architecture), Discover Cities (Springer Nature), Journal of Urban Management (Elsevier), International Journal of Architectural Research (Emerald), Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (Springer Nature), and Urban Planning (Cogitatio). He is also a Topical Advisory Panel member of Sustainability - Sustainable Urban and Rural Development, Land - Urban Contexts and Urban-Rural Interactions, and Urban Science.
He has been frequently invited to review articles for more than 40 international peer-reviewed journals, including Cities, Habitat International, Urban Studies, Urban Geography, Urban Design International, Geoforum, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environment and Planning B, Sustainability, Urban Design and Planning, Journal of Urban Management, Heliyon, The Journal of Public Space, Urban, Planning and Transport Research, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, Education Sciences, Area, Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, International Planning Studies, International Journal of Art & Design Education, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Urban Affairs, Area Development and Policy, Urban Planning, Sage Open, Architecture and Culture, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Journal of Urban Mobility, Planning Theory & Practice, Urban Education, Geography Compass, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, The International Journal of Housing Policy, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Planning Practice & Research, Applied Geography, Journal of Urbanism, and Land Use Policy, among others. The Web of Science lists over 120 verified peer reviews on his profile.
He serves as a Scientific Committee member for the International Seminar on Urban Form 2024 and is an invited book reviewer for international publishers, including Routledge, Springer, Bloomsbury, Edward Elgar, and De Gruyter. He also served as a Panel Chair, Reviewer, and Convenor for the RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024.
He is a member of the Urban Design Group, the Academy of Urbanism, the Architectural Humanities Research Association, the AESOP Public Spaces and Urban Cultures, the UReM - Urban Evolution Morphology, the AESOP Planning and Complexity, the GUDesign Network - Genealogy of Urban Design, and a trustee member of the Dewi-Prys Thomas Trust. He is also a member of the Informality Research Observatory and the Research Excellence Framework committee at the School of Geography and Planning, as well as a Senate member at Cardiff University. He also serves as a member of the Strategic Equality Plan Programme Shadow Board at Cardiff University
He has explored a wide range of international case studies from different countries, including Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Iran, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, Venezuela, and Vietnam.
He has supervised numerous postgraduate/undergraduate students, as well as several research assistants, and has been invited to serve as both an internal and external PhD examiner.
His article, Shaping Public Space in Informal Settlements, was recognised as Editor’s Choice in Sustainability (2023). Another co-authored work, Online Education and the COVID-19 Outbreak, was awarded the Best Paper Award by Education Sciences in 2021. In 2022, his co-authored article, Informal Street Vending, was featured as a Feature Paper in Land. He also received the prestigious Spaces and Flows International Award for Excellence (2018) for his article, Mapping Urban Interfaces, at Heidelberg University.
He has been nominated in multiple categories for the Enriching Student Life Awards at Cardiff University: Most Outstanding Learning Experience (2024), Learning and Teaching Collaboration of the Year (2024), Most Impactful and Outstanding Use of Assessment as Learning (2024), Personal Tutor of the Year (2024), Most Uplifting Member of Staff (2020), and Most Innovative Member of Staff (2019).
He has delivered invited presentations at international institutions across a variety of locations, including Australia, the UK, Turkey, and Japan. His recent international presentations include a seminar on informal urban design at the University of Melbourne, book discussions at the University of Westminster and Cardiff University, and earlier lectures on urban informality at Istanbul Technical University and the Centre for Spatial Justice in Turkey, as well as a presentation on mapping urbanities at the University of Tokyo.
His current research interests include informal urbanism, forms of urban informality and adaptation, typology, urban morphology and morphogenesis, tactical and temporary urbanism, public space and streetlife, place identity and urban mapping.
Urban Design Education: Designing a Pedagogy for an Evolving Field
A substantial monograph project that he led on urban design education is in press for publication by Edward Elgar in 2025. Link to the publisher's web pages for the book: Edward Elgar
Kamalipour, H. & Peimani, N. (2025). Urban Design Education: Designing a Pedagogy for an Evolving Field. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
This book, Urban Design Education: Designing a Pedagogy for an Evolving Field, presents a detailed account of a pedagogy for urban design as an evolving field. As a substantial monograph on the subject area, it addresses a significant gap in existing literature and critically engages with envisioning the future of urban design education. Structured across six chapters, it discusses case studies illustrating the design and delivery of various urban design modules in practice, leveraging the authors' extensive first-hand teaching and learning experiences in one of the largest and most distinctive MA Urban Design programmes of its kind. These case studies include a mix of theory-based and studio-based modules as well as those focusing on research methods and dissertation. Drawing on detailed analyses and discussions of these multiple cases, the book offers invaluable insights and strategies for designing and delivering modules in urban design with a focus on learning and teaching experiences. Targeting urban design enthusiasts and educators alike, this monograph can serve as an indispensable resource for advancing the field of urban design with a primary focus on its education.
The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods
A major handbook project that he led on urban design research methods has recently been published. Links to the publisher's web pages for the book: Routledge | Taylor & Francis
Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. & Peimani, N. (eds.) (2023). The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. New York: Routledge.
As an evolving and contested field, urban design has been made, unmade, and remade at the intersections of multiple disciplines and professions. It is now a decisive moment for urban design to reflect on its rigour and relevance. This handbook is an attempt to seize this moment for urban design to further develop its theoretical and methodological knowledge base and engage with the question of "what urban design can be" with a primary focus on its research.
This handbook includes contributions from both established and emerging scholars across the global North and global South to provide a more field-specific entry point by introducing a range of topics and lines of inquiry and discussing how they can be explored with a focus on the related research designs and methods. The specific aim, scope, and structure of this handbook are appealing to a range of audiences interested and/or involved in shaping places and public spaces.
What makes this book quite distinctive from conventional handbooks on research methods is the way it has been structured in relation to some key research topics and questions in the field of urban design regarding the issues of agency, affordance, place, informality, and performance. In addition to the introduction chapter, this handbook includes 80 contributors and 52 chapters organised into five parts. The commissioned chapters showcase a wide range of topics, research designs, and methods with references to relevant scholarly works on the related topics and methods.
The book has been reviewed in the journals of Urban Studies, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Urban Design International, and Urban Research & Practice.
Invisible/Visible Urbanities: Framing Public Space in a Global Context
An urban photography exhibition has been on display in the foyer and central corridor of the Glamorgan Building at Cardiff University. The exhibition presents a visual exploration of how places and public spaces are being made, unmade, and remade in a global context. It features a curated collection of black and white photographs taken by him as part of his storytelling urban photography project, which explores forms of urbanity across cities in the global North and South.
A recently published visual essay reflecting upon the exhibition: Framing Urbanities
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2025. Public space and informal urbanism in the Global South. In: Dolley, J., Hardy, K. and Matthews, T. eds. Public Space and the Sustainable Development Goals: Inclusion, Safety, Culture and Nature. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 105–114., (10.4337/9781035322411.00014)
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2025. Towards a configurational typology of informal settlements: A syntactic analysis of informal settlements in Nagpur. Journal of Urban Affairs (10.1080/07352166.2025.2455611)
- Thinh, N. K., Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2024. Morphogenesis of forgotten places: A typology of villages-in-the-city in the Global South. Habitat International 153, article number: 103184. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2024.103184)
- Thinh, N. K. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Mapping informal/formal morphologies over time: Exploring urban transformations in Vietnam. Cities 152, article number: 105168. (10.1016/j.cities.2024.105168)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design. Presented at: Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-) Seminar, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 25 July 2024.
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Slum tourism: An exploratory review. Current Issues in Tourism (10.1080/13683500.2024.2370393)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2024. On the ethics of researching informal urbanism. International Development Planning Review 46(3), pp. 243-255. (10.3828/idpr.2023.13)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal public space: exploring street vending in Tehran. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability (10.1080/17549175.2024.2348792)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: Forms of informal settlement. In: Roberts, M. and Nelson, S. eds. Research Handbook for Urban Design. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 107-124., (10.4337/9781800373471.00013)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: forms of informal settlement. Presented at: Research Handbook on Urban Design - A Book Launch and Discussion, University of Westminster, London, UK, 20 March 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Framing urbanities: invisible / visible urban assemblages. Visual Studies (10.1080/1472586X.2024.2301735)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Urban Design Research - Book presentation of the Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. Presented at: MArch Conference 2024, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 08 February 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Shaping place in informal settlements. Presented at: Fourteenth International Conference on The Constructed Environment, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 5-6 April 2024.
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. A configurational morphogenesis of incremental urbanism: A comparative study of the access network transformations in informal settlements. Cities 140, article number: 104444. (10.1016/j.cities.2023.104444)
- Thinh, N. K., Kamalipour, H. and Gao, Y. 2023. Mapping the emerging forms of informality: a comparative morphogenesis of villages-in-the-city in Vietnam.. Habitat International 138, article number: 102864. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102864)
- Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. 2023. The Routledge handbook of urban design research methods. New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003168621)
- Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. 2023. Introduction: Urban design research. In: Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12., (10.4324/9781003168621-1)
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Exploring informal urbanism. In: Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. New York: Routledge, pp. 369-377., (10.4324/9781003168621-41)
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Shaping public space in informal settlements: a case study.. Sustainability 15(4), article number: 3781. (10.3390/su15043781)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. Mapping forms of street vending. Presented at: Thirteenth International Conference on The Constructed Environment, Honolulu, HI, USA, 17-18 May 2023.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2023. Designing a blended studio pedagogy: A postgraduate case study in urban design education. Presented at: Seventeenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Campus de Benfica Lisbon, Portugal, 29 - 31 March 2023.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. Street vending and urban morphology: a case study. Presented at: Ecocity World Summit, London, UK, 6-8 June 2023.
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Invisible/visible urbanities: Framing public space in a global context. Presented at: School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 25 April 2023.
- Thinh, N. K. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. The morphogenesis of villages-in-the-city: Mapping incremental urbanism in Hanoi city. Habitat International 130, article number: 102706. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102706)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Mapping the spatiality of informal street vending. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability (10.1080/17549175.2022.2150267)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2022. Learning and teaching urban design through design studio pedagogy: a blended studio on transit urbanism. Education Sciences 12(10), article number: 712. (10.3390/educsci12100712)
- Kamalipour, H. 2022. Assembling informal urbanism.. In: Marinic, G. and Meninato, P. eds. Informality and the City: Theories, Actions and Interventions.. Cham: Springer, pp. 83-97., (10.1007/978-3-030-99926-1_6)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Informal street vending: a systematic review. Land 11(6), article number: 829. (10.3390/land11060829)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2022. Sustaining place transformations in urban design education: learning and teaching urban density, mix, access, public/private interface, and type. In: Gamage, K. A. A. and Gunawardhana, N. eds. The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 221-235., (10.1002/9781119852858.ch11)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Assembling transit urban design in the global South: urban morphology in relation to forms of urbanity and informality in the public space surrounding transit stations. Urban Science 6(1), article number: 18. (10.3390/urbansci6010018)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. The future of design studio education: student experience and perception of blended learning and teaching during the global pandemic. Education Sciences 12(2), article number: 140. (10.3390/educsci12020140)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Online education in the post COVID-19 era: students' perception and learning experience. Education Sciences 11(10), article number: 633. (10.3390/educsci11100633)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Informal urbanism in the state of uncertainty: forms of informality and urban health emergencies. Urban Design International 26(2), pp. 122-134. (10.1057/s41289-020-00145-3)
- Sartorio, F. S., Lopes Simoes Aelbrecht, P., Kamalipour, H. and Frank, A. 2021. Towards an antifragile urban form: a research agenda for advancing resilience in the built environment. URBAN DESIGN International 26, pp. 135-158. (10.1057/s41289-021-00157-7)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Online education and the COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of online teaching during lockdown. Education Sciences 11(2), article number: 72. (10.3390/educsci11020072)
- Kamalipour, H. and Iranmanesh, A. 2021. Morphogenesis of emerging settlements: mapping incremental urbanism. Land 10(1), article number: 89. (10.3390/land10010089)
- Kamalipour, H. 2021. Feeding forward in urban design pedagogy: a critique strategy. In: Watson Zollinger, S. and Nyboer, J. eds. Effective Design Critique Strategies Across Disciplines. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, pp. 39-43., (10.24926/edc.107)
- Kamalipour, H. 2021. Informal/formal urban assemblages. Presented at: Informality Research Observatory Annual Event 2021: The Global Normalisation of Informality, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 22 June 2021.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Teaching research methods in the wake of emergency online migration. Presented at: 14th International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Rhodes, Greece, 5-6 May 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Forms of informality and the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at: 11th International Conference on the Constructed Environment, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 12-14 May 2021.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Urban informality and the design of public space. Presented at: Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Online Small Format Conference 2021, Virtual, 12-14 July 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Informal urbanism in relation to urban design and planning in the age of public health emergency. Presented at: 2021 UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, Newcastle, England, 8-10 September 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2020. Incremental production of urban space: a typology of informal design. Habitat International 98, article number: 102133. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2020.102133)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2020. Access and forms of urbanity in public space: Transit urban design beyond the global north. Sustainability 12(8), article number: 3495. (10.3390/su12083495)
- Kamalipour, H. 2020. Improvising places: the fluidity of space in informal settlements. Sustainability 12(6), article number: 2293. (10.3390/su12062293)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2019. Negotiating space and visibility: Forms of informality in public space. Sustainability 11(17), article number: 4807. (10.3390/su11174807)
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2019. Mapping the visibility of informal settlements. Habitat International 85, pp. 63-75. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.01.002)
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Rethinking urban informality in the Global South and beyond. Presented at: Centre for Spatial Justice, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 March 2019.
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Mapping urban informalities. Presented at: Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 March 2019.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2019. Towards an informal turn in the built environment education: Informality and urban design pedagogy. Sustainability 11(15), article number: 4163. (10.3390/su11154163)
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Emergent morphologies: The spatial structures of informal settlements. Presented at: ISUF 2019 - XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form: Cities as Assemblages, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2-6 July 2019.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2019. Informal street trading and the emergent urban intensity. Presented at: CUI '19 VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 13 December 2019.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. Lessons from urban transport in less formal cities: Isochrone mapping, mode choice and informality. Presented at: Spaces and Flows: Ninth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-26 October 2018.
- Lowe, M., Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Gile-Corti, B., Henderson, H. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. This is why health has to be at the heart of the New Urban Agenda. The Conversation 2018(14 Feb)
- Kamalipour, H. 2018. Mapping urbanities. Presented at: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3 December 2018.
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2018. Incremental urbanisms. In: Dovey, K., Pafka, E. and Ristic, M. eds. Mapping Urbanities: Morphologies, Flows, Possibilities. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 249-267., (10.4324/9781315309163-14)
- Dovey, K. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. Informal/formal morphologies. In: Dovey, K., Pafka, E. and Ristic, M. eds. Mapping Urbanities: Morphologies, Flows, Possibilities. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 223-248., (10.4324/9781315309163-13)
- Kamalipour, H. 2017. Mapping urban interfaces: a typology of public/private interfaces in informal settlements. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies 8(2), pp. 1-12. (10.18848/2154-8676/CGP/v08i02/1-12)
- Kamalipour, H., Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Henderson, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. When planning falls short: the challenges of informal settlements. The Conversation
- Stephan, A., Trundle, A., Kendal, D., Henderson, H., Kamalipour, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. Our cities need to go on a resource diet. The Conversation 2016(30 Nov)
- Kamalipour, H. 2016. Forms of informality and adaptations in informal settlements. International Journal of Architectural Research (ArchNet-IJAR) 10(3), pp. 60-75. (10.26687/archnet-ijar.v10i3.1094)
- Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Henderson, H., Kamalipour, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. Habitat III is over, but will its New Urban Agenda transform the world’s cities?. The Conversation 2016(25 Oct)
- Kamalipour, H. 2016. Urban morphologies in informal settlements: a case study. Contour Journal 1(2), article number: 61. (10.6666/contour.v1i2.61)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2016. Where gender comes to the fore: Mapping gender mix in urban public spaces. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies 8(1), pp. 19-30. (10.18848/2154-8676/CGP/v08i01/19-30)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2015. Assemblage thinking and the city: Implications for urban studies. Current Urban Studies 3(4), pp. 402-408. (10.4236/cus.2015.34031)
- Kamalipour, H. 2015. Emerging urbanity: Learning from informal settlements as assemblages of permanent temporality. Presented at: Agency/Agents of Urbanity: International PhD Colloquium, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-2 June 2015.
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2025. Towards a configurational typology of informal settlements: A syntactic analysis of informal settlements in Nagpur. Journal of Urban Affairs (10.1080/07352166.2025.2455611)
- Thinh, N. K., Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2024. Morphogenesis of forgotten places: A typology of villages-in-the-city in the Global South. Habitat International 153, article number: 103184. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2024.103184)
- Thinh, N. K. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Mapping informal/formal morphologies over time: Exploring urban transformations in Vietnam. Cities 152, article number: 105168. (10.1016/j.cities.2024.105168)
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Slum tourism: An exploratory review. Current Issues in Tourism (10.1080/13683500.2024.2370393)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2024. On the ethics of researching informal urbanism. International Development Planning Review 46(3), pp. 243-255. (10.3828/idpr.2023.13)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal public space: exploring street vending in Tehran. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability (10.1080/17549175.2024.2348792)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Framing urbanities: invisible / visible urban assemblages. Visual Studies (10.1080/1472586X.2024.2301735)
- Iranmanesh, A. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. A configurational morphogenesis of incremental urbanism: A comparative study of the access network transformations in informal settlements. Cities 140, article number: 104444. (10.1016/j.cities.2023.104444)
- Thinh, N. K., Kamalipour, H. and Gao, Y. 2023. Mapping the emerging forms of informality: a comparative morphogenesis of villages-in-the-city in Vietnam.. Habitat International 138, article number: 102864. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2023.102864)
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Shaping public space in informal settlements: a case study.. Sustainability 15(4), article number: 3781. (10.3390/su15043781)
- Thinh, N. K. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. The morphogenesis of villages-in-the-city: Mapping incremental urbanism in Hanoi city. Habitat International 130, article number: 102706. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2022.102706)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Mapping the spatiality of informal street vending. Journal of Urbanism: International Research on Placemaking and Urban Sustainability (10.1080/17549175.2022.2150267)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2022. Learning and teaching urban design through design studio pedagogy: a blended studio on transit urbanism. Education Sciences 12(10), article number: 712. (10.3390/educsci12100712)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Informal street vending: a systematic review. Land 11(6), article number: 829. (10.3390/land11060829)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. Assembling transit urban design in the global South: urban morphology in relation to forms of urbanity and informality in the public space surrounding transit stations. Urban Science 6(1), article number: 18. (10.3390/urbansci6010018)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2022. The future of design studio education: student experience and perception of blended learning and teaching during the global pandemic. Education Sciences 12(2), article number: 140. (10.3390/educsci12020140)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Online education in the post COVID-19 era: students' perception and learning experience. Education Sciences 11(10), article number: 633. (10.3390/educsci11100633)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Informal urbanism in the state of uncertainty: forms of informality and urban health emergencies. Urban Design International 26(2), pp. 122-134. (10.1057/s41289-020-00145-3)
- Sartorio, F. S., Lopes Simoes Aelbrecht, P., Kamalipour, H. and Frank, A. 2021. Towards an antifragile urban form: a research agenda for advancing resilience in the built environment. URBAN DESIGN International 26, pp. 135-158. (10.1057/s41289-021-00157-7)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Online education and the COVID-19 outbreak: A case study of online teaching during lockdown. Education Sciences 11(2), article number: 72. (10.3390/educsci11020072)
- Kamalipour, H. and Iranmanesh, A. 2021. Morphogenesis of emerging settlements: mapping incremental urbanism. Land 10(1), article number: 89. (10.3390/land10010089)
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2020. Incremental production of urban space: a typology of informal design. Habitat International 98, article number: 102133. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2020.102133)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2020. Access and forms of urbanity in public space: Transit urban design beyond the global north. Sustainability 12(8), article number: 3495. (10.3390/su12083495)
- Kamalipour, H. 2020. Improvising places: the fluidity of space in informal settlements. Sustainability 12(6), article number: 2293. (10.3390/su12062293)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2019. Negotiating space and visibility: Forms of informality in public space. Sustainability 11(17), article number: 4807. (10.3390/su11174807)
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2019. Mapping the visibility of informal settlements. Habitat International 85, pp. 63-75. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2019.01.002)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2019. Towards an informal turn in the built environment education: Informality and urban design pedagogy. Sustainability 11(15), article number: 4163. (10.3390/su11154163)
- Lowe, M., Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Gile-Corti, B., Henderson, H. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. This is why health has to be at the heart of the New Urban Agenda. The Conversation 2018(14 Feb)
- Kamalipour, H. 2017. Mapping urban interfaces: a typology of public/private interfaces in informal settlements. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies 8(2), pp. 1-12. (10.18848/2154-8676/CGP/v08i02/1-12)
- Kamalipour, H., Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Henderson, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. When planning falls short: the challenges of informal settlements. The Conversation
- Stephan, A., Trundle, A., Kendal, D., Henderson, H., Kamalipour, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. Our cities need to go on a resource diet. The Conversation 2016(30 Nov)
- Kamalipour, H. 2016. Forms of informality and adaptations in informal settlements. International Journal of Architectural Research (ArchNet-IJAR) 10(3), pp. 60-75. (10.26687/archnet-ijar.v10i3.1094)
- Trundle, A., Stephan, A., Henderson, H., Kamalipour, H. and Lowe, M. 2016. Habitat III is over, but will its New Urban Agenda transform the world’s cities?. The Conversation 2016(25 Oct)
- Kamalipour, H. 2016. Urban morphologies in informal settlements: a case study. Contour Journal 1(2), article number: 61. (10.6666/contour.v1i2.61)
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2016. Where gender comes to the fore: Mapping gender mix in urban public spaces. Spaces and Flows: An International Journal of Urban and ExtraUrban Studies 8(1), pp. 19-30. (10.18848/2154-8676/CGP/v08i01/19-30)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2015. Assemblage thinking and the city: Implications for urban studies. Current Urban Studies 3(4), pp. 402-408. (10.4236/cus.2015.34031)
Book sections
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2025. Public space and informal urbanism in the Global South. In: Dolley, J., Hardy, K. and Matthews, T. eds. Public Space and the Sustainable Development Goals: Inclusion, Safety, Culture and Nature. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 105–114., (10.4337/9781035322411.00014)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: Forms of informal settlement. In: Roberts, M. and Nelson, S. eds. Research Handbook for Urban Design. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 107-124., (10.4337/9781800373471.00013)
- Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. 2023. Introduction: Urban design research. In: Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. New York: Routledge, pp. 1-12., (10.4324/9781003168621-1)
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Exploring informal urbanism. In: Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. New York: Routledge, pp. 369-377., (10.4324/9781003168621-41)
- Kamalipour, H. 2022. Assembling informal urbanism.. In: Marinic, G. and Meninato, P. eds. Informality and the City: Theories, Actions and Interventions.. Cham: Springer, pp. 83-97., (10.1007/978-3-030-99926-1_6)
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2022. Sustaining place transformations in urban design education: learning and teaching urban density, mix, access, public/private interface, and type. In: Gamage, K. A. A. and Gunawardhana, N. eds. The Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 221-235., (10.1002/9781119852858.ch11)
- Kamalipour, H. 2021. Feeding forward in urban design pedagogy: a critique strategy. In: Watson Zollinger, S. and Nyboer, J. eds. Effective Design Critique Strategies Across Disciplines. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, pp. 39-43., (10.24926/edc.107)
- Kamalipour, H. and Dovey, K. 2018. Incremental urbanisms. In: Dovey, K., Pafka, E. and Ristic, M. eds. Mapping Urbanities: Morphologies, Flows, Possibilities. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 249-267., (10.4324/9781315309163-14)
- Dovey, K. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. Informal/formal morphologies. In: Dovey, K., Pafka, E. and Ristic, M. eds. Mapping Urbanities: Morphologies, Flows, Possibilities. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 223-248., (10.4324/9781315309163-13)
- Kamalipour, H., Aelbrecht, P. and Peimani, N. eds. 2023. The Routledge handbook of urban design research methods. New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781003168621)
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design. Presented at: Informal Urbanism Research Hub (InfUr-) Seminar, Faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 25 July 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Informal urban design: forms of informal settlement. Presented at: Research Handbook on Urban Design - A Book Launch and Discussion, University of Westminster, London, UK, 20 March 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Urban Design Research - Book presentation of the Routledge Handbook of Urban Design Research Methods. Presented at: MArch Conference 2024, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 08 February 2024.
- Kamalipour, H. 2024. Shaping place in informal settlements. Presented at: Fourteenth International Conference on The Constructed Environment, Universität Wien, Vienna, Austria, 5-6 April 2024.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. Mapping forms of street vending. Presented at: Thirteenth International Conference on The Constructed Environment, Honolulu, HI, USA, 17-18 May 2023.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2023. Designing a blended studio pedagogy: A postgraduate case study in urban design education. Presented at: Seventeenth International Conference on Design Principles & Practices, Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa, Campus de Benfica Lisbon, Portugal, 29 - 31 March 2023.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2023. Street vending and urban morphology: a case study. Presented at: Ecocity World Summit, London, UK, 6-8 June 2023.
- Kamalipour, H. 2023. Invisible/visible urbanities: Framing public space in a global context. Presented at: School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 25 April 2023.
- Kamalipour, H. 2021. Informal/formal urban assemblages. Presented at: Informality Research Observatory Annual Event 2021: The Global Normalisation of Informality, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 22 June 2021.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Teaching research methods in the wake of emergency online migration. Presented at: 14th International Conference on e-Learning & Innovative Pedagogies, Rhodes, Greece, 5-6 May 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Forms of informality and the COVID-19 pandemic. Presented at: 11th International Conference on the Constructed Environment, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, 12-14 May 2021.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2021. Urban informality and the design of public space. Presented at: Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) Online Small Format Conference 2021, Virtual, 12-14 July 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. and Peimani, N. 2021. Informal urbanism in relation to urban design and planning in the age of public health emergency. Presented at: 2021 UK-Ireland Planning Research Conference, Newcastle, England, 8-10 September 2021.
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Rethinking urban informality in the Global South and beyond. Presented at: Centre for Spatial Justice, Istanbul, Turkey, 9 March 2019.
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Mapping urban informalities. Presented at: Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, 4 March 2019.
- Kamalipour, H. 2019. Emergent morphologies: The spatial structures of informal settlements. Presented at: ISUF 2019 - XXVI International Seminar on Urban Form: Cities as Assemblages, Nicosia, Cyprus, 2-6 July 2019.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2019. Informal street trading and the emergent urban intensity. Presented at: CUI '19 VII. International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 13 December 2019.
- Peimani, N. and Kamalipour, H. 2018. Lessons from urban transport in less formal cities: Isochrone mapping, mode choice and informality. Presented at: Spaces and Flows: Ninth International Conference on Urban and ExtraUrban Studies, Heidelberg, Germany, 25-26 October 2018.
- Kamalipour, H. 2018. Mapping urbanities. Presented at: The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3 December 2018.
- Kamalipour, H. 2015. Emerging urbanity: Learning from informal settlements as assemblages of permanent temporality. Presented at: Agency/Agents of Urbanity: International PhD Colloquium, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 1-2 June 2015.
My current research interest lies at the intersections of:
- Informal Urbanism, Forms of Urban Informality and Adaptation
- Typology, Urban Morphology and Morphogenesis
- Public Space, Streetlife and Urban Mapping
- Place Identity, Visibility and Image
I am interested in exploring the dynamics of informal urbanism in a global context with a particular focus on mapping the morphologies and incremental transformations of informal settlements as well as the relations between informal and formal across different scales and multiple case studies. Investigating the processes of morphogenesis in relation to the dynamics of place identity is then a key part of my research to explore the space of possibilities for harnessing the productive capacities of urban informality in the processes of upgrading and formalisation.
Urban Design Education: Designing a Pedagogy for an Evolving Field
This book project presents a detailed account of a pedagogy for urban design as an evolving field. As a substantial monograph on the subject area, it addresses a significant gap in existing literature and critically engages with envisioning the future of urban design education. The book offers invaluable insights and strategies for designing and delivering modules in urban design with a focus on learning and teaching experiences. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani.
Graffiti in Transforming Urban Places
This project is primarily an empirical case study research, which aims to explore the spatiality and visibility of different forms of graffiti in the selected urban places in Cardiff. The findings of this research project can inform the development of more sophisticated planning and design interventions in relation to graffiti for future cities. Related Funding: On-campus Internships Scheme
Co-Producing Place Narratives
This project aims to advance an impact agenda through the collaborative production of knowledge, fostering engaged learning and reflection, cultivating practical skills, raising awareness, and promoting collaboration. Building upon the team's existing research, our scalable initiative empowers the communities, particularly the young people, to share their place-based narratives through participatory storytelling urban photography. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani. Related funding: UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account
Informal Urban Design Research Lab
The Informal Urban Design Research Lab explores the intersections of urban design, informal urbanism, public space, urban morphology, and comparative urbanism. The lab aims to advance research on the dynamics of informal urbanism in a global context, with a particular focus on mapping forms of informality and the relationships between informal and formal across various scales and case studies. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani
Morphogenesis of Urban Villages
Cities of the Global South have been experiencing processes of rapid urbanisation through which many village settlements have become villages-in-the-city. This project explores the morphogenesis of urban villages by mapping their incremental transformations. The findings of this study inform how the built environment professions can effectively engage with the upgrading of villages-in-the-city. In collaboration with: Dr Ngo Kien Thinh
Forms of Informality in Public Space
This project engages with the ways in which forms of informality work in relation to streetlife and gender mix in public space with a focus on the spatial and temporal appropriations of space. Drawing on multiple case studies, this project aims to provide a better understanding of how different forms of informality negotiate space and visibility within the public realm. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani
Mapping Incremental Urbanism
This project adopts urban mapping as a key method to unravel how the processes of morphogenesis work in emerging settlements. With a few exceptions, most informal settlements can be upgraded incrementally without displacement. Engaging with such processes of upgrading relies on a sophisticated understanding of the ways in which adaptive processes work in emerging settlements. In collaboration with: Dr Aminreza Iranmanesh
Public Life in Changing Urban Spaces
This project aims to explore public life in changing urban environments, specifically in proximity to the Cardiff Central railway station area. It focuses on examining how various public open spaces are being used by diverse groups of people. The project seeks to reveal the complex interactions between people and place, offering insights into the social, cultural, and functional dynamics of public space. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani. Related Funding: On-campus Internships Scheme
Framing Urbanity in a Global Context
This project incorporates a visual exploration of how places and public spaces are being made, unmade, and remade in a global context. It includes storytelling urban photography as a primary method, exploring forms of urbanity across cities in the global North and global South. An exhibition of this project was supported by the GEOPL Community Fund 2022-23.
Forms of Informal Settlement
This project focuses on how urban morphology, adaptive processes, and visibility work in informal settlements to inform the ways in which the built environment professions can most effectively engage with the complexity of upgrading processes. Drawing on multiple case studies from the cities of the Global South, this project aims to explore how different forms of informal settlement work. In collaboration with: Professor Kim Dovey. Related funding: RTP, IPRS and APA Scholarships
Urban Life and Public Space Design
This project is part of a post-occupancy evaluation research, which aims to explore public life in changing urban spaces by investigating the ways in which certain public open spaces in Cardiff are being used, appropriated, and managed by different groups of people. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani. Related Funding: On-campus Internships Scheme
Negotiating Livelihoods and Rights in Contested Urban Space
This research project addresses the challenge of informal urbanism with a particular focus on the ways in which forms of street trading work in relation to gender, politics, and types in public space. It engages with the dynamics of street trading and explores the synergies and contradictions among multiple agents in public space. In collaboration with: Dr Nastaran Peimani and Dr Debdulal Saha. Related funding: GCRF Small Projects
Public Space Observatory Research Centre
The Public Space Observatory Research Centre has been co-founded as a knowledge exchange platform in public space research, practice and policy. The mission is to bring together local, national and international academics, practitioners and policymakers engaged with the provision, design, management and use of public space. In collaboration with: Dr Patricia Aelbrecht and Dr Nastaran Peimani
My/Your Cardiff Public Space Campaign
The My/Your Cardiff Public Space Campaign has been co-founded with the aim of raising public awareness on the social, cultural, economic and environmental values and benefits of well-designed, used and managed public spaces. In collaboration with: Dr Patricia Aelbrecht, Dr Nastaran Peimani and Dr Wesley Aelbrecht. Contribution to the project until November 2021. Related Funding: ESRC Impact Acceleration Account
Public Space Toolkit for Wales
This project aims to introduce a public space toolkit for Wales to support the work of Local Authorities. The toolkit can become a steppingstone towards innovative practices around placemaking for the public realm in Wales. In collaboration with: Dr Patricia Aelbrecht, Dr Francesca Sartorio, Dr Wesley Aelbrecht, Dr Richard Gale and Dr Nastaran Peimani. Contribution to the project until December 2021. Related Funding: Innovation Project Grant
Course Co-Director
- MA Urban Design (postgraduate taught programme)
The MA Urban Design programme at Cardiff University has been one of the largest programmes of its kind and is jointly delivered by the Welsh School of Architecture and the School of Geography and Planning. Design studio teaching in the programme focuses on developing critically informed as well as creative and practical proposals for real sites, addressing important contemporary issues of design and urbanism. I served as the Co-Director of the MA Urban Design programme from 2020 to 2024.
Module Leader / Co-Leader
- Urban Design Thinkers 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2022/2023 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2022/2023 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Spring Studio 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Research Based Design Project 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Space and Place 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Planning Theory and Practice 2019/2020 (Undergraduate)
- Space and Place 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Planning Theory and Practice 2018/2019 (Undergraduate)
Module Contribution / Supervision
- Urban Design Thinkers 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Dissertation 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Research Methods 2024/2025 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Guidance in Planning Practice 2023/2024 (Undergraduate)
- Research Project 2023/2024 (Undergraduate)
- Urban Design Research Methods 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Dissertation 2023/2024 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2022/2023 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Research Methods 2022/2023 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Dissertation 2022/2023 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Research Methods 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Dissertation 2021/2022 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Research Methods and Techniques 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Research Based Design Project 2020/2021 (Postgraduate)
- Urban Design Foundation 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Space and Place 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Planning Theory and Practice 2019/2020 (Undergraduate)
- Autumn Studio 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Research Methods and Techniques 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Research Based Design Project 2019/2020 (Postgraduate)
- Space and Place 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Planning Theory and Practice 2018/2019 (Undergraduate)
- Spring Studio 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Development Management 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Research Project 2018/2019 (Undergraduate)
- Research Dissertation 2018/2019 (Undergraduate)
- Dissertation 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Research Methods and Techniques 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
- Research Based Design Project 2018/2019 (Postgraduate)
I have previously served as Research Fellow at Monash University, Research Assistant and Guest Lecturer in Urban Design at the University of Melbourne and Doctoral Academy member at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute. I have a background in Architecture and hold a PhD in Urban Design from the University of Melbourne as well as the Melbourne Teaching Certificate from the Melbourne Centre for the Study of Higher Education.
Research and Teaching Experiences
- Founding Director of the Informal Urban Design Research Lab, Cardiff, UK
- Reader (Associate Professor) in Urban Design, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, UK
- Senior Lecturer in Urban Design, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, UK
- Co-Founding Director of the Public Space Observatory Research Centre, Cardiff University, UK
- Co-Director of the MA Urban Design programme, Cardiff University, UK
- Lecturer in Urban Design, School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University, UK
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Monash Art, Design and Architecture, Monash University, Australia
- Research Assistant in Urban Design, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Guest Lecturer in Urban Design, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia
- Academic Tutor in Urban Design, Melbourne School of Design, University of Melbourne, Australia
Professional Development and Memberships
- Member of the Urban Design Group
- Member of the Academy of Urbanism
- Member of the Architectural Humanities Research Association
- Trustee Member of the Dewi-Prys Thomas Trust
- Member of the Public Spaces and Urban Cultures Group, Association of European Schools of Planning
- Member of the UReM - Urban Evolution Morphology
- Member of the Planning and Complexity Group, Association of European Schools of Planning
- Member of the GUDesign Network - Genealogy of Urban Design
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Advance HE
- Member of the Senate, Cardiff University
- Member of the Research Excellence Framework committee at the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University
- Member of the Informality Research Observatory, Cardiff University
- Member of the Cities Research Centre, Cardiff University
- Member of the SPACE Research Group at the School of Geography and Planning, Cardiff University
- Doctoral Academy Member at the Melbourne Social Equity Institute, University of Melbourne (2016)
- Member of the University of Melbourne Delegation in the Habitat III Conference in Quito (2016)
External Committees and Reviewing Engagements
- Article reviewer for more than 40 international peer-reviewed journals, including Cities, Habitat International, Urban Studies, Urban Geography, Urban Design International, Geoforum, Journal of Environmental Psychology, Environment and Planning B, Sustainability, Urban Design and Planning, Journal of Urban Management, Heliyon, The Journal of Public Space, Urban, Planning and Transport Research, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, Education Sciences, Area, Frontiers of Urban and Rural Planning, Journal of Asian Architecture and Building Engineering, International Planning Studies, International Journal of Art & Design Education, Sustainable Cities and Society, Journal of Urban Affairs, Area Development and Policy, Urban Planning, Sage Open, Architecture and Culture, Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, Journal of Urban Mobility, Planning Theory & Practice, Urban Education, Geography Compass, Annals of the American Association of Geographers, The International Journal of Housing Policy, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Planning Practice & Research, Applied Geography, Journal of Urbanism, and Land Use Policy, among others
- Scientific Committee member of International Seminar on Urban Form 2024
- Book reviewer for international publishers, including Routledge, Springer, Bloomsbury, Edward Elgar, and De Gruyter
- Panel Chair, Reviewer, and Convenor for RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2024
- Associate Editor of Frontiers in Sustainable Cities - Cities in the Global South
- Editorial Board member of Habitat International
- Assistant Editor of Journal of Urban Management
- Editorial Panel member of Urban Design and Planning
- Editorial Board member of Humanities and Social Sciences Communications
- Topical Advisory Panel member of Sustainability - Sustainable Urban and Rural Development
- Scientific Board member of The Journal of Public Space
- Editorial Board member of Discover Cities
- Topical Advisory Panel member of Land - Urban Contexts and Urban-Rural Interactions
- Review Board member of International Journal of Architectural Research
- Topical Advisory Panel member of Urban Science
- Editorial Board member of Urban Planning
My supervision interest lies at the intersections of:
- Informal Urbanism, Forms of Urban Informality and Adaptation
- Typology, Urban Morphology and Morphogenesis
- Public Space, Streetlife and Urban Mapping
- Place Identity, Visibility and Image
I have supervised numerous postgraduate/undergraduate students, as well as several research assistants, and have been invited to serve as both an internal and external PhD examiner.
I have supervised postgraduate/undergraduate students on the following topics, exploring national/international case studies:
- Street vendors and public spaces (China)
- Place attachment in the revitalisation of small public urban spaces (China)
- Public/private interfaces and streetlife vitality (UK)
- Informal functional mix in urbanising villages (China)
- Permeability and crime in urban morphology (UK)
- Shared streets and residential vitality (UK)
- Public space and streetlife near transit nodes (UK)
- Public space vitality in historic areas (China)
- Urban morphology and streetlife in urban villages (China)
- Age-friendly public space and urban design (UK)
- Spatial characteristics of public open spaces in urban villages (China)
- Street vending and public/private interfaces (China)
- Pedestrian flow and spatial appropriation in sidewalk markets (UK)
- Spatial characteristics and play activities in public squares (UK)
- Public/private interfaces and pedestrian activity in culturally diverse neighbourhoods (UK)
- Street activity at railway interfaces (UK)
- Accessibility of public green spaces in peripheral communities (China)
- Ethnic place-identity in urban spaces (Australia)
- Urban green infrastructure and heat island mitigation (UK)
- Public/private interfaces and social interactions in streetlife (UK)
- Exploring the participation of older adults in public open spaces (UK)
- Shaping public spaces and streets in transit-oriented developments (UK)
- Graffiti in urban environments (UK)
- Daily life changes in young adults with digital technology (UK)
- Impact of business improvement districts on public space (US)
- Social perceptions of urban wildlife management (UK)
- Urban morphology and tourism perception (UK)
- Urban morphology and public life in Welsh cities (UK)
- Growth of co-operatives and community land trusts in Wales (UK)
- Impact of south Wales metro on future transportation choices (UK)
Current supervision

Zikun Huang

Mengyuan Wang
Contact Details
+44 29208 74463
Glamorgan Building, Room 2.98, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA
Research themes
- Urban design
- Informal urbanism
- Public space
- Urban morphology
- Comparative urbanism