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Manoj Kesaria  BSc, MSc, PhD, FHEA

Dr Manoj Kesaria



Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Manoj Kesaria


M.IN.D (Manoj Infrared Detector's) Foundry  (Est: 2020)

MIND Foundry is a team of researchers and scientists developing low-dimensional Heterostructures of GaN and GaSb compound semiconductors for infrared detectors.


















M.I.N.D (Manoj Infrared Detector's) foundry is a team of:

Crystal growers: Utilize the state-of-the-art Veeco Gen 930 Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) for developing the epitaxy of novel Compound Semiconductors materials and devices.

Device fabrication experts: Design, simulate, model and fabricate detectors in single-pixel and array format using  a class 10, 100 and 1000 cleanroom.

MIND team perform epitaxy, theoretical simulation, fabrication/processing of low dimensional hetero-structures, quantum 1D wires, dots (QD), Quantum well (QW), Complex Quantum Wells CQW -Type-II strained layer super-lattice (T2SL) and Digital alloys (ES). Fabricate detectors working in NIR to LWIR wavelength regime for sensing, detection, thermal imaging.

Ongoing projects:

1)  EPSRC  Monolithic On-chip Integration of Electronics & Photonics Using III-nitrides for Telecoms

2) Innovate UK - Quantum Electro-optic Detector Technology (QuEoD)

3) DASA (ACC20244551) Type-II superlattice Photodiode array for infrared sensing

Completed projects:

3) Horizon 2020 EU- MSCA-ITN-2020- Innovative Training Network - QUANTIMONY-Quantum Semiconductor Technologies Exploiting Antimony

Quantimony · Training network on antimony-based semiconductor materials



a) A.D.E (Advanced Detectors Epitaxy) Laboratory

ADE laboratory

It has a state-of-the-art dual chamber Veeco Gen 930 MBE reactors dedicated to III-As(Sb) and III-N epitaxy. III-As(Sb) is equipped with triple-zone valve group V crackers, and III-N is fitted with an r-f Nitrogen plasma source. Both reactors have 3" substrate heaters with 1200C temperature operation and ~ 2-degree control. The reactors are also ideally suited for developing novel  Bi, B and N-containing dilute and highly mismatched alloys (HMA).

b) A.D.C (Advanced Detector Characterisation) Laboratory

ADC laboratory host a complete detector characterisation facility with electrical characterisation tools (picoammeter, LCR meter, semiconductor device analyser, spectrum, and network analysers, noise figure meters and 50 GHz network analyser), FTIR-PL and photo-response set-up and a cryogenic probe station.

A PANalytical XPert high-resolution X-ray diffractometer (HRXRD) can characterise an 8-inch wafer.


I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK.

Module Organiser (MO)  - Low dimensional Semiconductor Devices (MPhys PX4221 + MSc PXT 126 ) - L7

Module Organiser (MO)  - Laser Physics and Non-Linear Optics (PX 3243) -  L6

Year 4 (MPhys)/MSc Research project (PX4310/PXT999)

Year 3 Undergraduate Physics project (PX3315)

Year 1 Tutor


Current roles in the School of Physics and Astronomy

Radiation Protection Supervisor (RPS) (2023 onward)

Member of School Research Ethic Committee (SREC) (2023 onward) 

Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor (August 2021 onward)

Member of PSE Indian Engagement group (2020 onward)

Group leader of the M.IN.D foundry (2020 onward)

Outreach representative - Condensed Matter Physics (CMP) group (2019 onward)

My Expertise:

Since 2006, I have used ultra-high vacuum techniques and state-of-the-art Molecular Beam Epitaxy (MBE) techniques to band-engineer GaN and GaSb-based low-dimensional nanostructures and heterostructures with underlying quantum phenomena.

From 2012 onward, I expanded my expertise into device fabrication in class 100 cleanrooms. I have fabricated several optoelectronic devices, such as muti-quantum well and superlattice-based light-emitting diodes (LED), double barrier resonant tunnelling diodes (DBRT), thermophotovoltaics (TPV), photodiodes, avalanche photodiodes (APD), and their arrays.

Honours and awards

2021 –  Fellowship of Higher Education Academy (FHEA), U.K., awarded by Advanced Higher Education Academy, UK.

1995 – Fellowship in Physical Sciences, awarded by Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), India.

Professional memberships

Member of IOP

Member of IEEE

Academic positions

2021 onward: Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University.

2018– 2021: Lecturer/Assistant Professor, School of Physics and Astronomy, Cardiff University.

2013–2018: Senior Research Associate at Lancaster University & University of Sheffield.

2012–2013: Research Scientist, University of Houston, Texas and Integrated Micro Sensors Inc (Houston)

2008–2012: Senior Research Fellow and Research Associate, International Centre for Material Science, JNCASR, Bangalore, India

2006–2008: Junior Research Fellow, National Physical Laboratory, New Delhi, India

I have worked as a senior research associate on EPSRC projects (before 2018)

EP/J015849/1 "InAsNSb Dilute Nitride Materials for Mid-infrared Devices & Applications"

EP/M013707/1 "TPVs for Waste Heat Recovery in Energy Resilient Manufacturing".

EP/N020715/1 "Realising a solid-state photomultiplier and infrared detectors through bismide containing semiconductors".

Speaking engagements

1.  Invited Speaker at IQARUS, San Sebastian, Spain.03-07-2024 (in-person).

IQARUS - International Workshop on Quantum Antimonides Research & Upscaling - Kursaal Donostia - San Sebastián Kursaal Donostia – San Sebastián

Quantimony’s Final Workshop @San Sebastian (Spain) · Quantimony

2. Invited speaker- QUNTIMONY- 2nd AAB review Meeting, Lancaster, April 19 to 21.(in-person).

2nd AAB Meeting & Transferable Skills Training · Quantimony

3. Invited as a speaker at IOP, Industry Technology Programme- Photon 2022, Nottingham (August 30 to September 2) 

Photon 2022

4. Invited speaker- XXI International Workshop on Physics of Semiconductor Devices (IWPSD) 2021, New Delhi (online).

5. Invited speaker-  International Conference on Emerging Electronics (ICEE-2020), New Delhi 26-28 Nov. 2020. (online)

  Outreach talks at Schools-

 1. The Technology Behind Our Technology- Exploration into the World of Compound Semiconductors, 28-06-2024 (Cardiff)

2.  Llanwern High School, Newport, 27-04-2023

 3. Howell's School, Cardiff 16-02-2023

College Lecture: Dr Manoj Kesaria | Howell's Co-ed College (


Committees and reviewing

Guest editor - Scientific Reports - Collection - "Superlattices" Superlattices (

Editorial Board Member- Nanotechnology- Scientific Reports. Editors | Scientific Reports (

Co-guest editor: IET special issue on " Semiconductor Integrated Opto-Electronics 2022 (SOE 2022)

 Research Grant Reviewer, EPSRC (2018 onward)

Journal reviewer (2013 onward):

  1. Nature research journal: Scientific reports (Editorial Board Member- Physics- Nanotechnology)
  2. AIP journals: Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Applied Physics, AIP Advances, Journal of Vaccum Science and Technology (B),
  3. IOP journals: Materials Research Express and Semiconductor Science and Technology
  4. Springer journals: Journal of Material Science, Nanoscale Research Letters, and
  5. Wiley's Physics Status Solidi B: Basic Solid State Physics.


I am interested in supervising PhD students who are interested in

UV-VIS to LWIR III-Nitrides, III-Antimonides and novel dilute materals.for-

i) Detectors - Photodiodes, Avalanche Photodiode (APD), Single Photon Avalanche Photodiodes (SPAD)   

ii)  Low dimensional quantum hetero-structures

iii) Thermophotovoltaic (TPV) and solar thermophotovoltaic (SPTV)


Current supervision

Ali Al Amri

Ali Al Amri

Paradeisa O'Dowd Phanis

Paradeisa O'Dowd Phanis

Chen Liu

Chen Liu

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75255
Campuses Translational Research Hub, Room TRH 1.05 , Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ
Queen's Buildings - North Building, Room N0.09, 5 The Parade, Newport Road, Cardiff, CF24 3AA

Research themes


  • Compound semiconductors
  • Thermophotovoltaics (TPV)
  • Light Emitting Diodes (LED)
  • Detectors