Dr Jenny Kidd
BA (English, Swansea) MA (Publishing, Oxford Brookes) PhD (Cardiff University)
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Jenny Kidd
Reader, Digital Culture
Formerly a web editor and developer, Dr. Jenny Kidd now researches Digital Culture. Recent publications have explored; algorithmic systems and digital memory, crypto art and questions of value, social media communications, and varied uses of immersive media. Jenny's research uses mixed qualitative and quantitative methods, as well as creative approaches. She is currently leading the Leverhulme Trust Synthetic Pasts project.
Jenny is a Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute (2024-2026) and a Research Fellow for the AHRC's Creative Industries Policy and Evidence Centre. She is on the Steering Committee for the Impact Community of the EU’s Europeana project. Jenny has led a masterclass for the UK Government Digital Service, been an invited expert for Welsh Government and UK Parliament, and has appeared in the media and trade press, as well as on podcasts, to talk about her research.
Jenny's books are Critical Encounters with Immersive Storytelling [with Alke Gröppel-Wegener, 2019, Routledge], Representation: Key Ideas in Media and Cultural Studies [2015, Routledge] and Museums in the New Mediascape: Transmedia, Participation, Ethics [2014, Routledge]. Edited books include Challenging History in the Museum [2014, Routledge] and Performing Heritage [2011, Manchester University Press]. Jenny is series Co-Editor of Bloomsbury Studies in Digital Cultures.
- Kidd, J. and Sakinah, S. 2025. Communicating ‘stories that matter’: activist museography and immersive practice in the climate emergency. In: Cottle, S. ed. Communicating a World-in-Crisis. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 31. Peter Lang, pp. 273-290., (10.3726/b22368)
- McAvoy, E. N. and Kidd, J. 2024. Synthetic heritage: Online platforms, deceptive genealogy and the ethics of algorithmically generated memory. Memory, Mind & Media 3, article number: e12. (10.1017/mem.2024.10)
- Hu, N. and Kidd, J. 2024. Harnessing Instagram's “platform vernacular” during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Philbrook Museum of Art. Curator: The Museum Journal 67(2), pp. 411-427. (10.1111/cura.12581)
- Kidd, J., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Ostrowska, A. 2024. Negotiating hybridity, inequality, and hyper-visibility: museums and galleries? Social media response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cultural Trends 33(1), pp. 19-36. (10.1080/09548963.2022.2122701)
- Kidd, J. and Nieto Mcavoy, E. 2023. Deep nostalgia: remediated memory, algorithmic nostalgia, and technological ambivalence. Convergence 29(3), pp. 620-640. (10.1177/13548565221149839)
- Kidd, J., Taylor, J. and McDougall, J. 2022. Teaching XR: Digital inequalities and education. In: Jones, S., Dawkins, S. and McDougall, J. eds. Understanding Virtual Reality Challenging Perspectives for Media Literacy and Education. Routledge, pp. 86-98.
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Kidd, J. 2022. Crypto art and questions of value: a review of emergent issues. Discussion Paper. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/crypto-art-and-questions-of-value
- Kidd, J. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2022. Culture in quarantine? Cultural institutions' uses of Twitter during lockdown. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/culture-in-quarantine
- Kidd, J., Nieto McAvoy, E. and Ostrowska, A. 2021. Implications of the COVID-19 digital ‘pivot’ in museums and galleries: lessons from practitioners. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre, Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/pivot-to-digital-how-museums-and-galleries-responded-to-covid-19
- Kidd, J. and Rees, A. 2021. A Museum of deepfakes? Potentials and pitfalls for deep learning technologies. In: Stylianou-Lambert, T., Heraclidou, A. and Bounia, A. eds. Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage. Berghahn Books
- Kidd, J. 2020. Social media and participation: The selfie as a curious cultural artefact. In: Black, G. ed. Museums and the Challenge of Change: Old Institutions in a New World. Routledge
- Galani, A. and Kidd, J. 2020. Hybrid material encounters - expanding the continuum of museum materialities in the wake of a pandemic. Museum and Society 18(3), pp. 298-301. (10.29311/mas.v18i3.3565)
- Kidd, J. 2020. Infrastructures that democratize? Citizen participation and digital ethics. In: Hetland, P., Pierroux, P. and Esborg, L. eds. A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities. London: Routledge
- Kidd, J. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2019. Immersive experiences in museums, galleries and heritage sites: a review of research findings and issues. Project Report. [Online]. Creative Industries’ Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC). Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/immersive-experiences-in-museums-galleries-and-heritage-sites-a-review-of-research-findings-and-issues
- Kidd, J. 2019. The transmedia museum. In: Mason, R. ed. Museum Studies. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Huws, S., John, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Traces - Olion: Creating a bilingual 'subtlemob' for National Museum Wales. In: Lewi, H. et al. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 441-450., (10.4324/9780429506765)
- Galani, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Evaluating digital cultural heritage 'in the wild': The case for reflexivity. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 12(1), article number: 5. (10.1145/3287272)
- Groppel-Wegener, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Critical encounters with immersive storytelling. London and New York: Routledge.
- Kidd, J. 2019. Unprecedented times? Shifting press perceptions on museums and activism. In: Janes, R. R. and Sandell, R. eds. Museum Activism. Museum Meanings London and New York: Routledge, pp. 388-399.
- James, D., Davies, G., Kidd, J. and John, A. 2019. Awe or empathy, fast or slow? Articulating impacts from contrasting mobile experiences. Presented at: MW19, Boston, Ma., 2-6 April 2019. Museums and the Web
- Kidd, J. and Sayner, J. 2019. Intersections of silence and empathy in heritage practice. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1080/13527258.2018.1475414)
- Kidd, J. 2019. With new eyes I see: embodiment, empathy and silence in digital heritage interpretation. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(1), pp. 54-66. (10.1080/13527258.2017.1341946)
- Kidd, J. 2019. Digital media ethics and museum communication. In: Drotner, K. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication. Routledge International Handbooks London and New York: Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2018. Transmedia. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell, (10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos1180)
- Kidd, J. 2018. Angela McRobbie, be creative [Book Review]. European Journal of Cultural Studies 21(6), pp. 761-763. (10.1177/1367549416685719)
- Kidd, J. 2018. A maturing of immersive experiences. Museum Identity Magazine 22, pp. 26.
- Kidd, J. 2018. Public heritage and the promise of the digital. In: Labrador, A. M. and Asher Silberman, N. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 197-208., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190676315.013.9)
- Kidd, J. 2018. 'Immersive' heritage encounters. The Museum Review 3(1), article number: Kidd.
- Kidd, J. and Sayner, J. 2018. Unthinking remembrance? Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red and the significance of centenaries. Cultural Trends 27(2), pp. 68-82. (10.1080/09548963.2018.1453448)
- Huws, S., John, A. and Kidd, J. 2018. Evaluating the affective dimensions of Traces-Olion: a subtle mob at St Fagans National Museum of History, Wales. Presented at: 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018), San Francisco, CA, USA, 26-30 October 2018Proceedings 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018). IEEE pp. -., (10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2018.8810117)
- Kidd, J. 2018. The maturing of immersive experiences. [Online]. MuseumID: MuseumID. Available at: http://museum-id.com/the-futuremuseum-project-what-will-museums-be-like-in-the-future-essay-collection/
- Kidd, J. 2018. Transmedia heritage. In: Gambarato, R. R. and Freeman, M. eds. The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies. Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2017. Pause and disrupt: asking difficult questions about formal ethics review [Book Review]. Symbolic Interaction 40(3), pp. 450-453. (10.1002/symb.284)
- Kidd, J. 2017. Debating contemporary museum ethics: reporting Sekhemka. International Journal of Heritage Studies 23(6), pp. 493-505.
- Bennett, L. and Kidd, J. 2017. Myths about media studies: the construction of media studies education in the British press. Continuum 31(2), pp. 163-176. (10.1080/10304312.2016.1265096)
- Kidd, J. and Cardiff, R. 2017. "A space of negotiation": visitor generated content and ethics at Tate. Museum and Society 15(1), pp. 43-55.
- Kidd, J. 2017. Digital storytelling. In: Peppler, K. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning. SAGE, pp. 226-227.
- Kidd, J. 2017. Using virtual reality to preserve the past. In: The Museum Blog Book. Museums Etc
- Kidd, J. 2015. Representation. Key Ideas in Media & Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.
- Kidd, J. 2015. Gaming for affect: museum online games and the embrace of empathy. The Journal of Curatorial Studies 4(3), pp. 414-432. (10.1386/jcs.4.3.414_1)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Comparison of National Gallery to Disneyland touches a nerve. The Conversation 2015(15 Aug)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Museums are becoming more playful..in how they ask us for money. The Conversation 2015(30 Jul)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Museums are using virtual reality to preserve the past - before it's too late. The Conversation 2015(14 Jul)
- Kidd, J. 2014. Museums in the new mediascape: Transmedia, participation, ethics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315596532)
- Kidd, J. 2014. Introduction. In: Kidd, J. et al. eds. Challenging History in the Museum: International Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-17.
- Kidd, J. et al. eds. 2014. Challenging history in the museum. International Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Kidd, J. 2014. 'Life Online' exhibition, National Media Museum, Bradford, England [Exhibition Review]. The Senses and Society 9(1), pp. 118-124. (10.2752/174589314X13834112761164)
- Kidd, J. 2013. Hot topics, public culture, museums [Book Review]. Curator: The Museum Journal 56(2), pp. 289-293. (10.1111/cura.12027)
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2013. Breadth of opinion in BBC output. Project Report. [Online]. BBC Trust. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/our_work/editorial_standards/impartiality/breadth_opinion.html
- Kidd, J. 2012. The museum as narrative witness: heritage performance and the production of narrative space. In: Macleod, S., Hourston Hanks, L. and Hale, J. eds. Museum Making: Narratives, Architectures, Exhibitions. Museum Meanings Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 74-82.
- Hughes, J., Kidd, J. and McNamara, C. 2011. The usefulness of mess: artistry, improvisation and decomposition in the practice of research in applied theatre. In: Kershaw, B. and Nicholson, H. eds. Research Methods in Theatre and Performance. Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 186-209.
- Kidd, J. 2011. Challenging History: reviewing debate within the heritage sector on the 'challenge' of history. Museum and Society 9(3), pp. 244-248.
- Kidd, J. 2011. Are new media democratic?. Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research(5)
- Kidd, J. 2011. Enacting engagement online: framing social media use for the museum. Information Technology & People 24(1), pp. 64-77. (10.1108/09593841111109422)
- Kidd, J. 2011. Performing the knowing archive: Heritage performance and authenticity. International Journal of Heritage Studies 17(1), pp. 22-35. (10.1080/13527258.2011.524003)
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. eds. 2010. Performing Heritage: Research, practice and innovation in museum theatre and live interpretation. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- Kidd, J. 2009. Digital storytelling and the performance of memory. In: Garde-Hansen, J., Hoskins, A. and Reading, A. eds. Save As.. Digital Memories. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-183.
- Meadows, D. and Kidd, J. 2009. 'Capture Wales': The BBC Digital Storytelling Project. In: Hartley, J. and McWilliam, K. eds. Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 91-117.
- Kidd, J. 2009. Capture Wales digital storytelling: community media meets the BBC. In: Rodríguez, C., Kidd, D. and Stein, L. eds. Making Our Media: Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere: Creating New Communication Spaces., Vol. 1. Euricom Monographs Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 293-308.
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. 2009. Cultivating audience engagement in museum theatre: a case study. In: Shu, J. et al. eds. Planting Trees of Drama with Global Vision in Local Knowledge: IDEA 2007 Dialogues. IDEA Publications Hong Kong: Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum, pp. 240-254.
- Kidd, J. 2009. Multimedia Narratives: co-production between museums and their audiences. Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research(4)
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. 2008. Performance, learning & heritage. Project Report. [Online]. Manchester: Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester. Available at: http://www.plh.manchester.ac.uk/documents/Performance,%20Learning%20&%20Heritage%20-%20Report.pdf
- Kidd, J. 2007. Filling the gaps? Interpreting museum collections through performance. Journal of Museum Ethnography(19), pp. 57-69.
- Kidd, J. 2005. Capture Wales: digital storytelling at the BBC. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 2, pp. 66-85.
- Kidd, J. 2005. Capture Wales: digital storytelling and the BBC. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- McAvoy, E. N. and Kidd, J. 2024. Synthetic heritage: Online platforms, deceptive genealogy and the ethics of algorithmically generated memory. Memory, Mind & Media 3, article number: e12. (10.1017/mem.2024.10)
- Hu, N. and Kidd, J. 2024. Harnessing Instagram's “platform vernacular” during the COVID-19 pandemic: A case study of Philbrook Museum of Art. Curator: The Museum Journal 67(2), pp. 411-427. (10.1111/cura.12581)
- Kidd, J., Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Ostrowska, A. 2024. Negotiating hybridity, inequality, and hyper-visibility: museums and galleries? Social media response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Cultural Trends 33(1), pp. 19-36. (10.1080/09548963.2022.2122701)
- Kidd, J. and Nieto Mcavoy, E. 2023. Deep nostalgia: remediated memory, algorithmic nostalgia, and technological ambivalence. Convergence 29(3), pp. 620-640. (10.1177/13548565221149839)
- Galani, A. and Kidd, J. 2020. Hybrid material encounters - expanding the continuum of museum materialities in the wake of a pandemic. Museum and Society 18(3), pp. 298-301. (10.29311/mas.v18i3.3565)
- Galani, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Evaluating digital cultural heritage 'in the wild': The case for reflexivity. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 12(1), article number: 5. (10.1145/3287272)
- Kidd, J. and Sayner, J. 2019. Intersections of silence and empathy in heritage practice. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(1), pp. 1-4. (10.1080/13527258.2018.1475414)
- Kidd, J. 2019. With new eyes I see: embodiment, empathy and silence in digital heritage interpretation. International Journal of Heritage Studies 25(1), pp. 54-66. (10.1080/13527258.2017.1341946)
- Kidd, J. 2018. Angela McRobbie, be creative [Book Review]. European Journal of Cultural Studies 21(6), pp. 761-763. (10.1177/1367549416685719)
- Kidd, J. 2018. A maturing of immersive experiences. Museum Identity Magazine 22, pp. 26.
- Kidd, J. 2018. 'Immersive' heritage encounters. The Museum Review 3(1), article number: Kidd.
- Kidd, J. and Sayner, J. 2018. Unthinking remembrance? Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red and the significance of centenaries. Cultural Trends 27(2), pp. 68-82. (10.1080/09548963.2018.1453448)
- Kidd, J. 2017. Pause and disrupt: asking difficult questions about formal ethics review [Book Review]. Symbolic Interaction 40(3), pp. 450-453. (10.1002/symb.284)
- Kidd, J. 2017. Debating contemporary museum ethics: reporting Sekhemka. International Journal of Heritage Studies 23(6), pp. 493-505.
- Bennett, L. and Kidd, J. 2017. Myths about media studies: the construction of media studies education in the British press. Continuum 31(2), pp. 163-176. (10.1080/10304312.2016.1265096)
- Kidd, J. and Cardiff, R. 2017. "A space of negotiation": visitor generated content and ethics at Tate. Museum and Society 15(1), pp. 43-55.
- Kidd, J. 2015. Gaming for affect: museum online games and the embrace of empathy. The Journal of Curatorial Studies 4(3), pp. 414-432. (10.1386/jcs.4.3.414_1)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Comparison of National Gallery to Disneyland touches a nerve. The Conversation 2015(15 Aug)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Museums are becoming more playful..in how they ask us for money. The Conversation 2015(30 Jul)
- Kidd, J. 2015. Museums are using virtual reality to preserve the past - before it's too late. The Conversation 2015(14 Jul)
- Kidd, J. 2014. 'Life Online' exhibition, National Media Museum, Bradford, England [Exhibition Review]. The Senses and Society 9(1), pp. 118-124. (10.2752/174589314X13834112761164)
- Kidd, J. 2013. Hot topics, public culture, museums [Book Review]. Curator: The Museum Journal 56(2), pp. 289-293. (10.1111/cura.12027)
- Kidd, J. 2011. Challenging History: reviewing debate within the heritage sector on the 'challenge' of history. Museum and Society 9(3), pp. 244-248.
- Kidd, J. 2011. Are new media democratic?. Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research(5)
- Kidd, J. 2011. Enacting engagement online: framing social media use for the museum. Information Technology & People 24(1), pp. 64-77. (10.1108/09593841111109422)
- Kidd, J. 2011. Performing the knowing archive: Heritage performance and authenticity. International Journal of Heritage Studies 17(1), pp. 22-35. (10.1080/13527258.2011.524003)
- Kidd, J. 2009. Multimedia Narratives: co-production between museums and their audiences. Cultural Policy, Criticism and Management Research(4)
- Kidd, J. 2007. Filling the gaps? Interpreting museum collections through performance. Journal of Museum Ethnography(19), pp. 57-69.
- Kidd, J. 2005. Capture Wales: digital storytelling at the BBC. Cyfrwng: Media Wales Journal 2, pp. 66-85.
Book sections
- Kidd, J. and Sakinah, S. 2025. Communicating ‘stories that matter’: activist museography and immersive practice in the climate emergency. In: Cottle, S. ed. Communicating a World-in-Crisis. Global Crises and the Media Vol. 31. Peter Lang, pp. 273-290., (10.3726/b22368)
- Kidd, J., Taylor, J. and McDougall, J. 2022. Teaching XR: Digital inequalities and education. In: Jones, S., Dawkins, S. and McDougall, J. eds. Understanding Virtual Reality Challenging Perspectives for Media Literacy and Education. Routledge, pp. 86-98.
- Kidd, J. and Rees, A. 2021. A Museum of deepfakes? Potentials and pitfalls for deep learning technologies. In: Stylianou-Lambert, T., Heraclidou, A. and Bounia, A. eds. Museum Media(ting): Emerging Technologies and Difficult Heritage. Berghahn Books
- Kidd, J. 2020. Social media and participation: The selfie as a curious cultural artefact. In: Black, G. ed. Museums and the Challenge of Change: Old Institutions in a New World. Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2020. Infrastructures that democratize? Citizen participation and digital ethics. In: Hetland, P., Pierroux, P. and Esborg, L. eds. A History of Participation in Museums and Archives: Traversing Citizen Science and Citizen Humanities. London: Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2019. The transmedia museum. In: Mason, R. ed. Museum Studies. Critical Concepts in Media and Cultural Studies Abingdon and New York: Routledge
- Huws, S., John, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Traces - Olion: Creating a bilingual 'subtlemob' for National Museum Wales. In: Lewi, H. et al. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of New Digital Practices in Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums and Heritage Sites. London and New York: Routledge, pp. 441-450., (10.4324/9780429506765)
- Kidd, J. 2019. Unprecedented times? Shifting press perceptions on museums and activism. In: Janes, R. R. and Sandell, R. eds. Museum Activism. Museum Meanings London and New York: Routledge, pp. 388-399.
- Kidd, J. 2019. Digital media ethics and museum communication. In: Drotner, K. et al. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Museums, Media and Communication. Routledge International Handbooks London and New York: Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2018. Transmedia. In: The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Blackwell, (10.1002/9781405165518.wbeos1180)
- Kidd, J. 2018. Public heritage and the promise of the digital. In: Labrador, A. M. and Asher Silberman, N. eds. The Oxford Handbook of Public Heritage Theory and Practice. Oxford Handbooks Oxford University Press, pp. 197-208., (10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190676315.013.9)
- Kidd, J. 2018. Transmedia heritage. In: Gambarato, R. R. and Freeman, M. eds. The Routledge Companion to Transmedia Studies. Routledge
- Kidd, J. 2017. Digital storytelling. In: Peppler, K. ed. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Out-of-School Learning. SAGE, pp. 226-227.
- Kidd, J. 2017. Using virtual reality to preserve the past. In: The Museum Blog Book. Museums Etc
- Kidd, J. 2014. Introduction. In: Kidd, J. et al. eds. Challenging History in the Museum: International Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 1-17.
- Kidd, J. 2012. The museum as narrative witness: heritage performance and the production of narrative space. In: Macleod, S., Hourston Hanks, L. and Hale, J. eds. Museum Making: Narratives, Architectures, Exhibitions. Museum Meanings Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 74-82.
- Hughes, J., Kidd, J. and McNamara, C. 2011. The usefulness of mess: artistry, improvisation and decomposition in the practice of research in applied theatre. In: Kershaw, B. and Nicholson, H. eds. Research Methods in Theatre and Performance. Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 186-209.
- Kidd, J. 2009. Digital storytelling and the performance of memory. In: Garde-Hansen, J., Hoskins, A. and Reading, A. eds. Save As.. Digital Memories. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 167-183.
- Meadows, D. and Kidd, J. 2009. 'Capture Wales': The BBC Digital Storytelling Project. In: Hartley, J. and McWilliam, K. eds. Story Circle: Digital Storytelling Around the World. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 91-117.
- Kidd, J. 2009. Capture Wales digital storytelling: community media meets the BBC. In: Rodríguez, C., Kidd, D. and Stein, L. eds. Making Our Media: Global Initiatives Toward a Democratic Public Sphere: Creating New Communication Spaces., Vol. 1. Euricom Monographs Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, pp. 293-308.
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. 2009. Cultivating audience engagement in museum theatre: a case study. In: Shu, J. et al. eds. Planting Trees of Drama with Global Vision in Local Knowledge: IDEA 2007 Dialogues. IDEA Publications Hong Kong: Hong Kong Drama/Theatre and Education Forum, pp. 240-254.
- Groppel-Wegener, A. and Kidd, J. 2019. Critical encounters with immersive storytelling. London and New York: Routledge.
- Kidd, J. 2015. Representation. Key Ideas in Media & Cultural Studies. London: Routledge.
- Kidd, J. 2014. Museums in the new mediascape: Transmedia, participation, ethics. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315596532)
- Kidd, J. et al. eds. 2014. Challenging history in the museum. International Perspectives. Farnham: Ashgate.
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. eds. 2010. Performing Heritage: Research, practice and innovation in museum theatre and live interpretation. Manchester: Manchester University Press.
- James, D., Davies, G., Kidd, J. and John, A. 2019. Awe or empathy, fast or slow? Articulating impacts from contrasting mobile experiences. Presented at: MW19, Boston, Ma., 2-6 April 2019. Museums and the Web
- Huws, S., John, A. and Kidd, J. 2018. Evaluating the affective dimensions of Traces-Olion: a subtle mob at St Fagans National Museum of History, Wales. Presented at: 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018), San Francisco, CA, USA, 26-30 October 2018Proceedings 2018 3rd Digital Heritage International Congress (DigitalHERITAGE) held jointly with 2018 24th International Conference on Virtual Systems & Multimedia (VSMM 2018). IEEE pp. -., (10.1109/DigitalHeritage.2018.8810117)
- Nieto Mcavoy, E. and Kidd, J. 2022. Crypto art and questions of value: a review of emergent issues. Discussion Paper. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/crypto-art-and-questions-of-value
- Kidd, J. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2022. Culture in quarantine? Cultural institutions' uses of Twitter during lockdown. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre. Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/culture-in-quarantine
- Kidd, J., Nieto McAvoy, E. and Ostrowska, A. 2021. Implications of the COVID-19 digital ‘pivot’ in museums and galleries: lessons from practitioners. AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre, Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/pivot-to-digital-how-museums-and-galleries-responded-to-covid-19
- Kidd, J. and Nieto McAvoy, E. 2019. Immersive experiences in museums, galleries and heritage sites: a review of research findings and issues. Project Report. [Online]. Creative Industries’ Policy and Evidence Centre (PEC). Available at: https://www.pec.ac.uk/discussion-papers/immersive-experiences-in-museums-galleries-and-heritage-sites-a-review-of-research-findings-and-issues
- Wahl-Jorgensen, K. et al. 2013. Breadth of opinion in BBC output. Project Report. [Online]. BBC Trust. Available at: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bbctrust/our_work/editorial_standards/impartiality/breadth_opinion.html
- Jackson, A. and Kidd, J. 2008. Performance, learning & heritage. Project Report. [Online]. Manchester: Centre for Applied Theatre Research, University of Manchester. Available at: http://www.plh.manchester.ac.uk/documents/Performance,%20Learning%20&%20Heritage%20-%20Report.pdf
- Kidd, J. 2005. Capture Wales: digital storytelling and the BBC. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Kidd, J. 2018. The maturing of immersive experiences. [Online]. MuseumID: MuseumID. Available at: http://museum-id.com/the-futuremuseum-project-what-will-museums-be-like-in-the-future-essay-collection/
- Kidd, J. and Cardiff, R. 2017. "A space of negotiation": visitor generated content and ethics at Tate. Museum and Society 15(1), pp. 43-55.
Overview of projects:
2022-present: Synthetic Pasts: synthetic media and the ethics of algorithmically generated memory. This work is currently supported by a Leverhulme Trust grant (2024-6). Find out more in our recent article.
AHRC Policy and Evidence Centre: Co-Investigator on the AHRC Policy and Evidence centre for the Creative Industries, 'Arts, Culture and Public Service Broadcasting' workstrand [2018-2023]. Find out more about The Value of Arts and Culture.
Co-Investigator on AHRC 'COVID-19: Impacts on the cultural industries and implications for policy' [15 months from Sept 2020]. Find out more in the final project report.
Immersive Media for Change: with Alison John, 2018 [supported by an ESRC IAA grant]
Traces | Olion: In 2016 we began work on a ‘subtle mob’ for St Fagans National History Museum, Wales. The project, funded by the ESRC IAA, was a partnership between Cardiff University, Amgueddfa Cymru and yello brick, a creative marketing and street gaming company based in Cardiff. ‘Traces’ (‘Olion’ in the Welsh language) was a site specific audio experience which took participants on a physical journey around St Fagans, meandering between fact and fiction, past and present. More on Traces.
Voices of War and Peace: Co-Investigator on Birmingham University’s Voices of War and Peace project, an WW1 Engagement Centre funded by the AHRC. This involved innovative collaboration between Cardiff University and a number of partner organisations in Wales on the theme of WW1 between 2014 and 2019. As leads on the Commemoration strand of the Centre's work, Dr. Joanne Sayner and I extensively studied the poppies installation Blood Swept Lands and Seas of Red.This work was a collaboration with the Tower of London, Historic Royal Palaces and Imperial War Museums.
With New Eyes I See: With New Eyes I See was a collaborative research project with yello brick funded by AHRC-REACT. The project prototyped a site-specific documentary using torches, projection and RFID to trigger content. An overview of this project and its findings has been published as an open access article in International Journal of Heritage Studies.
Visitor-Generated Content: 2012 – 2014 Co-Investigator on AHRC funded network ‘Visitor Generated Content’ with Leicester University Museums Studies Department. Project partners included the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum, the Digital Engagement Network and Art of Memory. The project led to a research collaboration with Tate.
Challenging History Network: Challenging History investigated the representation of difficult and sensitive subject matters within heritage contexts, resulting in a number of reports, major recommendations to the cultural sector. In partnership with Historic Royal Palaces and Imperial War Musuems, we held a number of events and sector-facing seminars, including International Conferences at City University (2012), Cardiff University (2016), and a Philosophy Salon at the National Portrait Gallery (2011).
2010-2012 Joint recipient of a Grundtvig Award (from European Commission) to investigate Challenging History with the Lidice Memorial, Lidice, Czech Republic and the Forum of Contemporary History, Leipzig, Germany.
The Significance of the Centenary, 2013: Co-Investigator on The Significance of the Centenary (AHRC). The project used a range of methodologies to explore how a Centenary is given meaning. The project was a partnership with Birmingham University, Sheffield University, the Tower of London, Cultural Learning Alliance and the National Library of Wales.
Silence, Memory and Empathy Network, 2012-2014: Co-Investigator on the AHRC funded network Silence, Memory and Empathy in Museums and at Historic Sites. UK Project partners included: Buckfast Abbey, Historic Royal Palaces, the Cultural Learning Alliance,Imperial War Museums, National Maritime Museum, Oriel High School, the Hitchin Museum, National Museums Northern Ireland, Royal Armouries Leeds, The Highlanders Museum, Birmingham University and Cardiff University.
Performance, Learning and Heritage: The Performance, Learning and Heritage research project was an investigation into the uses and impact of performance as a medium of learning and interpretation in museums and at historic sites. Funded by a major research grant from the AHRC, the project ran for three and a half years from 2005 to 2008. I was the Research Associate on the project. PLH involved four major case studies working with the National Maritime Museum, London, Llancaiach Fawr Manor, Nelson, S.Wales, Triangle Theatre Company, Coventry and the Manchester Museum.
City of London Festival audience research: In 2009 I was commissioned as a consultant (funded by Knowledge Connect) to work with the City of London Festival team on an extensive audience study.
Digital Culture (Undergraduate year 2 core module)
Immersive Media (Undergraduate year 3 elective)
Digital Creativity (Postgraduate taught programme)
2012 - present: School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University.
2008 - 2012: Lecturer, Centre for Cultural Policy and Management, City University London.
2005 - 2008: Research Associate, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, The University of Manchester.
2002 - 2005: PhD in Digital Storytelling, School of Journalism, Media and Culture, Cardiff University.
Before studying for her PhD Dr. KIdd was a web designer and developer for dktv (a different kind of television), Camden, London.
I am currently supervising five PhD students and have supervised a further 10 to completion. I have examined 22 PhDs within and beyond the UK.
Current supervision
My research has always had engagement at its core, and is generally bi-directional. This has meant, for example, rich co-creative work with members of the public, industry (in particular in the Galleries/Archives/Museums sector and broader creative industries), and other researchers. My research approach centres creative co-design and collaboration. This has included varied forms of digital storytelling, immersive approaches, and work with members of the public to map experiences of historic encounters through (for example) drawn and performed responses. I have strong experience of working the data produced through such approaches into rich but accessible empirical accounts to inform the work of policy makers and practitioners.
My work on Synethic Pasts with Dr. Eva Nieto McAvoy is situated at the nexus of (digital) memory studies and AI. This research, which explores 'algorithmic afterlives', speaks to human concerns that reach beyond the digital, for example about how we grieve, how we express and understand identity, and the impacts of disinformation. In the coming months we will be embarking on a rich strand of critical-creative initiatives and public engagament activity to complement our Leverhulme Trust funded research on these themes. This will drive a more informed public convesation about - and increase understanding of - these novel but complex digital practices. It will scope and test strategies to help us prepare for - or actively resist - them. My role as a Turing Fellow (2024-26) will further support the impacts of this research.
Other resources giving an insight:
Engagement activities as part of the Synthetic Pasts project.
Too Long Didn't Read podcast episode, the Alan Turing Institute.
'Crafted Reality' podcast episode.
Written reflection on 'Creativity in Lockdown', an overview of work with Creative Cardiff on the Our Creative Cardiff initiative, 2020.
PEC blog post on work with Historic Royal Palaces on their 2014-2018 installations to mark the centenary of World War One, 2019: 'The continuing significance of the centenary'.
PEC blog post on the Voices of War and Peace ‘Heritage, Community and Opportunity’ policy breakfast, 2019: 'A lesson in how to understand the value of culture'.