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Maneesh Kumar

Professor Maneesh Kumar


Pro Dean for Technology, Systems and Data
Professor in Service Operations

Available for postgraduate supervision


Maneesh Kumar is a Professor of Service Operations at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. He also holds a honorary Visiting Professor role at Cardiff & Vale University Health Board.

He conducts cross disciplinary applied research in the area of Operational Excellence including topics such as Quality Management, Lean Six Sigma (LSS), Lean, Green, and Innovation (iLEGO), Healthcare Process/Service Innovation using Big Data Analytics, Knowledge Clusters for capability enhancement within SMEs. This has resulted in publications of over 165 journals and conferences papers, edited books, and conference proceedings. His research participants encompasses range of industry including Automotive Industry (India, UK, Japan), Service Industries and Public Sector organizations including NHS. His current research interests are integration of Operations Excellence with Industry 4.0 and Big data environment, Operational Capabilities development in micro and small companies through cluster formation, sustaining operations excellence, Innovative Circular Economy Business Models.

He cohosted 25th Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) conference on 10th September 2019 in Cardiff university.  He co-chaired 21st Quality Management & Organisational Development Conference hosted in Cardiff University from 22nd-24th August, 2018. He has also initiated a first practice based forum on Lean Green and Innovation (iLEGO) that brings practitioner community together to have engaged discussion on synergies and misalignments between the three topics and promote cross learning between different industries. The 4th iLEGO workshop was hosted on 9th September 2020 in Cardiff University.

In 2020, he was recognised with the ‘Business Innovation’Award @ Cardiff University’s Innovation and Impact Awards 2020 for the project with Siemens Logistics. He was also recognised by the Industrial Engienering & Operations Management (IEOM) Society at the 2nd African International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management (7th-10th December 2020), where he was also invited as a Keynote Speaker. The IEOM Award Committee has bestowed 'Distinguished Professor Award' to Prof. Kumar in recognition and appreciation of his achievements, contributions, and dedication in the industrial engineering and operations management profession. He was also invited as a Keynote Speaker at a Regional Operational Excellence (OPEX) & Digital Transformation 4.0 Summit hosted by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), 24-26 November 2020. 

He has been recognised for his outstanding contributions to teaching at Cardiff University’s Celebrating Excellence Awards 2018 in the category of 'Excellence in Teaching including Training & Development'.

He has been involved in delivering LSS training up to Black Belt level and delivered several workshops on LSS and Industry 4.0 application in different type and size of industries including Kwik-Fit Insurance Services, Standard Life, Admiral, Principality, Bakkavor Group, Norbert Dentressangle, Norgine Ltd., Celsa Steel, NHS Grampian, NHS Sheltand, Edinburgh City Council, Aberdeenshire Council, Automotive Component Manufacturers Association of India (ACMA) and Tata Motors. He is also a regular speaker at International Conferences and Seminars on LSS & Process Excellence. 






















Book sections




Primary research interests

  • Operational Excellence and Innovation (including the role of Industry 4.0, innovative circular economy business model)
  • Service Innovation through Big Data Analytics ( especially in healthcare sector)
  • Smart manufacturing and future of working 
  • Contextual factors affecting sustainaiblity of Operational Excellence
  • Operations Capabilities development through cluster formation (Automotive Industry, Drinks Industry)

Research Funded Projects (since 2015)

  • Transforming WJEC into a High Reliability Education Organization (HREO). Funding Body: ESRC & Welsh Government; Role: Principal Investigator; Duration: 21st March 2020 – 20th March 2022; Amount: £162,292. 
  • ESRC Wales DTP Collaborative PHD Studentship on “Development and testing of PAtient SafeTy risk Assessment (PASTA) tool to maximise learning from patient safety incidents in healthcare organisations” (in partnership with Dr.Raj Krishnan, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board), led by Professor Maneesh Kumar  (Logistics & Operations Management Section, Cardiff Business School) and Co-supervised by Dr. Andrew Carson-Stevens (Patient Safety Research Group, School of Medicine). The project will start from September 2021. 
  • Cooperative Operations for Growth (CO-Growth). Funding Body: Welsh Government Rural Communities - Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014 - 2020, Duration : January2019 - September 2021, Amount: £780,000, Role: Co-Investigator (Led by Dr. Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues, LOM Section, Cardiff Business School).
  • To create and embed an Accelerated Innovation Process within data science environment. Funding Body: Innovate UK (Knowledge Transfer Partnership funding with Centrica Ltd (British Gas)), Duration: Septemeber 2018 - August 2021, Amount: £244,502, Role: Co-Investigator (led by Prof. Luigi De Luca, M & S section, Cardiff Business School).
  • Fit for market: Co-Growth Pilot Project, Funding Body: Business Innovation Tourism Escalator Scheme 2017, Welsh Government, Duration: May 2018 - April 2019, Amount: £149,998, Role: Co-Investigator (Led by Dr. Vasco Sanchez Rodrigues, LOM Section, Cardiff Business School).
  • Continuous Improvement Training and Accreditation, Innovative Work Behaviour, and Kata Approach: Building Sustainable CI organization, Funding Body: Wales DTP Type 2 Funding (50% ESRC; 50% Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe), Duration: Oct 2016 - Sep 2020, Amount: £78,757, Role: Principal Investigator & PhD supervisor (supported by Prof. Annie Pye, MEO Section, Cardiff Business School).
  • Robotics and Human Co-operation and co-ordination for moving towards the goal of becoming leader in I4.0 applications, Funding Body: 50% Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe, 50% Cardiff University, Duration: Oct 2016 -  Dec 2019, Amount: £35,281, Role: Second Supervisor (Led by Dr. Ying Liu, School of Engineering, Cardiff University).
  • Accelerating BIM adoption in the construction supply chain, Funding Body: HighWay England, Duration: Dec 15 - March 17, Amount: £62,290, Role: Co-Investigator (Led by Dr. Yingli Wang, LOM Section, Cardiff Business School).
  • From Construction to Production, Funding Body: HighWay England, Duration: June 16 - March 17, Amount: £55, 872, Role: Co-Investigator (Led by Prof. Lauri Koskela, University of Huddersfield).

Two Internal Seed-Corn Funding details (Linked to Big Data Analytics & Industry 4.0 Applications)

  • Assessing healthcare service delivery process for effective patient care: an Opinion Mining approach – Led by Dr. Maneesh Kumar and CoI-Dr. Ying Liu (School of Engineering); Amount- £8170; Duration: July18 - Dec18
  • Researching a Cognitively Inspired Analytical Modelling Approach for Human-Robot Collaboration and Adaptability in Digital Manufacturing – A Pilot Study; Led by Dr. Ying Liu & CoI Dr. Maneesh Kumar; Amount: £4935; Duration July-Nov18.

PhD supervision research interests

Maneesh's current PhD students (4) are conducting applied research in the area of Operations Excellence, Industry 4.0, Circular Economy, Healthcare resilience model, Using of AI/ML in Helathcare. He has successfully supervised 12 students through Phd, Engineering Doctorate, Profesisonal Doctorate, and DBA degrees. He was an external examiner to 23 PhD students in the UK, Australia, Spain, and India. 

Maneesh is interested in supervising PhD students in the area of

  • Lean Six Sigma & Sustaining Continuous Improvement
  • Operational Excellence in the era of Industry 4.0
  • Human Factors and Industry 4.0
  • Lean, Green, and Innovation, Circular Economy
  • Service Improvement through Big Data Analytics


Current Teaching

Maneesh was recognised for his outstanding contributions to teaching at Cardiff University's Celebrating Excellence Awards 2018 in the category of ' Excellence in Teaching including Training & Development'.

Maneesh teaches following module on the Executive MBA program

Maneesh occasionaly teaches on full-time PG programs such as MSC in Logistics & Operations Management, full-time MBA

  • Lean Operations
  • Strategic Operations Management

Innovative methods used in EMBA Teaching

  • In 2017/18, Maneesh delivered Operations Management module in a local service company to facilitate experiential learning among students. This practice was recognised as innovative practice aligned with Public Value theme supported by Cardiff Business School.
  • Lean Thinking module was part delivered by GE Healthcare Lean expert during 2016/17, including company visit to learn practical application of Lean tools and techniques.



  • 2012, Fellow Higher Education Academy, UK
  • 2010, PhD, Six Sigma implementation in the UK manufacturing SMEs, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK,Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Edinburgh Napier University, UK
  • 2005, Masters in Research (Business & Management), Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
  • 2004, Bachelor of Technology, National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology, Ranchi University, India

Career Overview

  • Professor (Service Operations), Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University [ 1st Aug 2018 -  ]
  • Reader (Service Operations), Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University [Sep 2016 - July 2018 ]
  • Senior Lecturer (Service Operations), Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University [July 2013 - Aug 2016]
  • Lecturer (Service Operations), Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University [Oct 2011- June 2013]
  • Lecturer, The Business School, Edinburgh Napier University [ Sep 2008 - Sep 2011]


Honours and awards

  • Keynote Speaker at 2nd ACT Summit- 'Innovations in Manufacturing- Make in India', Pune, India, 9th-10th January 2017.
  • Keynote Speaker & Panel Discussant for Doctoral Symposium, International Conference on Green Supply Chain GSC'2016, Loughborough University in London, 10th- 13th July 2016.
  • 2nd best paper award (in interdisciplinary research category) at 41st Decision Science Institute Annual Conference, San Diego (Nov 2010);2nd best paper award at the World Conference on Quality Improvement, Minneapolis (May 2009); & Best paper award at 13th International Conference on Productivity and Quality Improvement, Finland (June 2008)
  • Invited as a Plenary Speaker and Presenter at G20 Youth Summit in St. Petersburgh from 17th – 21st April 2013. I was the only candidate from the Cardiff University selected and sponsored by VC office to attend this event.
  • Nominated in the ' Most Effective Teacher' Category by Cardiff University Student Union for academic year 2012-13; Excellence in Teaching Award for PG teaching at Cardiff Business School in 2012-13
  • Shortlisted as the only candidate from entire Business School in Scotland to attend prestigious ' Scottish Crucible' event in 2010.
  • Invited to deliver workshop on 'Innovative Management System for a Sustainable Food Industry' at the Ghent University in Belgium, 1st June 2010 & 18th January 2011. Currently providing consultancy services on process excellence in collaboration with Gent University to Belgium Food SMEs.
  • Invited as the panel member on a research seminar organised by University of Strathclyde on 'Six Sigma for the Little Guy' on 25th November, 2009
  • Invited for Guest lectures on Quality / Operations Management to undergraduate/ Post-Graduate/ MBA students at Glasgow Caledonian University, University of Stirling, and Herriot Watt University in the UK and Dublin City University Business School in Ireland; Indian Institute of Management and Coal India Limited in India
  • Invited for a presentation on "Some Common Myths of Six Sigma Demystified" organised by Charted Quality Institute on 4th March 2008 at University of Strathclyde
  • Awarded prestigious University of Strathclyde scholarship for PhD and Glasgow Caledonian University scholarship for Masters in Research (MRES)

Professional memberships

  • European Operations Management Society (EUROMA)
  • American Society for Quality (ASQ)

Committees and reviewing

  • External Examining Role:  Subject external examiner for Risk and Operations Management subject on the MSC Risk Management program at Sheffield Hallam University [ 2012- 2015]; Subject external examiner for Operations and Supply Chain Management subject on the BA (Hons) Business Management program, Edinburgh Napier University [2015- ]


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Lean Six Sigma & Sustaining Continuous Improvement
  • Operational Excellence in the era of Industry 4.0
  • Human Factors and Industry 4.0
  • Lean, Green, and Innovation, Circular Economy
  • Service Improvement through Big Data Analytics

Current supervision

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75276
Campuses Aberconway Building, Room Q22, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Aberconway Building, Room C22, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU