Dr Abhishek Kundu
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Abhishek Kundu
Senior Lecturer - Teaching and Research
Dr Abhishek Kundu is a Senior Lecturer in the Computational Mechanics and Engineering AI research group and is the co-founder of the physics-informed digital-twin lab in Cardiff School of Engineering. Abhishek works extensively with industrial partners such as Airbus, Mistras, Testia and Centregreat Rail on interdisciplinary research spanning the topics of phyics-informed digital twins, probabilistic machine learning, system identification, Structural Health Monitoring, acousto-ultrasonic techniques, structural dynamics, high-performance computing, edge computing and engineering uncertainty quantification.
He has received several awards and accolades throughout his academic career and serves on the editorial board of ASME's Journal of Non-Destructive Techniques. He has been highly successful in securing competitive funding from EPSRC, Royal Academy of Engineering, Newton, Innovate UK, Welsh Government, Airbus, amongst other. He has over 50 scientific publications and he travels extensively to deliver lecture in prestigious international conferences and seminars.
At Cardiff, he excels in interdisciplinary research at the interface of fundamental topics on computational modelling and Bayesian uncertainty quantification. His research spans all aspects of research from fundamental theory in probabilistic modelling approaches and AI to applied industrial projects across civil, aerospace and mechanical engineering.
- Computational modelling and digital twin in high-tech applications with physics-informed ML techniques including reduced order modelling to have a sleek, interactive model in real-time.
- Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) in computational engineering mechanics in design, calibration and performance prediction of practical engineering systems to ensure their clean and fail-safe operation applied to a wide-range of applications starting from aerospace structures design under uncertainty to multistage digital manufacturing process.
- Structural Health Monitoring for aerospace and civil applications where physics-informed cyberphysical monitoring systems are integrated within an IOT framework through edge-computing nodes for real-time structural monitoring.
- Active control of vibration and noise is essential to ensure robust, real-time closed loop cancellation of structural vibration/noise even under changing operational and loading conditions.
There are research positions and PhD studentships available in the research group and interested candidates are highly encouraged to get in touch.
Editorial Responsibility
Associate Editor of ASME's Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems (JNDE)
Areas of expertise
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Bayesian inference
- structural health monitoring and prognostics
- structural dynamics
- reduced order computational modelling
- robust optimization
- probabilistic machine learning
- vibration and noise control
- Gullapalli, A., Aburakhis, T., Featherston, C., Pullin, R., Morini, L. and Kundu, A. 2025. A cyberphysical structural health monitoring framework for threshold-free active signal detection and classification on the edge. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems 8(2), article number: 21003. (10.1115/1.4066196)
- Alshahrani, A., Kulasegaram, S. and Kundu, A. 2025. Utilisation of simulation-driven fibre orientation for effective modelling of flexural strength and toughness in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials 459, article number: 139767. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139767)
- Sikdar, S., Gullapalli, A. and Kundu, A. 2024. A hierarchical multistage holistic model for acoustic emission source monitoring in composites. Smart Materials and Structures 33, article number: 115022. (10.1088/1361-665X/ad8409)
- Gullapalli, A., Aburakhis, T., Featherston, C., Pullin, R. and Kundu, A. 2024. Smart edge computing framework for in-line signal detection and classification. Presented at: 2024 51st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Denver, CO, USA, 21-24 July 2024Proceedings of the 2024 51st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. ASME, (10.1115/QNDE2024-138485)
- Walton, D. B., Featherston, C. A., Kennedy, D. and Kundu, A. 2024. Inverse design under uncertainty with surrogate models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2647(21), article number: 212008. (10.1088/1742-6596/2647/21/212008)
- Alshahrani, A., Kulasegaram, S. and Kundu, A. 2023. Elastic modulus of self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete: Experimental approach and multi-scale simulation. Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, article number: e01723. (10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01723)
- Sikdar, S., Ostachowicz, W. and Kundu, A. 2023. Deep learning for automatic assessment of breathing-debonds in stiffened composite panels using non-linear guided wave signals. Composite Structures 312, article number: 116876. (10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.116876)
- Sikdar, S., Liu, D. and Kundu, A. 2022. Acoustic emission data based deep learning approach for classification and detection of damage-sources in a composite panel. Composites Part B: Engineering 228, article number: 109450. (10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109450)
- Mason, B., Bhaduri, D., Ryan, M., Setchi, R. and Kundu, A. 2022. Laser polishing of additively manufactured aluminium surfaces. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing for Air, Space and Land Transportation, Virtual, 7-10 March 2022.
- Mason, B., Ryan, M., Setchi, R., Kundu, A., Nishio Ayre, W. and Bhaduri, D. 2022. Development of a novel laser polishing strategy for additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy parts. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing - SDM 2022, Split, Croatia, 16-17 September 2022.
- Bachhar, P., Kundu, A. and Mandal, P. 2021. A Gaussian process based model for air-jet cooling of mild steel plate in run out table. Presented at: International Conference on Advances in Material Science & Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME) 2020, Vidyanagar, India, 7-9 February 2020 Presented at Reddy, K. H. and Chuntamreddy, V. K. eds.Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 106. [Advances in Science and Technology]. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd pp. 137-142., (10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.106.137)
- Bonilla-Villalba, P., Claus, S., Kundu, A. and Kerfriden, P. 2020. Goal-oriented model adaptivity in stochastic elastodynamics: simultaneous control of discretisation, surrogate model and sampling errors. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 10(3), pp. 195-223. (10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2020031735)
- Sikdar, S., Kundu, A., Jurek, M. and Ostachowicz, W. 2019. Nondestructive analysis of debonds in a composite structure under variable temperature conditions. Sensors 19(16), pp. 3454. (10.3390/s19163454)
- Kundu, A., Sikdar, S., Eaton, M. and Navaratne, R. 2019. A generic framework for application of machine learning in acoustic emission-based damage identification. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, 9-10 July 2019Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer pp. 244-262., (10.1007/978-981-13-8331-1_18)
- Kerfriden, P., Kundu, A. and Claus, S. 2019. Adaptivity in bayesian inverse finite element problems: learning and simultaneous control of discretisation and sampling errors. Materials 12(4), article number: 642. (10.3390/ma12040642)
- Maia, N., Pryse, S. E., Adhikari, S., Kundu, A. and Dimitrovová, Z. 2018. Projection methods for stochastic structural dynamics. MATEC Web of Conferences 211, article number: 1003. (10.1051/matecconf/201821101003)
- Pryse, S., Adhikari, S. and Kundu, A. 2018. Sample-based and sample-aggregated based Galerkin projection schemes for structural dynamics. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 54, pp. 118-130. (10.1016/j.probengmech.2017.09.002)
- Pryse, S., Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2018. Projection methods for stochastic dynamic systems: a frequency domain approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 338, pp. 412-439. (10.1016/j.cma.2018.04.025)
- Kundu, A., Matthies, H. G. and Friswell, M. 2018. Probabilistic optimization of engineering system with prescribed target design in a reduced parameter space. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 337, pp. 281-304. (10.1016/j.cma.2018.03.041)
- Kundu, A., Sikdar, S., Eaton, M. and Navaratne, R. 2018. Probabilistic method for damage identification in multi-layered composite structures. Presented at: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13 July 2018.
- Sikdar, S., Kudela, P., Radzieński, M., Kundu, A. and Ostachowicz, W. 2018. Online detection of barely visible low-speed impact damage in 3D-core sandwich composite structure. Composite Structures 185, pp. 646-655. (10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.11.067)
- Kundu, A., Eaton, M., Al-Jumali, S., Sikdar, S. and Pullin, R. 2017. Acoustic emission based damage localization in composites structures using Bayesian identification. Journal of Physics. Conference Series 842, pp. 12081. (10.1088/1742-6596/842/1/012081)
- Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I. 2015. Transient response analysis of randomly parametrized finite element systems based on approximate balanced reduction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, pp. 542-570. (10.1016/j.cma.2014.11.007)
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2015. Dynamic analysis of stochastic structural systems using frequency adaptive spectral functions. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 39, pp. 23-38. (10.1016/j.probengmech.2014.11.003)
- Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I. 2014. Stochastic finite elements of discretely parameterized random systems on domains with boundary uncertainty. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100(3), pp. 183-221. (10.1002/nme.4733)
- Kundu, A., DiazDelaO, F. A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. 2014. A hybrid spectral and metamodeling approach for the stochastic finite element analysis of structural dynamic systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 270, pp. 201-219. (10.1016/j.cma.2013.11.013)
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2014. Transient response of structural dynamic systems with parametric uncertainty. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140(2), pp. 315-331. (10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000643)
- Kundu, A. and Berry, A. 2011. Active control of transmission loss with smart foams. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(2), pp. 726. (10.1121/1.3519676)
- Kundu, A. and Berry, A. 2011. Active sound control with smart foams using piezoelectric sensoriactuator. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22(16), pp. 1771-1787. (10.1177/1045389X11409079)
- Gullapalli, A., Aburakhis, T., Featherston, C., Pullin, R. and Kundu, A. 2024. Smart edge computing framework for in-line signal detection and classification. Presented at: 2024 51st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Denver, CO, USA, 21-24 July 2024Proceedings of the 2024 51st Annual Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation. ASME, (10.1115/QNDE2024-138485)
- Mason, B., Bhaduri, D., Ryan, M., Setchi, R. and Kundu, A. 2022. Laser polishing of additively manufactured aluminium surfaces. Presented at: 1st International Conference on Advanced Manufacturing for Air, Space and Land Transportation, Virtual, 7-10 March 2022.
- Mason, B., Ryan, M., Setchi, R., Kundu, A., Nishio Ayre, W. and Bhaduri, D. 2022. Development of a novel laser polishing strategy for additively manufactured AlSi10Mg alloy parts. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing - SDM 2022, Split, Croatia, 16-17 September 2022.
- Bachhar, P., Kundu, A. and Mandal, P. 2021. A Gaussian process based model for air-jet cooling of mild steel plate in run out table. Presented at: International Conference on Advances in Material Science & Mechanical Engineering (ICAMSME) 2020, Vidyanagar, India, 7-9 February 2020 Presented at Reddy, K. H. and Chuntamreddy, V. K. eds.Advances in Material Science and Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 106. [Advances in Science and Technology]. Switzerland: Trans Tech Publications Ltd pp. 137-142., (10.4028/www.scientific.net/AST.106.137)
- Kundu, A., Sikdar, S., Eaton, M. and Navaratne, R. 2019. A generic framework for application of machine learning in acoustic emission-based damage identification. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures, 9-10 July 2019Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Damage Assessment of Structures. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering Springer pp. 244-262., (10.1007/978-981-13-8331-1_18)
- Kundu, A., Sikdar, S., Eaton, M. and Navaratne, R. 2018. Probabilistic method for damage identification in multi-layered composite structures. Presented at: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13 July 2018.
- Gullapalli, A., Aburakhis, T., Featherston, C., Pullin, R., Morini, L. and Kundu, A. 2025. A cyberphysical structural health monitoring framework for threshold-free active signal detection and classification on the edge. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Diagnostics and Prognostics of Engineering Systems 8(2), article number: 21003. (10.1115/1.4066196)
- Alshahrani, A., Kulasegaram, S. and Kundu, A. 2025. Utilisation of simulation-driven fibre orientation for effective modelling of flexural strength and toughness in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials 459, article number: 139767. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139767)
- Sikdar, S., Gullapalli, A. and Kundu, A. 2024. A hierarchical multistage holistic model for acoustic emission source monitoring in composites. Smart Materials and Structures 33, article number: 115022. (10.1088/1361-665X/ad8409)
- Walton, D. B., Featherston, C. A., Kennedy, D. and Kundu, A. 2024. Inverse design under uncertainty with surrogate models. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2647(21), article number: 212008. (10.1088/1742-6596/2647/21/212008)
- Alshahrani, A., Kulasegaram, S. and Kundu, A. 2023. Elastic modulus of self-compacting fibre reinforced concrete: Experimental approach and multi-scale simulation. Case Studies in Construction Materials 18, article number: e01723. (10.1016/j.cscm.2022.e01723)
- Sikdar, S., Ostachowicz, W. and Kundu, A. 2023. Deep learning for automatic assessment of breathing-debonds in stiffened composite panels using non-linear guided wave signals. Composite Structures 312, article number: 116876. (10.1016/j.compstruct.2023.116876)
- Sikdar, S., Liu, D. and Kundu, A. 2022. Acoustic emission data based deep learning approach for classification and detection of damage-sources in a composite panel. Composites Part B: Engineering 228, article number: 109450. (10.1016/j.compositesb.2021.109450)
- Bonilla-Villalba, P., Claus, S., Kundu, A. and Kerfriden, P. 2020. Goal-oriented model adaptivity in stochastic elastodynamics: simultaneous control of discretisation, surrogate model and sampling errors. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 10(3), pp. 195-223. (10.1615/Int.J.UncertaintyQuantification.2020031735)
- Sikdar, S., Kundu, A., Jurek, M. and Ostachowicz, W. 2019. Nondestructive analysis of debonds in a composite structure under variable temperature conditions. Sensors 19(16), pp. 3454. (10.3390/s19163454)
- Kerfriden, P., Kundu, A. and Claus, S. 2019. Adaptivity in bayesian inverse finite element problems: learning and simultaneous control of discretisation and sampling errors. Materials 12(4), article number: 642. (10.3390/ma12040642)
- Maia, N., Pryse, S. E., Adhikari, S., Kundu, A. and Dimitrovová, Z. 2018. Projection methods for stochastic structural dynamics. MATEC Web of Conferences 211, article number: 1003. (10.1051/matecconf/201821101003)
- Pryse, S., Adhikari, S. and Kundu, A. 2018. Sample-based and sample-aggregated based Galerkin projection schemes for structural dynamics. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 54, pp. 118-130. (10.1016/j.probengmech.2017.09.002)
- Pryse, S., Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2018. Projection methods for stochastic dynamic systems: a frequency domain approach. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 338, pp. 412-439. (10.1016/j.cma.2018.04.025)
- Kundu, A., Matthies, H. G. and Friswell, M. 2018. Probabilistic optimization of engineering system with prescribed target design in a reduced parameter space. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 337, pp. 281-304. (10.1016/j.cma.2018.03.041)
- Sikdar, S., Kudela, P., Radzieński, M., Kundu, A. and Ostachowicz, W. 2018. Online detection of barely visible low-speed impact damage in 3D-core sandwich composite structure. Composite Structures 185, pp. 646-655. (10.1016/j.compstruct.2017.11.067)
- Kundu, A., Eaton, M., Al-Jumali, S., Sikdar, S. and Pullin, R. 2017. Acoustic emission based damage localization in composites structures using Bayesian identification. Journal of Physics. Conference Series 842, pp. 12081. (10.1088/1742-6596/842/1/012081)
- Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I. 2015. Transient response analysis of randomly parametrized finite element systems based on approximate balanced reduction. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 285, pp. 542-570. (10.1016/j.cma.2014.11.007)
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2015. Dynamic analysis of stochastic structural systems using frequency adaptive spectral functions. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 39, pp. 23-38. (10.1016/j.probengmech.2014.11.003)
- Kundu, A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. I. 2014. Stochastic finite elements of discretely parameterized random systems on domains with boundary uncertainty. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 100(3), pp. 183-221. (10.1002/nme.4733)
- Kundu, A., DiazDelaO, F. A., Adhikari, S. and Friswell, M. 2014. A hybrid spectral and metamodeling approach for the stochastic finite element analysis of structural dynamic systems. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 270, pp. 201-219. (10.1016/j.cma.2013.11.013)
- Kundu, A. and Adhikari, S. 2014. Transient response of structural dynamic systems with parametric uncertainty. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 140(2), pp. 315-331. (10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000643)
- Kundu, A. and Berry, A. 2011. Active control of transmission loss with smart foams. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129(2), pp. 726. (10.1121/1.3519676)
- Kundu, A. and Berry, A. 2011. Active sound control with smart foams using piezoelectric sensoriactuator. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 22(16), pp. 1771-1787. (10.1177/1045389X11409079)
- Alshahrani, A., Kulasegaram, S. and Kundu, A. 2025. Utilisation of simulation-driven fibre orientation for effective modelling of flexural strength and toughness in self-compacting concrete. Construction and Building Materials 459, article number: 139767. (10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139767)
- Project: Towards CyberSHM - autonomous acousto-ultrasonic health monitoring of operational composite structures
- Organisation: Cardiff University
- Duration: 2021 - 2025
- Industry partner: Airbus, Mistras
- Project: Using machine learning for early-stage aircraft wing design under uncertainty
- Organisation: Cardiff University
- Duration: 2020 - 2024
- Welsh Government - Québec-Wales collboration 2021 (PI)
- Project: Acoustic Source Identification with Aritificial Intelligence (AI)
- Duration: 12 months (2022-23)
- Academic Partner: Université de Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada
- Welsh Government - SmartExpertise (CoI)
- Project: DigiBridge
- Duration: 12 months (2021-22)
- Industry partner: Centregreat Rail, Crouch Waterfall, Centregreat Engineering
- Project: Digital Twins in support of Smart Bridge Structural Surveying
- Duration: 36 months (2021-24)
- Industry partner: Centregreat Rail
- Royal Academy of Engineering - Industrial Fellowship (PI)
- Duration: 21 months
- Industry partner: Airbus
- Link to project
- Project: Multidisciplinary robust optimization of early-stage aircraft wing design under uncertainty
- Organisation: Cardiff University
- Duration: 2019 - 2020
- Industry partner/part funding: Airbus
- SCoRE Cymru award - host researcher (PI).
- CONFAP-UK Academies under The Newton Fund – (PI, UK)
- Collaborator: University of Brasilia
- Sêr Cymru NRN Participant Costs award – (PI)
- Data-drive multidisciplinary design optimization of aircraft structures (MOAD) under uncertainty (PI)
- Funder: Engineering Research Network Wales
- https://www.ernw.ac.uk/en/projects.htm?id=54
- Reduced order modelling and error estimates for time varying stochastic systems (Co-PI)
- Funder: Engineering Research Network Wales
- Academic collaborator: Swansea University
Selected awards & achievements
- Best paper award: Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton best structures paper award at SciTech 2025 (AIAA), 06-10 July 2025. Orlando, FL, USA. SciTech 2025 is and continues to be the largest annual aerospace conference in the world with over 6200 participants.
- Best paper award at the 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13 July 2018 at Manchester, UK; News: http://www.ernw.ac.uk/en/news-and-events.htm?id=86
- Zienkiewicz PhD Scholarship, Swansea University, UK, Award period: 2011–2013
Selected Invited talks
- Keynote Paper: “A continuous monitoring technology for safety-critical structures”, June 2024, HeaMes, UK.
- CyberSHM: A cyberphysical continuous monitoring technology for safety-critical structures, April 2024, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India.
- Data-driven damage characterization in multi-layered composite structures: a machine learning approach, HeaMES 2019, Glasgow, UK.
- A probabilistic framework for robust inverse design under uncertainty: Application to aircraft wing design, DiPaRT 2019, 20 Nov 2019 Bristol, UK.
- Probabilistic uncertainty quantification and management (UQ&M) for engineering applications, Keynote Lecture, Uncertainty Quantification and Stochastic Modelling, Brazil; 30 August 2017.
- Robust Design of Early Stage Aircraft Wing in Multidisciplinary Design Optimisation, DiPaRT Conference, Centre for Modelling & Simulation (CFMS), Bristol & Bath Science Park, 22 November 2017.
- Framework of Total Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Mechanics, TU Braunschweig, Germany; 26 November 2014.
- Uncertainty Quantification and probabilistic design optimization of multiscale engineering systems, Welsh National Research Network in Advanced Engineering and Materials, UK; 25 September 2014.
Synergistic Activities
- Reviewer for papers: Serves as the reviewer for several reputed international journals some of which are ● COMPOS STRUCT, ● J ACOUST SOC AM, ● SENSORS, ● MECH SYST SIGNAL PR, ● INT J NUMER METH ENG, ● J VIB CONTROL, ● APPL MATH MODEL, ● J COMPUT APPL MATH, ● INVERSE PROBL SCI EN, ● MATH COMP MODEL DYN
- Reviewer for grants: EPSRC, UK; FONDECYT, Chile.
- Editorial: Guest editor for the special issue on Advances in Signal Processing for SHM and NDT in the Signals.
- Conference Organization:
- Organizing mini-symposium on ‘Digital twins for the design and optimisation of lightweight structures’ in WCCM 2022, Yokohama, Japan.
- Organizing mini-symposium on ‘Machine learning and modelling in structural health monitoring’ in EWSHM 2022, Palermo, Italy.
- HeaMES 2019 (technical advisory panel and session chair)
- EWSHM 2018 (scientific committee and session chair)
- ACME-UK 2016 (scientific committee).
- Professional Organization Membership:
- Member of Royal Aeronautical Society
- Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- Participant in British Institute of Non-destructive testing (BINDT) - South Wales Branch
Invovlement with taught modules
- EN4641/ENT641 - Theory & Applications of Finite Element Method
- EN4570/ENT570 - Dynamics
- EN3037 - Solid Mechanics
- EN3100 - Year 3 projects
- EN2026 - Engineering Analysis
- EN2105 - Solid Mechanics
- EN1048 - Engineering applications
- ENT637 - MSc Case Study
Honours and awards
- Best paper award: Harry H. and Lois G. Hilton best structures paper award
- Conference: SciTech 2025 (AIAA), 06-10 July 2025.
- Location: Orlando, FL, USA.
- Best paper award
- Conference: 9th European Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, 10-13 July 2018.
- Location: Manchester, UK.
- The Ser Cymru NRN Industrial Fellowship, UK
- Industrial partner: Airbus
- Duration: 2016-17
- SCoRE Cymru award of funding
- Purpose: to host incoming Marie Skłodowska Curie IF fellow
- Date of Award: April 2017.
- CONFAP (Brazil) - UK Academies mobility grant under Newton Fund Programme
- Purpose: mobility grant to collaborate with the University of Brasilia
- Date of Award: February 2017.
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Date of Award: 2016.
- Zienkiewicz Scholarship, Swansea University, UK
- Award period: 2010–2013
- Full Support for PhD studentship
Professional memberships
Member of the Royal Aeronautical Society
Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Academic positions
Educational qualifications:
- PhD, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, 2014.
- MScA (Master of Applied Science), Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Canada, 2010.
- BE, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India, Mechanical Engineering, 2007.
Committees and reviewing
Provides reviewer service for
- International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, Wiley
- The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, ASA
- Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Elsevier
- Journal of Vibration and Control, SAGE
- Applied Mathematical Modelling, Elsevier
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, Elsevier.
- Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, Taylor & Francis
- Reviewer for Research Grant Applications for FONDECYT 2014 (CONICYT - Chile).
Ongoing supervision
- Yuxin Yao
- Anirudh Gullapalli
- Qi Chen
- Bryn Walton
- Taha Aburakhis
- Abdullah Alshahrani (co)
- Benjamin Mason (co)
- Karan Baramate (co)
- Abdulkarim Mimoun (co)
- Mazen Alqathami (co)
Supervised students
- Pedro Bonilla Villalba
- Xiaohan Du
- S . E. Pryse (in collaboration with Swansea University)
- Jose Dorado Ladera (MPhil)
Areas of supervision:
- Structural health monitoring
- Ultrasonic waves and acoustics
- Inverse problems using Bayesian inference
- Machine learning and artificial intelligence
- Robust optimization
- Reduced order modelling
- Vibration control
Contact Details
Research themes
- AI & Machine Learning
- Aircraft performance and flight control systems
- Uncertainty
- physics-informed machine learning
- Structural Health Monitoring