Professor Alan Kwan
BEng (Hons), PhD, CEng, FICE
Teams and roles for Alan Kwan
Professor, Deputy Head of School
Dr Kwan is a Professor in Structural Mechanics and member of the BRE Institute of Sustainable Engineering in the School of Engineering.
Dr Kwan has >90 publications (>35 in refereed international journals), including a chapter in the SCI Steel Designers' Manual. His h-index is 10 (by Scopus) with >200 citations in these ten publications. Under Google-Scholar, the h-factor is 13, and these 13 publications have been cited 400 times. Altogether, he has been cited 300x (Scopus) and 550x (Google-Scholar).
Since 2010, Dr Kwan has been active in the field of “sustainability informatics”, e.g. 4 out of 6 recent journal papers (average journal impact factor of 4.38) are all in this field. All four of his current (2013) research grants (one starting Feb 2014, two as principal investigator with 1 co-applicant, and two more with 3 co-applicants) are in also in this field; these grants total £1.04M (£6.8M when including non-Cardiff share). His five grants previous to these (going back to 2009) totalled £572k (£384k of which was also in the field of sustainability informatics).
He has a total of 21 doctoral students (19 completed), and two MPhil student (completed). He has also been external examiner of higher degree on 7 occasions, and is currently (2015) External Examiner of taught degrees at both UK and overseas institutions.
One of the KTP projects where Dr Kwan was principal investigator has led to the development and subsequent commercialisation of a deployable lifting product for Reid Lifting Ltd. This product has led to the double award of the 'Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation 2013', and the 'Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade 2013'.
Dr Kwan is on the Editorial Board of three journals, and eleven international conferences. He has delivered two invited lectures at international conferences. He is a regular referee for about ten international journals, the UK research councils, and other journals.
He was elected to the Board of the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculty in 2003, and subsequently twice re-elected.
Dr Kwan obtained his BEng(Hons) from Sheffield (1987) and PhD from Cambridge (1991), working on deployable structures.
Sustainable Informatics - Telemetry, control systems, optimisation, predictive simulation, networks, web-based real-time decision support
Sustainable Construction - Material Flow Analysis, masonry separation, enhanced soil block construction
Deployable Structure - Structural morphology, Force Method, foldable stuctures, pantographic structures, prestress analysis, displacement
control, mechanisms, kinematics
Geometric Nonlinearity - fabric structure, membrane structure, cable structure, cablenets
Structural Optimisation - Genetic Algorithms, layout optimisation, shape optimisation.
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2023. A review of sustainable urban development frameworks in developing countries. Journal of Sustainable Development 16(5) (10.5539/jsd.v16n5p1)
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2020. Consensus-based urban sustainability framework for Iraqi cities: a case study in Baghdad. Heliyon 6(12), article number: e05348. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05348)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2019. Shape morphing and adjustment of pantographic morphing aerofoil section structure. Smart structures and systems 24(2), pp. 193-207. (10.12989/sss.2019.24.2.193)
- Alelwani, R., Ahmad, M., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2019. Rawshan: environmental impact of a vernacular shading building element in hot humid climates. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France, 17-19 June 20192019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). pp. 1-6., (10.1109/ICE.2019.8792589)
- Alelwani, R., Ahmad, M., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2019. Rawshan: Environmental impact of a vernacular shading building element in hot humid climates. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France, 17-19 June 20192019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC).
- Alshammari, K., Li, H. and Kwan, A. 2019. Security model collaborative building design. Presented at: 36th CIB W78 2019 Conference, Newcastle, England, UK, 18-20 September 2019Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of CIB W78.
- Petri, I., Yuce, B., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2018. An intelligent analytics system for real-time catchment regulation and water management. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14(9), pp. 3970-3981. (10.1109/TII.2017.2782338)
- Petri, I., Yuce, B., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2018. Cognitive based decision support for water management and catchment regulation. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 534, pp. 467-477. (10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_40)
- Reynolds, J., Rezgui, Y., Kwan, A. and Piriou, S. 2018. A zone-level, building energy optimisation combining an artificial neural network, a genetic algorithm, and model predictive control. Energy 151, pp. 729-739. (10.1016/
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2018. Displacement and internal force control in cable-stayed bridges. Proceedings of the ICE -Bridge Engineering 171(1), pp. 63-76. (10.1680/jbren.16.00010)
- Hamad, A. A. A., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2017. Towards the innovation of an integrated 'one-stop-shop' online services utility management: exploring customer' technology acceptance. Sustainable Cities and Society 34, pp. 126-143. (10.1016/j.scs.2017.06.019)
- Albelwi, N., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2017. Using Material and Energy Flow Analysis to Estimate Future Energy Demand at the City Level. Energy Procedia 115, pp. 440-450. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.05.041)
- Aldossary, N. A., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2017. Establishing domestic low energy consumption reference levels for Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle Eastern region. Sustainable Cities and Society 28, pp. 265-276. (10.1016/j.scs.2016.09.015)
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2017. Public perceptions of urban sustainable challenges in developing countries. Presented at: Sustainable Development and Planning 2018, Siena, Italy, 4-6 September 2018 Presented at Brebbia, C. A. et al. eds.Sustainable Development and Planning IX, Vol. 226. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Southampton: WIT Press pp. 131-140., (10.2495/SDP170121)
- Manguri, A. A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Saeed, N. M. 2017. Adjustment for shape restoration and force control of cable arch stayed bridges. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 5(4), pp. 514-521. (10.2495/CMEM-V5-N4-514-521)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2016. Simultaneous displacement and internal force prescription in shape control of pin-jointed assemblies. AIAA Journal 54(8), pp. 2499-2506. (10.2514/1.J054811)
- Harries, T., Kwan, A. S. K., Brammer, J. and Falconer, R. A. 2016. Physical testing of performance characteristics of a novel drag-driven vertical axis tidal stream turbine; with comparisons to a conventional Savonius. International Journal of Marine Energy 14, pp. 215-228. (10.1016/j.ijome.2016.01.008)
- Liu, Y., Kwan, A. S. K., Rezgui, Y. and Li, H. 2016. A novel fast optimisation algorithm using differential evolution algorithm optimisation and meta-modelling approach. In: Yang, X. ed. Nature-Inspired Computation in Engineering., Vol. 637. Studies in Computational Intelligence Cham: Springer, pp. 177-193., (10.1007/978-3-319-30235-5_9)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2016. Displacement and force control of complex element structures by Matrix Condensation. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 59(6), pp. 973-992. (10.12989/sem.2016.59.6.973)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. Consensus-based low carbon domestic design framework for sustainable homes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, pp. 417-432. (10.1016/j.rser.2015.05.070)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. An investigation into factors influencing domestic energy consumption in an energy subsidized developing economy. Habitat International 47, pp. 41-51. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.01.002)
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. The development of sustainable assessment method for Saudi Arabia built environment: weighting system. Sustainability Science 10(1), pp. 167-178. (10.1007/s11625-014-0252-x)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. 2014. Concepts for morphing aerofoil sections using pantographic structures. In: De Temmerman, N. and Brebbia, C. A. eds. Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures., Vol. IV. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 279-289.
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Domestic energy consumption patterns in a hot and arid climate: A multiple-case study analysis. Renewable Energy 62, pp. 369-378. (10.1016/j.renene.2013.07.042)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Domestic energy consumption patterns in a hot and humid climate: A multiple-case study analysis. Applied Energy 114, pp. 353-365. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.09.061)
- Kwan, A., Hatem, W. A. and Miles, J. 2014. The impact of non-verbal communication on team productivity during design. International Journal of Management (IJM) 5(12), pp. 43-68.
- Shon, S., Kwan, A. S. K. and Lee, S. 2014. Shape control of cable structures considering concurrent/sequence control. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 52(5), pp. 919-935. (10.12989/sem.2014.52.5.919)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Energy consumption patterns for domestic buildings in hot climates using Saudi Arabia as case study field: multiple case study analyses. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Orlando, Florida, 23-25 June 2014 Presented at Flood, I. and Issa, R. I. eds.Computing in Building and Civil Engineering (2014). American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 1986-1993., (10.1061/9780784413616.246)
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. The process of adapting a sustainable building assessment method worldwide: SEAM, a case study. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Orlando, Florida, 23-25 June 2014 Presented at Flood, I. and Raymond, I. I. eds.Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014). American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 1978-1985., (10.1061/9780784413616.245)
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. 2013. Use of waste and low energy material in building block construction. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) 2(11), pp. 1-5.
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Developing sustainable building assessment scheme for Saudi Arabia: Delphi consultation approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27, pp. 43-54. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.06.011)
- McLeod, R. S., Hopfe, C. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. An investigation into future performance and overheating risks in Passivhaus dwellings. Building and Environment 70, pp. 189-209. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.08.024)
- Brammer, J., Falconer, R. A. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Physical and numerical modelling of the wake characteristics of the Savonius tidal stream turbine. Presented at: 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 September 2013.
- Harries, T., Brammer, J., Bockelmann-Evans, B. N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Quantification and visualisation of blockage effects for a savonius type turbine using particle image velocimetry. Presented at: 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 September 2013.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Al-Tmeemy, S. 2013. Degree of collaboration measurement in face to face and computer mediated collaboration in design. Presented at: 20th International Workshop: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2013, Vienna, Austria, 30 June - 3 July 2013.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2012. Factors affecting team productivity in face-to-face and computer mediated collaboration. Presented at: 19th International Workshop: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2012, Herrsching, Germany, 4-6 July 2012.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2012. Comparing the effectiveness of face to face and computer mediated collaboration. Advanced Engineering Informatics 26(2), pp. 383-395. (10.1016/j.aei.2012.01.001)
- Lee, P., Kwan, A. S. K. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2011. Actovegin® cutting-edge sports medicine or 'Voodoo' remedy?. Current Sports Medicine Reports 10(4), pp. 186-190. (10.1249/JSR.0b013e318223cd8a)
- Shon, S. D., Kwan, A. S. K. and Lee, S. J. 2011. Displacement control technique of pre-stressable cable structures by force method. Journal of the Korean Association for Spatial Structures 11(2), pp. 139-149.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2011. A comparison of face to face and computer mediated collaboration. Presented at: 2011 eg-ice Workshop, University of Twente, The Netherlands, July 6-8 2011 Presented at Hartmann, T., De Wilde, P. and Rafiq, Y. eds.Proceedings of the 2011 eg-ice Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering
- Chen, H., Miles, J. C. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2010. Two-Human CardiffGA: A new Multiple population genetic algorithm. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, Singapore, 26-28 February 2010 Presented at Mahadeven, V. and Zhou, H. H. eds.Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), Singapore, Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 267-271.
- Hassan, M. R. A., Azid, I. A., Ramasamy, M., Kadesan, J., Seetharamu, K. N., Kwan, A. S. K. and Arunasalam, P. 2010. Mass optimization of four bar linkage using genetic algorithms with dual bending and buckling constraints. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 35(1), pp. 83-98.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2010. Experimental and numerical performance of thermoplastic carton soil blocks. Presented at: ICASET 2010: International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Singapore, 27-29 October 2010.
- Alel, A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2010. Gains and losses of information when collaborating remotely over a network communication in the construction industry. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCBE 2010) and 17th International EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE10), Nottingham, UK, 30 June - 2 July 2010 Presented at Tizani, W. ed.Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Proceedings of the International Conference. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press pp. 303-304.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. Use of coconut fibre as an enhancement of concrete. Journal of Engineering and Technology 3, pp. 54-73.
- Alel, M., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2009. Observations of group performance: an investigation of collaborative problem solving in construction. Presented at: EDULEARN09: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July 2009.
- Smithies, A. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. E-assessment as a learning tool. Presented at: Proceedings of Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education Symposium, Bucharest, Romania. Edutira Conspress
- Zhang, Y., Miles, J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. Using generative representations with genetic algorithms for topological search. Presented at: 8th International Conference in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing(ACDM), Bristol, UK, 29 April -1 May 2008Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing. Bristol: Institute for People-Centred Computation
- Thamer, K., Kwan, A. S. K. and Barr, B. I. . 2009. Effects of grading of fine aggregate on the strength and permeability of concrete used in pavement construction. International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology 10(1), pp. 49-70.
- Zhang, Y., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. J. 2008. Using generative representations for structural design. Presented at: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2008 Conference: 15th workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE), Plymouth, UK, 2-4 July 2008 Presented at Rafiq, Y., de Wilde, P. and Borthwick, M. eds.Proceedings: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2008 Conference. Plymouth: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) pp. 36-45.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Displacement and force control in pin-jointed assemblies. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008 Presented at Topping, B. H. V. and Papadrakakis, M. eds.Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (Athens, Greece). Kippen: Civil-Comp Press pp. Paper 162., (10.4203/ccp.88.162)
- Chen, H., Miles, J. C. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. CardiffGA: a new genetic algorithm framework. Presented at: 6tth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008 Presented at Papadrakakis, M. and Topping, B. H. V. eds.Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Kippen: Civil-Comp Press
- Nassehpour, S. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. New concepts in large deployable parabolic solid reflectors. Presented at: Proceedings of 6th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering Education, Vilnius, Lithuania. pp. 162-171.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Use of waste and low energy material in building block construction. Presented at: Proceedings of the 25th Conference Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Dublin, Ireland. Vol. 128.
- Matsunaga, N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Blended learning - low hanging fruits. Presented at: Proceedings of the 6th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering Education, Vilnius, Lithuania. pp. 56-66.
- Geyer, R. et al. 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK: Part 2. Scrap generation and recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 51(1), pp. 118-140. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2006.08.007)
- Zhang, Y., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2007. Using generative representations for structural design. Presented at: CIB 24th W78 Conference Maribor 2007 & 14th EG-ICE Workshop & 5th ITC@EDU Workshop, Maribor, Slovenia, 26-29 June 2007 Presented at Rebolj, D. ed.Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, 14th EG-ICE workshop. Maribor: Faculty of Civil Engineering pp. 662-668.
- Miles, J. C., Kwan, A. S. K., Wang, A. and Zhang, Y. 2007. Searching for good topological solutions using evolutionary algorithms. In: B, T. ed. Civil Engineering Computations: Tools and Techniques. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 149-172.
- Geyer, R. et al. 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK: Part 1: Production and consumption trends 1970-2000. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 51(1), pp. 101-117. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2006.08.006)
- Deng, H. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2006. A combined topological, geometic, statical and stiffness method to compute the stability of pin-jointed structural assemblies. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September, 2006 Presented at Topping, B. . H. . V., Montero, G. and Montenegro, R. eds.Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Stirling: Civil-Comp press pp. 475-500.
- Zhang, Y., Kai, W., Shaw, D., Miles, J. C., Parmee, I. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2006. Representation and its impact on topological search in evolutionary computation. Presented at: Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 14-16 June 2006.
- Kwan, A. S. K., Deng, H. and Jiang, Q. F. 2005. Shape finding of incomplete cable-strut assemblies containing slack and prestressed elements. Computers & Structures 83(21-22), pp. 1767-1779. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.022)
- Kwan, A. S. K. and Deng, H. 2005. Unified classification of stability of pin-jointed bar assemblies. International Journal of Solids and Structures 42(15), pp. 4393-4413. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2005.01.009)
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2005. Mechanics and structure of spider webs. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September 2004 Presented at Topping, B. H. V. and Soares, C. A. M. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology , Lisbon , Portugal,7-9 September 2004, Vol. 216. Civil-Comp Press
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2005. Constructivism in construction: postmodern civil engineering. Presented at: The Fifth AECEF International Symposium : Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) - Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice, Espoo, Finland, 15-17 June 2005 Presented at Jutila, A. and Salokangas, L. eds.Proceedings of 5th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) : Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice:Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 2005. Prague: AECEF pp. 236-245.
- Gregory, R. J., Hughes, T. G. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2004. Brick recycling and reuse. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 157(3), pp. 155-161. (10.1680/ensu.2004.157.3.155)
- Azid, I. A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2004. The effect of radius/height ratio on truss optimization. Computers and Structures 82(11-12), pp. 857-861. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2004.02.014)
- Ley, J., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2003. A life cycle environmental model of the UK steel construction sector. Presented at: Proceedings International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-03), Rome, Italy.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2003. Analysis of geometrically nonlinear cable structures. In: Progress in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 149-170.
- Kwan, A. S. K., Azid, I. A. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2002. An evolutionary approach for layout optimization of a three-dimensional truss. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 24(4), pp. 333-337. (10.1007/s00158-002-0244-9)
- Kwan, A. S. K., Azid, I. A. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2002. A GA-based technique for layout optimisation of truss with stress and displacement constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 53(7), pp. 1641-1674. (10.1002/nme.356)
- Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2002. Determining the UK stock of construction steel through material flow analysis modelling. Presented at: Proceedings 4th AECEF International Symposium, Porto, Portugal, Vol. T. pp. 31-39.
- Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2002. Material flow analysis of the UK steel construction sector. Presented at: Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference 2002, Luxembourg, 15-17 May 2002Proceedings Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference. pp. 259-266.
- Federau, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2001. Quality management in civil engineering education. In: Manoliu, I. and Bugnariu, T. eds. Inquiries into European Higher Education in Civil Engineering. EUCEET?, pp. 235-255.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2000. A simple technique for calculating natural frequencies of geometrically nonlinear prestressed cable structures. Computers & Structures 74(1), pp. 41-50.
- Azid, I. A., Seetharamu, K. N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2000. Optimal design of twenty-five bar truss layout using a genetic algorithm. Presented at: International Conference on Computational Structures Technology; Computational Engineering using Metaphors from Nature, Leuven, Belgium. pp. 151-158.
- Roderick, D. I., Humpreys, A., Lark, R. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 1999. Survey of mechanical fastening techniques for use in sheet metal. Presented at: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sheet Metall, Erlangen, Germany.
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2023. A review of sustainable urban development frameworks in developing countries. Journal of Sustainable Development 16(5) (10.5539/jsd.v16n5p1)
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2020. Consensus-based urban sustainability framework for Iraqi cities: a case study in Baghdad. Heliyon 6(12), article number: e05348. (10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e05348)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2019. Shape morphing and adjustment of pantographic morphing aerofoil section structure. Smart structures and systems 24(2), pp. 193-207. (10.12989/sss.2019.24.2.193)
- Petri, I., Yuce, B., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2018. An intelligent analytics system for real-time catchment regulation and water management. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14(9), pp. 3970-3981. (10.1109/TII.2017.2782338)
- Petri, I., Yuce, B., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2018. Cognitive based decision support for water management and catchment regulation. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 534, pp. 467-477. (10.1007/978-3-319-99127-6_40)
- Reynolds, J., Rezgui, Y., Kwan, A. and Piriou, S. 2018. A zone-level, building energy optimisation combining an artificial neural network, a genetic algorithm, and model predictive control. Energy 151, pp. 729-739. (10.1016/
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2018. Displacement and internal force control in cable-stayed bridges. Proceedings of the ICE -Bridge Engineering 171(1), pp. 63-76. (10.1680/jbren.16.00010)
- Hamad, A. A. A., Petri, I., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2017. Towards the innovation of an integrated 'one-stop-shop' online services utility management: exploring customer' technology acceptance. Sustainable Cities and Society 34, pp. 126-143. (10.1016/j.scs.2017.06.019)
- Albelwi, N., Kwan, A. and Rezgui, Y. 2017. Using Material and Energy Flow Analysis to Estimate Future Energy Demand at the City Level. Energy Procedia 115, pp. 440-450. (10.1016/j.egypro.2017.05.041)
- Aldossary, N. A., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2017. Establishing domestic low energy consumption reference levels for Saudi Arabia and the wider Middle Eastern region. Sustainable Cities and Society 28, pp. 265-276. (10.1016/j.scs.2016.09.015)
- Manguri, A. A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Saeed, N. M. 2017. Adjustment for shape restoration and force control of cable arch stayed bridges. International Journal of Computational Methods and Experimental Measurements 5(4), pp. 514-521. (10.2495/CMEM-V5-N4-514-521)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2016. Simultaneous displacement and internal force prescription in shape control of pin-jointed assemblies. AIAA Journal 54(8), pp. 2499-2506. (10.2514/1.J054811)
- Harries, T., Kwan, A. S. K., Brammer, J. and Falconer, R. A. 2016. Physical testing of performance characteristics of a novel drag-driven vertical axis tidal stream turbine; with comparisons to a conventional Savonius. International Journal of Marine Energy 14, pp. 215-228. (10.1016/j.ijome.2016.01.008)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2016. Displacement and force control of complex element structures by Matrix Condensation. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 59(6), pp. 973-992. (10.12989/sem.2016.59.6.973)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. Consensus-based low carbon domestic design framework for sustainable homes. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 51, pp. 417-432. (10.1016/j.rser.2015.05.070)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. An investigation into factors influencing domestic energy consumption in an energy subsidized developing economy. Habitat International 47, pp. 41-51. (10.1016/j.habitatint.2015.01.002)
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2015. The development of sustainable assessment method for Saudi Arabia built environment: weighting system. Sustainability Science 10(1), pp. 167-178. (10.1007/s11625-014-0252-x)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Domestic energy consumption patterns in a hot and arid climate: A multiple-case study analysis. Renewable Energy 62, pp. 369-378. (10.1016/j.renene.2013.07.042)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Domestic energy consumption patterns in a hot and humid climate: A multiple-case study analysis. Applied Energy 114, pp. 353-365. (10.1016/j.apenergy.2013.09.061)
- Kwan, A., Hatem, W. A. and Miles, J. 2014. The impact of non-verbal communication on team productivity during design. International Journal of Management (IJM) 5(12), pp. 43-68.
- Shon, S., Kwan, A. S. K. and Lee, S. 2014. Shape control of cable structures considering concurrent/sequence control. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 52(5), pp. 919-935. (10.12989/sem.2014.52.5.919)
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. 2013. Use of waste and low energy material in building block construction. International Refereed Journal of Engineering and Science (IRJES) 2(11), pp. 1-5.
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Developing sustainable building assessment scheme for Saudi Arabia: Delphi consultation approach. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 27, pp. 43-54. (10.1016/j.rser.2013.06.011)
- McLeod, R. S., Hopfe, C. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. An investigation into future performance and overheating risks in Passivhaus dwellings. Building and Environment 70, pp. 189-209. (10.1016/j.buildenv.2013.08.024)
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2012. Comparing the effectiveness of face to face and computer mediated collaboration. Advanced Engineering Informatics 26(2), pp. 383-395. (10.1016/j.aei.2012.01.001)
- Lee, P., Kwan, A. S. K. and Nokes, L. D. M. 2011. Actovegin® cutting-edge sports medicine or 'Voodoo' remedy?. Current Sports Medicine Reports 10(4), pp. 186-190. (10.1249/JSR.0b013e318223cd8a)
- Shon, S. D., Kwan, A. S. K. and Lee, S. J. 2011. Displacement control technique of pre-stressable cable structures by force method. Journal of the Korean Association for Spatial Structures 11(2), pp. 139-149.
- Hassan, M. R. A., Azid, I. A., Ramasamy, M., Kadesan, J., Seetharamu, K. N., Kwan, A. S. K. and Arunasalam, P. 2010. Mass optimization of four bar linkage using genetic algorithms with dual bending and buckling constraints. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 35(1), pp. 83-98.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. Use of coconut fibre as an enhancement of concrete. Journal of Engineering and Technology 3, pp. 54-73.
- Thamer, K., Kwan, A. S. K. and Barr, B. I. . 2009. Effects of grading of fine aggregate on the strength and permeability of concrete used in pavement construction. International Journal of Pavement Engineering and Asphalt Technology 10(1), pp. 49-70.
- Geyer, R. et al. 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK: Part 2. Scrap generation and recycling. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 51(1), pp. 118-140. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2006.08.007)
- Geyer, R. et al. 2007. Time-dependent material flow analysis of iron and steel in the UK: Part 1: Production and consumption trends 1970-2000. Resources, Conservation and Recycling 51(1), pp. 101-117. (10.1016/j.resconrec.2006.08.006)
- Kwan, A. S. K., Deng, H. and Jiang, Q. F. 2005. Shape finding of incomplete cable-strut assemblies containing slack and prestressed elements. Computers & Structures 83(21-22), pp. 1767-1779. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2005.02.022)
- Kwan, A. S. K. and Deng, H. 2005. Unified classification of stability of pin-jointed bar assemblies. International Journal of Solids and Structures 42(15), pp. 4393-4413. (10.1016/j.ijsolstr.2005.01.009)
- Gregory, R. J., Hughes, T. G. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2004. Brick recycling and reuse. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Engineering Sustainability 157(3), pp. 155-161. (10.1680/ensu.2004.157.3.155)
- Azid, I. A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2004. The effect of radius/height ratio on truss optimization. Computers and Structures 82(11-12), pp. 857-861. (10.1016/j.compstruc.2004.02.014)
- Kwan, A. S. K., Azid, I. A. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2002. An evolutionary approach for layout optimization of a three-dimensional truss. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 24(4), pp. 333-337. (10.1007/s00158-002-0244-9)
- Kwan, A. S. K., Azid, I. A. and Seetharamu, K. N. 2002. A GA-based technique for layout optimisation of truss with stress and displacement constraints. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 53(7), pp. 1641-1674. (10.1002/nme.356)
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2000. A simple technique for calculating natural frequencies of geometrically nonlinear prestressed cable structures. Computers & Structures 74(1), pp. 41-50.
Book sections
- Liu, Y., Kwan, A. S. K., Rezgui, Y. and Li, H. 2016. A novel fast optimisation algorithm using differential evolution algorithm optimisation and meta-modelling approach. In: Yang, X. ed. Nature-Inspired Computation in Engineering., Vol. 637. Studies in Computational Intelligence Cham: Springer, pp. 177-193., (10.1007/978-3-319-30235-5_9)
- Saeed, N. M. and Kwan, A. 2014. Concepts for morphing aerofoil sections using pantographic structures. In: De Temmerman, N. and Brebbia, C. A. eds. Mobile and Rapidly Assembled Structures., Vol. IV. Southampton: WIT Press, pp. 279-289.
- Miles, J. C., Kwan, A. S. K., Wang, A. and Zhang, Y. 2007. Searching for good topological solutions using evolutionary algorithms. In: B, T. ed. Civil Engineering Computations: Tools and Techniques. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 149-172.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2003. Analysis of geometrically nonlinear cable structures. In: Progress in Civil and Structural Engineering Computing. Stirling: Saxe-Coburg Publications, pp. 149-170.
- Federau, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2001. Quality management in civil engineering education. In: Manoliu, I. and Bugnariu, T. eds. Inquiries into European Higher Education in Civil Engineering. EUCEET?, pp. 235-255.
- Alelwani, R., Ahmad, M., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2019. Rawshan: environmental impact of a vernacular shading building element in hot humid climates. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France, 17-19 June 20192019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC). pp. 1-6., (10.1109/ICE.2019.8792589)
- Alelwani, R., Ahmad, M., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. 2019. Rawshan: Environmental impact of a vernacular shading building element in hot humid climates. Presented at: 2019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC), Valbonne Sophia-Antipolis, France, 17-19 June 20192019 IEEE International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC).
- Alshammari, K., Li, H. and Kwan, A. 2019. Security model collaborative building design. Presented at: 36th CIB W78 2019 Conference, Newcastle, England, UK, 18-20 September 2019Proceedings of the 36th International Conference of CIB W78.
- Mohsin, M. M., Beach, T. and Kwan, A. 2017. Public perceptions of urban sustainable challenges in developing countries. Presented at: Sustainable Development and Planning 2018, Siena, Italy, 4-6 September 2018 Presented at Brebbia, C. A. et al. eds.Sustainable Development and Planning IX, Vol. 226. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment Southampton: WIT Press pp. 131-140., (10.2495/SDP170121)
- Aldossary, N., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. Energy consumption patterns for domestic buildings in hot climates using Saudi Arabia as case study field: multiple case study analyses. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Orlando, Florida, 23-25 June 2014 Presented at Flood, I. and Issa, R. I. eds.Computing in Building and Civil Engineering (2014). American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 1986-1993., (10.1061/9780784413616.246)
- Alyami, S. H., Rezgui, Y. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2014. The process of adapting a sustainable building assessment method worldwide: SEAM, a case study. Presented at: 2014 International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Orlando, Florida, 23-25 June 2014 Presented at Flood, I. and Raymond, I. I. eds.Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (2014). American Society of Civil Engineers pp. 1978-1985., (10.1061/9780784413616.245)
- Brammer, J., Falconer, R. A. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Physical and numerical modelling of the wake characteristics of the Savonius tidal stream turbine. Presented at: 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 September 2013.
- Harries, T., Brammer, J., Bockelmann-Evans, B. N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2013. Quantification and visualisation of blockage effects for a savonius type turbine using particle image velocimetry. Presented at: 35th IAHR World Congress, Chengdu, China, 8-13 September 2013.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Al-Tmeemy, S. 2013. Degree of collaboration measurement in face to face and computer mediated collaboration in design. Presented at: 20th International Workshop: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2013, Vienna, Austria, 30 June - 3 July 2013.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2012. Factors affecting team productivity in face-to-face and computer mediated collaboration. Presented at: 19th International Workshop: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2012, Herrsching, Germany, 4-6 July 2012.
- Hatem, W. A. H., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2011. A comparison of face to face and computer mediated collaboration. Presented at: 2011 eg-ice Workshop, University of Twente, The Netherlands, July 6-8 2011 Presented at Hartmann, T., De Wilde, P. and Rafiq, Y. eds.Proceedings of the 2011 eg-ice Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering. European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering
- Chen, H., Miles, J. C. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2010. Two-Human CardiffGA: A new Multiple population genetic algorithm. Presented at: 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering, Singapore, 26-28 February 2010 Presented at Mahadeven, V. and Zhou, H. H. eds.Proceedings 2nd International Conference on Computer and Automation Engineering (ICCAE 2010), Singapore, Vol. 1. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE pp. 267-271.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2010. Experimental and numerical performance of thermoplastic carton soil blocks. Presented at: ICASET 2010: International Conference on Applied Science, Engineering and Technology, Singapore, 27-29 October 2010.
- Alel, A., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2010. Gains and losses of information when collaborating remotely over a network communication in the construction industry. Presented at: 13th International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering (ICCBE 2010) and 17th International EG-ICE Workshop on Intelligent Computing in Engineering (ICE10), Nottingham, UK, 30 June - 2 July 2010 Presented at Tizani, W. ed.Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, Proceedings of the International Conference. Nottingham: Nottingham University Press pp. 303-304.
- Alel, M., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2009. Observations of group performance: an investigation of collaborative problem solving in construction. Presented at: EDULEARN09: International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Barcelona, Spain, 6-8 July 2009.
- Smithies, A. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. E-assessment as a learning tool. Presented at: Proceedings of Educational Technologies on Electronic Platforms in Engineering Higher Education Symposium, Bucharest, Romania. Edutira Conspress
- Zhang, Y., Miles, J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2009. Using generative representations with genetic algorithms for topological search. Presented at: 8th International Conference in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing(ACDM), Bristol, UK, 29 April -1 May 2008Proceedings of the 8th International Conference in Adaptive Computing in Design and Manufacturing. Bristol: Institute for People-Centred Computation
- Zhang, Y., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. J. 2008. Using generative representations for structural design. Presented at: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2008 Conference: 15th workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering (EG-ICE), Plymouth, UK, 2-4 July 2008 Presented at Rafiq, Y., de Wilde, P. and Borthwick, M. eds.Proceedings: Intelligent Computing in Engineering 2008 Conference. Plymouth: American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) pp. 36-45.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Displacement and force control in pin-jointed assemblies. Presented at: 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008 Presented at Topping, B. H. V. and Papadrakakis, M. eds.Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (Athens, Greece). Kippen: Civil-Comp Press pp. Paper 162., (10.4203/ccp.88.162)
- Chen, H., Miles, J. C. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. CardiffGA: a new genetic algorithm framework. Presented at: 6tth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Athens, Greece, 2-5 September 2008 Presented at Papadrakakis, M. and Topping, B. H. V. eds.Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology. Kippen: Civil-Comp Press
- Nassehpour, S. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. New concepts in large deployable parabolic solid reflectors. Presented at: Proceedings of 6th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering Education, Vilnius, Lithuania. pp. 162-171.
- Yalley, P. P. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Use of waste and low energy material in building block construction. Presented at: Proceedings of the 25th Conference Passive and Low Energy Architecture, Dublin, Ireland. Vol. 128.
- Matsunaga, N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2008. Blended learning - low hanging fruits. Presented at: Proceedings of the 6th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering Education, Vilnius, Lithuania. pp. 56-66.
- Zhang, Y., Kwan, A. S. K. and Miles, J. C. 2007. Using generative representations for structural design. Presented at: CIB 24th W78 Conference Maribor 2007 & 14th EG-ICE Workshop & 5th ITC@EDU Workshop, Maribor, Slovenia, 26-29 June 2007 Presented at Rebolj, D. ed.Bringing ITC Knowledge to Work, 14th EG-ICE workshop. Maribor: Faculty of Civil Engineering pp. 662-668.
- Deng, H. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2006. A combined topological, geometic, statical and stiffness method to compute the stability of pin-jointed structural assemblies. Presented at: 8th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 12-15 September, 2006 Presented at Topping, B. . H. . V., Montero, G. and Montenegro, R. eds.Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology. Stirling: Civil-Comp press pp. 475-500.
- Zhang, Y., Kai, W., Shaw, D., Miles, J. C., Parmee, I. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2006. Representation and its impact on topological search in evolutionary computation. Presented at: Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, Montreal, Canada, 14-16 June 2006.
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2005. Mechanics and structure of spider webs. Presented at: 7th International Conference on Computational Structures Technology, Lisbon, Portugal, 7-9 September 2004 Presented at Topping, B. H. V. and Soares, C. A. M. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Computational Structures Technology , Lisbon , Portugal,7-9 September 2004, Vol. 216. Civil-Comp Press
- Kwan, A. S. K. 2005. Constructivism in construction: postmodern civil engineering. Presented at: The Fifth AECEF International Symposium : Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) - Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice, Espoo, Finland, 15-17 June 2005 Presented at Jutila, A. and Salokangas, L. eds.Proceedings of 5th AECEF Symposium on Civil Engineering in the Next Decade (ASCEND) : Strategies for Education, Research, Innovation and Practice:Espoo, Finland, June 15-17, 2005. Prague: AECEF pp. 236-245.
- Ley, J., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2003. A life cycle environmental model of the UK steel construction sector. Presented at: Proceedings International Structural Engineering and Construction Conference (ISEC-03), Rome, Italy.
- Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2002. Determining the UK stock of construction steel through material flow analysis modelling. Presented at: Proceedings 4th AECEF International Symposium, Porto, Portugal, Vol. T. pp. 31-39.
- Ley, J. D., Sansom, M. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2002. Material flow analysis of the UK steel construction sector. Presented at: Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference 2002, Luxembourg, 15-17 May 2002Proceedings Steel in Sustainable Construction: IISI World Conference. pp. 259-266.
- Azid, I. A., Seetharamu, K. N. and Kwan, A. S. K. 2000. Optimal design of twenty-five bar truss layout using a genetic algorithm. Presented at: International Conference on Computational Structures Technology; Computational Engineering using Metaphors from Nature, Leuven, Belgium. pp. 151-158.
- Roderick, D. I., Humpreys, A., Lark, R. J. and Kwan, A. S. K. 1999. Survey of mechanical fastening techniques for use in sheet metal. Presented at: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Sheet Metall, Erlangen, Germany.
Research Theme: Energy and Environment
Title | People | Sponsor | Value | Duration |
Nurturing sustainability practices in construction through a user-centred multi-disciplinary knowledge platform: a feasibility study | Rezgui Y, Miles JC, Kwan ASK | National Assembly for Wales (A4B) | 19973 | 20/04/2009 - 19/07/2009 |
Field Testing and Numerical Modelling of a Tidal Turbine | Stoesser T, Kwan A | Repetitive Energy Company Ltd | 38800 | 01/10/2013 - 30/09/2016 |
Mechanical loading and drop testing of mounting brackets and T-Davit structures for lifting devices | Pullin R, Eaton M, Holford K, Kwan A | REID LIFTING LTD | 2522 | 14/08/2012 - 13/11/2012 |
KTP - To develop Voltcom capability in designing and product development of rapidly deployable structures for the protection of under-power line amenities including roads, tracks, buildings, pathways when replacing or constructing o/h power lines | Pullin R, Mahdi T, Kwan A | KTP for Voltcom Construction Ltd | 164223 | 01/04/2015 - 30/06/2017 |
SCriPT: Sustainable Construction Service Platform | Rezgui Y, Miles JC, Kwan ASK, Hopfe C, Li H | Welsh Assembly Government (A4B) | 339295 | 01/01/2010 - 30/06/2013 |
Knowledge based energy management for public buildings through holistic information modeling and 3D visualisation KNOWHOIEM | Rezgui Y, H Li, Kwan A | European Commission (FP7) | 286252 | 01/09/2011 - 31/08/2014 |
WISDOM Water analytics and intelligent sensing for demand optimised management | Rezgui Y, Kwan A, Li H, Mourshed M, Beach T | European Commission (FP7) | 352687 | 01/02/2014 - 31/01/2017 |
Developing a real time abstraction & Discharge permitting process for catchment regulation and optimised water management (Wanda) | Rezgui Y, Li H, Kwan A | TSB via Cambrensis | 224959 | 01/08/2013 - 31/07/2016 |
Vertical axis drag marine turbine R&D - design and input only | Kwan A, Rezgui Y | Repetitive Energy Company Ltd | 4967 | 01/05/2013 - 31/07/2013 |
Proair advanced indoor climate control system (PAICCS) | Kwan A, Rezgui Y | DECC Via Proair Installations Ltd | 119986 | 01/04/2013 - 30/03/2015 |
To Develop Company Expertise and Procedures for Design that can Accelerate its Product Development to Maintain its Growth Rate and Profitability | Kwan ASK, Pullin R | Momenta/Reid Lifting | 161106 | 15/02/2010 - 14/02/2012 |
KESS - Knowledge economy skills scholarship | Kwan ASK, Falconer RA, | CORUS STRIP PRODUCTS LTD, WELSH EUROPEAN FUNDING OFFICE | 99803 | 01/02/2010 - 31/01/2013 |
To develop an innovative, industry leading design and optimisation methodology and tool for the design and development of new trailer upper structure products | Clarkea, Eaton M, Kwan ASK | Loadlok (KTP) | 127289 | 01/06/2016 - 31/05/2018 |
Supervised Students
Title | Student | Status | Degree |
An Integrated User-Centric Platform To Promote Sustainable Behaviour | ALSULAIMAN Abdulaziz Abdullah Hamad | Graduate | PhD |
Integrated Security Control Under City Information Moduling - Using Intelligent Control Systems for Providing Full Vision to Decision-Makers in the City Management | ALTAMEEMI Abdulhakeem Salem Ali | Current | PhD |
Investigating the Influence of Information Systems Applications on Quality of Electronic Service in Municipal Sector: A sudy of acceptance of e-municipality services | ALSULIMAN Abdulrahman Abdullah Hamad | Graduate | PhD |
Time-Dependent Deformation of High Strength Concrete | KANDARI Fahad | Graduate | MPhil |
Conceptual Design and Mechanisms for Foldable Pyramidal Plated Structures | KHAYYAT Hassan | Graduate | PhD |
A More Realistic Genetic Algorithm | CHEN Hui | Graduate | MPhil |
Physical and Numerical Modelling of Marine Renewable Energy Technologies, with {Articular Focus on Tidal Stream And Tidal Range Devices | BRAMMER James | Graduate | PhD |
An Environmental and Material Flow Analysis of the UK Steel Construction Sector | LEY James David | Graduate | EngD |
An Application Of A Generative And Evolutionary Algorithms To Determining A Topology Using Bridge Aesthetics | WANG Kai | Graduate | PhD |
Effects Of Grading Of Fine Aggregate On The Strength And Permeability Of Concrete | THAMER Khalefa | Graduate | PhD |
Domestic Sustainable and Low Energy Design in Hot Climatic Regions | ALDOSSARY Naief Ali Rasheed | Graduate | PhD |
Enhanced material flow analysis framework: beyond accounting and toward strategy. Specialisation - construction engineering. | ALBELWI Naif | Current | PhD |
Prestress and deformation control in flexible structures | SAEED Najmadeen Mohammed | Graduate | PhD |
DYNAMIC ANALYSIS OF SHELLS | EL KAABAZI Nihal Husein Fouad | Graduate | PhD |
Use of Waste and Low Energy Materials for Construction | YALLEY Peter Paa-Kofi | Graduate | PhD |
Separation of Brick and Mortar Using Pressure Waves | GREGORY Richard | Graduate | PhD |
An Investigation Into The Applicability Of The Passivhaus Standard For The UK Context | MCLEOD Robert Scot | Graduate | PhD |
Research on BIM based robotics. | GOW Simeon | Current | MPhil |
Physical Testing And Numerical Modelling Of A Novel Vertical Tidal Stream Turbine | HARRIES Tom | Graduate | PhD |
Comparing The Effectiveness of Face To Face And Computer Mediated Collaboration In Design | HATEM Wadhah Amer | Graduate | PhD |
Comparing The Effectiveness of Face To Face And Computer Mediated Collaboration In Design | HATEM Wadhah Amer | Graduate | PhD |
Topological Reasoning Using a Generative Representation And A Genetic Algorithm | ZHANG Yu | Graduate | PhD |
Sustainable Informatics - Telemetry, control systems, optimisation, predictive simulation, networks, web-based real-time decision support systems
Sustainable Construction - Material Flow Analysis, masonry separation, enhanced soil block construction
Deployable Structure - Structural morphology, Force Method, foldable stuctures, pantographic structures, prestress analysis, displacement control, mechanisms, kinematics
Geometric Nonlinearity - fabric structure, membrane structure, cable structure, cablenets
Structural Optimisation - Genetic Algorithms, layout optimisation, shape optimisation
Dr Kwan has >90 publications (>35 in refereed international journals), including a chapter in the SCI Steel Designers' Manual. His h-index is 10 (by Scopus) with >200 citations in these ten publications. Under Google-Scholar, the h-factor is 13, and these 13 publications have been cited 400 times. Altogether, he has been cited 300x (Scopus) and 550x (Google-Scholar).
Since 2010, Dr Kwan has been active in the field of “sustainability informatics”, e.g. 4 out of 6 recent journal papers (average journal impact factor of 4.38) are all in this field. All four of his current (2013) research grants (one starting Feb 2014, two as principal investigator with 1 co-applicant, and two more with 3 co-applicants) are in also in this field; these grants total £1.04M (£6.8M when including non-Cardiff share). His five grants previous to these (going back to 2009) totalled £572k (£384k of which was also in the field of sustainability informatics).
He has a total of 21 doctoral students (19 completed), and two MPhil student (completed). He has also been external examiner of higher degree on 7 occasions, and is currently (2015) External Examiner of taught degrees at both UK and overseas institutions.
One of the KTP projects where Dr Kwan was principal investigator has led to the development and subsequent commercialisation of a deployable lifting product for Reid Lifting Ltd. This product has led to the double award of the 'Queen’s Award for Enterprise in Innovation 2013', and the 'Queen’s Award for Enterprise in International Trade 2013'.
Dr Kwan is on the Editorial Board of three journals, and eleven international conferences. He has delivered two invited lectures at international conferences. He is a regular referee for about ten international journals, the UK research councils, and other journals.
He was elected to the Board of the Association of European Civil Engineering Faculty in 2003, and subsequently twice re-elected.
Dr Kwan obtained his BEng(Hons) from Sheffield (1987) and PhD from Cambridge (1991), working on deployable structures.
Sustainable Informatics - Telemetry, control systems, optimisation, predictive simulation, networks, web-based real-time decision support
Sustainable Construction - Material Flow Analysis, masonry separation, enhanced soil block construction
Deployable Structure - Structural morphology, Force Method, foldable stuctures, pantographic structures, prestress analysis, displacement
control, mechanisms, kinematics
Geometric Nonlinearity - fabric structure, membrane structure, cable structure, cablenets
Structural Optimisation - Genetic Algorithms, layout optimisation, shape optimisation.
Professional memberships
Committees and reviewing
Scientific Committee Member, IASS20/21 Int Conf on Spatial Structures 2020 (Surrey7)