Dr Zoe Lee
Reader (Associate Professor) in Marketing
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr. Zoe Lee is a Reader (Associate Professor) in Marketing at Cardiff Business School.
She is an expert specialising in responsible and ethically driven branding. Her areas of expertise encompass brand purpose, rebranding and activism, sustainability communications, and nonprofit marketing strategy. She is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Marketing as well as the Programme Director for MSc Strategic Marketing. She serves as an Associate Editor at the esteemed Journal of Strategic Marketing and a member of the Editorial Review Board for the Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing (previously known as the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing).
Her scholarly research addresses contemporary issues, including corporate branding and firm performance, the management of internal assets, as well as consumer behaviour in digital branding marketplaces. A focal point of her work revolves around constructing purposeful and authentic brands through conscience and activism. Dr Zoe Lee has led numerous global projects in collaboration with international scholars from the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Finland and Italy. Notably, she also contributed to a British Academy-funded project exploring the emergence of brand equity management.
Dr. Lee’s research findings offer valuable insights that can be effectively applied by managers seeking sustainable marketing strategies across diverse industries. Zoe has published in esteemed journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, Journal of Business Research, Journal of Business Ethics, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Advertising, and Journal of Brand Management. Zoe was awarded the Outstanding Article in Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ) in 2018. In addition, she also received the best conference paper at the European Advertising Academy conference in London in 2015.
- Anisimova, T., Lee, Z. and Silva, M. A. R. d. 2025. Brand activism in the era of permacrisis: Systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Marketing Management
- Dineva, D., Lee, Z. and Mangió, F. 2024. Brand-to-brand engagement on social media: Typology and implications. Journal of Interactive Marketing (10.1177/10949968241312173)
- Rundle-Thiele, S., Mitchell, S., Lee, Z. and Hyde, F. 2024. Refocusing marketing effort to support net-positive social impact. European Journal of Marketing 58(7), pp. 1806-1825. (10.1108/EJM-06-2023-0465)
- Lee, Z., Alwi, S. S. and Gambetti, R. 2024. The thousand faces of beauty: How credible storytelling unlocks disability representation in inclusive luxury fashion branding. Journal of Business Research 181, article number: 114744. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114744)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A., Ekinci, Y. and Vredenburg, J. 2024. From warmth to warrior: Impacts of non-profit brand activism on brand bravery, brand hypocrisy and brand equity. Journal of Brand Management 31, pp. 193-211. (10.1057/s41262-023-00319-8)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A. and Vredenburg, J. 2024. The Body Shop shouldn't have failed in an age when consumers want activism from their brands. What happened?. The Conversation 2024(25 Mar)
- Lee, Z., Gordon-Wilson, S., Davies, I. and Pring, C. 2024. Communicating about sustainability in fashion: A construal level theory approach. European Journal of Marketing 58(1), pp. 313-341. (10.1108/EJM-09-2021-0701)
- Lee, Z., Alwi, S. and Gambetti, R. 2024. Breaking barriers with disability inclusion: Brand activism as a catalyst for social sustainability in fashion. In: Henninger, C. E. et al. eds. Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion. Springer Nature
- Mitchell, S., Rundle-Thiele, S., Lee, Z. and Hyde, F. 2024. Guest editorial: A personal perspective on why social impact matters. European Journal of Marketing 58(7), pp. 1677-1680. (10.1108/EJM-07-2024-992)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A. and Vredenburg, J. 2023. When charities engage in 'brand activism', research shows they must demonstrate bravery to attract donations. The Conversation 2023(12 Jul)
- Mogaji, E., Restuccia, M., Lee, Z. and Nguyen, N. P. 2023. B2B Brand positioning in emerging markets: exploring positioning signals via websites and managerial tensions in top-performing African B2B service brands. Industrial Marketing Management 108, pp. 237-250. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.12.003)
- Lee, Z. 2023. Building brands for nonprofit organisations: a review of current themes and future research directions. In: King, C. and Murillo, E. eds. A Research Agenda for Brand Management in a New Era of Consumerism. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 257-272.
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2021. Nonprofit brand and managing nonprofit rebranding strategy. In: Charity Marketing. Taylor & Francis, pp. 46-59., (10.4324/9781003134169-2)
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2021. Navigating relative invariance: perspectives on corporate heritage identity and organizational heritage identity in an evolving nonprofit institution. Journal of Business Research 129, pp. 813-825. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.05.038)
- Gordon-Wilson, S., Lee, Z. and Wu, M. 2021. How high net worth individuals (HNW) perceive sustainable luxury in an emerging market. Presented at: Journal of Business Ethics SI Paper Development Workshop 2021, Virtual, 07 May 2021.
- Lee, Z. and Gordon-Wilson, S. 2021. One size does not fits all: a typology of sustainable luxury brand communication and sustainability practices. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Lee, Z., Snelson-Powell, A. and Glozer, S. 2021. The emotional proximity paradox: burn-out and resilience in negotiating nonprofit corporate identity change. Presented at: 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Virtual, 8-10 July 2021.
- Lee, Z., Glozer, A. and Snelson-Powell, Z. 2020. Organizing corporate identity change and multi-level tensions: a paradox perspective. Presented at: Studying Paradox and Grand Challenges : Paper Development Session, Virtual, 6 April 2020.
- Ghaffari, M., Hackley, C. and Lee, Z. 2019. Control, knowledge and persuasive power in advertising creativity- An ethnographic practice theory approach. Journal of Advertising 48(2), pp. 242-249. (10.1080/00913367.2019.1598310)
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2018. Towards a deeper understanding of changing meaning of heritage identity: The case of a nonprofit rebrand. Presented at: 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, 6 June - 10 June 2018.
- Lee, Z. and Bourne, H. 2017. Managing dual identities in nonprofit rebranding: An exploratory study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 46(4), pp. 794-816. (10.1177/0899764017703705)
- Lee, Z., Hang, H. and Beverland, M. 2017. Evolution of brand equity: knowledge co-creation between Unilever, advertising agencies and academics, 1950-2000. Presented at: Association of Business Historians Conference: The human factor in business history, 29 June - 1 July 2017. pp. -.
- Lee, Z. 2016. Managing authentic rebranding in UK charities: the challenge of hybrid identity. Presented at: uropean Marketing Association Conference 2016, 24 May - 27 may 2016. pp. -.
- Ghaffari, M., Beverland, M. and Lee, Z. 2015. Unravelling the process of creativity in advertising: a praxiological approach. Presented at: ICORIA, 3 July - 4 July 2015. pp. -.
- McCloskey, J., Beverland, M. and Lee, Z. 2015. “It’s a bit of a mask, it’s not pure…it’s not what I thought”: How doppelganger brand images attack brand authenticity. Presented at: Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference 2015, 19 June - 21 June 2015 Presented at Wan, E. and Zhang, M. eds.Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research pp. 173-174.
- Lee, Z. and Bourne, H. 2015. The dynamics of hybridity in corporate rebranding: the case of British charities. Presented at: 10th Global Brand Conference, Academy of Marketing, 27 April - 29 April 2015. pp. -.
- Lee, Z. and Melewar, T. 2014. Corporate rebranding with a purpose: an exploratory study. Presented at: 47th Academy of Marketing Conference, 7 July - 10 July 2014. pp. -.
- Lee, Z. 2013. Rebranding in brand-oriented organisations: Exploring tensions in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Marketing Management 29(9-10), pp. 1124-1142. (10.1080/0267257X.2013.812978)
- Davies, I., Lee, Z. and Ahonkhai, I. 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury?. Journal of Business Ethics 106(1), pp. 37-51. (10.1007/s10551-011-1071-y)
- Lee, Z. and Sargeant, A. 2011. Dealing with social desirability bias: An application to charitable giving. European Journal of Marketing 45(5), pp. 703-719. (10.1108/03090561111119994)
- Lee, Z. and Woodliffe, L. 2010. Donor misreporting: conceptualizing social desirability bias in giving surveys. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21(4), pp. 569-587. (10.1007/s11266-010-9153-5)
- Anisimova, T., Lee, Z. and Silva, M. A. R. d. 2025. Brand activism in the era of permacrisis: Systematic literature review and future research agenda. Journal of Marketing Management
- Dineva, D., Lee, Z. and Mangió, F. 2024. Brand-to-brand engagement on social media: Typology and implications. Journal of Interactive Marketing (10.1177/10949968241312173)
- Rundle-Thiele, S., Mitchell, S., Lee, Z. and Hyde, F. 2024. Refocusing marketing effort to support net-positive social impact. European Journal of Marketing 58(7), pp. 1806-1825. (10.1108/EJM-06-2023-0465)
- Lee, Z., Alwi, S. S. and Gambetti, R. 2024. The thousand faces of beauty: How credible storytelling unlocks disability representation in inclusive luxury fashion branding. Journal of Business Research 181, article number: 114744. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114744)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A., Ekinci, Y. and Vredenburg, J. 2024. From warmth to warrior: Impacts of non-profit brand activism on brand bravery, brand hypocrisy and brand equity. Journal of Brand Management 31, pp. 193-211. (10.1057/s41262-023-00319-8)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A. and Vredenburg, J. 2024. The Body Shop shouldn't have failed in an age when consumers want activism from their brands. What happened?. The Conversation 2024(25 Mar)
- Lee, Z., Gordon-Wilson, S., Davies, I. and Pring, C. 2024. Communicating about sustainability in fashion: A construal level theory approach. European Journal of Marketing 58(1), pp. 313-341. (10.1108/EJM-09-2021-0701)
- Mitchell, S., Rundle-Thiele, S., Lee, Z. and Hyde, F. 2024. Guest editorial: A personal perspective on why social impact matters. European Journal of Marketing 58(7), pp. 1677-1680. (10.1108/EJM-07-2024-992)
- Lee, Z., Spry, A. and Vredenburg, J. 2023. When charities engage in 'brand activism', research shows they must demonstrate bravery to attract donations. The Conversation 2023(12 Jul)
- Mogaji, E., Restuccia, M., Lee, Z. and Nguyen, N. P. 2023. B2B Brand positioning in emerging markets: exploring positioning signals via websites and managerial tensions in top-performing African B2B service brands. Industrial Marketing Management 108, pp. 237-250. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2022.12.003)
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2021. Navigating relative invariance: perspectives on corporate heritage identity and organizational heritage identity in an evolving nonprofit institution. Journal of Business Research 129, pp. 813-825. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.05.038)
- Ghaffari, M., Hackley, C. and Lee, Z. 2019. Control, knowledge and persuasive power in advertising creativity- An ethnographic practice theory approach. Journal of Advertising 48(2), pp. 242-249. (10.1080/00913367.2019.1598310)
- Lee, Z. and Bourne, H. 2017. Managing dual identities in nonprofit rebranding: An exploratory study. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 46(4), pp. 794-816. (10.1177/0899764017703705)
- Lee, Z. 2013. Rebranding in brand-oriented organisations: Exploring tensions in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Marketing Management 29(9-10), pp. 1124-1142. (10.1080/0267257X.2013.812978)
- Davies, I., Lee, Z. and Ahonkhai, I. 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury?. Journal of Business Ethics 106(1), pp. 37-51. (10.1007/s10551-011-1071-y)
- Lee, Z. and Sargeant, A. 2011. Dealing with social desirability bias: An application to charitable giving. European Journal of Marketing 45(5), pp. 703-719. (10.1108/03090561111119994)
- Lee, Z. and Woodliffe, L. 2010. Donor misreporting: conceptualizing social desirability bias in giving surveys. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21(4), pp. 569-587. (10.1007/s11266-010-9153-5)
Book sections
- Lee, Z., Alwi, S. and Gambetti, R. 2024. Breaking barriers with disability inclusion: Brand activism as a catalyst for social sustainability in fashion. In: Henninger, C. E. et al. eds. Handbook of Sustainability in Fashion. Springer Nature
- Lee, Z. 2023. Building brands for nonprofit organisations: a review of current themes and future research directions. In: King, C. and Murillo, E. eds. A Research Agenda for Brand Management in a New Era of Consumerism. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 257-272.
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2021. Nonprofit brand and managing nonprofit rebranding strategy. In: Charity Marketing. Taylor & Francis, pp. 46-59., (10.4324/9781003134169-2)
- Gordon-Wilson, S., Lee, Z. and Wu, M. 2021. How high net worth individuals (HNW) perceive sustainable luxury in an emerging market. Presented at: Journal of Business Ethics SI Paper Development Workshop 2021, Virtual, 07 May 2021.
- Lee, Z. and Gordon-Wilson, S. 2021. One size does not fits all: a typology of sustainable luxury brand communication and sustainability practices. Presented at: 2021 Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Lee, Z., Snelson-Powell, A. and Glozer, S. 2021. The emotional proximity paradox: burn-out and resilience in negotiating nonprofit corporate identity change. Presented at: 37th EGOS Colloquium 2021, Virtual, 8-10 July 2021.
- Lee, Z., Glozer, A. and Snelson-Powell, Z. 2020. Organizing corporate identity change and multi-level tensions: a paradox perspective. Presented at: Studying Paradox and Grand Challenges : Paper Development Session, Virtual, 6 April 2020.
- Lee, Z. and Davies, I. 2018. Towards a deeper understanding of changing meaning of heritage identity: The case of a nonprofit rebrand. Presented at: 29th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Business and Society, 6 June - 10 June 2018.
- Lee, Z., Hang, H. and Beverland, M. 2017. Evolution of brand equity: knowledge co-creation between Unilever, advertising agencies and academics, 1950-2000. Presented at: Association of Business Historians Conference: The human factor in business history, 29 June - 1 July 2017. pp. -.
- Lee, Z. 2016. Managing authentic rebranding in UK charities: the challenge of hybrid identity. Presented at: uropean Marketing Association Conference 2016, 24 May - 27 may 2016. pp. -.
- Ghaffari, M., Beverland, M. and Lee, Z. 2015. Unravelling the process of creativity in advertising: a praxiological approach. Presented at: ICORIA, 3 July - 4 July 2015. pp. -.
- McCloskey, J., Beverland, M. and Lee, Z. 2015. “It’s a bit of a mask, it’s not pure…it’s not what I thought”: How doppelganger brand images attack brand authenticity. Presented at: Association for Consumer Research Asia-Pacific Conference 2015, 19 June - 21 June 2015 Presented at Wan, E. and Zhang, M. eds.Asia-Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. 11. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research pp. 173-174.
- Lee, Z. and Bourne, H. 2015. The dynamics of hybridity in corporate rebranding: the case of British charities. Presented at: 10th Global Brand Conference, Academy of Marketing, 27 April - 29 April 2015. pp. -.
- Lee, Z. and Melewar, T. 2014. Corporate rebranding with a purpose: an exploratory study. Presented at: 47th Academy of Marketing Conference, 7 July - 10 July 2014. pp. -.
- Lee, Z., Spry, A., Ekinci, Y. and Vredenburg, J. 2024. From warmth to warrior: Impacts of non-profit brand activism on brand bravery, brand hypocrisy and brand equity. Journal of Brand Management 31, pp. 193-211. (10.1057/s41262-023-00319-8)
- Lee, Z. 2013. Rebranding in brand-oriented organisations: Exploring tensions in the nonprofit sector. Journal of Marketing Management 29(9-10), pp. 1124-1142. (10.1080/0267257X.2013.812978)
- Davies, I., Lee, Z. and Ahonkhai, I. 2012. Do consumers care about ethical-luxury?. Journal of Business Ethics 106(1), pp. 37-51. (10.1007/s10551-011-1071-y)
- Lee, Z. and Sargeant, A. 2011. Dealing with social desirability bias: An application to charitable giving. European Journal of Marketing 45(5), pp. 703-719. (10.1108/03090561111119994)
- Lee, Z. and Woodliffe, L. 2010. Donor misreporting: conceptualizing social desirability bias in giving surveys. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 21(4), pp. 569-587. (10.1007/s11266-010-9153-5)
Research interests
- Corporate branding and digital: Building brands with a conscience and impact of corporate brand activism in addressing grand challenges, employee brand champions, sustaining heritage, brand positioning on social media and brands in developing countries
- Sustainability in Fashion: Relationship between social sustainability and inclusivity movement, effective sustainability communications
- Nonprofit marketing: Charity rebranding, mission drift, brand activism and donor behaviours
- Velindre NHS Trust: "Development of a flexible brand website and resources relating to Endometriosis" with Prof Jacky Boivin, School of Psychology, Cardiff University, 2020
- Hodge Foundation Public Value Programme Student Internships: “Brand-to-brand (B2B) praise on social media” with Dr Denitsa Dineva, Cardiff University, 2022
- Xiamen-Cardiff Joint Fund: " Heritage brands rejuvenation: Help or Hindrance" with Dr Qun Tan, Xiamen University, 2019-2020
- ESRC Festival of Social Sciences: “Brand activism in nonprofit organisations”, 2020
- British Academy/Leverhulme Small Research Grant, “Uncovering the history of the customer-based brand equity model: Lessons for industry-academic knowledge co-creation" with Prof Micheal Beverland (Sussex University) and Dr Haiming Hang (University of Bath), 2016
- British Academy Small Grant: "Challenges in charity merger" with Dr Humphrey Bourne (University of Bristol), 2010
- ESRC Seminar Series: "Innovation in public services: current trends and future prospects" with Prof Stephen Osbourne (University of Edinburgh)
Public Value and Impact
- Co-editor, Special issue on 'Delivering Impact for Social Good,' in European Journal of Marketing, with Mitchell, S., Rundle-Thiele, S. and Hyde, F. (2023)
- Co-editor, Special issue on 'Conscientious brands: Making sustainability and responsibility work,' in Journal of Brand Management, with Iglesias, O., Ind, N., Tjandra, N.C., Feri, A. and Guzman, F. (2024)
Conference Organisation and Track Chairs
- Conference Co-chair of the "Online Global Brand Meeting of the AM's Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG", 27th May 2021 with Machado, J. C.,Roper, S., Iglesias, O., Guzman, F. and Andreani, D.
- Track Chair "Branding in the Metaverse", 16th Global Brand Conference, 3rd-5th May, 2023
- BSc - Buyer Behaviour
- MSc - Integrated Marketing Communication
- MSc - Brand Management
- MBA - Business Project Supervision
- Exec MBA dissertation supervisor
- PhD (Marketing) - University of the West of England, Bristol
- MSc (Marketing) - University of Birmingham
- BEng (Chemical Engineering) - University of Birmingham
Honours and awards
- 2024 - Nominated for Most Impactful and Outstanding Use of Assessment as Learning in the Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLA)
- 2023 - Nominated for Most Engaging Staff Member in the Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLA)
- 2021 - Cardiff Business School SMT recognition from the Pro-Dean Education and Students for excellent contribution to teaching
- 2018 - Outstanding article in Nonprofit & Voluntary Sector Quarterly (NVSQ)
- 2017 - Dean's Award for Citizenships
Professional memberships
- Fellow at Higher Education Academy
- Member of Academy of Marketing Science
- Member of Academy of Marketing
- Member of International Association for Business and Society
- Member of CharityComms
Academic positions
- Academic
- Lecturer in Marketing, University of Bath
- Teaching Associate, University of Bristol
- External examiners:
- External examiner for taught UG Marketing, Leeds University (2020- present)
- External examiner for taught UG Marketing, the University of Warwick (2023 - present)
- PhD examiners:
- PhD external examiner at the University of York (2024)
- PhD external examiner at the University of Glasgow (2023)
- PhD external examiner at Edinburgh Napier University (2023)
- PhD external examiner at Cranfield University (2019)
Committees and reviewing
- Associate Editor
- Journal of Strategic Marketing
- Editorial Board
- Journal of Product & Brand Management
- Journal of Philanthropy & Marketing
- Journal Reviewer
- European Journal of Marketing
- Journal of Business Research
- British Journal of Management
- Journal of Marketing Management
- Journal of Brand Management
- Public Management Review
- Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Member of the Scientific Committee of the Academy of Marketing's Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation (2020 to present)
Member of People Committee (2019-2022)
Member of Shadow Management Board (2020-2022)
Member of Regrow Borneo
I am interested in hearing from other PhD students who wish to research in the following areas:
- Corporate brand purpose and communication
- Sustainability communications in fashion
- Brand activism strategy
- Technology and brand (e.g social media, metaverse etc)
- Nonprofit branding
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29225 10885
Aberconway Building, Room Q05, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Brand identity and management
- Sustainability
- nonprofit marketing