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Matthew Lettington

Dr Matthew Lettington

Senior Lecturer
Director of Admissions

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


Following the award of my PhD (Number Theory) in 2010, I joined Cardiff University as a Lecturer, obtaining a tenured position as an SBP Fellow in May 2012.

My main research interests lie on the interface of Number Theory, Combinatorics and Linear Algebra. In particular I am interested in generating discrete sets (possibly infinite) with combinatorial and number theoretic properties, via elements of superalgebras under matrix multiplication.

In addition to my research I am also interested in mathematics education. Recently I appeared on The One Show, with the ground-breaking story "It Doesn't Add Up" concerning errors in GCSE revision guides. This story also appeared on the front page of The Times (24/01/2017) and in a number of other newspapers and media outlets, leading to radio and TV interviews. Since then I have acted as a consultant to the secondary education sector regarding the new GCSE and A level programmes.

On Friday 15 November 2019 I appeared on the Radio 4 Today Programme live to read out a riddle that I had composed encoding the history of Cardiff Univeristy in the style of the epigram of Diophantus of Alexandria circa 300 AD. More information is available here BBC Radio 4 - Today - Today Puzzle #612

Administrative duties

Undergraduate Project Co-Ordinator (2012-2020)

School of Mathematics Newsletter Editor (2013-2022)

Year 3 Tutor (2015_2022)

Director for Mathematics in Media Communication (2020-2022)

Director for Admissions (2022 - Present)






















My main research interests lie on the interface of Number Theory, Combinatorics and Linear Algebra. In particular I am interested in generating discrete sets (possibly infinite) with combinatorial and number theoretic properties, via elements of superalgebras under matrix multiplication.

More generally I am interested in:

  • Combinatorial and number theoretic properties of matrices with symmetry properties under matrix multiplication.
  • Congruence properties of rational sequences generated by orthogonal polynomial systems.
  • Integer points close to convex hypersurfaces and polytopes.
  • Identities for the Zeta function at integer values.

MathSciNet Overview:

ORCID Number:


My current teaching duties include:

  • MA4011 Analytic Number Theory
  • MA3011 Introduction to Number Theory II

Previously I have taught:

  • MA3004 Combinatorics
  • MA3011 Introduction to Number Theory II
  • MA2011 Introduction to Number Theory I
  • MA0216 Elementary Number Theory II
  • MA2002 Matrix Algebra
  • MA0111 Elementary Number Theory I
  • MA1000 Calculus
  • MA0104 Modelling (with Difference and Differential Equations)
  • MA0003 Preliminary Mathematics


Honours and awards

SBP Fellowship awarded May 2012

Professional memberships

Memeber of the London Mathematical Society (LMS)

Academic positions

  • Aug 2021 - Present: Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
  • May 2012 - Aug 2021: Lecturer in Mathematics, School of Mathematics, Cardiff University
  • June 2006 - Aug 2010: Mathematical Consultant, JSC Management und-Technologieberatung AG, Eltville, Germany
  • Oct. 2001 - April 2010: Lecturer in Mathematics, Gloucestershire College, Cheltenham.

Speaking engagements

  • August 2008. A dynamic approach to product sales forecasting. SMiCR, Cardiff.
  • March 2012. Recent progress in the distribution of lattice points near to convex surfaces and polytopes. Analysis Seminar Programme, Cardiff.

  • May 2013. Recent progress in Bernoulli relations, their implications for the Ramanujan polynomials and the special values of the Riemann zeta function, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.

  • February 2014. On rational convergents to the cosine of rational multiples of Pi, Analysis Seminar Programme, Cardiff.
  • May 2014. Higher-Dimensional Lucas and Fibonacci Sequences, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.
  • March 2015, On Higher Dimensional Interlacing Fibonacci Sequences, Continued Fractions and Chebyshev Polynomials (Abstract)LMSWIMCS – Bath Analysis Day, Swansea University.
  • July 2015, On Higher Dimensional Interlacing Fibonacci Sequences, Continued Fractions and Chebyshev Polynomials (Abstract), 29th Journées Arithmétiques JA 2015, Debrecen University, Hungary.
  • Friday, September 4 2015, 3.00pm, Chauvenet Hall, Room 143,  Invited Talk, Applied Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium, Colorado School of Mines,  On Higher Dimensional Interlacing Fibonacci Sequences. (Abstract).
  • May 2016. On Block Representations and Spectral Properties of Semimagic Square Matrices, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.
  • October 14 2016,  Modern Aspects of Analysis and Scientific Computing (A joint Cardiff University — KU Leuven meeting), Plenary talk entitled On polynomial expressions for higher-dimensional Fibonacci sequences, Faulhaber sums, and some theorems of Fermat.
  • January 24 2017, Television interview with BBC Wales Today and Radio interview live on Good Morning Wales regarding the ground-breaking story screened by BBCs The One Show, and appearing on the front page of The Times newspaper, entitled “It Doesn’t Add Up.
  • March 21 2017, Tinted Lens – Chapter Arts Centre, Cardiff, Invited Talk entitled Concrete Mathematics in relation to the Theodore Melfi film The Hidden Figures.
  • July 3 2017, On Binomial Polynomials Mimicking Riemann's Zeta Function, 30th Journées Arithmétiques JA 2017, Caen University, France.
  • May 2018. On Sum-and-Distance Systems, Reversible Square Matrices and Divisor Functions, Wales Mathematics Colloquium, Gregynog.
  • June 2018. On Sum-and-Distance Systems, Reversible Square Matrices and Divisor Functions, Bohemian Matrices and Applications, June 20-22, 2018, Manchester University.
  • October 2018. On Sum-and-Distance Systems, Reversible Square Matrices and Divisor Functions, Invited Colloquium Talk, The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK,
  • November 2018. On Sum-and-Distance Systems, Reversible Square Matrices and Divisor Functions, Invited Seminar Talk, University of Essex, Colchester, UK,
  • July 2019. On Reversible Square Matrices and Divisor Functions, Invited Minisymposium Talk (MS A6-2-2 9) on Bohemian Matrices, organised by Nick higham and Rob Corless, SIAM 2019, Valencia, Spain.
  • January 2020, Invited Colloquium Talk, University of South Wales, Divisor Functions and Sum systems,
  • February 2020, Invited Pure Maths Seminar Talk, Reading University, Divisor Functions and the Number of Sum Systems
  • Friday 23rd July 2021, Bohemain Matrices Minisymposium invited talk entitled Recent Progress in the Rational Factorisation of Integer Matrices, SIAM AN21, Spokane, Washington SIAM AN21 Minisymposium on Bohemian Matrices and Applications – Nick Higham ( See also Conference Program Online (
  • Tuesday 23rd May 2022. Welsh Mathematics Colloquium 2022, contributed talk entitled Integer Matrix Factorisation and the Quadratic Form Obstruction, Gregynog Hall, Tregynon, Mongomeryshire, Wales.
  • Tuesday 9th May 2023. The Open University Colloquium Series, invited talk entitled On Multi-factorisations, Sum Systems and Number Walls, The Open University, Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, UK.
  • Tuesday 24th June 2023. 25th ILAS Conference, Bohemian matrices and related topics in matrix theory minisymposium, contributed talk entitled On the orthogonal decomposition of real square matrices
    over the co-Latin and semi-magic symmetry classes. See MSC26.pdf (
  • Monday 31st October 2023. Manchester University Numerical Linear Algebra Seminar Series, invited talk entitled On the co-Latin and semi-magic symmetry classes, Manchester University, UK.

ESGI 80 Collaboration

April 2011. Loading on the electricity grid from distributed energy storage systems.

Educational and media outreach

  • In 2015 I advised and participated in an episode for the Discovery channel series entitled Man V Expert, featuring the celebrity Alexis Conran, and the Oxford Number Theorist Professor Minhyong Kim.
  • In late 2016 I put together a team of PhD students and staff from Cardiff School of Mathematics to investigate errors in GCSE Maths Book on behalf of the BBCs The One Show. The results made the front page of The Times Newspaper and were screened on the BBCs The One Show on January 24 2017. They story was also covered in many other national newspapers including  The Herald, The Independent, The Daily Mirror and The Daily Express. On the same day I appeared on both Television (BBC Wales Today) and Radio (Good Morning Wales) to discuss our findings.
  • In December 2018, in conjunction with Admiral and Brand Content, I wrote the mathematics underpinning the hugely successful Admiral Bauble Calculator. This asks for details of your Christmas tree and preferences, from which it calculates the number of baubles and length of fairly lights required. The Admiral Bauble Calculator is available here Bauble Calculator - Admiral
  • On Friday 15 November 2019 I appeared on the Radio 4 Today Programme live to read out a riddle that I had composed encoding the history of Cardiff Univeristy in the style of the epigram of Diophantus of Alexandria circa 300 AD. The riddle reads as follows:

    `Cardiff University’, the wonder behold,

    In November 2018, the riddle tells how old:

    Infancy lasted the first full nine years,

    One-ninth of life later, a building appears.

    After three-fifths more, I merged my abode;

    And another one-fifteenth, full powers bestowed.

    Twenty-one years on and I'm now flying high,

    At the heart of Wales capital, how old am I?

The solution can be found at

Committees and reviewing

Director for Recruitment and Admissions

Reviewer for Zentralblatt

Referee for: Journal of Mathematical Analysis and its Applications; Moscow journal of combinatorial number theory; American Mathematical Monthly; Miskolc Mathematical Notes.


Project Descriptions

The general theme is centred on constructions and limits of sequences of vector convergents, systems of polynomials and generating function matrices, including the application of special function theory. There are a number of possible directions within this project as there are currently many areas that are of interest from description/categorisation theories to general unifying approaches and extensions of current methodologies

The student will learn about ideas from number theory and mathematical analysis. The project will involve an element of numerical analysis via Mathematica.

Current supervision

Ambrose Law

Ambrose Law

Grant Jones

Grant Jones

Past projects

Successful previous PhD students:

  • 2017 Dilbak Mohammed (second supervisor)
  • 2018 Sally L. Hill (first supervisor)
  • 2021 David M. Humphreys (first supervisor)

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 75670
Campuses Abacws, Room 2.17, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG