Dr Peter Lindfield
FSA, AFHEA, MA (Hons), MLitt, PhD (St And)
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am an architectural historian specialising in Georgian and Victorian architectural fashion—especially the Gothic Revival—as well as the broader vocabulary of architectural ornament and architecture’s application to the allied arts of interior design, decoration, and furnishing.
A Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London since 2016, I joined The Welsh School of Architecture in 2023 from the School of Architecture at the University of Liverpool where I taught architectural history and theory across Parts 1 and 2, and from Manchester Metropolitan University where I taught MA courses on building and decolonising the English country house.
I have held five fellowships at Yale University, two at the University of Oxford, and one at Durham, and between 2016 and 2019 I was a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow working on forged antiquarian material culture in the Georgian and Victorian periods.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2025. The intimacies of George Shaw (1810–76): Diaries and letters of a Gothic architect, antiquary, and forger. Remains Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester Vol. 3. Manchester: The Chetham Society.
- Lindfield, P. 2025. To abate the Royal Arms?. The Coat of Arms
- Lindfield, P. 2025. Letter to the Editor. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter Spring
- Lindfield, P. 2025. The Derby ‘sideboard’ or ‘buffet’ at Hever Castle: Peter Lindfield FSA looks at George Shaw's "heirlooms". The Antiquary: Fakes, Forgeries & Fallacies
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Thomas Gray’s understanding and reviving of historical architecture. In: Abbott, R. and Levinson, E. eds. Thomas Gray Among the Disciplines. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 188-209., (10.4324/9781003276036-11)
- Lindfield, P. 2024. A Royal Tudor Bed and A Northern Rogue—Exhibition Booklet (Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August 2024–11 September 2024). Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August - 11 September 2024.
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Interpretation Panels for 'A Tudor Royal Bed and A Northern Rogue' exhibition at Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August 2024–11 September 2024. [Online]. Chetham's Library Blog website: Chetham's Library, Manchester. Available at: https://library.chethams.com/blog/a-royal-tudor-bed-and-a-northern-rogue/
- Lindfield, P. N. 2024. Links to Pugin: George Shaw at Gawthorpe Hall. Present State: The Newsletter of The Pugin Society 21(Spring), pp. 17-18.
- Lindfield, P. 2024. The Thomas Stanley bed. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter 83
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Arthurian art, illustration and material culture, 1500–1800. In: Radulescu, R. ed. The Cambridge History of Arthurian Literature and Culture., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Coutu, J., Stobart, J. and Lindfield, P. N. eds. 2023. Politics and the English country house, 1688–1800. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2023. John Carter FSA (1748–1817): A new corpus of drawings, and the painted chamber. Visual Culture in Britain (10.1080/14714787.2022.2094456)
- Lindfield, P. N. 2023. A Corpus of the arms of King Edward VI. The Coat of Arms 6(240), pp. 198-218.
- Lindfield, P. N. ed. 2023. The marriage bed of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York: A masterpiece of Tudor craftsmanship. Oxbow Books.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. In Bed with the Tudors. History Today 72(11), pp. 22-24.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. ‘pierced and perforated carving, as fine as the best cathedral screen work’: antiquarianism and faking Tudor furniture in the 1840s. Journal of the British Archaeological Association 175(1), pp. 266-295. (10.1080/00681288.2022.2096758)
- Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. N. eds. 2022. The display of heraldry: the heraldic imagination in arts and culture. Bristol: The Heraldry Society. (10.1017/S0003581521000421)
- Lindfield, P. N. 2022. Arthurian imagination in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British art. In: Coldham-Fussell, V., Edlich-Muth, M. and Ward, R. eds. The Arthurian World. Vol. 22. Routledge, pp. 363-382.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. George Shaw Revisited: Ancient Oak, and Beds. Furniture History Society Newsletter(225), pp. 2-12.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. Transformation of heraldic decoration: the ‘Radcliffe Bed’. The Coat of Arms 5(239), pp. 108-119.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. Unbuilt Strawberry Hill. Shaun Tyas.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. The Thomas Stanley Bed and a related corpus of furniture from Tudor Lancashire. Regional Furniture: the journal of the Regional Furniture Society 36, pp. 23-52.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. New thoughts on the Henry VII Chapel high altar canopy. Journal of Historic Buildings & Places 1, pp. 29-47.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. A 'Royal' Sideboard for Chetham's Library: Spolia, Design, and Historical Associations. Regional Furniture Society
- Lindfield, P. 2021. The mantled hour-glass escutcheon: A snapshot of court fashion c.1480–1510?. The Heraldry Gazette 162, pp. 9-11.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. More Gothic furniture: MS Bodl. 264. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter(74), pp. 8-9.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. Heraldic depictions of royal continuity. Society of Court Studies 2021(Spring), pp. 4-6.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. Heraldic Forgery: The Case of George Shaw. The Coat of Arms 4(238), pp. 177-204.
- Lindfield, P. and Foyle, J. 2021. A forger’s folly?: George Shaw’s productions for Chetham’s Library, Manchester. The British Art Journal 21(3), pp. 42-50.
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Gothic revival architecture before Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill. In: Wright, A. and Townshend, D. eds. The Cambridge History of the Gothic. Volume 1: Gothic in the Long Eighteenth Century., Vol. 1. Vol. 4. Cambridge University Press, pp. 97-119., (10.1017/9781108561044.005)
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Building a civic Gothic palace for Britain’s cotton empire: the architecture of Manchester town hall. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/07/building-a-civic-gothic-palace-for-britains-cotton-empire-the-architecture-of-manchester-town-hall-b1295
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Bristol’s Gothic Baptist Chapel: Buckingham Chapel. [Online]. Visit Bristol: Visit Bristol. Available at: https://visitbristol.co.uk/blog/read/2020/07/bristols-gothic-baptist-chapel-buckingham-chapel-b1296
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Furnishing the Minshull Street city police and session courts. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/furnishing-the-minshull-street-city-police-and-session-courts-b1236
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A hotchpotch of History: Sacred Trinity, Salford. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/a-hotchpotch-of-history-sacred-trinity-salford-b1216
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Cottonopolis: Reaching to the sky - the history behind some of Greater Manchester's Gothic towers. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/cottonopolis-reaching-to-the-sky-the-history-behind-some-of-greater-manchesters-gothic-towers-b1209
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Northern Gothic: James Wyatt’s work for the Bishop of Durham. The British Art Journal: the research journal of British art studies 21(2), pp. 36-43.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic’s ‘Constitution’: The Great Hall at The University of Manchester. [Online]. Haunt Manchester Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/gothics-constitution-the-great-hall-at-the-university-of-manchester-b1119
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic beyond architecture: Manchester Cathedral. [Online]. Haunt Manchester Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/gothic-beyond-architecture-manchester-cathedral-b1109
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A ‘Bastard’ building; a child of Strawberry [Hill] uglier than its parent: St John’s Church, Deansgate. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/a-bastard-building-a-child-of-strawberry-hill-uglier-than-its-parent-st-johns-church-deansgate-b1106
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A hidden gem in Salford: Arlington House, Bloom Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/a-hidden-gem-in-salford-arlington-house-bloom-street-b1098
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic transformations: A Wesleyan Hall turned commercial venture—Albert’s Schloss and Albert Hall, 27 Peter Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/gothic-transformations-a-wesleyan-hall-turned-commercial-venture-alberts-schloss-and-albert-hall-27-peter-street-b1086
- Lindfield, P. 2020. The rule of Gothic: City police and Session Courts, Minshull Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/the-rule-of-gothic-city-police-and-session-courts-minshull-street-b1080
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. High Victorian Gothic: Thomas Worthington’s Venetian Hall at the heart of Manchester. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/high-victorian-gothic-thomas-worthingtons-venetian-hall-at-the-heart-of-manchester-b1073
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Layers of Gothic: A jewel in Salford’s Crown—Ordsall Hall. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/layers-of-gothic-a-jewel-in-salfords-crown-ordsall-hall-b1067
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A Mancunian gothic Sunday school: St Matthew’s. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/a-mancunian-gothic-sunday-school-st-matthews-b1060
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Wait! What? St Philips, Salford, is a Gothic building? Never!. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/wait-what-st-philips-salford-is-a-gothic-building-never-b1141
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s Modern Gothic in St Peter’s Square. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/manchesters-modern-gothic-in-st-peters-square-b1100
- Lindfield, P. 2020. ‘Bastard’ gothic’s survival in Georgian Britain. The Georgian Group Journal 28, pp. 123-126.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s ‘Renaissance Gothic’ Building?: Former Refuge Assurance Company Offices—now Kimpton Clocktower Hotel. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/manchesters-renaissance-gothic-building-former-refuge-assurance-company-offices-now-kimpton-clocktower-hotel-b1184
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s Twentieth-Century Library: The John Rylands Library. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/manchesters-twentieth-century-library-the-john-rylands-library-b1263
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Vetusta Monumenta; Volume 2, Plate 5: View of the Savoy from the Thames. [Online]. Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, a Digital Edition: Society of Antiquaries of London. Available at: https://scalar.missouri.edu/vm/vol2plate5-view-of-savoy
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Moving Manchester’s ‘Tudor’ Shambles. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/moving-manchesters-tudor-shambles-b1244
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. St Chad’s, Rochdale: Where Medieval and Victorian Gothic Collide. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/st-chads-rochdale-where-medieval-and-victorian-gothic-collide-b1201
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. The real cost of heritage: preserving our Gothic buildings. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/the-real-cost-of-heritage-preserving-our-gothic-buildings-b1197
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. The Zenith of Manchester’s Gothic: Chetham’s Library. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/the-zenith-of-manchesters-gothic-chethams-library-b1238
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Thomas Barritt of Manchester. [Online]. Chetham's Library Website: Chetham's Library. Available at: https://library.chethams.com/from-home/thomas-barritt-of-manchester/
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Vetusta Monumenta; Volume 2, Plate 14: A plan of the ground and buildings in the Strand, called the Savoy, taken in the year 1736.. [Commentary on plate and plan]. Available at: https://scalar.missouri.edu/vm/vol2plate14-plan-of-the-savoy
- Lindfield, P. 2019. A ‘classical goth’: Robert Adam’s engagement with medieval architecture. In: Thom, C. ed. Robert Adam and His Brothers: New Light on Britain's Leading Architectural Family. Architectural History Historic England
- Lindfield, P. 2019. Lancashire’s armoury: Thomas Barritt, saddler-antiquary. In: Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. eds. The Display of Heraldry: The Heraldic Imagination in Arts and Culture. Vol. 9. London, UK: The Heraldry Society, pp. 156-175.
- Lindfield, P. and Townshend, D. 2018. Reading Vathek and Fonthill Abbey: William Beckford’s architectural imagination. In: Dakers, C. ed. Fonthill Recovered: A Cultural History. Vol. 16. UCL Press, pp. 284-301., (10.14324/111.9781787350458)
- Lindfield, P. 2018. Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill house (1749): architectural gothic. In: Bacon, S. ed. The Gothic: A Reader. Genre and Film Companions Peter Lang UK, pp. 153-160., (10.3726/b13432)
- Lindfield, P. 2017. The panelled heraldic apartment of Horace Walpole (1717–1797) at Strawberry Hill. The British Art Journal: the research journal of British art studies 18(3), pp. 92-98.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. Imagining the undefined castle in the Castle of Otranto: engravings and interpretations. Image & Narrative 18(3), pp. 46-63.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. William Porden’s state bed for Eaton Hall, Cheshire. Regional Furniture: the journal of the Regional Furniture Society 31, pp. 1-10.
- Lindfield, P. 2017. A.W.N. Pugin's "True Principles" Gothic Furniture: Evolutionary, Revolutionary, Reactionary?. In: Brittain-Catlin, T., De Maeyer, J. and Bressani, M. eds. Gothic Revival Worldwide: A.W.N. Pugin's Global Influence. KADOC Artes Leuven University Press, pp. 214-228.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. Rediscovering Lee Priory’s lost library ante-chamber. The Georgian Group Journal 25, pp. 207-212.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2016. A further allusion to Strawberry Hill at Lee Priory, Kent (Letter). Burlington Magazine 158(1365), pp. 979-979.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2016. Triangular chairs at Strawberry Hill: the genuine and the fabricated. Furniture History Society Newsletter(204), pp. 2-6.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. How Gothic buildings became associated with Halloween and the supernatural. [Online]. The Conversstion: The Conversation Trust. Available at: https://theconversation.com/how-gothic-buildings-became-associated-with-halloween-and-the-supernatural-67820
- Lindfield, P. 2016. Georgian gothic: medievalist architecture, furniture and interiors, 1730–1840. Boydell & Brewer.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. Heraldry and the architectural imagination: John Carter's visualisation of the castle of Otranto. The Antiquaries Journal 96, pp. 291-313. (10.1017/S0003581516000226)
- Lindfield, P. 2016. ‘Hung round with the helmets, breast-plates, and swords of our ancestors’: allusions to chivalry in eighteenth-century gothicism?. In: Stevenson, K. and Gribling, B. eds. Chivalry and the Medieval Past. Boydell Press, pp. 61-98.
- Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. 2016. Introduction : speaking of arms.. In: Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. eds. Semy-de-Lys: Speaking of Arms, 1400–2016. , pp. 1-6.
- Lindfield, P. N. and Reeve, M. M. 2015. 'A child of strawberry': Thomas Barrett and Lee Priory, Kent. Burlington Magazine 157(1353), pp. 836-842.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. New light on Chippendale at Hestercombe House. Burlington Magazine 157(1348), pp. 452-456.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. National identity through design: the anglicisation of the rococo in mid eighteenth-century Britain. In: Lindfield, P. and Margrave, C. eds. Rule Britannia? Britain and Britishness 1707–1901. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp. 3-42.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. A passion for Gothic. Country Life 18 Mar, pp. 110-111.
- Lindfield, P. 2014. Heraldic Antiquarianism: the early work of Thomas Barritt of Manchester. Bodlian Library Record 27(2), pp. 178-202.
- Lindfield, P. 2014. Serious gothic and 'doing the ancient buildings': Batty Langley's ancient architecture and 'principal geometric elevations'. Architectural History 57, pp. 141-173. (10.1017/s0066622x00001404)
- Lindfield, P. 2014. The Countess of Pomfret’s Gothic revival furniture. The Georgian Group Journal 22, pp. 77-94.
- Lindfield, P. 2013. Porden’s Eaton: William Porden’s role in the development of Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 1802–1825. The Georgian Group Journal XXI, pp. 151-165.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2013. The furnishing of a gothic fantasy 1803–1825: Eaton Hall, Cheshire. Furniture History 67, pp. 155-180.
- Lindfield, P. 2012. Georgian gothic fabrications in the antiquarian style: William Kent, Batty Langley and Horace Walpole. In: Cleaver, L. and Lepine, A. eds. Gothic Legacies: Four Centuries of Tradition and Innovation in Art and Architecture. Cambridge Scholars, pp. 38-59.
- Lindfield, P. 2007. The fourteenth century choir stalls at Gloucester Cathedral. Regional Furniture 21, pp. 173-182.
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Vetusta Monumenta; Volume 2, Plate 14: A plan of the ground and buildings in the Strand, called the Savoy, taken in the year 1736.. [Commentary on plate and plan]. Available at: https://scalar.missouri.edu/vm/vol2plate14-plan-of-the-savoy
- Lindfield, P. 2025. To abate the Royal Arms?. The Coat of Arms
- Lindfield, P. 2025. Letter to the Editor. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter Spring
- Lindfield, P. 2025. The Derby ‘sideboard’ or ‘buffet’ at Hever Castle: Peter Lindfield FSA looks at George Shaw's "heirlooms". The Antiquary: Fakes, Forgeries & Fallacies
- Lindfield, P. N. 2024. Links to Pugin: George Shaw at Gawthorpe Hall. Present State: The Newsletter of The Pugin Society 21(Spring), pp. 17-18.
- Lindfield, P. 2024. The Thomas Stanley bed. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter 83
- Lindfield, P. N. 2023. John Carter FSA (1748–1817): A new corpus of drawings, and the painted chamber. Visual Culture in Britain (10.1080/14714787.2022.2094456)
- Lindfield, P. N. 2023. A Corpus of the arms of King Edward VI. The Coat of Arms 6(240), pp. 198-218.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. In Bed with the Tudors. History Today 72(11), pp. 22-24.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. ‘pierced and perforated carving, as fine as the best cathedral screen work’: antiquarianism and faking Tudor furniture in the 1840s. Journal of the British Archaeological Association 175(1), pp. 266-295. (10.1080/00681288.2022.2096758)
- Lindfield, P. 2022. George Shaw Revisited: Ancient Oak, and Beds. Furniture History Society Newsletter(225), pp. 2-12.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. Transformation of heraldic decoration: the ‘Radcliffe Bed’. The Coat of Arms 5(239), pp. 108-119.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. The Thomas Stanley Bed and a related corpus of furniture from Tudor Lancashire. Regional Furniture: the journal of the Regional Furniture Society 36, pp. 23-52.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. New thoughts on the Henry VII Chapel high altar canopy. Journal of Historic Buildings & Places 1, pp. 29-47.
- Lindfield, P. 2022. A 'Royal' Sideboard for Chetham's Library: Spolia, Design, and Historical Associations. Regional Furniture Society
- Lindfield, P. 2021. The mantled hour-glass escutcheon: A snapshot of court fashion c.1480–1510?. The Heraldry Gazette 162, pp. 9-11.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. More Gothic furniture: MS Bodl. 264. Regional Furniture Society Newsletter(74), pp. 8-9.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. Heraldic depictions of royal continuity. Society of Court Studies 2021(Spring), pp. 4-6.
- Lindfield, P. 2021. Heraldic Forgery: The Case of George Shaw. The Coat of Arms 4(238), pp. 177-204.
- Lindfield, P. and Foyle, J. 2021. A forger’s folly?: George Shaw’s productions for Chetham’s Library, Manchester. The British Art Journal 21(3), pp. 42-50.
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Northern Gothic: James Wyatt’s work for the Bishop of Durham. The British Art Journal: the research journal of British art studies 21(2), pp. 36-43.
- Lindfield, P. 2020. ‘Bastard’ gothic’s survival in Georgian Britain. The Georgian Group Journal 28, pp. 123-126.
- Lindfield, P. 2017. The panelled heraldic apartment of Horace Walpole (1717–1797) at Strawberry Hill. The British Art Journal: the research journal of British art studies 18(3), pp. 92-98.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. Imagining the undefined castle in the Castle of Otranto: engravings and interpretations. Image & Narrative 18(3), pp. 46-63.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. William Porden’s state bed for Eaton Hall, Cheshire. Regional Furniture: the journal of the Regional Furniture Society 31, pp. 1-10.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2017. Rediscovering Lee Priory’s lost library ante-chamber. The Georgian Group Journal 25, pp. 207-212.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2016. A further allusion to Strawberry Hill at Lee Priory, Kent (Letter). Burlington Magazine 158(1365), pp. 979-979.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2016. Triangular chairs at Strawberry Hill: the genuine and the fabricated. Furniture History Society Newsletter(204), pp. 2-6.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. Heraldry and the architectural imagination: John Carter's visualisation of the castle of Otranto. The Antiquaries Journal 96, pp. 291-313. (10.1017/S0003581516000226)
- Lindfield, P. N. and Reeve, M. M. 2015. 'A child of strawberry': Thomas Barrett and Lee Priory, Kent. Burlington Magazine 157(1353), pp. 836-842.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. New light on Chippendale at Hestercombe House. Burlington Magazine 157(1348), pp. 452-456.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. A passion for Gothic. Country Life 18 Mar, pp. 110-111.
- Lindfield, P. 2014. Heraldic Antiquarianism: the early work of Thomas Barritt of Manchester. Bodlian Library Record 27(2), pp. 178-202.
- Lindfield, P. 2014. Serious gothic and 'doing the ancient buildings': Batty Langley's ancient architecture and 'principal geometric elevations'. Architectural History 57, pp. 141-173. (10.1017/s0066622x00001404)
- Lindfield, P. 2014. The Countess of Pomfret’s Gothic revival furniture. The Georgian Group Journal 22, pp. 77-94.
- Lindfield, P. 2013. Porden’s Eaton: William Porden’s role in the development of Eaton Hall, Cheshire, 1802–1825. The Georgian Group Journal XXI, pp. 151-165.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2013. The furnishing of a gothic fantasy 1803–1825: Eaton Hall, Cheshire. Furniture History 67, pp. 155-180.
- Lindfield, P. 2007. The fourteenth century choir stalls at Gloucester Cathedral. Regional Furniture 21, pp. 173-182.
Book sections
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Thomas Gray’s understanding and reviving of historical architecture. In: Abbott, R. and Levinson, E. eds. Thomas Gray Among the Disciplines. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 188-209., (10.4324/9781003276036-11)
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Arthurian art, illustration and material culture, 1500–1800. In: Radulescu, R. ed. The Cambridge History of Arthurian Literature and Culture., Vol. 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
- Lindfield, P. N. 2022. Arthurian imagination in Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century British art. In: Coldham-Fussell, V., Edlich-Muth, M. and Ward, R. eds. The Arthurian World. Vol. 22. Routledge, pp. 363-382.
- Lindfield, P. 2020. Gothic revival architecture before Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill. In: Wright, A. and Townshend, D. eds. The Cambridge History of the Gothic. Volume 1: Gothic in the Long Eighteenth Century., Vol. 1. Vol. 4. Cambridge University Press, pp. 97-119., (10.1017/9781108561044.005)
- Lindfield, P. 2019. A ‘classical goth’: Robert Adam’s engagement with medieval architecture. In: Thom, C. ed. Robert Adam and His Brothers: New Light on Britain's Leading Architectural Family. Architectural History Historic England
- Lindfield, P. 2019. Lancashire’s armoury: Thomas Barritt, saddler-antiquary. In: Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. eds. The Display of Heraldry: The Heraldic Imagination in Arts and Culture. Vol. 9. London, UK: The Heraldry Society, pp. 156-175.
- Lindfield, P. and Townshend, D. 2018. Reading Vathek and Fonthill Abbey: William Beckford’s architectural imagination. In: Dakers, C. ed. Fonthill Recovered: A Cultural History. Vol. 16. UCL Press, pp. 284-301., (10.14324/111.9781787350458)
- Lindfield, P. 2018. Horace Walpole's Strawberry Hill house (1749): architectural gothic. In: Bacon, S. ed. The Gothic: A Reader. Genre and Film Companions Peter Lang UK, pp. 153-160., (10.3726/b13432)
- Lindfield, P. 2017. A.W.N. Pugin's "True Principles" Gothic Furniture: Evolutionary, Revolutionary, Reactionary?. In: Brittain-Catlin, T., De Maeyer, J. and Bressani, M. eds. Gothic Revival Worldwide: A.W.N. Pugin's Global Influence. KADOC Artes Leuven University Press, pp. 214-228.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. ‘Hung round with the helmets, breast-plates, and swords of our ancestors’: allusions to chivalry in eighteenth-century gothicism?. In: Stevenson, K. and Gribling, B. eds. Chivalry and the Medieval Past. Boydell Press, pp. 61-98.
- Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. 2016. Introduction : speaking of arms.. In: Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. eds. Semy-de-Lys: Speaking of Arms, 1400–2016. , pp. 1-6.
- Lindfield, P. 2015. National identity through design: the anglicisation of the rococo in mid eighteenth-century Britain. In: Lindfield, P. and Margrave, C. eds. Rule Britannia? Britain and Britishness 1707–1901. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, pp. 3-42.
- Lindfield, P. 2012. Georgian gothic fabrications in the antiquarian style: William Kent, Batty Langley and Horace Walpole. In: Cleaver, L. and Lepine, A. eds. Gothic Legacies: Four Centuries of Tradition and Innovation in Art and Architecture. Cambridge Scholars, pp. 38-59.
- Lindfield, P. N. 2025. The intimacies of George Shaw (1810–76): Diaries and letters of a Gothic architect, antiquary, and forger. Remains Historical and Literary Connected with the Palatine Counties of Lancaster and Chester Vol. 3. Manchester: The Chetham Society.
- Coutu, J., Stobart, J. and Lindfield, P. N. eds. 2023. Politics and the English country house, 1688–1800. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- Lindfield, P. N. ed. 2023. The marriage bed of Henry VII and Elizabeth of York: A masterpiece of Tudor craftsmanship. Oxbow Books.
- Robertson, F. and Lindfield, P. N. eds. 2022. The display of heraldry: the heraldic imagination in arts and culture. Bristol: The Heraldry Society. (10.1017/S0003581521000421)
- Lindfield, P. 2022. Unbuilt Strawberry Hill. Shaun Tyas.
- Lindfield, P. 2016. Georgian gothic: medievalist architecture, furniture and interiors, 1730–1840. Boydell & Brewer.
- Lindfield, P. 2024. A Royal Tudor Bed and A Northern Rogue—Exhibition Booklet (Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August 2024–11 September 2024). Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August - 11 September 2024.
- Lindfield, P. 2024. Interpretation Panels for 'A Tudor Royal Bed and A Northern Rogue' exhibition at Chetham's Library, Manchester, 13 August 2024–11 September 2024. [Online]. Chetham's Library Blog website: Chetham's Library, Manchester. Available at: https://library.chethams.com/blog/a-royal-tudor-bed-and-a-northern-rogue/
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Building a civic Gothic palace for Britain’s cotton empire: the architecture of Manchester town hall. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/07/building-a-civic-gothic-palace-for-britains-cotton-empire-the-architecture-of-manchester-town-hall-b1295
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Bristol’s Gothic Baptist Chapel: Buckingham Chapel. [Online]. Visit Bristol: Visit Bristol. Available at: https://visitbristol.co.uk/blog/read/2020/07/bristols-gothic-baptist-chapel-buckingham-chapel-b1296
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Furnishing the Minshull Street city police and session courts. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/furnishing-the-minshull-street-city-police-and-session-courts-b1236
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A hotchpotch of History: Sacred Trinity, Salford. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/a-hotchpotch-of-history-sacred-trinity-salford-b1216
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Cottonopolis: Reaching to the sky - the history behind some of Greater Manchester's Gothic towers. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/cottonopolis-reaching-to-the-sky-the-history-behind-some-of-greater-manchesters-gothic-towers-b1209
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic’s ‘Constitution’: The Great Hall at The University of Manchester. [Online]. Haunt Manchester Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/gothics-constitution-the-great-hall-at-the-university-of-manchester-b1119
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic beyond architecture: Manchester Cathedral. [Online]. Haunt Manchester Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/gothic-beyond-architecture-manchester-cathedral-b1109
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A ‘Bastard’ building; a child of Strawberry [Hill] uglier than its parent: St John’s Church, Deansgate. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/03/a-bastard-building-a-child-of-strawberry-hill-uglier-than-its-parent-st-johns-church-deansgate-b1106
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A hidden gem in Salford: Arlington House, Bloom Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/a-hidden-gem-in-salford-arlington-house-bloom-street-b1098
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Gothic transformations: A Wesleyan Hall turned commercial venture—Albert’s Schloss and Albert Hall, 27 Peter Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/gothic-transformations-a-wesleyan-hall-turned-commercial-venture-alberts-schloss-and-albert-hall-27-peter-street-b1086
- Lindfield, P. 2020. The rule of Gothic: City police and Session Courts, Minshull Street. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/the-rule-of-gothic-city-police-and-session-courts-minshull-street-b1080
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. High Victorian Gothic: Thomas Worthington’s Venetian Hall at the heart of Manchester. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/high-victorian-gothic-thomas-worthingtons-venetian-hall-at-the-heart-of-manchester-b1073
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Layers of Gothic: A jewel in Salford’s Crown—Ordsall Hall. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/layers-of-gothic-a-jewel-in-salfords-crown-ordsall-hall-b1067
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. A Mancunian gothic Sunday school: St Matthew’s. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/01/a-mancunian-gothic-sunday-school-st-matthews-b1060
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Wait! What? St Philips, Salford, is a Gothic building? Never!. [Online]. Visit Manchester: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/wait-what-st-philips-salford-is-a-gothic-building-never-b1141
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s Modern Gothic in St Peter’s Square. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/02/manchesters-modern-gothic-in-st-peters-square-b1100
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s ‘Renaissance Gothic’ Building?: Former Refuge Assurance Company Offices—now Kimpton Clocktower Hotel. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/manchesters-renaissance-gothic-building-former-refuge-assurance-company-offices-now-kimpton-clocktower-hotel-b1184
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Manchester’s Twentieth-Century Library: The John Rylands Library. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/manchesters-twentieth-century-library-the-john-rylands-library-b1263
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Vetusta Monumenta; Volume 2, Plate 5: View of the Savoy from the Thames. [Online]. Vetusta Monumenta: Ancient Monuments, a Digital Edition: Society of Antiquaries of London. Available at: https://scalar.missouri.edu/vm/vol2plate5-view-of-savoy
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Moving Manchester’s ‘Tudor’ Shambles. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/moving-manchesters-tudor-shambles-b1244
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. St Chad’s, Rochdale: Where Medieval and Victorian Gothic Collide. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/05/st-chads-rochdale-where-medieval-and-victorian-gothic-collide-b1201
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. The real cost of heritage: preserving our Gothic buildings. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/04/the-real-cost-of-heritage-preserving-our-gothic-buildings-b1197
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. The Zenith of Manchester’s Gothic: Chetham’s Library. [Online]. Visit Manchester Website: Visit Manchester. Available at: https://www.visitmanchester.com/ideas-and-inspiration/blog/read/2020/06/the-zenith-of-manchesters-gothic-chethams-library-b1238
- Lindfield, P. N. 2020. Thomas Barritt of Manchester. [Online]. Chetham's Library Website: Chetham's Library. Available at: https://library.chethams.com/from-home/thomas-barritt-of-manchester/
- Lindfield, P. 2016. How Gothic buildings became associated with Halloween and the supernatural. [Online]. The Conversstion: The Conversation Trust. Available at: https://theconversation.com/how-gothic-buildings-became-associated-with-halloween-and-the-supernatural-67820
My research is interdisciplinary in nature; it concentrates upon the recovery, transmission, and revival historical architectural styles and related forms of applied deign across time and space. My PhD, ‘Furnishing Britain: Gothic as a National Aesthetic 1730–1840’ (St Andrews, 2012), and the arising monograph, Georgian Gothic: Medievalist Architecture, Furniture, and Interiors, 1730–1840 (2016), established my methodology and reputation in this interdisciplinary field of design history.
I’m interested in exploring how architectural ideas and forms cross disciplinary boundaries and what this process says about the broader role of architecture within historic culture and society. I am also interested in researching the work, methodologies, and approaches of figures (including architects, historians, connoisseurs, and antiquaries) who have charted and applied such knowledge to their own practice.
Funded by the Leverhulme Trust, my Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellowship (2016–19) enabled me to work on the creation of forged historical antiquarian material across—cultural heritage—across the arts including literature, art, sculpture, and architecture; one of the outputs is my second monograph: Unbuilt Strawberry Hill (2022), and my next monograph will offer an account of this interdisciplinary Georgian and Victorian history. I have also worked extensively upon the early Victorian architect, antiquary, and forger George Shaw (1810–76) of Uppermill, and more research on his architectural and antiquarian practice is forthcoming.
I teach architectural history and theory, in particular for Buildings Through Time, and Architecture in Context.
I am an architectural historian specialising in Georgian and Victorian architectural fashion—especially the Gothic Revival—as well as the broader vocabulary of architectural ornament and architecture’s application to the allied arts of interior design, decoration, and furnishing. My teaching has concentrated upon the country house—building, design, and decolonisation—C20 architecture in Britain, and history in general.
A Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London since 2016, I joined the Welsh School of Architecture from the Liverpool School of Architecture where I taught architectural history and theory for Parts 1 and 2, and from Manchester Metropolitan University where I taught MA courses on building and decolonising the English country house.
I have been in receipt of five research fellowships at Yale University, two at the University of Oxford, and one at Durham, and between 2016 and 2019 I was a Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow working on forged antiquarian material culture in the Georgian and Victorian periods.
My publications concentrate on Gothic design, forgery, and related subjects inlcuding heraldry, antiquarian pursuits, and the recovery of 'lost' antiquaries' biographies, working methods, and interests. I have also written on the depiction of Arthurian legend in British art. My two monographs to date are: Georgian Gothic: Medievalist Architecture, Furniture, and Interiors, 1730–1840 (2016), and Unbuilt Strawberry Hill (2022); my essays on forgery and, recently, forged Tudor material culture within the context of heritage and preservationism have appeated in: Architectural History, The Burlington Magazine, The Georgian Group Journal, History Today, British Art Journal.
Honours and awards
Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of London (elected 2016)
Academic positions
2022–23: Lectureship in Architectural History and Humanities, Liverpool School of Architecture, The University of Liverpool
2021–23: Lectureship in History and the Country House, The Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
2019–21: Senior Research Associate, MMU
2016–19: Leverhulme Early Career Research Fellow, MMU/University of Stirling
2015–16: AHRC-Funded Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Stirling
2013–15: Tutor, Centre for the Study of the Country House, University of Leicester
2012–13: Visiting Lecturer, Kunsthochschule, University of Kassel, Germany
Speaking engagements
‘The Henry VII Marriage Bed: A Study Day’, Saddleworth Historical Society, Uppermill.
‘Arthurian Art in Georgian and Victorian Britain’, An AutoChichen Crisis modelling conference.
‘Building, Designing, and Re-Designing Horace Walpole’s Strawberry Hill’: online lecture for the Georgian Group, London.
‘Collecting fakes in Georgian Britain’: online lecture for the Georgian Group, London.
‘(Re)Fashioning Chetham’s Library in Nineteenth-Century Britain’: public lecture Chetham’s Library as part of the Manchester Libraries Festival (https://youtu.be/6BTr7RXReh8)
‘Deciphering Ordsall Hall’s Layers of Gothic History: Medieval to Victorian’: public lecture to celebrate the anniversary of the HLF restoration or Ordsall Hall (https://youtu.be/7HuelY1sMf4)
‘How William Kent’s work on the Minster shaped Georgian Gothic design’: Lecture to the York Georgian Society
‘Making and Faking Classical Antiquities for the Grand Tourist Collector’: Lecture for the Manchester Classical Association and George Street Community Bookshop, Glossop. Recording available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtyEpt2pM20&
‘Eighteenth-Century Gothic in Context’: Lecture for the MMU Gothic Summer School
‘Gothic Connexions: Manchester and Salford’, Guided tour for the Not Quite Light Festival
‘Manchester’s Country Houses’: Guided tours organised with Rapha, Manchester
‘Gothic Architecture and Furniture at Ordsall Hall, Manchester’: Lecture organised with Ordsall Hall
‘George Shaw: Faker of Elizabethan Furniture’: Public Lecture at Chetham’s Library, Manchester
‘Makers and Fakers: the characteristics of Neo-Medieval furniture in the early Gothic Revival c.1750–1840’: Lecture at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
‘The Parian Chronicle Debate and concepts of authenticity in Antiquarian science’: Lecture, The Society of Antiquaries of London
‘Art, Architecture and Museums: Durham’s Gothic Architecture’, Gala Theatre, Centre for Visual Arts and Culture, University of Durham
‘To Found and Build a University, in Durham’, at Architecture Now!, Centre for Visual Arts and Culture, University of Durham
‘A fake at the heart of the Arundel Marbles: an eighteenth-century controversy over the Parian Chronicle’: Lecture, the Ashmolean Museum, University of Oxford
‘The Gothic House in Georgian Britain’, Lecture, The Georgian Group, London
‘Walpole as Designer’, Walpole’s Tercentenary Lecture Series, University of Durham
‘Walpole’s Paper House’, Walpole’s Tercentenary Colloquium, University of Durham
‘Antiquarian Furniture: Welch and Glastonbury’, Strawberry Hill Furniture Study Day, Strawberry Hill, Twickenham
‘William Beckford’s Architectural Imagination’, Annual Lecture, Beckford’s Tower Trust, Bath Preservation Trust
Committees and reviewing
-External PhD examiner for Murray Tremellen, “A palace Within a Palace”: The Speaker’s House at Westminster, 1794–1834, University of York, Department of Art History (2023)
-Reviewer for The Antiquaries Journal (from 2020)
-Outer international assessment board member for the Irish Research Council (2017)
Past projects
MArch dissertations:
- A Critical Analysis of Contemporary Chinese Vernacular Architectural Practice
- A Critical Analysis of the Global Translation of Rococo and its Application in China
- Ambiguous Space: The Research of Transparency in Western Architecture and 'Garden Nature' in Eastern Architecture
- Architecture and Five Senses: A Study of Sri Lankan Vernacular Architecture and its Impact on the Five Senses.
- Feng Shui: Superficial or Beneficial in Tropical Architecture?
- Is IKEA the Realisation of The Bauhaus Dream?
- Portable Living Spaces
MA (History) dissertations:
- An exploration of the cyclical nature of Classical Columns as used in British Country Houses, c.1500–1780
- Decolonisation and the Country House
- The Bridgewater Estate: The Decline or the Reinvention of the British Country House?
Contact Details
Research themes
- Architectural history, theory and criticism
- forgery
- Gothic Revival
- Furniture design
- Interior design