Professor Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
- Welsh speaking
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones
Professor in Ancient History
Professor in Ancient History at Cardiff University with specialisms in Iranian history, the ancient Near East and Egypt; Global antiquities, Gender; and Reception Studies
Series Editor - Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia. Edinburgh University Press.
Series Editor - Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh University Press
Board of the British Institute of Persian Studies
My main research interests are:
Ancient Iran and the Near East; Egypt; east-west relations in antiquity; global antiquity; stoytelling traditions; court society; gender and sexuality; reception of history in the arts and popular culture
I am available for Phd supervision for all of these subjects and others by negotiation.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2024. Clothing the Shami Prince: The dress of Parthian horsemen. In: Chidwick, H. ed. The Body of the Combatant in the Ancient Mediterranean. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 77-98.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2024. The Cleopatras: The forgotten queens of Egypt. London: Wildfire.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2023. Ancient Persia and the Book of Esther. Achaemenid court culture in the Hebrew Bible. I B Tauris.
- Frasier, J., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Bishop-Wright, H. 2023. Luxury and power: From Persia to Greece.. London: British Museum.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Athens and Persia, 472 BCE. In: Stuttard, D. ed. Looking at 'Persians'. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 27-44.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Wives, other women, and boyfriends. In: Stoneman, R. ed. Alexander the Great: the Making of a Myth.. London: British Library, pp. 158-167.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and McAuley, A. 2022. Sister-Queens in the high Hellenistic period: Kleopatra Thea and Kleopatra III. Routledge Studies in Ancient History. London, UK: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315206578)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Mary Beatrice of Modena: A queen observed. In: Norrie, A. et al. eds. Tudor and Stuart Consort. Queenship and Power Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 291-311., (10.1007/978-3-030-95197-9_17)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Persians: The Age of The Great Kings. Wildfire Books.
- Tougher, S. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Alexander the gay and the gloryhole that was Greece. In: Stoneman, R. ed. A History of Alexander the Great in World Culture. Cambridge University Press, pp. 424-447., (10.1017/9781316711798.020)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The court. In: Rollinger, R. and Jacobs, B. eds. A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1035-1046., (10.1002/9781119071860.ch71)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Hair and social status in the near east and early Greece, c. 900-300 BC. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians.. Berg
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Dress and ceremony in achaemenid Persia: the 'Gaunaka'. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians. Bloomsbury, pp. 159-172.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Body and clothing. In: Wharton., D. ed. Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.., Vol. 1. The Cultural Histories Series Berg, pp. 81-102.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The royal 'Gaunaka': dress, identity, status and ceremony in achaemenid Iran. In: Pankova, S. and Simpson, S. J. eds. Masters of the Steppe: The Impact of the Scythians and Later Nomad Societies of Eurasia. Archaeopress, pp. 248-257.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2020. ‘Knocking her teeth out with a stone’: violence against women in Ancient Greece. In: Fibiger, L. et al. eds. The Cambridge World History of Violence: Volume 1: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds., Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 380-399., (10.1017/9781316341247.020)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2020. Violence and the mutilated body in Achaemenid Iran. In: Fibiger, L. et al. eds. The Cambridge History of Violence. Volume 1: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds., Vol. 1. The Cambridge World History of Violence Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 360-379., (10.1017/9781316341247.019)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. Harem politics: Royal women and succession crises in the Ancient Near East (c. 1400-300 BCE). In: Woodacre, E. et al. eds. The Routledge History of Monarchy. London and New York: Routledge
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. 'Cockamamie, bull shite, hero worship, falsification of history': Iranian perceptions of the heroic in 300 and 300 Rise of an Empire. In: Augoustakis, A. and Ritchie, S. eds. Hercules and the Other Heroes.. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. Clothing and textiles. In: Wharton, D. ed. A Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.. Berg
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2018. Designs on the past: how Hollywood created the Ancient World. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2018. Trouble in the Tehran multiplex: Iranian perceptions of the heroic in 300 and 300 Rise of an Empire. In: Augoustakis, A. and Richie, S. eds. Epic Heroes on Screen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 191-205.
- Lewis, S. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. The culture of animals in antiquity: A sourcebook with commentaries. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315201603)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Persianisms: the Achaemenid Court in Greek art, 380-330 BCE. Iranian Studies 50(6), pp. 765-786. (10.1080/00210862.2016.1268379)
- Erskine, A., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Wallace, S. eds. 2017. The Hellenistic Court: Monarchic power and elite society from Alexander to Cleopatra. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Keeping and displaying royal tribute animals in Ancient Persia and the Near East. In: Fogen, T. and Thomas, E. V. eds. Interactions between Animals and Humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 305-338., (10.1515/9783110545623-013)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. "Salome, nice girl": Rita Hayworth and the problem of the Hollywood Biblical vamp. In: Almagor, E. and Maurice, L. eds. The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory. Metaforms Vol. 11. Brill, pp. 206-230.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Reviewing space, context and meaning: The Eurymedon vase again. In: Rodriguez Perez, D. ed. Greek Art in Context: Archaeological and Art Historical Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 97-115.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Manliness, violation, and laughter: rereading the space and context of the Eurymedon vase. Journal of Greek Archaeology 2, pp. 221-234.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis, G. 2017. The Body. In: Harlow, M. ed. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion. Volume I: Antiquity. Berg, pp. 49-69.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis, G. 2017. Gender and sexuality. In: Harlow, M. ed. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion. Volume I: Antiquity.. Berg, pp. 87-104.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. 'Open Sesame!' Orientalist fantasy and the Persian Court in Greek Art 430-330 BCE. In: Strootman, R. and Versluys, M. eds. Persianism in Antiquity. Steiner Verlag, pp. 69-86.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L., Erskine, A. and Wallace, S. eds. 2017. The Hellenistic Court. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. The Achaemenid Empire. In: Darayee, T. ed. King of the Seven Climes: A History of the Ancient Iranian World (3000 BCE - 651 CE). Ancient Iran Series Vol. 4. UCI Jordan Center for Persian Studies, pp. 63-103., (10.1163/9789004460645_006)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Winder, S. 2016. Berenike II and the Hathoric model of Queenship. In: Rutherford, I. ed. Greco-Egyptian Interactions: Literature, Translation, and Culture, 500 BC-AD 300.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-162.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. The Kingdom of Lydia. In: MacKenzie, J. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empires. Wiley Blackwell, (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe264)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. Median Empire. In: MacKenzie, J. M. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empire. Wiley Blackwell, (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe263)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. Achaemenid Empire. In: MacKenzie, J. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empire. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1-5., (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe260)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. An orgy of Oriental dissipation? Some thoughts on the 'Camel lekythos'. DABIR: Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review 1(2), pp. 31-38.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2015. ‘That My Body is Strong’: the physique and appearance of the Achaemenid Monarch. In: Wascheck, F. and Shapiro, H. A. eds. Fluide Körper-Bodies in Transition. Cologne: Centre for Advanced Studies, pp. 211-248.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2014. Juvenalia: Bread and circuses. Times Literary Supplement(5812), pp. 20-20.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. An almost all Greek thing: Cleopatra VII and Hollywood imagination. In: Nikoloutsos, K. P. ed. Ancient Greek Women in Film. Classical Presences Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 305-330.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. King and court in Ancient Persia 559-331 BCE. Debates and Documents in Ancient History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. Empire of the gaze: seraglio fantasies à la greque in Chariton’s Callirhoe. Helios 40(1/2), pp. 167-191. (10.1353/hel.2013.0001)
- Marincola, J., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Maciver, C. eds. 2012. Greek notions of the past in the archaic and classical eras: history without historians. Edinburgh Leventis Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L., Cleland, L. and Davies, G. eds. 2012. Dress in Ancient Greece and Rome A-Z. London: Routledge.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Robson, J. 2010. Ctesias’ History of Persia: tales of the Orient. Routledge Classical Translations). London: Routledge.
- Cleland, L., Harlow, M. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. eds. 2005. The clothed body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow.
- De Souza, P., Heckel, W., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis Hanson, V. 2004. The Greeks at war: from Athens to Alexander. Essential Histories Specials. Oxford: Osprey.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2003. Aphrodite’s tortoise: the veiled woman of Ancient Greece. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. ed. 2001. Women’s dress in the Ancient Greek world. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Persianisms: the Achaemenid Court in Greek art, 380-330 BCE. Iranian Studies 50(6), pp. 765-786. (10.1080/00210862.2016.1268379)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Manliness, violation, and laughter: rereading the space and context of the Eurymedon vase. Journal of Greek Archaeology 2, pp. 221-234.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. An orgy of Oriental dissipation? Some thoughts on the 'Camel lekythos'. DABIR: Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review 1(2), pp. 31-38.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2014. Juvenalia: Bread and circuses. Times Literary Supplement(5812), pp. 20-20.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. Empire of the gaze: seraglio fantasies à la greque in Chariton’s Callirhoe. Helios 40(1/2), pp. 167-191. (10.1353/hel.2013.0001)
Book sections
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2024. Clothing the Shami Prince: The dress of Parthian horsemen. In: Chidwick, H. ed. The Body of the Combatant in the Ancient Mediterranean. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 77-98.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Athens and Persia, 472 BCE. In: Stuttard, D. ed. Looking at 'Persians'. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 27-44.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Wives, other women, and boyfriends. In: Stoneman, R. ed. Alexander the Great: the Making of a Myth.. London: British Library, pp. 158-167.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Mary Beatrice of Modena: A queen observed. In: Norrie, A. et al. eds. Tudor and Stuart Consort. Queenship and Power Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 291-311., (10.1007/978-3-030-95197-9_17)
- Tougher, S. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Alexander the gay and the gloryhole that was Greece. In: Stoneman, R. ed. A History of Alexander the Great in World Culture. Cambridge University Press, pp. 424-447., (10.1017/9781316711798.020)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The court. In: Rollinger, R. and Jacobs, B. eds. A Companion to the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1035-1046., (10.1002/9781119071860.ch71)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Hair and social status in the near east and early Greece, c. 900-300 BC. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians.. Berg
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Dress and ceremony in achaemenid Persia: the 'Gaunaka'. In: Batten, A. J. and Olsen, K. eds. Dress in Mediterranean Antiquity: Greeks, Romans, Jews, Christians. Bloomsbury, pp. 159-172.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. Body and clothing. In: Wharton., D. ed. Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.., Vol. 1. The Cultural Histories Series Berg, pp. 81-102.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2021. The royal 'Gaunaka': dress, identity, status and ceremony in achaemenid Iran. In: Pankova, S. and Simpson, S. J. eds. Masters of the Steppe: The Impact of the Scythians and Later Nomad Societies of Eurasia. Archaeopress, pp. 248-257.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2020. ‘Knocking her teeth out with a stone’: violence against women in Ancient Greece. In: Fibiger, L. et al. eds. The Cambridge World History of Violence: Volume 1: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds., Vol. 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 380-399., (10.1017/9781316341247.020)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2020. Violence and the mutilated body in Achaemenid Iran. In: Fibiger, L. et al. eds. The Cambridge History of Violence. Volume 1: The Prehistoric and Ancient Worlds., Vol. 1. The Cambridge World History of Violence Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 360-379., (10.1017/9781316341247.019)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. Harem politics: Royal women and succession crises in the Ancient Near East (c. 1400-300 BCE). In: Woodacre, E. et al. eds. The Routledge History of Monarchy. London and New York: Routledge
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. 'Cockamamie, bull shite, hero worship, falsification of history': Iranian perceptions of the heroic in 300 and 300 Rise of an Empire. In: Augoustakis, A. and Ritchie, S. eds. Hercules and the Other Heroes.. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. Clothing and textiles. In: Wharton, D. ed. A Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.. Berg
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2018. Trouble in the Tehran multiplex: Iranian perceptions of the heroic in 300 and 300 Rise of an Empire. In: Augoustakis, A. and Richie, S. eds. Epic Heroes on Screen. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 191-205.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Keeping and displaying royal tribute animals in Ancient Persia and the Near East. In: Fogen, T. and Thomas, E. V. eds. Interactions between Animals and Humans in Graeco-Roman Antiquity. Berlin/Munich/Boston: De Gruyter, pp. 305-338., (10.1515/9783110545623-013)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. "Salome, nice girl": Rita Hayworth and the problem of the Hollywood Biblical vamp. In: Almagor, E. and Maurice, L. eds. The Reception of Ancient Virtues and Vices in Modern Popular Culture: Beauty, Bravery, Blood and Glory. Metaforms Vol. 11. Brill, pp. 206-230.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. Reviewing space, context and meaning: The Eurymedon vase again. In: Rodriguez Perez, D. ed. Greek Art in Context: Archaeological and Art Historical Perspectives. Routledge, pp. 97-115.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis, G. 2017. The Body. In: Harlow, M. ed. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion. Volume I: Antiquity. Berg, pp. 49-69.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis, G. 2017. Gender and sexuality. In: Harlow, M. ed. A Cultural History of Dress and Fashion. Volume I: Antiquity.. Berg, pp. 87-104.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. 'Open Sesame!' Orientalist fantasy and the Persian Court in Greek Art 430-330 BCE. In: Strootman, R. and Versluys, M. eds. Persianism in Antiquity. Steiner Verlag, pp. 69-86.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. The Achaemenid Empire. In: Darayee, T. ed. King of the Seven Climes: A History of the Ancient Iranian World (3000 BCE - 651 CE). Ancient Iran Series Vol. 4. UCI Jordan Center for Persian Studies, pp. 63-103., (10.1163/9789004460645_006)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Winder, S. 2016. Berenike II and the Hathoric model of Queenship. In: Rutherford, I. ed. Greco-Egyptian Interactions: Literature, Translation, and Culture, 500 BC-AD 300.. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 139-162.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. The Kingdom of Lydia. In: MacKenzie, J. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empires. Wiley Blackwell, (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe264)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. Median Empire. In: MacKenzie, J. M. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empire. Wiley Blackwell, (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe263)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2016. Achaemenid Empire. In: MacKenzie, J. ed. The Encyclopedia of Empire. Wiley Blackwell, pp. 1-5., (10.1002/9781118455074.wbeoe260)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2015. ‘That My Body is Strong’: the physique and appearance of the Achaemenid Monarch. In: Wascheck, F. and Shapiro, H. A. eds. Fluide Körper-Bodies in Transition. Cologne: Centre for Advanced Studies, pp. 211-248.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. An almost all Greek thing: Cleopatra VII and Hollywood imagination. In: Nikoloutsos, K. P. ed. Ancient Greek Women in Film. Classical Presences Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 305-330.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2024. The Cleopatras: The forgotten queens of Egypt. London: Wildfire.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2023. Ancient Persia and the Book of Esther. Achaemenid court culture in the Hebrew Bible. I B Tauris.
- Frasier, J., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Bishop-Wright, H. 2023. Luxury and power: From Persia to Greece.. London: British Museum.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and McAuley, A. 2022. Sister-Queens in the high Hellenistic period: Kleopatra Thea and Kleopatra III. Routledge Studies in Ancient History. London, UK: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315206578)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2022. Persians: The Age of The Great Kings. Wildfire Books.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2018. Designs on the past: how Hollywood created the Ancient World. Screening Antiquity. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Lewis, S. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2017. The culture of animals in antiquity: A sourcebook with commentaries. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315201603)
- Erskine, A., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Wallace, S. eds. 2017. The Hellenistic Court: Monarchic power and elite society from Alexander to Cleopatra. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L., Erskine, A. and Wallace, S. eds. 2017. The Hellenistic Court. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2013. King and court in Ancient Persia 559-331 BCE. Debates and Documents in Ancient History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Marincola, J., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Maciver, C. eds. 2012. Greek notions of the past in the archaic and classical eras: history without historians. Edinburgh Leventis Studies. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L., Cleland, L. and Davies, G. eds. 2012. Dress in Ancient Greece and Rome A-Z. London: Routledge.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Robson, J. 2010. Ctesias’ History of Persia: tales of the Orient. Routledge Classical Translations). London: Routledge.
- Cleland, L., Harlow, M. and Llewellyn-Jones, L. eds. 2005. The clothed body in the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxbow.
- De Souza, P., Heckel, W., Llewellyn-Jones, L. and Davis Hanson, V. 2004. The Greeks at war: from Athens to Alexander. Essential Histories Specials. Oxford: Osprey.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2003. Aphrodite’s tortoise: the veiled woman of Ancient Greece. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. ed. 2001. Women’s dress in the Ancient Greek world. Swansea: Classical Press of Wales.
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. and McAuley, A. 2022. Sister-Queens in the high Hellenistic period: Kleopatra Thea and Kleopatra III. Routledge Studies in Ancient History. London, UK: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315206578)
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. 'Cockamamie, bull shite, hero worship, falsification of history': Iranian perceptions of the heroic in 300 and 300 Rise of an Empire. In: Augoustakis, A. and Ritchie, S. eds. Hercules and the Other Heroes.. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
- Llewellyn-Jones, L. 2019. Clothing and textiles. In: Wharton, D. ed. A Cultural History of Colour in Antiquity.. Berg
Research interests
- Iranian Studies
- East-West Encounters
- Cross cultural and cross temporal comparatives
- Gender and sexuality
- Egypt and the Near East
- Reception of antiquity in the arts and popular culture
- Storytelling
- Global Histories
Recent Television Apperances
Alexander: the Making of a God (Nextflix; 6 episodes)
Ancient Megacities (PRIME; 3 episodes)
Queens of Ancient Egypt (PRIME; 1 episode)
The Art of Persia (BBC; 3 episodes)
Recent Podcasts:
The Persian Wars: Darius, Athens and the Battle of Marathon
The Persepolis Fortification Texts
Palaces in Paradise: Centres of the Persian World
The Cleopatras: A Dynasty of Rule Breakers
The Tower of Babel – Live Podcast at the London Podcast Festival
Cyrus the Great: Building the First Superpower
Darius the Great: Ruling from India to the Mediterranean
The Magnificent Seven Cleopatras
Ancient Persia and the Book of Esther
David, Bathsheba & Harem Politics
How the Persians were written out of history
The Persian empire: everything you wanted to know
Recent Media & Public Appearances
Studying Shahnameh - the Persian Book of Kings - in the third year class, The Persians
Current UG Modules
- The Persians
- Projecting the Past
- A World Full of Gods
- Ancient Languages
- Ancient History: The Near East, Greece, and Rome
- Ancient Objects
- Greece and the Near East
- Gender and Sexuality
- Past and Present
Second Year Independent Study
Final Year Dissertations
Topic areas for undergraduate supervision:
- Achamenid Dynasty of Iran, 559-331 BCE
- Ancient Persian Empire
- History & Culture of Iran
- Greek and Persian interactions in antiquity
- Ancient Historiography
- Near Eastern and Egyptian Hostory & Culture
- Gender, dress, sexuality in antiquity
- Reception of antiquity in the arts, especially Hollywood cinema
Topic areas for MA, MPhil, PhD supervision:
- Iranian Studies
- Near Eastern Studies and Egyptology
- Gender and Sexuality
- Global Antiquities
- Reception Studies
I was born in Bridgend, raised in Cefn Cribwr, and attended Cynffig Comprehensive School. I recieved my undergraduate degree at the University of Hull (1985-1988), followed by a Masters (1996-1997) and a PhD (1997-2000) in Ancient History at Cardiff University. Following a Research Fellowship at the Open University and a lectureship at Exeter, I joined the Classics department at the University of Edinburgh in 2004 and in 2015 I became Professor of Ancient Greek and Iranian Studies. I took up the Chair of Ancient History at Cardiff University in February 2016.
My research interests are many and varied and I take a global view of antiquity. My main field of interest is in ancient Iran and its legacy, but I also work on the histories and cultures of ancient Egypt and the Near East more widely. I have worked extensively on Greek cultural histories, on gender in the ancient world, and on the reception of the past in popular culture and the arts.
My recent publications on ancient Persia and Ptolemaic Egypt have been translated into over fifteen languages, helping to forground Ancient History in the public mindset.
I travel frequently to IMiddle East, often leading cultural and historical study tours. I have worked with the BBC, Channel 4, Netflix, PRIME, and the History Channel and even with Hollywood production companies as historical advisor. I am a regular reviewer for The Times and Times Higher Education.
I recently worked alongside the British Museum on an exhibition that looked at conceptions of luxury in ancient Persia and Greece. As part of the project, I got to use my research on ancient dress to recreate some ancient Persian garments. They went on display in the BM and were seen by over 30,000 people!
Follow my blog, Persian Things
For cultural tours see:
Education and qualifications
- 1997 - 2000 PhD. Ancient History, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
- 1996 - 1997 MA (Distinction) Ancient History, Cardiff University, Wales, UK.
- 1985 - 1988 BA (Hons) Drama, University of Hull, England, UK.
Honours and awards
- Iran Heritage grant
- British Consul Starting Fund
- Principal's Knowledge Exchange Grant
- AHRC conference funding
- Carnegie Trust Award
Professional memberships
Present - Trustee of the British Institute of Persian Studies
02/2016 - Present Chair of Ancient History, Cardiff University
08/2015 - 01/2016 Chair of Ancient Greek and Iranian Studies, University of Edinburgh.
08/2010 - 07/2015 Senior Lecturer in Ancient History, University of Edinburgh.
08/2004 - 07/2010 Lecturer in Ancient History, School of History, Classics &\; Archaeology, University of Edinburgh.
08/2003 - 07/2004 Lecturer in Ancient History, Department of Classics and Ancient History, University of Exeter.
01/2000 - 08/2003 Research Fellow, Department of Classical Studies, The Open University
- Head of Classics, University of Edinburgh
- Associate Dean (Academic Conduct)
- Principal Discipline Officer
- College Recruitment & Admissions Committee
- College Recruitment Team
- College Recognition Awards Committee
- College Fitness to Study Committee
Academic positions
Series Editor for Edinburgh University Press (commissioning and overseeing production of monographs and edited volumes from established academics):
Edinburgh Studies in Ancient Persia
Screening Antiquity (Co-Series Editor, with Prof. Monica Cyrino)
Editorial boards
- Journal of Greek Archaeology
- CADMO, Ancient History Review of the University of Lisbon
- DABIR (Digital Archive of Brief notes & Iran Review)
Membership of academic societies
- British Institute of Persian Studies
- Society for the Study of the Old Testament
- St Andrews Centre for the Study of Iranian Civilization
- Iran Heritage Foundation
- Textile Research Centre, Leiden
- The Classical Association
- The Classical Association of Scotland
Committees and reviewing
- Present - Member of SHARE Impact & KE Committee
- Present - NSS Champion, Ancient History
- Iranian Studies
- East-West Encounters
- Global approaches to Antiquity
- Near Eastern Studies
- Egyptology
- Cross cultural studies
- Gender and sexuality
- Reception of antiquity in the arts and popular culture
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 75652
John Percival Building, Room 5.42, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Near Eastern Studies
- Reception Studies
- Egyptology
- Global AntiquitiIes
- Iranian Studies