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Fernando Loizides

Dr Fernando Loizides

Reader (Associate Professor)- Director of the Data Science Academy

School of Computer Science and Informatics


I am a Reader (Associate Professor) in Computer Science and Informatics at Cardiff University and the Director of the Data Science Academy, UK. I also hold an Honorary Professorship at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. My main area of research and development lies in Information Interaction and user experience (UX) with a large focus on Decision Making and Accessibility. I have extensive experience in user study design and facilitation using cutting-edge technologies, eliciting user requirements, performing systems evaluation and developing working systems.


I have extensively published in internationally leading journals and conferences, winning awards like best conference papers and Excellent in Research Award by Google. I have secured and completed EU and nationally funded projects, edited several books and proceedings, and successfully graduated several PhD candidates. I have chaired conferences and acted as an editor and reviewer for several world-leading conferences and journals. I am also serving on academic committees such as being an expert member of the International Federation for Information Processing on the TC-13 Human-Computer Interaction Group, for which I have received an award for Outstanding Contribution. I have also been actively involved in the creation of three new state-of-the-art Computer Science research labs from the ground up. 


I am also an experienced and enthusiastic teacher, lecturing classes between 10 and 300 students yearly with excellent feedback. I have actively created new modules and teaching curricula (both undergraduate and postgraduate modules and courses) which are now successfully established and permanently adopted by departments. I have won awards by both students (Most Innovative Lecturer in the University) and  (CATE Award from the Higher Education Academy).


I have over 15 years of industry experience, as a developer (winning awards such as "most socially impactful" application) creating startups, managing teams and consultancy. Several of the students I supervise have had their work commercialised. I have consulted several technology-focused companies from pre-seed/ ideation to prototyping to funding and profitability. These vary from SMEs to larger companies such as the European Patent Office, Microsoft, Nokia and Google, and public sector entities such as councils. I am a co-founder of RapidLab, an initiative to create rapid working prototypes for testing market validity which was a finalist for the Innovation and Enterprise Award. I have given talks and workshops to companies such as Admiral on Emerging Technologies, User Experience and Accessibility. My work has been featured on the BBC, Radio, online magazines and several social media outlets.
















  • Geng, Z., Laramee, R. S., Loizides, F. and Buchanan, G. 2011. Visual analysis of document triage data.. Presented at: International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Algrave, Portugal, 5-7 March 2011Proceedings of the International Conference on Imaging Theory and Applications and International Conference on Information Visualization Theory and Applications, Vol. 1. pp. 151-163., (10.5220/0003320401510163)



  • Loizides, F. and Buchanan, G. 2009. An empirical study of user navigation during document triage. Presented at: ECDL 2009: 13th European Conference on on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, Corfu, Greece, 27 September - 2 October 2009 Presented at Agosti, M. et al. eds.Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries 13th European Conference, ECDL 2009, Corfu, Greece, September 27 - October 2, 2009. Proceedings, Vol. 5714. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Springer Verlag pp. 138-149., (10.1007/978-3-642-04346-8_15)
  • Eslambochilar, P., Buchanan, G. and Loizides, F. 2009. Hear it is: Enhancing rapid document browsing with sound cues. Presented at: ECDL 2009, Corfu, Greece, 27 Sep - 2 Oct 2009 Presented at Agosti, M. et al. eds.Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, Vol. 5714. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Verlag pp. 75-86., (10.1007/978-3-642-04346-8_9)
  • Loizides, F. and Buchanan, G. R. 2009. What patrons want. Presented at: 9th ACM/IEEE-CS Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, Austin, TX, USA, 15-19 June 2009JCDL '09: Proceedings of the 9th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. ACM pp. 427., (10.1145/1555400.1555496)


  • Loizides, F. and Buchanan, G. R. 2008. The myth of find. Presented at: 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries 2008, Pittsburgh PA, USA, 16-20 June 2008Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE-CS joint conference on Digital libraries. ACM pp. 48-51., (10.1145/1378889.1378898)



Book sections






I focus on both theoretical and applied research and development in Emerging Technologies for Accessibility and Human-Computer Interaction and Information Interaction. Though the work I do is very cross-disciplinary, my main areas of research revolve around:

  • Information Interaction and Data Science
    • Technologies for Intellectual Property Management
    • Information Triage and Decision Making
    • Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence
  • Accessibility
    • Assisted and Independent Living
    • Emerging Technologies for Assistance with Visual, Cognitive and Verbal DIsabilities
  • Pedagogy, Education, Teaching and Learning Scholarship
    • Real-World Assessment and Feedback


CMT656 - Delivering User Experience (Postgraduate Module 2018 - Present). The module aims to enable students to develop knowledge, understanding, and skills relating to the design of the user experience and user interfaces for a number of technologies. It trains students for roles that range from general usability, interaction and interface design through to more commercial, mainstream and disruptive, emerging technologies. Upon completion, students are able to apply their knowledge and interaction design skills to novel interaction paradigms; make effective use of a broad range of user requirement and specification capturing tools; design methods; obtain in-depth knowledge of developments in mobile, ubiquitous, web, emerging technologies and understand the commercial contexts of interaction design and delivery.

CM6312 - Adopting Technologies (Final Year Module 2017 - Present). This module provides students with an opportunity to evaluate new technologies in the context of real problems.  It will enable students to understand how new technologies can be introduced into organisations and how that process can vary across organisations.  The students will develop business cases that plan an adoption of suitable technologies.  The students enter the commercial world and are capable of critically evaluating and creating positive disruption through technology, balanced by an understanding of the risks involved. They can identify the potential benefits of a new technology for an organization, identify the risks and devise mitigation plans for adopting a new technology, assemble and analyse academic and industrial research work relevant to the case, write a business case combining risks, rewards and evidence for a technology adoption, critically evaluate the processes for business case creation and technology adoption.

CM6333 - Managing Software Enabled Change in Large Organisations (Final Year Module, 2017-2019). This module gives students an appreciation of the difficulties inherent in managing change in large organisations where software is a key enabler of change. Students investigate the difficulties of managing software-enabled change in large organisations through a range of case studies and will evaluate how these difficulties can be addressed through management standards, processes and techniques. The material covers: Appreciate the difficulties inherent in delivering software-enabled change in large organisations critical evaluation of the effectiveness of management standards, processes and techniques in addressing these difficulties, legal, ethical and social issues affecting managing software-enabled change and providing justified recommendations/actions for addressing these issues, development of a business case to assess options, costs, benefits, risks and timescales for a software project.



  • City, University of London, PhD in Human-Computer Interaction (2012)
  • Swansea University, Masters of Research in Computing and Future Interaction Technologies (2008)
  • University of Wolverhampton, Postgraduate Certificate in Education and Professional Practise  (2016)
  • University of Wales, Swansea, BSc (Hons) in Computer Science (2006)
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Honours and awards

Academic awards

  • Fellowship, Higher Education Academy (2016)
  • Best Poster Paper Award (Information Interaction in Context, 2010).
  • Best Conference Paper Award (International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries 2010).
  • Best Conference Paper Award (European Conference on Digital Libraries 2009).
  • Best Conference Paper Award (European Conference on Digital Libraries 2007).

Non-Academic awards

  • E-novation championship finalist (On Mobile Application Mi.L.A – Minority Languages and Autism) 2014
  • Digital Championship Cyprus – Best Social Impact Innovation 2014 (On Mobile Application Mi.L.A – Minority Languages and Autism)
  • Winner, Digital Champion Competition 2014 - Business and Freelancer category.
  • MSP (Microsoft Student Partner) Star Award (2006/2007)
  • Finalist Imagine Cup software Development Competition, UK (2006)

Academic grants and scholarships

  • EIF Seedcorn Funding "What do you think? Enhancing active learning through crowdsourcing global community feedback". (2987 GBP)
  • Investigating the potential of virtual reality equipment in assisting the severely visually impaired - Beacon Centre for the Blind (75,000GBP)
  • Google CS4HS Award 2016 - Java Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) (13,000 USD)
  • Early Researcher Award Scheme - Creating International Standards and Benchmarks for Patent Examination Systems Through Eye-tracking - Testing (4,979 GBP)
  • Open Access Publishing and Chairing of ElPub Conference – Faculty Funding (£3,113)
  • Knowledge Transfer for Creating a Curriculum on Information Visualizations in Small Nations, EU Analyzing the dynamics of information and knowledge landscapes from COST Action (€1860)
  • Modelling Patent Officers' Visual and Search Behavior, EU Multilingual and Multicultural Information Access from COST Action. (€1800)
  • Minority Language Applications, Cyprus Ministry for Education (€1000)
  • RCUK/EPSRC Grant for "Engaging in State of the Art, Affordable, Future Interaction Technologies" 2010. (£1378.34)
  • Fees Bursary Swansea University Computer Science Departmental Award (2007-2010 £10,000).
  • James Callaghan Scholarship (2007-2010 £4,500).
  • Swansea University Fees Bursary Award (2007-2010, £10,000).

Non-academic grants

  • Cyprus Tourism Organization – ElPub Conference Hosting Proposal 2015. (€1,500)
  • Cyprus Tourism Organization – INTERACT Conference Hosting Proposal 2014. (€8,500)
  • Cyprus Tourism Organization – TC 13 Conference Proposal, 2012. (€1,160)
  • Cyprus Tourism Organization - Theory and Practices for Digital Libraries Conference Hosting Proposal, 2011. (€8,500)

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Expert Member – International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP TC13)
  • Special Technical Committee for Assessment of Proposals for new Higher Education Computer Science Courses – Cyprus Government 2014
  • Program Chair - Information Retrieval Facility Conference 2013
  • Chairman and co-founder - ACM SIGCHI Cyprus (Special Interest Group Human-Computer Interaction) 2012-2013
  • Cyprus Representative -ICT COST Action IC1002 Multilingual and Multifaceted Interactive Information Access (MUMIA)

Academic positions

08/2017 - Present: Lecturer in Computer Science and Informatics | Cardiff University, UK

07/2015 – 08/2017: Lecturer / Senior Lecturer  (Assistant Professor) in Computer Science | University of Wolverhampton, UK

09/2011 - Present: Post-Doctoral Research Fellow/Special Scientist | Cyprus University of Technology

01/201506/2015: Visiting Lecturer | University of Tallinn

04/2012 – Present: User Experience Researcher and Consultant | Freelancing

01/2010 – 03/2011: Research Assistant | City, University of London

04/2008 – 12/2009: Research Assistant | Swansea Univesity

08/2008 – 09/2008: IT Instructor  | IT WALES

Committees and reviewing

General Chair 21st International Conference on Electronic Publishing, 2017

  • Programme Chair, 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning 2017
  • Industry Track Chair INTERACT 2017 Conference.
  • Associate Chair INTERACT 2017 Conference.
  • Program Committee 39th European Conference on Information Retrieval 2017
  • Program Committee Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2017
  • Program Committee 9th International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media (2017)
  • Program Committee HCI International 2017
  • Program Chair 20th International Conference on Electronic Publishing, Gottingen, Germany 2016
  • Program Committee The 25th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management 2016
  • Program Committee Theory and Practice in Digital Libraries Conference (TPDL) 2016
  • Program Committee Joint Conference in Digital Libraries (JCDL) 2016
  • Program Committee International Conference on Asian Digital Llibraries 2016
  • Program Committee European Conference on Information Retrieval 2016
  • Reviewer – Behavior Information Technology Journal
  • Reviewer – International Journal of Digital Libraries
  • Chairman – ACM SIGCHI Cyprus 2014-2015
  • Program Committee HCI International 2015
  • Program Committee Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2015
  • Program Committee Theory and Practice in Digital Libraries 2015
  • Program Committee European Conference on Information Retrieval 2015
  • Program Committee Electronic Publishing Conference 2015
  • Program Board - International Conference on Social Computing and Social Media 2014
  • Program Committee HCI International 2014
  • Program Committee – Digital Libraries Conference 2014 (Joint JCDL & TPDL conference)
  • Program Committee – Information Retrieval Facility Conference 2014
  • Local Organizing Chair – iPads in Higher Education Conference 2014
  • Program Committee - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries 2012.
  • Board Member - Online Communities and Social Computing, HCI International, Las Vegas 2013
  • Proceedings Chair - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, 2012
  • Organiser - Semantic Digital Archives (SDA) Workshop 2012
  • Reviewer-CHI (ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems).
  • City University London Informatics Board of Studies Committee 2010-2011.
  • Swansea University Computer Science Departmental Research Committee Panel Research Staff Representative (2008/09).
  • Program Committee - International Conference in Asian Digital Libraries (2008).


I supervise Ph.D. students in the areas of Human-Computer Interaction and Information Interaction. Specifically, I welcome interest in:

  • Accessibility
  • Emerging Technologies and HCI
  • Information Interaction, Seeking and Retrieval (especially in Intellectual Property Search)


Chra Abdoulqadir

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Guidelines for Creating Interactive Mobile Serious Games Using Artificial Intelligence for Users with Dual Concurrent Disabilities
  • Completed: Current


Razan Bamoallem

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Designing Mid-Air Interaction Applications For Individuals Diagnosed With Multiple Sclerosis
  • Completed: Current


Nathan Jones

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Increasing Acceptance Of Socially Assistive Robots To Encourage Healthy Ageing And Independent Living
  • Completed: Current


Nathan Goodwin

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Video Games and Augmented Reality for dizziness rehabilitation
  • Completed: Current


Aisha Jaddoh

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Investigating The Learnability And Discoverability Of Voice User Interface Devices
  • Completed: Current


Eduardo Perez Molina

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: The role of patent citations as a footprint of technology
  • Completed:  Completed 2023


Kurtis Weir

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: Using Virtual Reality to Assist Individuals with Severe Visual Disabilities
  • Completed: 2022


Aekaterini Mavri 

  • Level: PhD
  • Title: The role of Communities of practice in education for the digital creative industries
  • Completed: 2021