Dr Maryam Lotfi
- Media commentator
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Maryam Lotfi
Senior Lecturer of Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Deputy Head of Section Research, Impact and Innovation
Maryam is a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) of Sustainable Supply Chain Management at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. She is the Deputy Head of Section Research, Impact, and Innovation for Logistics and Operations Management (LOM). She is the co-founder and co-director of Modern Slavery and Social Sustainability Research Group.
Maryam's academic research focuses on sustainable supply chains, with a focus on social issues including child slavery, modern slavery, workers' rights, gender-related issues, and decent work. She has published different papers in high-quality journals of 4 and 3 stars.
Maryam is a finalist for various awards, appraised both by the university and industry at national UK and Wales levels:
1. Individual of the Year Award of UK National Go Awards 2023/2024 for "Champion of Ethical Procurement: Recognizing Excellence in Modern Slavery Awareness and Socially Sustainable Procurement".
2. Unseen modern slavery Individual Impact Award 2023. The awards seek to recognise those who have taken the lead in combating worker exploitation.
3. Most Outstanding Learning Experience in the Enriching Student Life Awards 2024 at Cardiff University.
4- Cardiff University Excellence Award 2024 in the category of Civic mission and public engagement.
Maryam Holds PhD in Supply chain management and MRes in Management both from Bayes (formerly Cass) Business School, City University London. She also holds MSc in Industrial engineering from Sharif University and BSc in Mechanical engineering from Iran University of Science and Technology in Tehran.
Maryam is part of the Welsh Government "Anti-Slavery Wales Forum", in the" Supply Chain and International Group.". Maryam Co-chaired Anti-Slavery 2023 Conference . In addition, Maryam chaired modern slavery and social sustainability streams at international conferences such as POMS (2019, 2023) and IPSERA 2022. In 2025, she will be co-chairing the Business and Modern Slavery Conference, the fourth in the series, hosted at Cardiff Business School.
Maryam has a track record of successful fund applications. The funding came from Global Wales, ESRC and Cardiff University internal funds. She has experience working with different sectors, including the food and drink sector, the hospitality sector, and the auto industry. She is working with NGOs, governments, and unions to be able to address the social issues in the supply chain through a multi-stakeholder approach.
She is also collaborating on different research projects with different universities globally, including Montpellier Business School, the University of Johannesburg, the University of Queensland, the University of Strathclyde, and Bayes Business School, City University London.
Maryam is a regular reviewer for UKRI (UK Research and Innovation) grant applications. She also reviews for high-quality journals such as Annals of Operations Research, European Journal of Operational Research (EJOR), Production Planning & Control (PPC), and Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management (JPSM). Additionally, she frequently examines PhD dissertations on modern slavery.
She is a Member of the British Standards Institute's Modern Slavery Committee and the Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Development Committee, with the The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA).
She is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM), and the Advisory board, Continuity & Resilience Review, Emerald Publishing.
- Guix, M. and Lotfi, M. 2025. Doing the right thing? The hotel industry’s management of, and reporting on, modern slavery. Tourism Management 107, article number: 105084. (10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105084)
- Wang, Y. and Lotfi, M. 2024. How climate change and modern slavery interact in the supply chain: A conceptual model development through a systemic review. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (10.1111/beer.12722)
- Lotfi, M. and Sodhi, M. 2024. Resilient agility under the practice-based view. Production Planning and Control 35(7), pp. 670-682. (10.1080/09537287.2022.2121778)
- Lotfi, M. and Walker, H. 2024. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Barriers to modern slavery risk management in supply chains: an empirical investigation. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2335496)
- Lotfi, M. and Pisa, N. 2024. Child slavery in supply chains: Actors of the dirty scene. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 18, article number: a942. (10.4102/jtscm.v18i0.942)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. A systematic literature review of modern slavery in supply chain management: State of the art, framework development and research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production 435, article number: 140301. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140301)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Boote, A. and Lotfi, M. 2023. How do environmental impact and gender inequality characterise fast fashion supply chains?. Presented at: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, 4-8 August 2023. , (10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12101abstract)
- Lotfi, M. and Boote, A. 2023. The unsustainable impact of patriarchy on the industry. Lampoon Magazine 27
- Lotfi, M. and Guix Navarrete, M. 2023. Managing modern slavery risk in asset-light business models: stakeholder perceptions in the hotel industry. Presented at: IPSERA 2023, Barcelona Spain, 2-5 April 2023.
- Lotfi, M. and Larmour, A. 2022. Supply chain resilience in the face of uncertainty: how horizontal and vertical collaboration can help?. Continuity & Resilience Review 4(1), pp. 37-53. (10.1108/CRR-04-2021-0016)
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Naim, M. and Harris, I. 2022. A relational view of horizontal collaboration among micro and small enterprises: a study of the brewery sector in Wales. British Food Journal 124(4), pp. 1254-1273. (10.1108/BFJ-03-2021-0266)
- Wilson, J. et al. 2022. On the beer wagon: the past, present and future of Celtic craft brewing and its policies. Regional Studies, Regional Science 10(1), pp. 329-346. (10.1080/21681376.2022.2158751)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Lotfi, M., Walker, H. and Rendon-Sanchez, J. 2021. Supply chains’ failure in workers’ rights with regards to the SDG compass: a doughnut theory perspective. Sustainability 13, article number: 12526. (10.3390/su132212526)
- Hossein Sadat Hosseini Khajouei, M., Lotfi, M., Ebrahimi, A. and Jafari, S. 2021. Water truck routing optimization in open pit mines using the general algebraic modelling system approach. In: Molamohamadi, Z. et al. eds. Logistics and Supply Chain Management., Vol. 1458. Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer, pp. 255-270., (10.1007/978-3-030-89743-7_14)
- Bille, A., Lotfi, M. and Wieland, A. 2021. Irresponsibility in supply chains during the COVID- 19 pandemic: a panarchical interpretation. Presented at: 28th EurOMA Conference 2021, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Flynn, A., Lotfi, M. and Strand, V. 2021. The impact of Covid-19 on ethical employment in supply chains: opportunities & threats. Presented at: The Impact of Covid-19 on Ethical Employment in Supply Chains: Opportunities & Threats, Cardiff, UK, 30 September 2021.
- Lotfi, M. and Chen, J. 2021. Child slavery in the supply chains: the actors of the dirty scene. Presented at: 8th Sustainable EurOMA Forum, La Rochelle, France, 22-23 March 2021.
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M. and Rodrigues, V. S. 2020. Collaboration in the small and micro enterprises: a relational view of enablers and barriers. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 August 2020, Vol. 2020. Vol. 1., (10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16847abstract)
- Naghshineh, B. and Lotfi, M. 2019. Enhancing supply chain resilience: an empirical investigation. Continuity & Resilience Review 1(1), pp. 47-62. (10.1108/CRR-09-2018-0002)
- Lotfi, M. 2019. Which practices are lean, agile and resilient Literature review and practitioners' perspective. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 11(1/2), pp. 142-170. (10.1504/IJAOM.2019.098522)
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Rodrigues, V. S., Harris, I. and Naim, M. 2019. Depicting collaborations in microbrewery supply chains. Presented at: POMS 2019 International Conference, Brighton, UK, 2 - 4 September 2019.
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Rodrigues, V. S., Naim, M. and Harris, I. 2019. Preconditions and motivations for collaboration in the microbrewery industry. Presented at: 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 15 - 19 June 2019.
- Lotfi, M., Akram, Y. and Jafari, S. 2018. The effect of emerging green market on green entrepreneurship and sustainable development in knowledge-based companies. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2308. (10.3390/su10072308)
- Lotfi, M. and Saghiri, S. 2018. Disentangling resilience, agility and leanness: conceptual development and empirical analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29(1), pp. 168-197. (10.1108/JMTM-01-2017-0014)
- Lotfi, M. 2018. Resilience, agility, and leanness in supply chain management; conceptual development and empirical analysis. Scholars' Press.
- Lotfi, M. 2017. Lean, agile and resilient (LAR) approaches, business strategy and performance outcomes. Presented at: British Academy of Management, Warwick, UK, 5-7 Sept 2017.
- Lotfi, M. and Houshmand, M. 2014. Agility index evaluation using fuzzy logic in a supply chain management company. Engineering Management Research 4(1), pp. 64-81.
- Lotfi, M., C., K. and Sodhi, M. 2013. How resiliency along with leanness and agility, affects operational performance outcomes. Presented at: 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 9-12.
- Lotfi, M., Sodhi, M. and Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C. 2013. How efforts to achieve resiliency fit with lean and agile practices. Presented at: Proceedings of the 24th Production and Operations Management Society, Denver, USA, 3-6 May 2013.
- Lotfi, M. and Sodhi, M. 2012. Operational practices of leanness, agility and resiliency (LAR)in manufacturing. Presented at: Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA), Turku, Finland, June 6-8 2012.
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- Hossein Sadat Hosseini Khajouei, M., Lotfi, M., Ebrahimi, A. and Jafari, S. 2021. Water truck routing optimization in open pit mines using the general algebraic modelling system approach. In: Molamohamadi, Z. et al. eds. Logistics and Supply Chain Management., Vol. 1458. Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer, pp. 255-270., (10.1007/978-3-030-89743-7_14)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through B2N collaborations. Presented at: POMS 2023: Production and Operations Management Society International Conference, Paris, France, 18-20 July 2023.
- Boote, A. and Lotfi, M. 2023. How do environmental impact and gender inequality characterise fast fashion supply chains?. Presented at: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, Massachusetts, 4-8 August 2023. , (10.5465/AMPROC.2023.12101abstract)
- Lotfi, M. and Guix Navarrete, M. 2023. Managing modern slavery risk in asset-light business models: stakeholder perceptions in the hotel industry. Presented at: IPSERA 2023, Barcelona Spain, 2-5 April 2023.
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2022. A systematic literature review of modern slavery risk management in the global supply chains: State of the art and research opportunities. Presented at: IPSERA 2022 Conference, Jönköping, Sweden, 10 -13 April 2022.
- Bille, A., Lotfi, M. and Wieland, A. 2021. Irresponsibility in supply chains during the COVID- 19 pandemic: a panarchical interpretation. Presented at: 28th EurOMA Conference 2021, Virtual, 5-7 July 2021.
- Flynn, A., Lotfi, M. and Strand, V. 2021. The impact of Covid-19 on ethical employment in supply chains: opportunities & threats. Presented at: The Impact of Covid-19 on Ethical Employment in Supply Chains: Opportunities & Threats, Cardiff, UK, 30 September 2021.
- Lotfi, M. and Chen, J. 2021. Child slavery in the supply chains: the actors of the dirty scene. Presented at: 8th Sustainable EurOMA Forum, La Rochelle, France, 22-23 March 2021.
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M. and Rodrigues, V. S. 2020. Collaboration in the small and micro enterprises: a relational view of enablers and barriers. Presented at: Academy of Management Annual Meeting 2020, Vancouver, Canada, 7-11 August 2020, Vol. 2020. Vol. 1., (10.5465/AMBPP.2020.16847abstract)
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Rodrigues, V. S., Harris, I. and Naim, M. 2019. Depicting collaborations in microbrewery supply chains. Presented at: POMS 2019 International Conference, Brighton, UK, 2 - 4 September 2019.
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Rodrigues, V. S., Naim, M. and Harris, I. 2019. Preconditions and motivations for collaboration in the microbrewery industry. Presented at: 26th EurOMA Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 15 - 19 June 2019.
- Lotfi, M. 2017. Lean, agile and resilient (LAR) approaches, business strategy and performance outcomes. Presented at: British Academy of Management, Warwick, UK, 5-7 Sept 2017.
- Lotfi, M., C., K. and Sodhi, M. 2013. How resiliency along with leanness and agility, affects operational performance outcomes. Presented at: 20th European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland, June 9-12.
- Lotfi, M., Sodhi, M. and Kocabasoglu-Hillmer, C. 2013. How efforts to achieve resiliency fit with lean and agile practices. Presented at: Proceedings of the 24th Production and Operations Management Society, Denver, USA, 3-6 May 2013.
- Lotfi, M. and Sodhi, M. 2012. Operational practices of leanness, agility and resiliency (LAR)in manufacturing. Presented at: Proceedings of the 24th Nordic Logistics Research Network Conference (NOFOMA), Turku, Finland, June 6-8 2012.
- Guix, M. and Lotfi, M. 2025. Doing the right thing? The hotel industry’s management of, and reporting on, modern slavery. Tourism Management 107, article number: 105084. (10.1016/j.tourman.2024.105084)
- Wang, Y. and Lotfi, M. 2024. How climate change and modern slavery interact in the supply chain: A conceptual model development through a systemic review. Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility (10.1111/beer.12722)
- Lotfi, M. and Sodhi, M. 2024. Resilient agility under the practice-based view. Production Planning and Control 35(7), pp. 670-682. (10.1080/09537287.2022.2121778)
- Lotfi, M. and Walker, H. 2024. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil? Barriers to modern slavery risk management in supply chains: an empirical investigation. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2335496)
- Lotfi, M. and Pisa, N. 2024. Child slavery in supply chains: Actors of the dirty scene. Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management 18, article number: a942. (10.4102/jtscm.v18i0.942)
- Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. A systematic literature review of modern slavery in supply chain management: State of the art, framework development and research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production 435, article number: 140301. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140301)
- Lotfi, M. and Boote, A. 2023. The unsustainable impact of patriarchy on the industry. Lampoon Magazine 27
- Lotfi, M. and Larmour, A. 2022. Supply chain resilience in the face of uncertainty: how horizontal and vertical collaboration can help?. Continuity & Resilience Review 4(1), pp. 37-53. (10.1108/CRR-04-2021-0016)
- Lotfi, M., Kumar, M., Sanchez Rodrigues, V., Naim, M. and Harris, I. 2022. A relational view of horizontal collaboration among micro and small enterprises: a study of the brewery sector in Wales. British Food Journal 124(4), pp. 1254-1273. (10.1108/BFJ-03-2021-0266)
- Wilson, J. et al. 2022. On the beer wagon: the past, present and future of Celtic craft brewing and its policies. Regional Studies, Regional Science 10(1), pp. 329-346. (10.1080/21681376.2022.2158751)
- Lotfi, M., Walker, H. and Rendon-Sanchez, J. 2021. Supply chains’ failure in workers’ rights with regards to the SDG compass: a doughnut theory perspective. Sustainability 13, article number: 12526. (10.3390/su132212526)
- Naghshineh, B. and Lotfi, M. 2019. Enhancing supply chain resilience: an empirical investigation. Continuity & Resilience Review 1(1), pp. 47-62. (10.1108/CRR-09-2018-0002)
- Lotfi, M. 2019. Which practices are lean, agile and resilient Literature review and practitioners' perspective. International Journal of Advanced Operations Management 11(1/2), pp. 142-170. (10.1504/IJAOM.2019.098522)
- Lotfi, M., Akram, Y. and Jafari, S. 2018. The effect of emerging green market on green entrepreneurship and sustainable development in knowledge-based companies. Sustainability 10(7), article number: 2308. (10.3390/su10072308)
- Lotfi, M. and Saghiri, S. 2018. Disentangling resilience, agility and leanness: conceptual development and empirical analysis. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 29(1), pp. 168-197. (10.1108/JMTM-01-2017-0014)
- Lotfi, M. and Houshmand, M. 2014. Agility index evaluation using fuzzy logic in a supply chain management company. Engineering Management Research 4(1), pp. 64-81.
- Lotfi, M. 2018. Resilience, agility, and leanness in supply chain management; conceptual development and empirical analysis. Scholars' Press.
Research interests:
- Modern slavery, child labour and workers’ rights in the supply chain (Sc)
- Human rights in the Sc
- Social sustainability in the Sc
- Gender-based issues in the Sc
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the Sc
Funded projects:
- Co-applicant (2025-2028), ESRC Wales DTP, £200000
Project: Migration, Labour Abuse, and Modern Slavery in Adult Social Care Settings in Wales
Partners: Health and Care Research Wales & Welsh Government
- Main applicant and main investigator, £6000, 2025
Project title: Modern Slavery risk maangement in SMEs
Partners: Cardiff Capital Region (CCR), and Media Cymru.
- Main applicant and main investigator, 2024
Funder: Digital Transformation Innovation Institute (DTII)
Project title: How does quality data play a pivotal role in enabling companies to uphold human rights standards and specifically modern slavery and mitigate the risks linked with poor practices?
- Main applicant and main investigator, 2023
Funder: Seedcorn fund of Global Collaboration, Cardiff Business School
Project Title: "Modern slavery risk management in the hospitality sector: a moral legitimacy approach on hotel groups disclosure and an institutional logics approach on accepting responsibility". This project is in collaboration with University of Queensland, Australia.
- Main applicant and main investigator, 2023-2024
Public Value Engagement Fellowship, Cardiff Business School Public Value Engagement Fellowship Scheme
Project title: "Netting Ethical Shrimp: How Technology Can Revolutionize Sustainable Seafood Practices", Internal, (2023-2024). This project is in collaboration with Bangladesh Agriculture university and Cardiff Metropolitan University.
- ESRC Wales DTP Collaborative studentship, 2023- 2027 £155000
Project title: “Understanding and modelling the impact of consumer purchasing behaviour on the global supply chains' decisions in adapting anti-slavery practices”. This is a collaboration with UNSEEN, a UK based anti-slavery charity (2023-2027)
- Main applicant and main investigator, 2022
Funder: Global Wales
Project title: “Modern slavery in the global supply chains” through collaboration with Jindal Global University, India.
- Main applicant and main investigator, 2022
Funder: Cardiff Business School,
Title: “Modern Slavery risk management in the long and complex supply chains: Case study of the Tourism Sector, in collaboration with a global hotel brand.
- Co-applicant and Co-investigator, 2021
Title: “How can ethical consultancies help firms maintain employment standards across their operations and supply chains in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic?”
Examples of defined Live projects with industrial partners for MSC dissertations:
1. Challenges and solutions in meeting a Just Transition, in relation to transparency and human rights in supply chains
2. How modern slavery risk is managed in the banking sector, with a specific focus on the role of investors
3. Critical analysis of banks net zero disclosures and operational resilience against transition risk
4. Green-washing risk and operational resilience in the banking sector
Maryam is passionate about teaching, She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). She designed a new module of "Supply Chain Social Sustainability" for Cardiff Business School, MSC Sustainability Program, and for it, she serves as module leader from Jan. 2021. She is also part of the executive teaching team in "Help to Grow: Management" available to micro- and SMEs.
Maryam Teaches:
1- Supply Chain Social Sustainability for the MSc students:
2- Sustainability for Business for the MSc students
3- Emplyee Engagmeent and Leading Change, "Help to Grow: Management" Prgram available to micro and SMEs.
Educational Background:
- PhD in Management (Operations and supply Chain Management), Cass Buisness School, City University London (2011-2015)
- MRes in Management, Cass Buisness School, City University London (2010-2011)
- MSc. in Industiral engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2007-2009)
-BSc in Mechinacal engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology (1999-2003)
Honours and awards
1- Finalist for the Individual of the Year Award of UK National Go Awards 2023/2024 for "Champion of Ethical Procurement: Recognizing Excellence in Modern Slavery Awareness and Socially Sustainable Procurement".
2- Finalist for the Unseen modern slavery Individual Impact Award 2023. The four individuals shortlisted for this award were from Scape, Nestle UK, Sodexo and Cardiff University.The awards seek to recognise those who have taken the lead to combat worker exploitation.
3- Finalist for the Most Outstanding Learning Experience in the Enriching Student Life Awards 2024 at Cardiff University.
4- Finalist for the Cardiff University Excellence Award 2024 in the category of Civic mission and public engagement.
4- Public Value engagement fellow, Cardiff Business School, 2023-2024
5- Welsh Crucible 2024 Fellow, which is the esteemed, award-winning program designed to foster personal, professional, and leadership development for the future research leaders of Wales.
Academic positions
1- Senior lecturer of sustainable supply chain management, Cardiff Business School, since Aug. 2023.
2- Visiting Associate Professor at the Department of Transport & Supply Chain Management, and the University of Johannesburg, South Africa, since September 2022.
3- Lecturer of sustainable supply chain management, Cardiff Business School, since Jan. 2020.
Speaking engagements
1- Speaker at Anti-Slavery 2023 Conference,a conference held by Cardiff Business School in partnership with the Welsh Government, the police, and third sector organisations, October 2023, Cardiff, UK
Committees and reviewing
- Member of the British Standards Institute's Modern Slavery Committee since Feb 2025
- Member of Slavery and Trafficking Risk Template (STRT) Development Committee, with the The Social Responsibility Alliance (SRA) since 2024
- Editorial Board of Journal of Transport and Supply Chain Management (JTSCM), since 2022
- Advisory board, Continuity & Resilience Review, Emerald Publishing, in association with the Business Continuity Institute, Since 2018
interested to supervise students in the areas of:
- Social sustainability in supply chains including Human rights, child slavery, modern slavery and gender related issues
- Modern slavery and climate change
- The role of technology and innovation (eg. AI, blockchain) in modern slavery risk management
- DEI in the supply chains
- Modelling modern slavery in the global SC
Current supervision
Past projects
1- Vanja Strand (2020-2024), Defended: Dec. 2024. with minor corrections
Topic: Tackling modern slavery in supply chains through business and non-governmental organisation collaborations
Paper 1: Strand, V., Lotfi, M., Flynn, A. and Walker, H. 2024. A systematic literature review of modern slavery in supply chain management: State of the art, framework development and research opportunities. Journal of Cleaner Production 435, p. 140301. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.140301
Award: Winner of the Public Value Award at the 3rd Welsh Postgraduate Research Conference in 2023.
Contact Details
+44 29225 10877
Aberconway Building, Room C45, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Social sustainability
- Modern slavery
- Sustainable supply chain management
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)