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Dr Pedro Luque Laguna

Research Associate


My research focuses on image analysis of magnetic resonance imaging data (MRI), with a focus on diffusion MRI of the brain. I am interested in extracting anatomical and topological information from diffusion MRI tractography that can be further applied to the analysis of MRI data and other neuroimaging modalities. My research in CUBRIC has been primarily focused on finding novel ways of using tractography to harmonize the analysis of longitudinal MRI data acquired at different sites for each time point.



Research topics and related papers

Statistical analysis of diffusion MRI data
Mathematical modelling of the topological space represented by brain tractography
Development of tractography-informed frameworks for the representation and analysis of voxel-based data 

Project and Funding

Mapping Neurodevelopmental Trajectories for Adult Psychiatric Disorder: ALSPAC-MRI-II

MRC Grant Reference MR/S003436/1.

Research collaborators

Prof. Anthony David

Prof. Derek Jones


Postgraduate education

Ph.D. Neuroimaging
King's College London, U.K (2014-2019)

M.Sc. Neuroimaging
King's College London, U.K (2013-2014)

Undergraduate education

Licenciatura en Matemáticas (B.Sc + M.Sc. Mathematics)
Universidad de Granada, Spain (1993-1999)


01/2020 – present:                  Research  Associate
Cardiff University, School of Psychology, Cardiff University Brain  Research Imaging Centre (Cardiff UK)

10/2018 – 12/2019:                 Research  Associate
King's College London, (London UK)

Contact Details


Campuses Cardiff University Brain Research Imaging Centre, Maindy Road, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ