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Peter Mackie

Professor Peter Mackie

Personal Chair, Director of Impact and Engagement

Available for postgraduate supervision


Peter Mackie is a Professor at Cardiff University in the School of Geography and Planning, where his research and teaching focus on two broad themes. Firstly, he is recognised as a leading international expert in the field of housing and homelessness. His research in this area has focussed on the prevention of homelessness, including the role of rights-based approaches as potential solutions to housing poverty. His body of work has had considerable impact, including the development of new legislation in multiple countries. Secondly, he has a long-standing interest in urban livelihoods and the informal economy. Within this broad theme he has explored issues of child labour, rights to public space, and livelihoods during conflict and crises. In all of Peter’s research he has sought to understand the experiences of people in poverty from their own perspectives and he is increasingly engaged in the development and application of advanced quantitative methods relating to administrative data-linkage and evaluative trials methodologies in the homelessness field.

Peter’s research portfolio totals more than £30 million, with funders including; ESRC, DFID, British Academy, International Institute for Economic Development, national and local governments, and numerous charities. Peter has worked in and published on many countries: Africa (Ethiopia, Nigeria, Somaliland, Tanzania), Asia (India, Nepal, Pakistan), Middle East (Egypt), Latin America (Colombia, Ecuador, Peru), UK, USA, Canada and Australia. Peter is a member of the Housing Studies Association and Royal Geographical Society (with Institute of British Geographers) and he is currently a FEANTSA Research advisor for the UK, international advisory board member of ‘Making the shift’ – a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence focused on youth homelessness, an advisor to the Centre for Homelessness Impact, and Director of the Welsh Hub of the UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. He is frequently an advisor to national governments in the UK and has worked closely with UN-Habitat on several projects.




















Book sections



Research Groups and Centres

  • Chair of the Wales Housing Research Network (WISERD)
  • UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence (CaCHE)

Funded Research Projects

2020 – 2022: COVID-19 and rough sleepers: a randomised controlled trial to evaluate models of housing and support to reduce infection and homelessness, ESRC

2020 – 2023: Out of camp or out of sight? Realigning response to protracted displacement in an urban world, ESRC-GCRF

2019 - 2020: Review of Priority Need in Wales, Welsh Government

2018: Homelessness prevention: translating lessons from Wales into practice in Canada, ESRC IAA

2018 – 2022: Administrative Data Research Partnership-Wales (Housing theme lead), ESRC

2017 - 2022: UK Collaborative Centre for Housing Evidence. Funded by ESRC, JFR, AHRC.

2017: Ending Rough Sleeping: What Works? An International Evidence Review. Funded by Crisis.

2016 - 2017: Urban refugee economies in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Funded by IIED.

2015 - 2018: Economic Recovery in Post-Conflict Cities: the Role of the Urban Informal Economy. Funded by ESRC-DFID.

2014: Intervention inequality? Experiences of Single Homelessness in Great Britain. Funded by Crisis.

2013 - 2015: Improving Microfinance Regulation to Support Growth and Innovation in Micro-enterprise. Funded by ESRC-DFID.

2013 - 2018: Administrative Data Research Centre Wales (ADRC Wales). Funded by ESRC.

2013 - 2015: Inclusive growth: improving microfinance regulation to support growth and innovation in micro-enterprise. Funded by ESRC-DFID.

2012 - 2013: Interim Evaluation of the Social Housing Regulatory Framework. Funded by Welsh Government.

2011 - 2012: Review of homelessness legislation in Wales. Funded by Welsh Government.

2011: Stakeholder perspectives on the homelessness legislation in Wales. Funded by Welsh Government.

2010 - 2013: Rights in the city: developing pro-poor policies with street-traders in Latin America. Funded by British Academy.

2010 - 2011: Research into an approach to the housing, social care & support needs of young homelessness persons and young persons leaving care in Torfaen. Funded by Torfaen County Borough Council.

2009 - 2012: Young people and housing: challenges and solutions for 2020. Funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

2009 - 2010: Equal opportunities and diversity in Caerphilly Audit. Funded by Welsh Council for Voluntary Action.

2008 - 2009: The housing and homelessness experiences of A8 migrant workers living in Wales. Funded by Big Lottery Research Programme.

2008: Family experiences of accessing Disabled Facilities Grants: a collaborative research study in Wales and Northern Ireland. Funded by Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

2007: Research into the housing needs of vulnerable young people in Rhondda Cynon Taf. Funded by Fframwaith Rhondda Cynon Taf Children and Young People's Partnership.



  • PhD in Human Geography, University of Wales Swansea (2003 - 2007)
  • BSc Human Geography, University of Wales Swansea (2000 - 2003)

External Activity

  • Honorary Professor, Heriot-Watt University, 2021 - present
  • International advisory board member of ‘Making the shift’ – a Canadian Network of Centres of Excellence focused on youth homelessness, 2020 - present
  • Editor in Chief (Europe), International Journal on Homelessness, 2020 - present
  • External Examiner, University of Stirling, 2020 - present
  • Member, Welsh Government Homelessness Action Group, 2019 - 2020
  • Advisor to the Centre for Homelessness Impact, 2018 - present
  • Review Editor, International Journal of Housing Research, 2012 - 2019
  • Member, Welsh Government Ministerial Advisory Group on Welsh Homelessness Guidance, 2012
  • Member, Welsh Government Ministerial Advisory Group on Rough Sleepers, 2012
  • Vice Chair of Board, Llamau, 2009 - present

Honours and awards

  • National Council for Geographic Education Journal of Geography Award for Best Secondary Teaching Article, 2018
  • Research Impact Award Finalist, Social Research Association Wales, 2017
  • Cardiff University Innovation and Impact Award, 2016
  • Royal Society Dudley Stamp Memorial Prize, 2004
  • Royal Geographical society Slawson Award, 2004

Professional memberships

  • Associate of the Higher Education Authority
  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
  • Member of the Housing Studies Association

Academic positions

  • Honorary Research Fellow in the School of Energy, Geoscience, Infrastructure and Society, Heriot Watt University (2018 - 2021)
  • Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University (2015 - 2018)
  • Lecturer, Cardiff University (2009 - 2015)
  • Senior Research Officer, Shelter Cymru (2008 - 2009)
  • Research and Evaluation Officer, Shelter Cymru (2007 - 2008)
  • Tutor, University of Wales Swansea (2003 - 2006)


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • Housing Policy
  • Homelessness Policy and Law
  • Urban livelihoods and the informal economy

Current supervision

Hannah Browne Gott

Hannah Browne Gott

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76223
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Room Room 2.70, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA

External profiles