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Efi Mantzourani

Professor Efi Mantzourani



Professor Efi Mantzourani MFCI MRPharmS MSc PhD FHEA 

Professor in Pharmacy Practice

Dr Efi Mantzourani is a Professor in Cardiff School of Pharmacy. She joined the School in 2011 as a lecturer following a distinction in the MSc and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry, succeeded by a career in community pharmacy.

She is passionate about empowering the next generation of pharmacists to provide a holistic healthcare approach. Her continuing locum work and mixed clinical and scientific background help her understand the challenges surrounding clinical and professional practice and informs her teaching and scholarly activity; such integration fosters development of students as competent and confident reflective professionals. She contributes scholarship in reflective practice and workforce development. She has developed an expertise in reflective practice, that has supported international course development (in Pharmacy and other Schools).

Her research relates to infection management and technology-enabled provision of pharmacy services: she has provided an evidence-base to Health Boards in Wales and the Welsh Government for commissioning of pharmacy services, which have transformed professional practice. Other areas of interests include electronic prescribing, transfer of care and the discharge medicines service, integration of GP and pharmacy patient records. Recently, she has been focussing on evaluating the the first NHS funded sore throat test and treat community pharmacy service in the UK.























Research interests

Professor Efi Mantzourani comes from a medicinal chemistry background having completed an MSc in Molecular Modelling in Cardiff and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in Thessaloniki. She went to practice as a pharmacist in the UK in 2005, and was appointed as a lecturer in Pharmacy Practice in 2011. Since then she has been deleloping collaborative relationships with a range of stakeholders in primary and secondary care as well as the third sector. In the health services areas of research focus on technology-enabled provision of services. Examples include medication management and cost-analysis of medication wastage from Medication Administration Record in care homes; discharge from hospital and the role of Discharge Advice Letters in a seeming transition and integration into primary care; translating research from service evaluation projects on the Choose Pharmacy Application into practice, such as the Discharge Medicines Review and Common Ailment Scheme. Currently she is involved in the evaluation of the first NHS funded Sore Throat Test & Treat service that uses Point-of-Care-Technology to optimise antimicrobial supply in primary care.

 Public Engagement


Reports to Welsh Government and NGOs


Mantzourani E, Hodson KL 2022 An Investigation into the Impact of Digital Transformation across the Regions of the Welsh Renal Clinical Network. Report to South West Wales Renal Unit.


Hodson KL, Kember J, Hughes ML, Mantzourani E 2016 Evaluation of electronic prescribing for hospital Out-patients.  Report to Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.


Al-Hamadani F, Kember J, James D, Mantzourani E, Smith M 2015 Telehealth Enabled Medicines Management for Care Home Residents. Report to Welsh Government. [online]


Mantzourani E, Hughes L, Leggett H, Way C, Hodson K 2014 Community pharmacists’ information needs to complete a Discharge Medicines Review for their patients when they are discharged from hospital. Report to DMR Clinical Reference Group.



Invited editorials and newsletters


Mantzourani E, Desselle S, Lucas C 2022. Practising Reflection in Pharmacy The Pharmaceutical Journal Vol 309, No 7965;309(3965)::DOI:10.1211/PJ.2022.1.157020 Available at:  

Mantzourani E, Hodson K, Way C, Andrew E. 2020 The Discharge Medicines Review service in Wales: What is it and what are the benefits? International Pharmacy Journal, Vol 38, No1, pp34-37. Available at 

Mantzourani E, Evans A, Way C 2019 Who is using emergency contraception in Wales and why? Reflections on 5-years of the service. BMJ Sexual and Reproductive Health Available at: 

Mantzourani E, 2019 Evaluating the first NHS-funded sore throat test and treat service in the UK Clinical Pharmacist Available at:  doi:10.1211/CP.2019.20206884   

Mantzourani E, 2017 Introducing students to telehealth via a novel online placement The Pharmaceutical Journal Available at:

Mantzourani E, Hodson K, Hughes L, Way C 2016 Electronic discharge advice letters for community pharmacists Clinical Pharmacist, Vol 8, No 1, p9 doi: 10.1211/CP.2016.20200228

Mantzourani E and Hughes L 2015 Working outside the dispensary: Role-emerging placements enable pharmacy students in all years to work with members of the public and learn about their needs The Pharmaceutical Journal Vol 295, No 7882 doi: 10.1211/PJ.2015.20069335

Mantzourani E. and Smith M. 2014 ExPRESS - Empowering PhaRmacy students to dEvelop their communication SkillS HEA PDP Newsletter: Welsh supplement Issue 4 p.3 Available at


My continuing locum work and mixed clinical and scientific background help me understand the challenges surrounding clinical and professional practice and informs my teaching and scholarly activity; such integration fosters development of students as competent and confident reflective professionals.

Following appointment, the education I deliver is guided by the frameworks for education and teaching including the GPhC outcomes for initial education and training of pharmacists, vision, values and objectives of Cardiff University as expressed in the University’s strategy document, the UK professional standards framework, and also teaching and qualifications framework for Wales. My teaching is underpinned by contemporary research findings and evidence-based resources such as the Higher Education Academy enhancing quality in teaching and placement education systematic review series.

Since my 2-year secondment to the Royal Pharmaceutical Society as a Professional Development Pharmacist (2018-2020), I have been the Module Leader for the new postgraduate Triage and Treat of Acute Conditions course, informing the development of the CPD portfolio of the School, guided by frameworks for post-registration pharmacy education. The module has been co-designed with practitioners and experts in the field.

In my role as the Lead of Placement-Based Learning, prior to my RPS secondment, I had been managing all aspects of the design, implementation, accreditation and student experience of the Undergraduate Placement-Based Education of the Master of Pharmacy degree; this included the scoping, development, coordination and quality assurance of novel placement schemes receiving national recognition, a key area in the School’s successful re-accreditation event and interim re-accreditation visit, 2015 and 2018 respectively. In 2015, I led the introduction of the newly designed Professional Development modules in the curriculum, following guidance provided by the Quality Assurance Agency UK Quality Code for Higher Education (2012). I was Module Leader for the modules in all four years of the curriculum between 2015-2018 (u), informing the development of reflective practice and Continuing Professional Development, in alignment with standards for pharmacy professionals. As part of a team in 2014, I conceptualised and integrated a Personal Development Portfolio for our undergraduate students, with a format very similar to the newly introduced revalidation portfolio for accreditation of pharmacy professional with the GPhC.

To ensure appropriate integration of all my initiatives in the Cardiff undergradate and postgraduate taugh courses, I have successfully employed continuous circles of action research, a methodology that will be needed in the development and evaluation of the competency framework. I have published a number of papers in peer-reviewed journals to demonstrate application of action research in pharmacy education and have also presented my work in national and international conferences.


Current Appointments

Sep 2011



Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, Cardiff School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences (employment at 0.7 FTE); Senior Lecturer 2017; Reader 2020

May 2018



Research and Evaluation Lead for Choose Pharmacy, NHS Wales Digital Health and Care Wales (DHCW) (0.3 FTE)

Sep 2018


April 2020

Professional Development Pharmacist, Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (RPS), London (0.4 FTE secondment from Cardiff University)

Post-18 Education and Qualifications

Oct 2012


July 2015

PgC in University Teaching and Learning, Cardiff University, UK

Oct 2003


July 2007

Doctor of Philosophy, Medicinal Chemistry, First Class (10/10), University of Patras, Greece

Sep 2002


July 2003

Master of Science (MSc), Molecular Modelling (Pass with Distinction), Cardiff University, Wales, UK

Sep 1997


July 2002

Master of Pharmacy (MPharm), First Class (7.91/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


Membership of Professional Bodies

2020         Faculty of Clinical Informatics

2013         Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

2010         Registered as a pharmacist with the General Pharmaceutical Council (formerly Royal Pharmaceutical Society of                         Great Britain – member since 2005)

2005         Registered as a member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain (now RPS)

2002         Registered as a member of the Panhellenic Pharmaceutical Society

Honours and awards

  • Antibiotic Guardian Award, Public Health England, June 2019. Innovation and Technology - winner: Using an IT platform in community pharmacies in Wales to support an NHS funded sore throat test and treat service
  • Digital Innovation and Excellence in use of Technology in Pharmacy Practice, NHS Digital, April 2018 – winner: Choose Pharmacy
  • Health Services Research and Pharmacy Practice Conference, April 2015. Poster presentation winner: Exploring stakeholders’ perceptions of the Common Ailments Scheme (CAS) in community pharmacies in Wales
  • International Pharmacy Education Symposium, July 2015. People’s choice award for poster presentation: Pharmacy students’ views on medication adherence

Professional memberships

  • General Pharmaceutical Council
  • Royal Pharmaceutical Society
  • Fellow of the Higher Education