Dr Rhiannon Marks
BA (Wales), MSt (Oxon), PhD (Wales), FHEA
- Welsh speaking
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Rhiannon Marks
Senior Lecturer and Director of MA Welsh and Celtic Studies
I am a Senior Lecturer at the School of Welsh where I specialise in 20th-21st century Welsh literature, creative literary criticism and literary theory.
My first monograph ‘Pe Gallwn, Mi Luniwn Lythyr: golwg ar waith Menna Elfyn’ (University of Wales Press, 2013) was awarded the Sir Ellis Griffith Prize by the University of Wales in 2015. It is an experimental volume of creative literary criticism which offers various theoretical interpretations of the work of Welsh poet, Menna Elfyn. This is the first extended study of Menna Elfyn's work and it also explores issues such as translation, performance and the marketing of literature in contemporary Wales.
My latest monograph Y Dychymyg Ôl-Fodern: agweddau ar ffuglen fer Mihangel Morgan (University of Wales Press, 2020) provides a creative-critical reading of the postmodern short fiction of Welsh author, Mihangel Morgan. Particular attention is given to exploring aspects of identity in the fiction as well as the implications of postmodernism in the context of a minority language culture.
I am currently working on an AHRC IAA funded project, 'Darllen Hunaniaethau' [Reading Identities] on pedagogy in the literature classroom in the context of the new Curriculum for Wales. The project involves working with Welsh teachers in Secondary Schools to co-produce educational resources which will facilitate the discussion of identities in literary texts in the classroom.
Research interests:
- Contemporary Welsh Literature
- Literary and Critical Theory
- Creative Criticism
- Gender and Sexuality Studies
- Literary Translation
- Marks, R. 2020. Y dychymyg ôl-fodern: agweddau ar ffuglen fer Mihangel Morgan. Caerdydd: University of Wales Press.
- Marks, R. 2019. Crefft y Stori Fer Heddiw [Educational Resource]. Caerdydd: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. - teaching_resource
- Marks, R. 2018. Dangosaf iti ryddid. In: Machreth, M. ed. Codi Llais. Y Lolfa, pp. 47-54.
- Marks, R. 2017. Dyfeisgarwch di-ben-draw: cip ar yrfa Mihangel Morgan. O'r Pedwar Gwynt Haf 20, pp. 26-27.
- Marks, R. 2017. Syrffio’r drydedd don?: heriau cyfoes astudiaethau rhywedd. Y Traethodydd, pp. 47-62.
- Marks, R. 2016. Irma Ariannin, Cymru a'r 'wlad lle cyferfydd cyfandiroedd'. In: Price, A. ed. Ysgrifau Beirniadol., Vol. XXXIV. Gwasg Gee, pp. 13-43.
- Marks, R. 2016. Llythyr. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Llythyr
- Marks, R. 2016. Perfformio. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Perfformio
- Marks, R. 2016. Dyddiadur. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Dyddiadur
- Marks, R. 2016. Y gwir yn erbyn y byd patriarchaidd. O'r Pedwar Gwynt(2), pp. 27-28.
- Marks, R. 2015. Menna, Martha and Me: the possibilities of epistolary criticism. In: Tansley, L. and Maftei, M. eds. Writing Creative Non-Fiction: Determining the Form. Canterbury: Gylphi, pp. 107-120.
- Marks, R. 2013. 'Pe gallwn, mi luniwn lythyr': golwg ar waith Menna Elfyn. Y Meddwl ar Dychymyg Cymreig. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Rosser, S. et al. eds. 2013. Llên Cymru. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Marks, R. 2017. Dyfeisgarwch di-ben-draw: cip ar yrfa Mihangel Morgan. O'r Pedwar Gwynt Haf 20, pp. 26-27.
- Marks, R. 2017. Syrffio’r drydedd don?: heriau cyfoes astudiaethau rhywedd. Y Traethodydd, pp. 47-62.
- Marks, R. 2016. Y gwir yn erbyn y byd patriarchaidd. O'r Pedwar Gwynt(2), pp. 27-28.
Book sections
- Marks, R. 2018. Dangosaf iti ryddid. In: Machreth, M. ed. Codi Llais. Y Lolfa, pp. 47-54.
- Marks, R. 2016. Irma Ariannin, Cymru a'r 'wlad lle cyferfydd cyfandiroedd'. In: Price, A. ed. Ysgrifau Beirniadol., Vol. XXXIV. Gwasg Gee, pp. 13-43.
- Marks, R. 2015. Menna, Martha and Me: the possibilities of epistolary criticism. In: Tansley, L. and Maftei, M. eds. Writing Creative Non-Fiction: Determining the Form. Canterbury: Gylphi, pp. 107-120.
- Marks, R. 2020. Y dychymyg ôl-fodern: agweddau ar ffuglen fer Mihangel Morgan. Caerdydd: University of Wales Press.
- Marks, R. 2013. 'Pe gallwn, mi luniwn lythyr': golwg ar waith Menna Elfyn. Y Meddwl ar Dychymyg Cymreig. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Rosser, S. et al. eds. 2013. Llên Cymru. Cardiff: University of Wales Press.
- Marks, R. 2016. Llythyr. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Llythyr
- Marks, R. 2016. Perfformio. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Perfformio
- Marks, R. 2016. Dyddiadur. [Online]. Esboniadur Beirniadaeth a Theori: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. Available at: https://wici.porth.ac.uk/index.php/Dyddiadur
- Marks, R. 2019. Crefft y Stori Fer Heddiw [Educational Resource]. Caerdydd: Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol. - teaching_resource
Past Research Projects
Y Dychymyg Ôl-Fodern (The Postmodern Imagination)
In 2020, I published my latest monograph, Y Dychymyg Ôl-Fodern | UWP: a study on the development of postmodern short stories in Welsh which concentrates mainly on the work of the prolific Welsh author, Mihangel Morgan (1955-). The study is an experiment in Creative Criticism -- a method which explores and transgresses the boundaries between 'academic writing' and 'fiction' in order to provide fresh, new insights into the processes of reading and writing.
Crefft y Stori Fer Heddiw (The Contemporary Short Story)
Having received funding from the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol, I worked on a small project on the Short Story in Welsh. The project involved conducting interviews with contemporary short fiction authors (Caryl Lewis, Fflur Dafydd, Aled Islwyn, Mihangel Morgan, Llŷr Gwyn Lewis and Jon Gower) which then formed part of an educational resource for students: Crefft y Stori Fer Heddiw (porth.ac.uk)
Aspects of identity in the work of Welsh Patagonian poet, Irma Hughes de Jones
On receiving funding from Banco Santander I conducted a research trip to the Chubut province in Argentina to explore aspects of the life and work of renowned Patagonian poet, Irma Hughes de Jones (1918-2003). My research output, 'Irma Ariannin, Cymru a'r 'wlad lle cyferfydd cyfandiroedd', explores Irma's multifaceted poetic identity in the context of the Welsh diaspora.
I teach (or have taught) on a number of modules on the BA in Welsh programme, including:
- Awdur, Testun a Darllenydd
- Sgiliau Astudio Llenyddiaeth
- Mapio'r Cymry
- Herio'r Traddodiad Llenyddol
- Sgiliau Academaidd Uwch
- Theori a Beirniadaeth Lenyddol (module leader)
- Rhyddiaith Ddiweddar (module leader)
- Blas ar Ymchwil
- Ymchwilio Estynedig
I am Director of Postgraduate Taught Studies at the School of Welsh and I lead the following modules on the MA in Welsh and Celtic Studies programme:
- Academic and Professional Research
- Exploring Welsh and Celtic Studies
- Specialist Subject
- Extended Project
Education and Qualifications
2014 - Postgraduate Certificate in University Teaching and Learning, Cardiff University
2011 - PhD, Department of Welsh and Celtic Studies, Aberystwyth University (funded by an Aberystwyth University PhD Scholarship and Mair Waldo Scholarship)
2007 - MSt Women's Studies, University of Oxford (funded by a Jesus College Meyricke Scholarship)
2006 - BA Welsh, Aberystwyth University (undergraduate prizes include Sir T. H. Parry-Williams Scholarship, T. E. Nicholas Prize, Sir Goronwy Daniel Prize, Professor Thomas Jones Prize and Cynddelw Scholarship).
Honours and awards
- 2015 - The University of Wales Sir Ellis Griffith Prize (awarded for Pe Gallwn, Mi Luniwn Lythyr monograph)
- 2008 - Honorary member of Gorsedd Cymru
- 2007 - National Urdd Eisteddfod Crown 2007 for creative writing
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Associate Lecturer, Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol
Academic positions
Academic Positions
- 2020 - present: Senior Lecturer in Welsh, Cardiff University
- 2012 - 2020: Lecturer in Welsh, Cardiff University
- 2011 - 2012: Tutor at School of Welsh and Tutor on the Welsh National Sabbatical Scheme
- 2007 - 2011: Postgraduate Teaching Assistant, Aberystwyth University
Visiting Positions
- February 2018-March 2018: Visiting Scholar, KU Leuven
Committees and reviewing
- Welsh editor for Gender Studies in Wales Series, University of Wales Press (2016 - present)
- Co-editor of Welsh literary journal, Llên Cymru (2015 - present)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Proceedings of the Harvard Celtic Colloquium (2023-present)
- Reviewer for Gwerddon academic journal
- Reviewer for the University of Wales Press
- Co-editor of tu chwith literary publication (2011-13)
Research Students
I would welcome applications from research students who wish to pursue the following research fields:
- 20-21st century Welsh literature
- Creative Critical Writing (works which explore the boundaries between creative writing and literary criticism)
- Literary and Critical Theory (particularly theories relating to gender, sexuality and national identity)
- Literary Translation
- Pedagogy of Literature
Current supervision

Eirian Lewis
Contact Details
+44 29208 75594
John Percival Building, Room Room 1.67, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Welsh literature
- Literary theory
- Women & Gender Studies
- 20th-21st century
- Culture, representation and identity