Professor Mhairi McVicar
PhD, NCARB (USA), M Arch, BSc Hons in Architecture Studies
Professor in Architecture
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Project Lead, Community Gateway,
Higher Degree supervisor (MPhil / PhD)
Unit Tutor MArch2 Architectural Design - Value Unit
External activities
Board Member, Grange Pavilion Charitable Incoporated Organisation
Affiliate Member, Royal Institute of British Architects; Chair of RIBA Research Grants Sub-Committee
Fellow of the RSA (Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce)
Other information
I am Project Lead of Cardiff University's Community Gateway, a community-university engagement platform which develops partnership projects between Grangetown and Cardiff University, including the 2020 launch of a £1.8 million community-led partnership redevelopment of a vacant civic building, Grange Pavilion.
My research interests include concepts of Value in the built environment; community development and community asset transfers; critiques of processes of architectural practice; critiques of live teaching, co-production and participatory design; the University as a civic anchor; theories of architectural technology and construction; and architectural history and theory, particularly UK and USA 19th-21st century. Recent publications include the book Precision in Architecture: Certainty, Ambiguity and Deviation (Routledge, 2019) and 'Gathering-in-action: the Activation of a Public Space', Architecture and Culture (2020), and Community Consultation for Quality of Life in Wales.
I joined WSA in 2006, following architectural practice in the USA and UK. I am a RIBA Affiliate member and have acted as Chair of the RIBA Research Development Group, and as juror on the RIBA President's Medal for Dissertations and the National Eisteddfod Gold Medal for Architecture. I am a peer-reviewer for Architectural Research Quarterly, Architecture and Culture, Ardeth, FormAcademisk and Bloomsbury Publishing. I have presented my research in the UK, Europe, USA, Canada and China. In 2017, Community Gateway was awarded the Professor Sir David Watson International Award for community-university partnership development and I received Leading Wales' Leadership in the Public Sector award.
Please contact me regarding research, engagement and teaching related to community-university partnerships, civic value, the production of civic space, the role of the architect in community development, and analysis of professional architectural practice.
- McVicar, M., Turnbull, N., Harris, N., Heslop, I. and Soleman, M. 2024. Community engagement in local development plans. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Purohit, R., Samuel, F., Brennan, J., Farrelly, L., Golden, S. and McVicar, M. 2024. Improving neighbourhood quality of life through effective consultation processes in the UK: learnings from the project Community Consultation for Quality of Life. Cities & Health 8(4), pp. 741-758. (10.1080/23748834.2024.2375849)
- McVicar, M., Platt, C., Runting, H. and Walker, S. 2023. Insights from Portugal's research evaluation exercise. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 27(2), pp. 176-180. (10.1017/S1359135523000234)
- McVicar, M., Soleman, M. and Nekeb, S. 2023. Community consultation for quality of life in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Quality of Life Foundation. Available at:
- Khan, M., Nekeb, S., Smith, T., Harris, N. and McVicar, M. 2023. A Grangetown to grow up in: A children and young people's plan for Grangetown, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drozynski, C. eds. 2022. Generosity and architecture. Routledge.
- McVicar, M. 2020. 'Engender the confidence to demand better?: the value of architects in community asset transfers. Architectural Design 90(4), pp. 46-51. (10.1002/ad.2589)
- McVicar, M. 2020. Gathering-in-action: the activation of a civic space. Architecture and Culture 8(3-4), pp. 468-483. (10.1080/20507828.2020.1798164)
- McVicar, M. 2019. Precision in architecture: Certainty, ambiguity and deviation. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315222639)
- McVicar, M. and Turnbull, N. 2018. Creating common ground: the value of participatory design in articulating a common ethos for dwelling. Presented at: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, Universityof Derby, 22—23 June, 2017 Presented at Tracada, E. and Cairms, G. eds.AMPS Proceedings Series 10: Cities, Communities Homes – Is the Urban Future Livable?, Vol. 10. AMPS Proceedings AMPS pp. 434-446.
- McVicar, M. and Turnbull, N. 2018. The live project in the participatory design of a common ethos. Charrette 5(2), pp. 117-135.
- McVicar, M. 2018. Deviation from the standard - the plasterboard ceiling in OMA's McCormick Tribune Campus Center. ARCH+ Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism 233, pp. 194-199.
- McVicar, M. T. 2016. Precision in architectural production. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M. 2015. The production of the Commons: Mies van der Rohe and the art of industrial standardisation. In: Lloyd Thomas, K., Amhoff, T. and Beech, N. eds. Industries of Architecture. AHRA Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities Vol. 11. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 49-59.
- Odgers, J., McVicar, M. and Kite, S. eds. 2015. Economy and architecture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- McVicar, M. 2015. An optional extra: valuing architecture at the Brompton Boilers. In: Odgers, J., McVicar, M. and Kite, S. eds. Economy and Architecture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 151-161.
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. Specifying intent at the museum of childhood. Architectural Research Quarterly 16(3), pp. 218-228. (10.1017/S1359135513000067)
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. 'God is in the details'/'The detail is moot': A meeting Between Koolhaas and Mies. In: Sharr, A. ed. Reading Architecture and Culture: Researching Buildings, Spaces and Documents. London: Routledge, pp. 165-178.
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. Reading details: Caruso St John and the poetic intent of construction documents. In: Lees-Maffei, G. ed. Writing Design: Words and Objects. London: Berg Publishers, pp. 149-161.
- Kite, S., McVicar, M. T. and Odgers, J. A. eds. 2011. Economy : abstracts. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture.
- McVicar, M. T. 2010. Contested fields: perfection and compromise at Caruso St John's Museum of Childhood. In: Ewing, S. et al. eds. Architecture and Field/Work. Critiques London: Routledge, pp. 138-150.
- McVicar, M. 2010. 1:1 – Architects build small spaces. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 14(3), pp. 195-200. (10.1017/S1359135510000965)
- McVicar, M. 2010. Passion and control: Lewerentz and a mortar joint. In: Dutoit, A., Odgers, J. and Sharr, A. eds. Quality Out of Control: Standards for Measuring Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 92-102.
- McVicar, M. T. and Suau, C. 2008. Neglectfulness in the preservation and continuity of late-modern architecture - the case of St Peter's Seminary by Gillespie, Kidd and Coia. Presented at: 10th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 17-19 September 2008 Presented at van den Heuvel, D. et al. eds.The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement: Proceedings of the 10th International DOCOMOMO Conference. Amsterdam: IOS Press pp. 81-86., (10.3233/978-1-58603-917-2-81)
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Memory and progress: confessions in a flagstone wall. ARQ Architectural Research Quarterly 11(3), pp. 198-208.
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Adaptation and continuity: mediating the regional and global in Orkney and Shetland. Presented at: 2nd International CSAAR Conference of the Center for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism, Tunis, Tunisia.
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Inhabiting space: body, scale and performance. Presented at: Intersections: Design Education and Other Fields of Inquiry. Iowa.
- McVicar, M. T. 2004. Avec Wine Bar, Chicago. [photographic record]. Chicago, IL, USA. Available at:
- McVicar, M. T. 2004. Avec Wine Bar, Chicago. [photographic record]. Chicago, IL, USA. Available at:
- Purohit, R., Samuel, F., Brennan, J., Farrelly, L., Golden, S. and McVicar, M. 2024. Improving neighbourhood quality of life through effective consultation processes in the UK: learnings from the project Community Consultation for Quality of Life. Cities & Health 8(4), pp. 741-758. (10.1080/23748834.2024.2375849)
- McVicar, M., Platt, C., Runting, H. and Walker, S. 2023. Insights from Portugal's research evaluation exercise. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 27(2), pp. 176-180. (10.1017/S1359135523000234)
- McVicar, M. 2020. 'Engender the confidence to demand better?: the value of architects in community asset transfers. Architectural Design 90(4), pp. 46-51. (10.1002/ad.2589)
- McVicar, M. 2020. Gathering-in-action: the activation of a civic space. Architecture and Culture 8(3-4), pp. 468-483. (10.1080/20507828.2020.1798164)
- McVicar, M. and Turnbull, N. 2018. The live project in the participatory design of a common ethos. Charrette 5(2), pp. 117-135.
- McVicar, M. 2018. Deviation from the standard - the plasterboard ceiling in OMA's McCormick Tribune Campus Center. ARCH+ Magazine for Architecture and Urbanism 233, pp. 194-199.
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. Specifying intent at the museum of childhood. Architectural Research Quarterly 16(3), pp. 218-228. (10.1017/S1359135513000067)
- McVicar, M. 2010. 1:1 – Architects build small spaces. arq: Architectural Research Quarterly 14(3), pp. 195-200. (10.1017/S1359135510000965)
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Memory and progress: confessions in a flagstone wall. ARQ Architectural Research Quarterly 11(3), pp. 198-208.
Book sections
- McVicar, M. 2015. The production of the Commons: Mies van der Rohe and the art of industrial standardisation. In: Lloyd Thomas, K., Amhoff, T. and Beech, N. eds. Industries of Architecture. AHRA Critiques: Critical Studies in Architectural Humanities Vol. 11. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 49-59.
- McVicar, M. 2015. An optional extra: valuing architecture at the Brompton Boilers. In: Odgers, J., McVicar, M. and Kite, S. eds. Economy and Architecture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, pp. 151-161.
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. 'God is in the details'/'The detail is moot': A meeting Between Koolhaas and Mies. In: Sharr, A. ed. Reading Architecture and Culture: Researching Buildings, Spaces and Documents. London: Routledge, pp. 165-178.
- McVicar, M. T. 2012. Reading details: Caruso St John and the poetic intent of construction documents. In: Lees-Maffei, G. ed. Writing Design: Words and Objects. London: Berg Publishers, pp. 149-161.
- McVicar, M. T. 2010. Contested fields: perfection and compromise at Caruso St John's Museum of Childhood. In: Ewing, S. et al. eds. Architecture and Field/Work. Critiques London: Routledge, pp. 138-150.
- McVicar, M. 2010. Passion and control: Lewerentz and a mortar joint. In: Dutoit, A., Odgers, J. and Sharr, A. eds. Quality Out of Control: Standards for Measuring Architecture. London: Routledge, pp. 92-102.
- McVicar, M., Kite, S. and Drozynski, C. eds. 2022. Generosity and architecture. Routledge.
- McVicar, M. 2019. Precision in architecture: Certainty, ambiguity and deviation. Abingdon and New York: Routledge. (10.4324/9781315222639)
- Odgers, J., McVicar, M. and Kite, S. eds. 2015. Economy and architecture. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.
- Kite, S., McVicar, M. T. and Odgers, J. A. eds. 2011. Economy : abstracts. Cardiff: Cardiff University, Welsh School of Architecture.
- McVicar, M. and Turnbull, N. 2018. Creating common ground: the value of participatory design in articulating a common ethos for dwelling. Presented at: Cities, Communities and Homes: Is the Urban Future Livable?, Universityof Derby, 22—23 June, 2017 Presented at Tracada, E. and Cairms, G. eds.AMPS Proceedings Series 10: Cities, Communities Homes – Is the Urban Future Livable?, Vol. 10. AMPS Proceedings AMPS pp. 434-446.
- McVicar, M. T. and Suau, C. 2008. Neglectfulness in the preservation and continuity of late-modern architecture - the case of St Peter's Seminary by Gillespie, Kidd and Coia. Presented at: 10th International DOCOMOMO Conference, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 17-19 September 2008 Presented at van den Heuvel, D. et al. eds.The Challenge of Change: Dealing with the Legacy of the Modern Movement: Proceedings of the 10th International DOCOMOMO Conference. Amsterdam: IOS Press pp. 81-86., (10.3233/978-1-58603-917-2-81)
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Adaptation and continuity: mediating the regional and global in Orkney and Shetland. Presented at: 2nd International CSAAR Conference of the Center for the Study of Architecture and Urbanism, Tunis, Tunisia.
- McVicar, M. T. 2007. Inhabiting space: body, scale and performance. Presented at: Intersections: Design Education and Other Fields of Inquiry. Iowa.
- McVicar, M., Turnbull, N., Harris, N., Heslop, I. and Soleman, M. 2024. Community engagement in local development plans. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M., Soleman, M. and Nekeb, S. 2023. Community consultation for quality of life in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Quality of Life Foundation. Available at:
- Khan, M., Nekeb, S., Smith, T., Harris, N. and McVicar, M. 2023. A Grangetown to grow up in: A children and young people's plan for Grangetown, Cardiff.. Project Report. Cardiff University.
- McVicar, M. T. 2016. Precision in architectural production. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research interests
My research links closely to my role as Project Lead of Cardiff University's Community Gateway, a long place-based partnership between Cardiff University and Grangetown, Cardiff. Since 2012, I have facilitated engagement partnerships and have embedded live teaching and research activities within these partnerships, support ongoing development and observing and reflecting on the role of the architect and of the University within community development. Recent publications emerging from this work include 'Gathering-in-action: the Activation of a Public Space', Architecture and Culture (2020) and 'Engender the confidence to demand better? The value of architects in Community Asset Transfers', Architectural Design (July 2020).
Teaching profile
My teaching in Architecture embeds within community-university partnerships in Grangetown, Cardiff, facilitated through my role as Project Lead of Cardiff University's Community Gateway.
Working with the support of a long term partnership between Cardiff University and Grangetown which begins with community led ideas, skills, and expertise to inform and develop university teaching and research, my teaching builds upon established engagement partnerships with a geographically defined local community, encouraging students to collaborate and to build on previous interdisciplinary research and ideas within design and dissertation work.
I am currently the year chair of the Masters of Architecture (Year2), and module lead of the Design Thesis, leading a design Unit on Value. I supervise Masters of Architecture Dissertations and PhD Theses.
I have previously taught Architectural Technology and Architectural Design in the BSc in Architectural Studies, and contribute to a range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate modules in Design, Technology and History and Theory.
I have a PG Certificate in University Teaching and Learning (2009) and previously taught as an Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois. I am an external assessor at Newcastle University, and have been an invited external reviewer or speaker at numerous institutions including UCL (London), London Metropolitan University (London), IIT (Chicago), UIC (Chicago) and Dalhouise University (Canada).
I joined WSA in 2006, following architectural practice in the UK and USA where I worked on a range of social housing, theatrical, ecclesiastical, commercial and private residential architectural projects, including a Heritage Centre and a self-build residence in the Orkney Islands as Director of a private practice. I completed an NCARB Architectural License in the USA (State of Illinois) in 2004.
I completed a PhD in 2016 at Cardiff University on ’Precision in Architectural Production.’
Prior to this, I graduated with a Masters in Architecture from Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, USA and a BSc First Class Honours from Scott Sutherland School of Architecture, Aberdeen, UK. I previously taught at the School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago.
Honours and awards
- Leadership in the Public Sector Award, Leading Wales Awards 2017.
- Professor Sir David Watson Award (University-Community partnerships) Community Gateway, 2017.
- Cardiff University Outstanding Contribution to Engagement, Community Gateway, 2017.
- Grange Pavilion commendation, RTPI (Royal Town Planners Institute) 2020. Dan Benham Architect, IBI Group, Grange Pavilion CIO, Community Gateway.
Professional memberships
- Affiliate member, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) (2004-present)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Arts, Manufacture and Commerce (RSA) (2017-present)
- Board member, Grange Pavilion Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) (2019-present)
Academic positions
- Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA (2000-2004)
Committees and reviewing
- Chair, RIBA Research Development Group (
- Externam Examiner, MPhil, Cambridge University (2024-present)
- External Examiner, MARch, TU Dublin (2022-present)
- External Examiner, BArch, Birmingham City University (2023-present)
- External Examiner, Newcastle University (20
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Participatory design and co-production in Architecture
- Critiques of the processes of professional architectural practice
- Concepts, definitions and measurements of value and quality in architecture
- Civic space and community-led development
- Architectural History and Theory
Current supervision
Contact Details
+44 29208 74634
Bute Building, Room 1.33, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB