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Melissa Mendez

Dr Melissa Mendez

Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Melissa Mendez


I joined the School of Social Sciences as a Lecturer in Criminology in September 2021. I am originally from Trinidad and Tobago and completed my PhD at Cardiff University in January 2019. My doctoral thesis explored the subjective lived experiences of detained young male offenders in Trinidad and Tobago in the context of state legitimacy and procedural justice.

In addition to a PhD, I hold an LLB (Hons) from the University of the West Indies, a Legal Education Certificate from the Hugh Wooding Law School, an LLM (Merit) from UCL, and an MSc in Social Science Research Methods from Cardiff University.



I am an attorney at law qualified to practise law in the West Indies since 2006. My research interests include legitimacy, race and ethnicity, decolonisation, stigma, masculinities, penology, social justice, and youth justice.


I teach across a number of undergraduate and postgraduate modules. I convene the following modules:

  • Crimes of the powerful
  • Decolonising the social sciences


Honours and awards

  • Professor Howard Jones Bursary
  • The UWI Open Scholarship
  • Trinidad and Tobago National Scholarship


Current supervision

Emma Barrow

Emma Barrow

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 70947
Campuses Glamorgan Building, Room 1.22, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA


  • Criminology
  • Crime and social justice
  • Sociological studies of crime