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Galina Miazhevich

Dr Galina Miazhevich

Senior Lecturer

School of Journalism, Media and Culture

+44 29208 70644
Two Central Square, Central Square, Cardiff, CF10 1FS


Galina Miazhevich is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Journalism, Media, and Culture at Cardiff University, UK. Galina currently leads an AHRC grant (2018-2020) exploring media representations of non-heteronormative sexuality in Russia.

Before joining JOMEC in January 2018, Galina Miazhevich was a lecturer at the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester (2012-2017). Previously Galina was the Gorbachev Media Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK (2008-2012). Galina received his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, where she then worked for two years as a Research Associate on an AHRC-funded project on representations of Islam as security threat.

Galina’s research interests include media representations of Islam and multiculturalism in Europe; media and democracy in post-communist Europe; gender, media and emergent forms of post-Soviet identity; diaspora, transnationalism and media. Galina have extensively published in peer-reviewed journals and co-authored several monographs. She also serves on editorial boards of several international media journals, and regularly reviews for leading journals in the field of communication, media, culture and area studies.















Book sections


Galina is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is involved in the Advisory Board of ECREA—European Communication Research and Education Association. Galina’s work contributes to scholarly, policy and public discussions about media, digital culture, and structural inequalities involving sexual minority communities. Some examples of the ways that Galina’s work engages with a range of different and sectors are below. 

Following the AHRC-funded Leadership grant ‘A Quiet Revolution: Discursive Representations of Non-heteronormative Sexuality in Russia’ (2018-2020) Galina produced various scholarly and impact-related outputs such as a project website, a database and  a Facebook discussion group.

Galina maintains an effective national collaboration and partnership with the partners outside of the higher education sector such as the Chatham House (UK): Galina organised a roundtable on Russian LGBT+ politics (May 2018), which was hailed as the first of its kind and vital for the field. Since then, a series of similar events by other experts (on LGBTQ+ in Central Asia, and violence towards women) followed. Galina is keen on widening participation such as via community links with the LGBTQ+ networks both within (Enfys) and outside of the University (LGBTQ+ activists).

Since the start of the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine in February 2022 Galina provided an expert standpoint for a range of international media such as for the BBC Breakfast news, Wales (04/03/22), NBC program, USA (05/09/22) and contributed to the feature article on V. Zelensky in Helsinki Sanomat, Finland (04/02/2023).