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Galina Miazhevich

Dr Galina Miazhevich

Senior Lecturer

Available for postgraduate supervision


Galina Miazhevich is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Journalism, Media, and Culture at Cardiff University, UK. Galina led an AHRC grant (2018-2020) exploring media representations of non-heteronormative sexuality in Russia.

Before joining JOMEC in January 2018, Galina Miazhevich was a lecturer at the School of Media, Communication and Sociology at the University of Leicester (2013-2017). Previously Galina was the Gorbachev Media Research Fellow at the University of Oxford, UK (2008-2012). Galina received his Ph.D. from the University of Manchester, where she then worked for two years as a Research Associate on an AHRC-funded project on representations of Islam as security threat.

Galina’s research interests include media representations of Islam and multiculturalism in Europe; media and democracy in post-communist Europe; gender, media and emergent forms of post-Soviet identity; feminism; Eurovision and popular culture; diaspora, transnationalism and media. Galina have extensively published in peer-reviewed journals and co-authored several monographs. Galina serves on editorial boards of several international media journals, and regularly reviews for leading journals in the field of communication, media, culture and area studies.















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Galina is currently involved in several research projects. She is part of the Academy of Finland project FEMCORUS (2021-2025) with Saara Ratilainen as the PI, hosted by Tampere University, Finland. FEMCORUS stands for Media, Celebrity, and Everyday Feminism in Contemporary Russia. Galina is currently co-authoring a book Contesting Feminism and Celebrity Culture in Contemporary Russia (Routledge, Gender series).

Galina was the PI of the AHRC-funded Leadership grant A Quiet Revolution: Discursive Representations of Non-heteronormative Sexuality in Russia’ (2018-2020) with the total value of £250.960. Galina edited Queering Russian Media and Culture, Routledge, (2022). She also produced various scholarly and impact-related outputs including a project website, an online database, a Facebook discussion group, two Chatham House workshops, and policy briefings.

Galina is an associate editor for the Oxford Encyclopedia of Race, Ethnicity, and Communication: ‘Russia, Eastern Europe, East Asia’ section (2024).

Galina closely works with the British research funding bodies; she is a valued member of the AHRC Peer Review College.


Galina is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Galina leads the following modules (2024/25):

  • Undergraduate (2d year) – Media, Power and Society;
  • Postgraduate - Politics of Global Communication.

Galina led the following modules (2021/22):

  • Undergraduate (3d year) – Reporting the World;
  • Postgraduate - Politics of Global Communication.

Previously led (2019/21):

  • Postgraduate - Putting Research into Practice 2 (PRIP II)
  • Postgraduate - Politics of Global Communication. This is a core MA module for the MA in Journalism, Media and Communication.


Galina Miazhevich co-supervises several PhD students: Diyana Dobreva with Professor Martin Innes (Security, Crime and Intelligence Innovation Institute, Cardiff University) and John Tasker with Professor Paul Bowman.

PhD proposals in the following areas are welcome:

  • Digital culture and resistance
  • Media management and misinformation
  • Media and democracy
  • Representation of minority groups
  • Post-communist identity politics and multiculturalism 
  • Gender and feminism
  • Eurovision and popular culture
  • Geopolitics and nation-branding
  • Research methods and ethics

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