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Rebecca Milton

Miss Rebecca Milton

Research Associate - Trial Manager


I am a Research Associate / Trial Manager at the Centre for Trials Research (CTR) working on two research studies and a PhD in global maternal and neonatal health. 

My current projects:

The POOL Study which is a study looking to establish the safety of waterbirths, this is led by School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University and is based in the UK across 26 NHS sites.

SIMCA a study exploring at the factors influencing the implementation of the Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) model of care in England: a mixed method cross-case analysis. 

Some of my previous work include:

STEADFAST a research study looking at education outcomes in young people with diabetes: innovative involvement and governance to support public trust. 

PAN-COVID is a global registry led by Imperial College London, aiming to evaluate the association of suspected COVID-19 and confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in women in pregnancy with: 1. Miscarriage, 2. Fetal growth restriction and stillbirth, 3. Pre-term delivery and 4. Vertical transmission

FEMUR III is definitive randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a community-based rehabilitation package following hip fracture led by Liverpool University, CTR oversee three NHS sites in South Wales.

Incidence and determinants of stillbirth in Nigeria a feasibility study funded by the Global Challenges Research Fund.

BARNARDS (Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from Developing Societies) which was led by Cardiff University and was a global study aiming to determine the incidence of sepsis in neonates from seven low- and middle income countries as well as to understand the burden of antibiotic resistance which was funded by The Gates Foundation.












My current research study commitments:

The POOL Study which is a study looking to establish the safety of waterbirths, this is led by School of Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University and is based in the UK across 26 NHS sites.

SIMCA a study exploring at the factors influencing the implementation of the Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) model of care in England: a mixed method cross-case analysis. 

My personal research interests: 

I am currently working on my PhD by publication focusing on maternal and neonatal global health, with particular interest in working in low- and middle income countries. 

I developed an animation presenting findings from a feasibility study looking at Incience and Determinants of Stillbirth in Nigeria


Education and Qualifications: 

  • 2016: PRINCE II – Project Management
  • 2013: MPH; Cardiff University
  • 2013: Bsc Nutrition, Physical Activity and Community Health; University of Glamorgan
  • 2010: Institute of Leadership and Management, Leading and Managing Teams


  • Co-applicant: SIMCA: Factors influencing the implementation of the Midwifery Continuity of Carer (MCoC) model of care in England: a mixed method cross-case analysis. 
  • Lead applicant: Network award for GCRF dissemination (Incidence and risk factors of stillbirth in Nigeria) (GCRF)
  • Co-applicant: BARNARDS: Burden of Antibiotic Resistance in Neonates from developing societies (Bill & Melinda Gates) and Incidence and risk factors of stillbirth in Northern Nigeria (Kano) (GCRF)

Honours and awards

  • February 2020: GW4 Early Career Symposia Scheme (AMR)
  • April 2019: Outstanding contribution to international work through the Cardiff University MEDIC Star Awards.

Professional memberships

  • UK Trial Managers Network (UKTMN)
  • NIHR-MRC Trials Methodology Research Partnership Global Health Working Group Member

Academic positions

  • 2018 - present: Research Assoicate / Trial Manager: CTR
  • 2015-2018: Project Manager: BARNARDS, Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University
  • 2014-2015: Research Assistant: Healthcare Sciences, Cardiff University
  • 2010-2015: Project Assistant: MITReG, Infection and Immunity, Cardiff University