Dr Jonathan Mitchell
Senior Lecturer
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am currently Senior Lecturer in Philosophy.
I work in the philosophy of mind, with a focus on phenomenology, perception, emotion, and value.
I recently published a book, titled "Emotions as Feelings Towards Value: A Theory of Emotional Experience" with Oxford University Press.
For a full list of publications and research see http://www.jonathanmitchell.co.uk/
- Mitchell, J. 2025. The phenomenal contribution of attention. Inquiry 68, pp. 513-544. (10.1080/0020174X.2022.2107061)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Sartre’s exclusion claim: Perception and imagination as radically distinct consciousnesses. European Journal of Philosophy (10.1111/ejop.13017)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. The horizonal structure of visual experience. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102(2), pp. 428-448. (10.1080/00048402.2023.2289114)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Towards affective-evaluativism: the intentional structure of unpleasant pain experience. Philosophical Quarterly (10.1093/pq/pqae002)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. A Nietzschean theory of emotional experience: Affect as feeling towards value. Inquiry 67(1), pp. 1-24. (10.1080/0020174X.2020.1850341)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. On the temporality of the emotions: An essay on grief, anger, and love, by Berislav Marušić [Book Review]. European Journal of Philosophy 31(2), pp. 534-538. (10.1111/ejop.12858)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. Emotion and attention. Philosophical Studies 180, pp. 79-99. (10.1007/s11098-022-01876-5)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. Exploring affective evaluative horizons. Journal of Consciousness Studies 30(7-8), pp. 36-60. (10.53765/20512201.30.7.036)
- Mitchell, J. 2022. Liking that it hurts: the case of the masochist and second-order desire accounts of pain’s unpleasantness. American Philosophical Quarterly 59(2), pp. 181-189. (10.5406/21521123.59.2.06)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Affective shifts: mood, emotion and well-being. Synthese 199, pp. 11793-11820. (10.1007/s11229-021-03312-3)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Experiencing mandates: Towards a hybrid account. Australasian Journal of Philosophy (10.1080/00048402.2021.1995013)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. The bodily-attitudinal theory of emotion. Philosophical Studies 178, pp. 2635-2663. (10.1007/s11098-020-01567-z)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. The mind’s presence to itself: In search of non‐intentional awareness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (10.1111/phpr.12804)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Affective representation and affective attitudes. Synthese 198, pp. 3519-3546. (10.1007/s11229-019-02294-7)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Self-locating content in visual experience and the "here-replacement" account. Journal of Philosophy 118(4), pp. 188-213. (10.5840/jphil2021118414)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Two irreducible classes of emotional experiences: Affective imaginings and affective perceptions. European Journal of Philosophy (10.1111/ejop.12648)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Emotion as feeling towards value: a theory of emotional experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- Mitchell, J. 2020. The irreducibility of emotional phenomenology. Erkenntnis 85, pp. 1241-1268. (10.1007/s10670-018-0075-8)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. Another look at mode intentionalism. Erkenntnis (10.1007/s10670-020-00314-4)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. The attitudinal opacity of emotional experience. Philosophical Quarterly 70(280), pp. 524-546. (10.1093/pq/pqz085)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. On the non-conceptual content of affective-evaluative experience. Synthese 197(7), pp. 3087-3111. (10.1007/s11229-018-1872-y)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. Understanding meta-emotions: Prospects for a perceptualist account. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50(4), pp. 505-523. (10.1017/can.2019.47)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Emotional experience and propositional content. Dialectica 73(4), pp. 535-561. (10.1111/1746-8361.12285)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Pre-emotional value awareness and the content-priority view. Philosophical Quarterly 69(277), pp. 771-794. (10.1093/pq/pqz018)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. The varieties of mood intentionality. In: Breidenbach, B. and Docherty, T. eds. Mood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New Theories. New York, NY: Routledge
- Mitchell, J. 2019. The intentionality and intelligibility of moods. European Journal of Philosophy 27(1), pp. 118-135. (10.1111/ejop.12385)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Can Evaluativism about unpleasant pains meet the normative condition?. Inquiry 62(7), pp. 779-802. (10.1080/0020174X.2018.1562377)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. A Nietzschean critique of metaphysical philosophy. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48(3), pp. 347-374. (10.5325/jnietstud.48.3.0347)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. The epistemology of emotional experience. Dialectica 71(1), pp. 84. (10.1111/1746-8361.12171)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. Nietzsche on taste: Epistemic privilege and anti-realism. Inquiry 60(1-2), pp. 31-65. (10.1080/0020174X.2016.1251166)
- Mitchell, J. 2016. Nietzschean self-overcoming. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47(3), pp. 323-350. (10.5325/jnietstud.47.3.0323)
- Mitchell, J. 2025. The phenomenal contribution of attention. Inquiry 68, pp. 513-544. (10.1080/0020174X.2022.2107061)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Sartre’s exclusion claim: Perception and imagination as radically distinct consciousnesses. European Journal of Philosophy (10.1111/ejop.13017)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. The horizonal structure of visual experience. Australasian Journal of Philosophy 102(2), pp. 428-448. (10.1080/00048402.2023.2289114)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. Towards affective-evaluativism: the intentional structure of unpleasant pain experience. Philosophical Quarterly (10.1093/pq/pqae002)
- Mitchell, J. 2024. A Nietzschean theory of emotional experience: Affect as feeling towards value. Inquiry 67(1), pp. 1-24. (10.1080/0020174X.2020.1850341)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. On the temporality of the emotions: An essay on grief, anger, and love, by Berislav Marušić [Book Review]. European Journal of Philosophy 31(2), pp. 534-538. (10.1111/ejop.12858)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. Emotion and attention. Philosophical Studies 180, pp. 79-99. (10.1007/s11098-022-01876-5)
- Mitchell, J. 2023. Exploring affective evaluative horizons. Journal of Consciousness Studies 30(7-8), pp. 36-60. (10.53765/20512201.30.7.036)
- Mitchell, J. 2022. Liking that it hurts: the case of the masochist and second-order desire accounts of pain’s unpleasantness. American Philosophical Quarterly 59(2), pp. 181-189. (10.5406/21521123.59.2.06)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Affective shifts: mood, emotion and well-being. Synthese 199, pp. 11793-11820. (10.1007/s11229-021-03312-3)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Experiencing mandates: Towards a hybrid account. Australasian Journal of Philosophy (10.1080/00048402.2021.1995013)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. The bodily-attitudinal theory of emotion. Philosophical Studies 178, pp. 2635-2663. (10.1007/s11098-020-01567-z)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. The mind’s presence to itself: In search of non‐intentional awareness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (10.1111/phpr.12804)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Affective representation and affective attitudes. Synthese 198, pp. 3519-3546. (10.1007/s11229-019-02294-7)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Self-locating content in visual experience and the "here-replacement" account. Journal of Philosophy 118(4), pp. 188-213. (10.5840/jphil2021118414)
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Two irreducible classes of emotional experiences: Affective imaginings and affective perceptions. European Journal of Philosophy (10.1111/ejop.12648)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. The irreducibility of emotional phenomenology. Erkenntnis 85, pp. 1241-1268. (10.1007/s10670-018-0075-8)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. Another look at mode intentionalism. Erkenntnis (10.1007/s10670-020-00314-4)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. The attitudinal opacity of emotional experience. Philosophical Quarterly 70(280), pp. 524-546. (10.1093/pq/pqz085)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. On the non-conceptual content of affective-evaluative experience. Synthese 197(7), pp. 3087-3111. (10.1007/s11229-018-1872-y)
- Mitchell, J. 2020. Understanding meta-emotions: Prospects for a perceptualist account. Canadian Journal of Philosophy 50(4), pp. 505-523. (10.1017/can.2019.47)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Emotional experience and propositional content. Dialectica 73(4), pp. 535-561. (10.1111/1746-8361.12285)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Pre-emotional value awareness and the content-priority view. Philosophical Quarterly 69(277), pp. 771-794. (10.1093/pq/pqz018)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. The intentionality and intelligibility of moods. European Journal of Philosophy 27(1), pp. 118-135. (10.1111/ejop.12385)
- Mitchell, J. 2019. Can Evaluativism about unpleasant pains meet the normative condition?. Inquiry 62(7), pp. 779-802. (10.1080/0020174X.2018.1562377)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. A Nietzschean critique of metaphysical philosophy. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 48(3), pp. 347-374. (10.5325/jnietstud.48.3.0347)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. The epistemology of emotional experience. Dialectica 71(1), pp. 84. (10.1111/1746-8361.12171)
- Mitchell, J. 2017. Nietzsche on taste: Epistemic privilege and anti-realism. Inquiry 60(1-2), pp. 31-65. (10.1080/0020174X.2016.1251166)
- Mitchell, J. 2016. Nietzschean self-overcoming. Journal of Nietzsche Studies 47(3), pp. 323-350. (10.5325/jnietstud.47.3.0323)
Book sections
- Mitchell, J. 2019. The varieties of mood intentionality. In: Breidenbach, B. and Docherty, T. eds. Mood: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, New Theories. New York, NY: Routledge
- Mitchell, J. 2021. Emotion as feeling towards value: a theory of emotional experience. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
My research focuses on the intersection between philosophy of mind and phenomenology.
I am now working towards a theory of intentional horizons, drawing on material from Husserl, Sartre, and contemporary philosophers. Consider the following puzzling features of everyday experience. Standing in front of a house, we only see its front-side. Nonetheless, our visual experience is of a three-dimensional entity. We see a house, not a mere façade. Alternatively, say I am listening to a piece of music. All I strictly hear at any one moment are the notes currently being sounded, yet nonetheless, I hear a melody unfolding, rather than a series of disconnected chords. Next, consider how a range of our emotions and desires seem to concern themselves with ‘future values’ – say the anticipated joy of a reunion with a friend – the realization of which often falls short of expectations (we experience a ‘dissatisfaction in presence’). In all these cases, different though they are in important respects, the puzzling features seem to stem from the way such experiences involve a ‘sense of the possible’ which goes beyond what is explicitly represented. My current research aims to explain the way in which this sense of the possible figures across a range of experiences, from the kinds of sense-perceptual cases mentioned above to affective and evaluative experience. Connecting discussions of similar themes in the history of philosophy with contemporary philosophy of mind, this research will provide a comprehensive investigation into this fascinating but often overlooked topic.
I continue to have a lively interest in recent developments in the philosophy of emotion, and more broadly in areas of the philosophy of mind that concern themselves with understanding the nature of conscious intentionality.
I am a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
UG courses taught or co-taught: A Sense of the Possible, The Varieties of Experience, Critical Thinking
PG courses taught: Varieties of Philosophical Reasoning.
My office is 1.43 (John Percival Building). Please contact for office hours.
I studied for my masters in Philosophy at the University of Sheffield and got my Ph.D. from the University of Warwick in 2016. From 2017-8, I was a post-doc at the University of Johannesburg (Department of Philosophy). From 2018-2021 I was a British Academy postdoctoral research fellow at the University of Manchester (on the project 'Emotions as Feeling Towards Value'). I joined the Philosophy Department at the University of Cardiff as a lecturer in September 2021
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the following areas:
- Phenomenology
- Emotion and Value
- Intentionality
- Consciousness (specifically topics related to conscious experience)
- Husserl, Sartre, and other classical phenomenologists
- Nietzsche