Dr Dnyaneshwar Mogale
BTech, MTech, PhD, FHEA
Senior Lecturer in Supply Chain and Logistics Modelling
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Dr Dnyaneshwar (Danny) Mogale is a Senior Lecturer of Supply Chain and Logistics Modelling at Cardiff Business School. He is a Fellow of Higher Education Academy (FHEA). Previously, he was affiliated with Cranfield School of Management, as a Visiting Researcher at the Centre for Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Dr Mogale holds a PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India. Danny also holds MTech in Industrial Engineering and Management and BTech in Production Engineering. He was associated as a Research Assistant with the Geneva School of Business Administration, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland.
Danny's research interests include supply chain and logistics modelling, risk and resilience and sustainability. He develops various mathematical models inspired by real-life complex supply chain and logistics problems to improve the economic, environmental and social performance of the industries. This is closely aligned with Cardiff Business School Public Value strategy. Danny has a successful track record of applying for and obtaining grants from different funding bodies such as Global Wales and ESRC IAA. The projects' focus includes modelling the impact of COVID-19 on sustainable food supply chains and developing a novel decision support framework to reduce logistics costs, minimise CO2 emission and consistently send temperature-sensitive products to hospitals and pharmacies.
He has authored many research articles in international journals like Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, Annals of Operations Research and Computers and Industrial Engineering. He is also a reviewer for several international journals in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management.
- Found, P., Mogale, D., Xu, Z. and Yang, J. 2024. Food supply chain resilience in major disruptions. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 35(4), pp. 655-681. (10.1108/JMTM-02-2022-0081)
- Mogale, D., Xian, D. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2024. Managing logistics risks in pharmaceutical supply chain: A 4PL perspective. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2363938)
- Mogale, D. G., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2023. Modelling and analysing supply chain disruption: A case of online grocery retailer. Operations Management Research 16(4), pp. 1901-1924. (10.1007/s12063-023-00405-9)
- Ghadge, A. and Mogale, D. 2023. Big Data analytics and its applications in supply chain management: A literature review using SCOR model. Presented at: International Conference on Data Analytics in Public Procurement and Supply Chain (ICDAPS2022), Virtual, 10-11 June 2022 Presented at Tiwari, M. K. et al. eds.Applications of Emerging Technologies and AI/ML Algorithms. Asset Analytics Singapore: Springer pp. 57-67., (10.1007/978-981-99-1019-9_7)
- Mogale, D. G., Ghadge, A., Cheikhrouhou, N. and Tiwari, M. K. 2023. Designing a food supply chain for enhanced social sustainability in developing countries. International Journal of Production Research 61(10), pp. 3184-3204. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2078746)
- Mogale, D., De, A., Ghadge, A. and Tiwari, M. K. 2023. Designing a sustainable freight transportation network with cross-docks. International Journal of Production Research 61(5), pp. 1455-1478. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2037777)
- Ghadge, A., Mogale, D., Bourlakis, M., Maiyar, L. M. and Moradlou, H. 2022. Link between Industry 4.0 and green supply chain management: evidence from the automotive industry. Computers and Industrial Engineering 169, article number: 108303. (10.1016/j.cie.2022.108303)
- Mogale, D. G., De, A., Ghadge, A. and Aktas, E. 2022. Multi-objective modelling of sustainable closed-loop supply chain network with price-sensitive demand and consumer’s incentives. Computers and Industrial Engineering 168, article number: 108105. (10.1016/j.cie.2022.108105)
- Ghadge, A., Er Kara, M., Mogale, D. G., Choudhary, S. and Dani, S. 2021. Sustainability implementation challenges in food supply chains: A case of UK artisan cheese producers. Production Planning and Control 32(14), pp. 1191-1206. (10.1080/09537287.2020.1796140)
- Mogale, D. G., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2020. Green food supply chain design considering risk and post-harvest losses: a case study. Annals of Operations Research 295, pp. 257-284. (10.1007/s10479-020-03664-y)
- Mogale, D. G., Cheikhrouhou, N. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2020. Modelling of sustainable food grain supply chain distribution system: a bi-objective approach. International Journal of Production Research 58(18) (10.1080/00207543.2019.1669840)
- De, A., Mogale, D. G., Zhang, M., Pratap, S., Krishna Kumar, S. and Huang, G. Q. 2020. Multi-period multi-echelon inventory transportation problem considering stakeholders behavioural tendencies. International Journal of Production Economics 225, article number: 107566. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107566)
- Vignan Gupta, E., Mogale, D. G. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2019. Optimal control of production and maintenance operations in smart custom manufacturing systems with multiple machines. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), pp. 241-246. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.148)
- Mogale, D. G., Ghadge, A., Krishna Kumar, S. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2019. Modelling supply chain network for procurement of food grains in India. International Journal of Production Research (10.1080/00207543.2019.1682707)
- Mogale, D. G., Lahoti, G., Jha, S. B., Shukla, M., Kamath, N. and Kumat Tiwari, M. 2018. Dual market facility network fesign under bounded rationality.. Algorithms 11(4), pp. 54. (10.3390/a11040054)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, M., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2018. Grain silo location-allocation problem with dwell time for optimization of food grain supply chain network.. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 111, pp. 40-69. (10.1016/j.tre.2018.01.004)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2018. An MINLP model to support the movement and storage decisions of the Indian food grain supply chain. Control Engineering Practice 70, pp. 98-113. (10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.09.017)
- Mogale, D., Dolgui, A., Kandhway, R., Kumar, S. and Tiwari, M. 2017. A multi-period inventory transportation model for tactical planning of food grain supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering 110, pp. 379-394. (10.1016/j.cie.2017.06.008)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K., Marquez, F. P. G. and Tiwari, M. K. 2017. Bulk wheat transportation and storage problem of public distribution system. Computers and Industrial Engineering 104, pp. 80-97. (10.1016/j.cie.2016.12.027)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2016. Two stage Indian food grain supply chain network transportation-allocation model. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), pp. 1767-1772. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.838)
- Found, P., Mogale, D., Xu, Z. and Yang, J. 2024. Food supply chain resilience in major disruptions. Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 35(4), pp. 655-681. (10.1108/JMTM-02-2022-0081)
- Mogale, D., Xian, D. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2024. Managing logistics risks in pharmaceutical supply chain: A 4PL perspective. Production Planning and Control (10.1080/09537287.2024.2363938)
- Mogale, D. G., Wang, X., Demir, E. and Sanchez Rodrigues, V. 2023. Modelling and analysing supply chain disruption: A case of online grocery retailer. Operations Management Research 16(4), pp. 1901-1924. (10.1007/s12063-023-00405-9)
- Mogale, D. G., Ghadge, A., Cheikhrouhou, N. and Tiwari, M. K. 2023. Designing a food supply chain for enhanced social sustainability in developing countries. International Journal of Production Research 61(10), pp. 3184-3204. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2078746)
- Mogale, D., De, A., Ghadge, A. and Tiwari, M. K. 2023. Designing a sustainable freight transportation network with cross-docks. International Journal of Production Research 61(5), pp. 1455-1478. (10.1080/00207543.2022.2037777)
- Ghadge, A., Mogale, D., Bourlakis, M., Maiyar, L. M. and Moradlou, H. 2022. Link between Industry 4.0 and green supply chain management: evidence from the automotive industry. Computers and Industrial Engineering 169, article number: 108303. (10.1016/j.cie.2022.108303)
- Mogale, D. G., De, A., Ghadge, A. and Aktas, E. 2022. Multi-objective modelling of sustainable closed-loop supply chain network with price-sensitive demand and consumer’s incentives. Computers and Industrial Engineering 168, article number: 108105. (10.1016/j.cie.2022.108105)
- Ghadge, A., Er Kara, M., Mogale, D. G., Choudhary, S. and Dani, S. 2021. Sustainability implementation challenges in food supply chains: A case of UK artisan cheese producers. Production Planning and Control 32(14), pp. 1191-1206. (10.1080/09537287.2020.1796140)
- Mogale, D. G., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2020. Green food supply chain design considering risk and post-harvest losses: a case study. Annals of Operations Research 295, pp. 257-284. (10.1007/s10479-020-03664-y)
- Mogale, D. G., Cheikhrouhou, N. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2020. Modelling of sustainable food grain supply chain distribution system: a bi-objective approach. International Journal of Production Research 58(18) (10.1080/00207543.2019.1669840)
- De, A., Mogale, D. G., Zhang, M., Pratap, S., Krishna Kumar, S. and Huang, G. Q. 2020. Multi-period multi-echelon inventory transportation problem considering stakeholders behavioural tendencies. International Journal of Production Economics 225, article number: 107566. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2019.107566)
- Vignan Gupta, E., Mogale, D. G. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2019. Optimal control of production and maintenance operations in smart custom manufacturing systems with multiple machines. IFAC-PapersOnLine 52(13), pp. 241-246. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2019.11.148)
- Mogale, D. G., Ghadge, A., Krishna Kumar, S. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2019. Modelling supply chain network for procurement of food grains in India. International Journal of Production Research (10.1080/00207543.2019.1682707)
- Mogale, D. G., Lahoti, G., Jha, S. B., Shukla, M., Kamath, N. and Kumat Tiwari, M. 2018. Dual market facility network fesign under bounded rationality.. Algorithms 11(4), pp. 54. (10.3390/a11040054)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, M., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2018. Grain silo location-allocation problem with dwell time for optimization of food grain supply chain network.. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 111, pp. 40-69. (10.1016/j.tre.2018.01.004)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K. and Tiwari, M. K. 2018. An MINLP model to support the movement and storage decisions of the Indian food grain supply chain. Control Engineering Practice 70, pp. 98-113. (10.1016/j.conengprac.2017.09.017)
- Mogale, D., Dolgui, A., Kandhway, R., Kumar, S. and Tiwari, M. 2017. A multi-period inventory transportation model for tactical planning of food grain supply chain. Computers and Industrial Engineering 110, pp. 379-394. (10.1016/j.cie.2017.06.008)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K., Marquez, F. P. G. and Tiwari, M. K. 2017. Bulk wheat transportation and storage problem of public distribution system. Computers and Industrial Engineering 104, pp. 80-97. (10.1016/j.cie.2016.12.027)
- Mogale, D., Kumar, S. K. and Kumar Tiwari, M. 2016. Two stage Indian food grain supply chain network transportation-allocation model. IFAC-PapersOnLine 49(12), pp. 1767-1772. (10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.838)
- Ghadge, A. and Mogale, D. 2023. Big Data analytics and its applications in supply chain management: A literature review using SCOR model. Presented at: International Conference on Data Analytics in Public Procurement and Supply Chain (ICDAPS2022), Virtual, 10-11 June 2022 Presented at Tiwari, M. K. et al. eds.Applications of Emerging Technologies and AI/ML Algorithms. Asset Analytics Singapore: Springer pp. 57-67., (10.1007/978-981-99-1019-9_7)
Research interests
- Supply chain and Logistics modelling
- Supply chain risk and resilience
- Sustainability
Research Projects
- Prof. Mohamed Naim (PI), Dnyaneshwar Mogale (Co-I) and Dr Irina Harris (Co-I), 2023. Knowledge Transfer Partnership. £239,719 three years project funded by Innovate UK and Tower Cold chain solutions.
- Dnyaneshwar Mogale (PI), Dr Irina Harris (Co-I) and Prof. Mohamed Naim (Co-I). Robust and reliable distribution of temperature-sensitive products using innovative reusable containers, 01/02/2022-31/01/2023, £3000, sponsored by Cardiff University ESRC Impact Acceleration programme
- Dnyaneshwar Mogale (PI). Modelling the impact of COVID-19 on sustainable food supply chains (FSCs)” through collaboration with the National Institute of Industrial Engineering (NITIE), Mumbai, India, 01/10/2020 - 30/06/2022, £3180 sponsored by Global Wales International Research Mobility Fund from Global Wales.
Current teaching commitments:
MSc module – BST846 Modelling and Analysis for Sustainable Supply Chains and Logistics
MSc module – BST835 Risk Management in Supply Chains
MSc module - BST811 Business Data Analytics
Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA), UK.
PhD in Industrial and Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Kharagpur, India.
MTech in Industrial Engineering and Management, National Institute of Technology, Tiruchirappalli, India.
BTech in Production Engineering, SRTMU, Nanded, India.
Honours and awards
- Invited Session chair at "The 2nd Welsh Postgraduate Research Conference in Business/Management & Economics (WPGRC 2022)" hosted by Cardiff University on 16th June 2022.
- Invited Session chair at International Conference on Industrial Engineering Practices and Management-(ICIEM -2021) at MNIT Jaipur, India, 17- 19 December 2021.
- Organised and chaired the session on "Sustainability and Circular Economy Challenges in Food Supply Chains" at the LRN2021 conference, 8-10 September 2021, Cardiff University, UK.
- Invited expert lecture on “Multi-Objective Chemical Reaction Optimization Algorithm and How to Publish in High-Quality Journals” at Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India (8th August 2020).
- Co-authored the paper which was selected for IFAC 2019 Young Author Award Finalists.
Professional memberships
- Invited judging panel member for Logistics Dissertation (Undergraduate and master) of the Year Awards given by the CILT UK
- Invited judging panel member for James Cooper Memorial Cup (PhD) award given by the CILT UK.
- Invited judging panel member for Seed Corn Research Fund of £7500 given by the CILT UK.
- Cardiff University’s representative at UK The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport’s (CILT), Logistics and Research Network (LRN) Forum Committee since December 2020.
Academic positions
- Aug 2023 - Present, Senior Lecturer in Supply Chains and Logistics Modelling, Cardiff University, UK.
- Jan 2020 - July 2023, Lecturer in Logistics and Operations Management, Cardiff University, UK.
- May 2019 - December 2019: Visiting Researcher, Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, UK.
Speaking engagements
- Invited guest lecture on "Designing a sustainable freight transportation network with cross-docks” at the Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India on 2nd February 2023.
- Invited guest lecture on "Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Supply Chains” at the Malaviya National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Jaipur, India on 19th January 2023.
- Panel member for discussion on "Post PhD Career Opportunities and Essential Improvements" by Clemson University, South Carolina, USA on 22nd September 2022.
- Invited guest lecture on "Improvement Measures for Freight Transportation System" at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India (12th November 2021).
Committees and reviewing
- Reviewer for many international journals in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management such as Transportation Research Part E, International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production Research, Production Planning and Control, Annals of Operations Research and Computers and Industrial Engineering.
- Reviewer for conference papers such as IFAC, LRN and IPSERA.
- International examiner for PhD thesis.
- Organising member for the LRN PhD workshop at LRN 2022 conference, 7-9 September 2022, Aston, UK.
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- Supply chain modelling and optimisation
- Food supply chains
- Sustainability
- Supply chain risk and resilience
Current supervision

S M Salauddin Salauddin
Contact Details
+44 29208 75714
Aberconway Building, Room D12, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Research themes
- Supply chain and Logistics Modelling
- Supply chain risk management
- Sustainability