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Kate Moles

Dr Kate Moles

Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Kate Moles



My research and writing explores the relationships between everyday practices of memory and heritage, mobility and place, and future imaginaries and the enduring legacies of colonialism, which I have engaged with through ethnographic research.

I have an ongoing interest in ideas of public and community engagement in research and in my work and am committed to social justice, inclusive practice and reparative processes. Previous projects I have undertaken have included research on postcolonialism, heritage, post-industrial communities and young people's sense of their historical and contemporary places and their imagined futures. Underpinning all this work, and developed through my writing, is an interest in qualitative methods, particularly ethnographic, mobile and multimodal methods (soundwalks, visual methods).

I am co-PI of the Education, Justice and Memory network (EdJAM), which is a network of researchers, educators and civil society organisations working in the arts, education and heritage. We are committed to creative ways to teach and learn about the violent past in order to build more just futures.

EdJAM is funded by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Global Challenges Research Funding (GCRF) Collective Programme.





















Book sections








My research at the moment is organised around two main topics. The first focuses on heritage, memory, justice and conflict, particularly looking at how post-conflict countries creatively and constructively work towards justice, repair and ongoing peace. I am Co-PI on the AHRC GCRF Network + project Education Justice and Memory (EdJAM) which s a network of researchers, educators and civil society organisations working in the arts, education and heritage. We are committed to creative ways to teach and learn about the violent past in order to build more just futures. I continue this work as PI, on a project funded by the BA-GCRF in Uganda considering Youth Futures and how creative heritage practices, mneumonic work and future imaginaries are embedded in everyday lives, cause temporal disruptions and are a 'burden' for those who undertake them. This work is with the Uganda Museum and Refugee Law Project, and has produced a mobile exhibition that has iteratively travelled around Northern Uganda, changing the narrative and content of the exhibition as it goes. I have also worked on an AHRC funded project in Uganda that uses co-produced heritage narratives to inform the development of a digital resource that will allow heritage and memory work to be understood outside of the museum, and instead as part of the everyday lives and practices of people.This strand of my work is also part of an ongoing partnership I am involved in with the National Trust, developing from the GW4's Colonial Connections Community and into a funded project called Making Labour Visible in Penrhyn Castle, North Wales. 

Running through this strand is a strong preoccupation with questions around the enduring legacies of colonialism, and how people negotiate and navigate these legacies in their everyday lives and practices. 

The second thread of my work is on water, wild swimming practices and the relationship between people and place. This work explores the politics of access, pollution, enduring ideas of wildness or wilderness, and the ways people's swimming practices are complicit in and critical of established ways of understandings the entanglements of bodies, waters, human and non-human actors. 


I teach extensively across the School of Social Science, and particularly within the sociology programme. 

I currently convene or co-convene: Sociological Inquiries (Year 1); Social Research Methods (Year 2); Live Theory (Year 3), Decolonising the Social Sciences (Year 3); The Museum (MA Global Heritage)


I did my undergraduate in sociology at Trinity College Dublin, before coming to Cardiff for my postgraduate degrees. I worked as a researcher in the Wales Rural Institute and at the Wales Institute for Social and Economic Research Data and Methods (WISERD) before beginning my lectureship at Cardiff School of Social Science in 2013.

Professional memberships

HEA Fellow (2016)


I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:

  • memory, heritage and the past
  • mobile methods
  • young people, place and community
  • Swimming and water
  • ethnography 

Current supervision

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Research themes