Dr Alexandra Morgan
Lecturer/ Programme Co-ordinator Masters in Educational Practice
- Available for postgraduate supervision
- Morgan, A., Davies, A. J. and Milton, E. 2024. Using discourse analysis to inform content analysis: a pragmatic, mixed methods approach exploring how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions.. In: Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Bristol: Policy Press
- Morgan, A. and Milton, E. 2024. Double trouble: The legacy of COVID-19 for early-career teachers and their pupils in Wales. Practice (10.1080/25783858.2023.2279619)
- Milton, E. and Morgan, A. 2023. Enquiry as a way of being: a practical framework to support leaders in both embracing the complexity of and creating the conditions for meaningful professional learning. Professional Development in Education 49(6), pp. 1072-1086. (10.1080/19415257.2023.2251122)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
- Morgan, A. 2010. Interactive whiteboards, interactivity and play in the classroom with children aged three to seven years. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 18(1), pp. 93-104. (10.1080/13502930903520082)
- Morgan, A. and Siraj-Blatchford, J. 2009. Using ICT in the early years: Parents and practitioners in partnership. London: Practical Pre-School.
- Morgan, A. and Milton, E. 2024. Double trouble: The legacy of COVID-19 for early-career teachers and their pupils in Wales. Practice (10.1080/25783858.2023.2279619)
- Milton, E. and Morgan, A. 2023. Enquiry as a way of being: a practical framework to support leaders in both embracing the complexity of and creating the conditions for meaningful professional learning. Professional Development in Education 49(6), pp. 1072-1086. (10.1080/19415257.2023.2251122)
- Milton, E., Morgan, A., Davies, A. J., Connolly, M., Donnelly, D. and Ellis, I. 2023. Framing headship: a demand-side analysis of how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions. International Journal of Leadership in Education 26(2), pp. 339-358. (10.1080/13603124.2020.1811898)
- Morgan, A. 2010. Interactive whiteboards, interactivity and play in the classroom with children aged three to seven years. European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 18(1), pp. 93-104. (10.1080/13502930903520082)
Book sections
- Morgan, A., Davies, A. J. and Milton, E. 2024. Using discourse analysis to inform content analysis: a pragmatic, mixed methods approach exploring how the headteacher role is articulated in job descriptions.. In: Kara, H., Mannay, D. and Roy, A. eds. The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Bristol: Policy Press
- Morgan, A. and Siraj-Blatchford, J. 2009. Using ICT in the early years: Parents and practitioners in partnership. London: Practical Pre-School.
- Morgan, A., Milton, E., James, D., Kneen, J., Clement, J., Bryant, A. and Beauchamp, G. 2022. Pandemic-related assessment experiences and innovations: implications for initial teacher education. Welsh Government.
Learning in the Early Years both in school and the home learning environment.
Interventions aimed at improving outcomes for all children and narrowing the gap between those learners that do well at school and those who do not. Developing and supporting parent-partnership.
I began my academic career as a scientist and completed a PhD in Artificial Neural Networks at Cardiff University. I have taught at both Primary and Secondary level gaining QTS through the Graduate Teacher Training Scheme. I have worked as a specialist ICT teacher providing continuing professional development for experienced classroom practitioners. My experience of working with practitioners to support their professional development includes:
- Senior Academic Tutor Primary PGCE Swansea University (2002-2004)
- Lecturer Early Childhood Swansea University (2004-2011)
- Senior Research Fellow Swansea University (2011-2012)
I am currently Programme Co-ordinator for the Masters in Educational Practice programme for Newly Qualified Teachers in Wales.
I have experience of working on successful funded research projects employing mixed-method approaches. I am currently involved with the Supporting Playful Learning with ICT project, SPLICT (Esmee Fairbairn), Evaluation of 'Pori Drwy Stori' (Bookstart/WG) and the Evaluation of the Foundation Phase (WG).
Research Grants Awarded
£30,000 Booktrust/WG Evaluation of the 'Pori Drwy Stori' Initiative (2012-2015)
£295,915 Esmée Fairbairn Charitable Trust, 'Supporting Playful Learning with ICT in the Early Years' (SPLICT) associate project of the Welsh Institute for Economic and Social Research Data (WISERD) 2010-2012
£20,000 Swansea LEA Sustained shared thinking with ICT in the Early Years (2010 – 2012)
BECTa grant: The impact of technological experiences on children's approach to developing capability with new ICT tools (with Dr. Steve Kennewell) 2003-4 (£8800)
Cymorth 'Young Researchers' Project 2005-6 (£8,000)
ESRC grant (Teaching and Learning Research Programme): ICT and Interactive teaching Co -applicant 2005-2007 (£111,411)
ESRC/WERN (Teaching and Learning Research Programme) Research Fellowship: The application of ICT to support Sustained Shared Thinking in the Home Learning Environment and pre-school settings (with Prof John Siraj –Blatchford) 2008-2009 (£3,250)
ESRC/WERN (Teaching and Learning Research Programme) Research Associate: Review of the TLRP Literature relevant to the Foundation Phase 2009-2010 (with Prof Trisha Maynard, Jane Waters and Jane Williams (£5,000)
Additional Responsibilities
External examiner for BA Primary Education Studies University of Wales, Trinity St David 2010-present
Member of the joint Welsh Institute of Social an Economic Research Data (WISERD)/ WAG Committee for Co-ordinating and Mapping data about children and young people in Wales. 2010-present
Invited member of the Strategic Forum for Research in Education and Evidence informed policy in Education in Europe. 2009-present
Research mentor for Teacher Educators from Trinity St David, Welsh Education Research Network/ESRC 2009-2010
Steering Group Member Looked after Children Project 2010-2012
Steering Group Member Swansea After-School Project 2012 - present
Professional memberships
- Professional Memberships of Professional Associations
- General Teaching Council for Wales
- Early Education Welsh Policy into Practice Group
- Member of the British Educational Research Association 2002- present
- Member of the European Early Childhood Research Association 2005-present
- Association for IT in Teacher Education 2005-present
- Member of the European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction 2008- present
- Editorial Board Welsh Journal of Education
- Invited to referee : Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood; European Journal of Early Childhood Education; Computers and Education; Education and Information Technologies; Children and Society; British Educational Research Journal.