Professor Phillip Morgan
HuFEx Director; IROHMS Director of Research; Director - Airbus Centre of Excellence in Human-Centric Cyber Security
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a Professor (Personal Chair) of Human Factors and Cognitive Science. I Direct the Human Factors Excellence (HuFEx) Research Group and am Director of Research within the Centre for Artificial Intelligence, Robotics & Human-Machine Systems (IROHMS). I am seconded part-time (since March 2019) to industry as Director of the Airbus Centre of Excellence in Human-Centric Cyber Security (ACE-H2CS).
My expert areas include: Human Factors; human-machine interface (HMI) design / human-computer interaction (HCI); Cyberpsychology; humans in automation and AI; transport and intelligent-mobility (with a key focus on connected and / or autonomous vehicles); trust in and blame on technology; and the effects of interruption and distraction on task performance. I often work with multi-disciplinary teams including computer scientists, engineers, social scientists, and legal experts to address research problems and identify solutions within each of these areas. Many of my past and present research projects involve working with academic and industry collaborators.
I have secured (often as PI or institution Lead) >37m (million, UK£) of research funding from e.g., Airbus, CREST, DHCSTC, EPSRC, ESRC, HSSRC, IUK, MOD, NCSC, RCloud, SOS Alarm; WEFO, and the Wellcome Trust. Recent projects include: AI for Collective Intelligence (AI4CI, 2024-2029, EPSRC, ~£12m - AI for Collective Intelligence (AI4CI) |); Flourish Trusted Secure Mobility for Older Adults (2016-19, IUK, >£5.5m, Cardiff University Lead); IROHMS (2019+, WEFO & Cardiff University, >£5.5m); Airbus Cyber Psychology and Human Factors (2019-2022, Airbus / Endeavr Wales, ~£1m, PI); and Principles of Distributive Liability for Multi-Agent Societies (2020-23: ESRC-JST, Cardiff University (>£700k), PI, with collaborators in Japan – e.g., at the Universities of Kyoto, Osaka and Doshisha).
My research bridges Human Factors and Cognitive Science: addressing important practical issues within workplaces and involving transport whilst drawing upon theory and using – and often developing – best practice methodological approaches, e.g., using behavioural experimental and human factors techniques and methods, vehicles, driving simulators, and human-state monitoring. I am particularly motivated by research that speaks to real world research questions and problems involving human performance, with the goal of identifying effective, feasible and applicable solutions.
My Cognitive Science work is largely focused on the effects of visual and auditory interruption and distraction on performance of tasks involving attention, short-term memory and problem solving. For example, unpicking the effects of interruption on goal-directed memory, and, adapting features of computer interfaces to encourage deeper cognitive processing of key information and thereafter protect against negative effects of interruption.
- Riedl, C. et al. 2025. The potential and challenges of AI for collective intelligence. Collective Intelligence 4, article number: 1. (10.1177/26339137241308821)
- Bullock, S. et al. 2024. Artificial intelligence for collective intelligence: A national-scale research strategy. Knowledge Engineering Review 39, article number: e10. (10.1017/S0269888924000110)
- Wallbridge, C. D., Zhang, Q., Marcinkiewicz, V. E. K., Bowen, L., Kozlowski, T., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. "Warning!" Benefits and pitfalls of anthropomorphising autonomous vehicle informational assistants in the case of an accident. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8(12), article number: 110. (10.3390/mti8120110)
- Yang, J., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Human-machine interaction towards Industry 5.0: Human-centric smart manufacturing. Digital Engineering 2, article number: 100013. (10.1016/j.dte.2024.100013)
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Morgan, P. L. and Ji, Z. 2024. Machine learning assisted human fatigue detection, monitoring, and recovery: a review. Digital Engineering 1, article number: 100004. (10.1016/j.dte.2024.100004)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C. D., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Public perception of autonomous vehicle capability determines judgment of blame and trust in road traffic accidents. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 179, article number: 103887. (10.1016/j.tra.2023.103887)
- Lambay, A. J., Morgan, P. L., Liu, Y. and Ji, Z. 2024. Model training through synthetic data generation:Investigating the impact on human physical fatigue. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24 - 27 July 2024 Presented at Nunes, I. L. ed.AHFE International: Human Factors and Systems Interaction, Vol. 154. New York: AHFE Open Access pp. 22-31., (10.54941/ahfe1005349)
- Zhang, Q., Williams, C. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Partial habituation to disruption by irrelevant emotive speech – evidence for duplex-mechanism account. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 36(1), pp. 42-60. (10.1080/20445911.2024.2310881)
- Marcinkiewicz, V. and Morgan, P. 2023. Trust and blame in self-driving cars following a successful cyber attack. Presented at: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) 2023 Conference, 23-28 July 2023.
- Yang, J., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. 2023. Sensor and data: key elements of human-machine interaction for human-centric smart manufacturing. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, 22-24 November 2023. Elsevier
- Raywood-Burke, G., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2023. Maladaptive behaviour in phishing susceptibility: How email context influences the impact of persuasion techniques. Presented at: AHFE 2023 Conference, 20 - 24 July 2023Proceedings AHFE 2023.
- Marcinkiewicz, V., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2023. The effects of cyber readiness and response on human trust in self driving cars. Presented at: AHFE 2023 International Conference, 20-24 July 2023.
- Morgan, P. L., Marcinkiewicz, V. E. K., Zhang, Q., Kozlowski, T. R. W., Bowen, L. and Wallbridge, C. D. 2023. An optimized paradigm to measure effects of anthropomorphized self-driving cars on trust and blame following an accident. Presented at: IEEE Ro-Man 2023 - SCRTIA – Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction, 28 August 2023 - 31 August 2023.
- Morgan, P. L., Collins, E. I., Spiliotopoulos, T., Greeno, D. and Jones, D. M. 2022. Reducing risk to security and privacy in the selection of trigger-action rules: Implicit vs. explicit priming for domestic smart devices. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 168, article number: 102902. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102902)
- Yang, J., Liu, T., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. 2022. Review of human-machine interaction towards industry 5.0: human-centric smart manufacturing. Presented at: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE 2022), St. Louis, MO, USA, 14-17 August 202242nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Vol. 2. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (10.1115/DETC2022-89711)
- Wallbridge, C. D., Marcinkiewicz, V., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2022. Towards anthropomorphising autonomous vehicles: speech and embodiment on trust and blame after an accident. Presented at: Robot Trust for Symbiotic Societies (RTSS) at IROS 2022, Kyoto, Japan, 23-27 October 2022.
- Zhang, Q. et al. 2022. Towards an integrated evaluation framework for xai: an experimental study. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3884-3893. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.450)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C., Morgan, P. L. and Jones, D. M. 2022. Using simulation-software-generated animations to investigate attitudes towards autonomous vehicles accidents. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3516-3525. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.410)
- Parkin, J., Crawford, F., Flower, J., Alford, C., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G. 2022. Cyclist and pedestrian trust in automated vehicles: an on-road and simulator trial. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (10.1080/15568318.2022.2093147)
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Ji, Z. and Morgan, P. 2022. Effects of demographic factors for fatigue detection in manufacturing. Presented at: 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2022), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28-30 March 2022IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 55(2). Elsevier pp. 528-533., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.04.248)
- Marcinkiewicz, V., Wallbridge, C. D., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2022. Integrating humanoid robots into simulation software generated animations to explore judgments on self-driving car Accidents. Presented at: IEEE Ro-Man 2022 Conference, Naples, Italy, 29 August - 2 September 2022.
- Raywood-Burke, G., Bishop, L. M., Asquith, P. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2021. Human individual difference predictors in cyber-security: exploring an alternative scale method and data resolution to modelling cyber secure behavior. Presented at: 23rd HCI International Conference (HCII 2021), Virtual, 24-29 July 2021HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer, Cham pp. 226-240., (10.1007/978-3-030-77392-2_15)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C. D., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. 2021. The blame game: double standards apply to autonomous vehicle accidents. Presented at: AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Human Aspects of Transportation, Virtual, 25-29 July 2021Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Springer, Cham pp. 308-314., (10.1007/978-3-030-80012-3_36)
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Morgan, P. and Ji, Z. 2021. A data-driven fatigue prediction using recurrent neural networks. Presented at: 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA2021), Ankara, Turkey, 11-13 June 20212021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). IEEE pp. 1-6., (10.1109/HORA52670.2021.9461377)
- Stephenson, A. C., Eimontaite, I., Caleb-Solly, P., Morgan, P. L., Khatun, T., Davis, J. and Alford, C. 2020. Effects of an unexpected and expected event on older adults' autonomic arousal and eye fixations during autonomous driving. Frontiers in Psychology 11, article number: 571961. (10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571961)
- Voinescu, A., Morgan, P. L., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2020. The utility of psychological measures in evaluating perceived usability of automated vehicle interfaces – a study with older adults. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 72, pp. 244-263. (10.1016/j.trf.2020.05.003)
- Bishop, L. M., Morgan, P. L., Asquith, P. M., Raywood-Burke, G., Wedgbury, A. and Jones, K. 2020. Examining human individual differences in cyber security and possible implications for human-machine interface design. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust: Second International Conference, HCI-CPT 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Vol. 12210. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/ Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI Springer, Cham pp. 51-66., (10.1007/978-3-030-50309-3_4)
- Williams, C., Hodgetts, H. M., Morey, C., Macken, B., Jones, D. M., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. L. 2020. Human error in information security: exploring the role of interruptions and multitasking in action slips. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI International 2020 - Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part III, Vol. 1226. Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer, Cham pp. 622-629., (10.1007/978-3-030-50732-9_80)
- Morgan, P. L., Asquith, P. M., Bishop, L., Raywood-Burke, G., Wedgbury, A. and Jones, K. 2020. A new hope: human-centric cybersecurity research embedded within organizations. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust: Second International Conference, HCI-CPT 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI Springer, Cham pp. 206-216., (10.1007/978-3-030-50309-3_14)
- Asquith, P. and Morgan, P. L. 2020. Representing a human-centric cyberspace. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, San Diego, US, 16-20 July 2020. Springer
- Waller, J. and Morgan, P. 2020. Putting AI into air: what is artificial intelligence and what it might mean for the air environment. Air and Space Power Review 22(2), pp. 42-57.
- Morgan, P., Macken, W., Toet, A., Bompas, A., Bray, M., Rushton, S. and Jones, D. 2020. Distraction for the eye and ear. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21(6), pp. 633-657. (10.1080/1463922X.2020.1712493)
- Whittle, C., Whitmarsh, L., Haggar, P., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G. 2019. User decision - making in transitions to electrified, autonomous, shared or reduced mobility. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 71, pp. 302-319. (10.1016/j.trd.2018.12.014)
- Williams, C., Morgan, P. L., Christopher, G., Zook, N. and Hoskins, R. 2019. The effects of clinical task interruptions on subsequent performance of a medication pre-administration task. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 972, pp. 81-92. (10.1007/978-3-030-19135-1_9)
- Morgan, P. L., Soteriou, R., Williams, C. and Zhang, Q. 2019. Attempting to reduce susceptibility to fraudulent computer pop-ups using malevolence cue identification training. Presented at: AHFE 2019: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Washington, DC, USA, 24-28 July 2019 Presented at Ahram, T. and Karwowski, W. eds.Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA, Vol. 960. Springer Verlag pp. 3-15., (10.1007/978-3-030-20488-4_1)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. 2019. Affective experiences of built environments and the promotion of urban walking. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 123, pp. 200-215. (10.1016/j.tra.2018.12.006)
- Eimontaite, I., Voinescu, A., Alford, C., Caleb-Solly, P. and Morgan, P. 2019. The impact of different human-machine interface feedback modalities on older participants' user experience of CAVs in a simulator environment. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 964, pp. 120-132. (10.1007/978-3-030-20503-4_11)
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, E. J., Zook, N. A. and Christopher, G. 2019. Exploring older adult susceptibility to fraudulent computer pop-up interruptions. Presented at: AHFE 2018: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2018 Presented at Ahram, T. Z. and Nicholson, D. eds.Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 21-25, 2018, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 782. e Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag pp. 56-68., (10.1007/978-3-319-94782-2_6)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. 2018. The psychological wellbeing benefits of place engagement during walking in urban environments: a qualitative photo-elicitation study. Health and Place 53, pp. 228-236. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.08.018)
- Morgan, P. L., Voinescu, A., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2018. Exploring the usability of a connected autonomous vehicle human machine interface designed for older adults. Presented at: AHFE 2018: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2018AHFE 2018: Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, Vol. 786. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag pp. 591-603., (10.1007/978-3-319-93885-1_54)
- Voinescu, A., Morgan, P. L., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2018. Investigating older adults' preferences for functions within a human-machine interface designed for fully autonomous vehicles. Presented at: International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Las Vegas, NV, USa, 15-20 July 2018 Presented at Zhou, J. and Salvendy, G. eds.Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Applications in Health, Assistance, and Entertainment, Vol. 10927. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 445-462., (10.1007/978-3-319-92037-5_32)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. L. 2018. Psychological wellbeing benefits of simulated exposure to five urban settings: an experimental study from the pedestrian's perspective. Journal of Transport and Health 9, pp. 105-116. (10.1016/j.jth.2018.02.003)
- Tombs, M. and Morgan, P. L. 2018. Changes in new recruits' motivation and intentions to use a learning portfolio: a longitudinal investigation. Police Journal 91(2), pp. 188-202. (10.1177/0032258X17699227)
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, C., Ings, F. M. and Hughes, N. C. 2018. Effects of valent image-based secondary tasks on verbal working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71(6), pp. 1440-1456. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1329324)
- Anastasopoulou, K. et al. 2018. Work in progress - effects of privacy risk perception and cultural bias on the intention of CAV use. Presented at: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust within the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 04/12/2018. pp. -.
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, C., Flower, J., Alford, C. and Parkin, J. 2018. Trust in an autonomously driven simulator and vehicle performing maneuvers at a T-junction with and without other vehicles. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 Jul 2018Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, Vol. 786. Springer Verlag pp. 363-375., (10.1007/978-3-319-93885-1_33)
- Morgan, P. et al. 2017. An emerging framework to inform effective design of human-machine interfaces for older adults using connected autonomous vehicles. In: Stanton, N. ed. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation., Vol. 597. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 325-334., (10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_33)
- Morgan, P. L., Alford, C., Williams, C., Parkhurst, G. and Pipe, T. 2017. Manual takeover and handover of a simulated fully autonomous vehicle within urban and extra-urban settings. In: Stanton, N. A. ed. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation., Vol. 597. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Cham: Springer, pp. 760-771., (10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_73)
- Williams, E. J., Morgan, P. L. and Joinson, A. N. 2017. Press accept to update now: Individual differences in susceptibility to malevolent interruptions. Decision Support Systems 96, pp. 119-129. (10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.014)
- Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L., Smy, V., Tiley, L., Seeby, H., Patrick, T. and Evans, J. 2015. The influence of training and experience on memory strategy. Memory and Cognition 43(5), pp. 775-787. (10.3758/s13421-014-0501-3)
- Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L., Tiley, L., Smy, V. and Seeby, H. 2014. Designing the interface to encourage more cognitive processing.Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Vol. 8532. pp. 255-264., (10.1007/978-3-319-07515-0_26)
- Morgan, P. L., Smy, V., Seeby, H. and Patrick, J. 2013. A novel approach to cognitive engineering: manipulating access cost. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2013, Las Vegas, July 2013HCI International 2013-Posters' Extended Abstracts: International Conference, HCI International 2013, Vol. 373. Springer Verlag (Germany): Computer Proceedings pp. 437-441., (10.1007/978-3-642-39473-7_87)
- Morgan, P., Patrick, J. and Tiley, L. 2013. Improving the effectiveness of an interruption lag by inducing a memory-based strategy. Acta Psychologica 142(1), pp. 87-96. (10.1016/j.actpsy.2012.09.003)
- Morgan, P. and Patrick, J. 2012. Paying the price works: Increasing goal-state access cost improves problem solving and mitigates the effect of interruption. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(1), pp. 160-178. (10.1080/17470218.2012.702117)
- Patrick, J., Bott, L., Morgan, P. and King, S. L. 2012. Out of sequence communications can affect causal judgement. Thinking & Reasoning 18(2), pp. 133-158. (10.1080/13546783.2012.658240)
- Morgan, P. L. and Patrick, J. 2010. Designing interfaces that encourage a more effortful cognitive strategy. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54(4), pp. 408-412. (10.1177/154193121005400429)
- Patrick, J. and Morgan, P. 2010. Approaches to understanding, analysing and developing situation awareness. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11(1-2), pp. 41-57. (10.1080/14639220903009946)
- Morgan, P. L., Patrick, J., Waldron, S. M., King, S. L. and Patrick, T. 2009. Improving memory after interruption: Exploiting soft constraints and manipulating information access cost. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 15(4), pp. 291-306. (10.1037/a0018008)
- Morgan, P. L., Waldron, S. M., King, S. L. and Patrick, J. 2007. Harder to access, better performance? the effects of information access cost on strategy and performance. Presented at: International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information, Beijing, 22-27 July 2007Human Interface and the Management of Information. Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design, Vol. 4557. Springer pp. 115-125., (10.1007/978-3-540-73345-4_15)
- Waldron, S. M., Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L. and King, S. 2007. Influencing Cognitive Strategy by Manipulating Information Access. The Computer Journal 50(6), pp. 694-702. (10.1093/comjnl/bxm064)
- Morgan, P. L. 2005. Now, where was I?: a cognitive experimental analysis of the influence of interruption on goal-directed behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Riedl, C. et al. 2025. The potential and challenges of AI for collective intelligence. Collective Intelligence 4, article number: 1. (10.1177/26339137241308821)
- Bullock, S. et al. 2024. Artificial intelligence for collective intelligence: A national-scale research strategy. Knowledge Engineering Review 39, article number: e10. (10.1017/S0269888924000110)
- Wallbridge, C. D., Zhang, Q., Marcinkiewicz, V. E. K., Bowen, L., Kozlowski, T., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. "Warning!" Benefits and pitfalls of anthropomorphising autonomous vehicle informational assistants in the case of an accident. Multimodal Technologies and Interaction 8(12), article number: 110. (10.3390/mti8120110)
- Yang, J., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Human-machine interaction towards Industry 5.0: Human-centric smart manufacturing. Digital Engineering 2, article number: 100013. (10.1016/j.dte.2024.100013)
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Morgan, P. L. and Ji, Z. 2024. Machine learning assisted human fatigue detection, monitoring, and recovery: a review. Digital Engineering 1, article number: 100004. (10.1016/j.dte.2024.100004)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C. D., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Public perception of autonomous vehicle capability determines judgment of blame and trust in road traffic accidents. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 179, article number: 103887. (10.1016/j.tra.2023.103887)
- Zhang, Q., Williams, C. and Morgan, P. L. 2024. Partial habituation to disruption by irrelevant emotive speech – evidence for duplex-mechanism account. Journal of Cognitive Psychology 36(1), pp. 42-60. (10.1080/20445911.2024.2310881)
- Morgan, P. L., Collins, E. I., Spiliotopoulos, T., Greeno, D. and Jones, D. M. 2022. Reducing risk to security and privacy in the selection of trigger-action rules: Implicit vs. explicit priming for domestic smart devices. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 168, article number: 102902. (10.1016/j.ijhcs.2022.102902)
- Zhang, Q. et al. 2022. Towards an integrated evaluation framework for xai: an experimental study. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3884-3893. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.450)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C., Morgan, P. L. and Jones, D. M. 2022. Using simulation-software-generated animations to investigate attitudes towards autonomous vehicles accidents. Procedia Computer Science 207, pp. 3516-3525. (10.1016/j.procs.2022.09.410)
- Parkin, J., Crawford, F., Flower, J., Alford, C., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G. 2022. Cyclist and pedestrian trust in automated vehicles: an on-road and simulator trial. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (10.1080/15568318.2022.2093147)
- Stephenson, A. C., Eimontaite, I., Caleb-Solly, P., Morgan, P. L., Khatun, T., Davis, J. and Alford, C. 2020. Effects of an unexpected and expected event on older adults' autonomic arousal and eye fixations during autonomous driving. Frontiers in Psychology 11, article number: 571961. (10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571961)
- Voinescu, A., Morgan, P. L., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2020. The utility of psychological measures in evaluating perceived usability of automated vehicle interfaces – a study with older adults. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 72, pp. 244-263. (10.1016/j.trf.2020.05.003)
- Waller, J. and Morgan, P. 2020. Putting AI into air: what is artificial intelligence and what it might mean for the air environment. Air and Space Power Review 22(2), pp. 42-57.
- Morgan, P., Macken, W., Toet, A., Bompas, A., Bray, M., Rushton, S. and Jones, D. 2020. Distraction for the eye and ear. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 21(6), pp. 633-657. (10.1080/1463922X.2020.1712493)
- Whittle, C., Whitmarsh, L., Haggar, P., Morgan, P. and Parkhurst, G. 2019. User decision - making in transitions to electrified, autonomous, shared or reduced mobility. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 71, pp. 302-319. (10.1016/j.trd.2018.12.014)
- Williams, C., Morgan, P. L., Christopher, G., Zook, N. and Hoskins, R. 2019. The effects of clinical task interruptions on subsequent performance of a medication pre-administration task. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 972, pp. 81-92. (10.1007/978-3-030-19135-1_9)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. 2019. Affective experiences of built environments and the promotion of urban walking. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 123, pp. 200-215. (10.1016/j.tra.2018.12.006)
- Eimontaite, I., Voinescu, A., Alford, C., Caleb-Solly, P. and Morgan, P. 2019. The impact of different human-machine interface feedback modalities on older participants' user experience of CAVs in a simulator environment. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 964, pp. 120-132. (10.1007/978-3-030-20503-4_11)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. 2018. The psychological wellbeing benefits of place engagement during walking in urban environments: a qualitative photo-elicitation study. Health and Place 53, pp. 228-236. (10.1016/j.healthplace.2018.08.018)
- Bornioli, A., Parkhurst, G. and Morgan, P. L. 2018. Psychological wellbeing benefits of simulated exposure to five urban settings: an experimental study from the pedestrian's perspective. Journal of Transport and Health 9, pp. 105-116. (10.1016/j.jth.2018.02.003)
- Tombs, M. and Morgan, P. L. 2018. Changes in new recruits' motivation and intentions to use a learning portfolio: a longitudinal investigation. Police Journal 91(2), pp. 188-202. (10.1177/0032258X17699227)
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, C., Ings, F. M. and Hughes, N. C. 2018. Effects of valent image-based secondary tasks on verbal working memory. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 71(6), pp. 1440-1456. (10.1080/17470218.2017.1329324)
- Williams, E. J., Morgan, P. L. and Joinson, A. N. 2017. Press accept to update now: Individual differences in susceptibility to malevolent interruptions. Decision Support Systems 96, pp. 119-129. (10.1016/j.dss.2017.02.014)
- Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L., Smy, V., Tiley, L., Seeby, H., Patrick, T. and Evans, J. 2015. The influence of training and experience on memory strategy. Memory and Cognition 43(5), pp. 775-787. (10.3758/s13421-014-0501-3)
- Morgan, P., Patrick, J. and Tiley, L. 2013. Improving the effectiveness of an interruption lag by inducing a memory-based strategy. Acta Psychologica 142(1), pp. 87-96. (10.1016/j.actpsy.2012.09.003)
- Morgan, P. and Patrick, J. 2012. Paying the price works: Increasing goal-state access cost improves problem solving and mitigates the effect of interruption. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 66(1), pp. 160-178. (10.1080/17470218.2012.702117)
- Patrick, J., Bott, L., Morgan, P. and King, S. L. 2012. Out of sequence communications can affect causal judgement. Thinking & Reasoning 18(2), pp. 133-158. (10.1080/13546783.2012.658240)
- Morgan, P. L. and Patrick, J. 2010. Designing interfaces that encourage a more effortful cognitive strategy. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 54(4), pp. 408-412. (10.1177/154193121005400429)
- Patrick, J. and Morgan, P. 2010. Approaches to understanding, analysing and developing situation awareness. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science 11(1-2), pp. 41-57. (10.1080/14639220903009946)
- Morgan, P. L., Patrick, J., Waldron, S. M., King, S. L. and Patrick, T. 2009. Improving memory after interruption: Exploiting soft constraints and manipulating information access cost. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 15(4), pp. 291-306. (10.1037/a0018008)
- Waldron, S. M., Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L. and King, S. 2007. Influencing Cognitive Strategy by Manipulating Information Access. The Computer Journal 50(6), pp. 694-702. (10.1093/comjnl/bxm064)
Book sections
- Morgan, P. et al. 2017. An emerging framework to inform effective design of human-machine interfaces for older adults using connected autonomous vehicles. In: Stanton, N. ed. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation., Vol. 597. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag (Germany), pp. 325-334., (10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_33)
- Morgan, P. L., Alford, C., Williams, C., Parkhurst, G. and Pipe, T. 2017. Manual takeover and handover of a simulated fully autonomous vehicle within urban and extra-urban settings. In: Stanton, N. A. ed. Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation., Vol. 597. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Cham: Springer, pp. 760-771., (10.1007/978-3-319-60441-1_73)
- Lambay, A. J., Morgan, P. L., Liu, Y. and Ji, Z. 2024. Model training through synthetic data generation:Investigating the impact on human physical fatigue. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, Nice, France, 24 - 27 July 2024 Presented at Nunes, I. L. ed.AHFE International: Human Factors and Systems Interaction, Vol. 154. New York: AHFE Open Access pp. 22-31., (10.54941/ahfe1005349)
- Marcinkiewicz, V. and Morgan, P. 2023. Trust and blame in self-driving cars following a successful cyber attack. Presented at: Human Computer Interaction (HCI) 2023 Conference, 23-28 July 2023.
- Yang, J., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. 2023. Sensor and data: key elements of human-machine interaction for human-centric smart manufacturing. Presented at: 5th International Conference on Industry 4.0 and Smart Manufacturing, 22-24 November 2023. Elsevier
- Raywood-Burke, G., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2023. Maladaptive behaviour in phishing susceptibility: How email context influences the impact of persuasion techniques. Presented at: AHFE 2023 Conference, 20 - 24 July 2023Proceedings AHFE 2023.
- Marcinkiewicz, V., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2023. The effects of cyber readiness and response on human trust in self driving cars. Presented at: AHFE 2023 International Conference, 20-24 July 2023.
- Morgan, P. L., Marcinkiewicz, V. E. K., Zhang, Q., Kozlowski, T. R. W., Bowen, L. and Wallbridge, C. D. 2023. An optimized paradigm to measure effects of anthropomorphized self-driving cars on trust and blame following an accident. Presented at: IEEE Ro-Man 2023 - SCRTIA – Trust, Acceptance and Social Cues in Human-Robot Interaction, 28 August 2023 - 31 August 2023.
- Yang, J., Liu, T., Liu, Y. and Morgan, P. 2022. Review of human-machine interaction towards industry 5.0: human-centric smart manufacturing. Presented at: International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE 2022), St. Louis, MO, USA, 14-17 August 202242nd Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (CIE), Vol. 2. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, (10.1115/DETC2022-89711)
- Wallbridge, C. D., Marcinkiewicz, V., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2022. Towards anthropomorphising autonomous vehicles: speech and embodiment on trust and blame after an accident. Presented at: Robot Trust for Symbiotic Societies (RTSS) at IROS 2022, Kyoto, Japan, 23-27 October 2022.
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Ji, Z. and Morgan, P. 2022. Effects of demographic factors for fatigue detection in manufacturing. Presented at: 14th IFAC Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS 2022), Tel-Aviv, Israel, 28-30 March 2022IFAC-PapersOnLine, Vol. 55(2). Elsevier pp. 528-533., (10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.04.248)
- Marcinkiewicz, V., Wallbridge, C. D., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. 2022. Integrating humanoid robots into simulation software generated animations to explore judgments on self-driving car Accidents. Presented at: IEEE Ro-Man 2022 Conference, Naples, Italy, 29 August - 2 September 2022.
- Raywood-Burke, G., Bishop, L. M., Asquith, P. M. and Morgan, P. L. 2021. Human individual difference predictors in cyber-security: exploring an alternative scale method and data resolution to modelling cyber secure behavior. Presented at: 23rd HCI International Conference (HCII 2021), Virtual, 24-29 July 2021HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer, Cham pp. 226-240., (10.1007/978-3-030-77392-2_15)
- Zhang, Q., Wallbridge, C. D., Jones, D. M. and Morgan, P. 2021. The blame game: double standards apply to autonomous vehicle accidents. Presented at: AHFE 2021 Virtual Conference on Human Aspects of Transportation, Virtual, 25-29 July 2021Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems Springer, Cham pp. 308-314., (10.1007/978-3-030-80012-3_36)
- Lambay, A., Liu, Y., Morgan, P. and Ji, Z. 2021. A data-driven fatigue prediction using recurrent neural networks. Presented at: 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA2021), Ankara, Turkey, 11-13 June 20212021 3rd International Congress on Human-Computer Interaction, Optimization and Robotic Applications (HORA). IEEE pp. 1-6., (10.1109/HORA52670.2021.9461377)
- Bishop, L. M., Morgan, P. L., Asquith, P. M., Raywood-Burke, G., Wedgbury, A. and Jones, K. 2020. Examining human individual differences in cyber security and possible implications for human-machine interface design. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust: Second International Conference, HCI-CPT 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Vol. 12210. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/ Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI Springer, Cham pp. 51-66., (10.1007/978-3-030-50309-3_4)
- Williams, C., Hodgetts, H. M., Morey, C., Macken, B., Jones, D. M., Zhang, Q. and Morgan, P. L. 2020. Human error in information security: exploring the role of interruptions and multitasking in action slips. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI International 2020 - Posters: 22nd International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings, Part III, Vol. 1226. Communications in Computer and Information Science Springer, Cham pp. 622-629., (10.1007/978-3-030-50732-9_80)
- Morgan, P. L., Asquith, P. M., Bishop, L., Raywood-Burke, G., Wedgbury, A. and Jones, K. 2020. A new hope: human-centric cybersecurity research embedded within organizations. Presented at: 22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCII 2020), Virtual, 19-24 July 2020HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust: Second International Conference, HCI-CPT 2020, Held as Part of the 22nd HCI International Conference, HCII 2020, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 19–24, 2020, Proceedings. Lecture Notes in Computer Science/Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI Springer, Cham pp. 206-216., (10.1007/978-3-030-50309-3_14)
- Asquith, P. and Morgan, P. L. 2020. Representing a human-centric cyberspace. Presented at: 11th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics and the Affiliated Conferences, San Diego, US, 16-20 July 2020. Springer
- Morgan, P. L., Soteriou, R., Williams, C. and Zhang, Q. 2019. Attempting to reduce susceptibility to fraudulent computer pop-ups using malevolence cue identification training. Presented at: AHFE 2019: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Washington, DC, USA, 24-28 July 2019 Presented at Ahram, T. and Karwowski, W. eds.Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Proceedings of the AHFE 2019 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 24-28, 2019, Washington D.C., USA, Vol. 960. Springer Verlag pp. 3-15., (10.1007/978-3-030-20488-4_1)
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, E. J., Zook, N. A. and Christopher, G. 2019. Exploring older adult susceptibility to fraudulent computer pop-up interruptions. Presented at: AHFE 2018: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2018 Presented at Ahram, T. Z. and Nicholson, D. eds.Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity: Proceedings of the AHFE 2018 International Conference on Human Factors in Cybersecurity, July 21-25, 2018, Loews Sapphire Falls Resort at Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida, USA, Vol. 782. e Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag pp. 56-68., (10.1007/978-3-319-94782-2_6)
- Morgan, P. L., Voinescu, A., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2018. Exploring the usability of a connected autonomous vehicle human machine interface designed for older adults. Presented at: AHFE 2018: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 July 2018AHFE 2018: Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, Vol. 786. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing Springer Verlag pp. 591-603., (10.1007/978-3-319-93885-1_54)
- Voinescu, A., Morgan, P. L., Alford, C. and Caleb-Solly, P. 2018. Investigating older adults' preferences for functions within a human-machine interface designed for fully autonomous vehicles. Presented at: International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population, Las Vegas, NV, USa, 15-20 July 2018 Presented at Zhou, J. and Salvendy, G. eds.Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population: Applications in Health, Assistance, and Entertainment, Vol. 10927. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Cham, Switzerland: Springer pp. 445-462., (10.1007/978-3-319-92037-5_32)
- Anastasopoulou, K. et al. 2018. Work in progress - effects of privacy risk perception and cultural bias on the intention of CAV use. Presented at: Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security and Trust within the Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, 04/12/2018. pp. -.
- Morgan, P. L., Williams, C., Flower, J., Alford, C. and Parkin, J. 2018. Trust in an autonomously driven simulator and vehicle performing maneuvers at a T-junction with and without other vehicles. Presented at: International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics, Orlando, FL, USA, 21-25 Jul 2018Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation, Vol. 786. Springer Verlag pp. 363-375., (10.1007/978-3-319-93885-1_33)
- Patrick, J., Morgan, P. L., Tiley, L., Smy, V. and Seeby, H. 2014. Designing the interface to encourage more cognitive processing.Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics, Vol. 8532. pp. 255-264., (10.1007/978-3-319-07515-0_26)
- Morgan, P. L., Smy, V., Seeby, H. and Patrick, J. 2013. A novel approach to cognitive engineering: manipulating access cost. Presented at: 15th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, HCII 2013, Las Vegas, July 2013HCI International 2013-Posters' Extended Abstracts: International Conference, HCI International 2013, Vol. 373. Springer Verlag (Germany): Computer Proceedings pp. 437-441., (10.1007/978-3-642-39473-7_87)
- Morgan, P. L., Waldron, S. M., King, S. L. and Patrick, J. 2007. Harder to access, better performance? the effects of information access cost on strategy and performance. Presented at: International Conference on Human Interface and the Management of Information, Beijing, 22-27 July 2007Human Interface and the Management of Information. Methods, Techniques and Tools in Information Design, Vol. 4557. Springer pp. 115-125., (10.1007/978-3-540-73345-4_15)
- Morgan, P. L. 2005. Now, where was I?: a cognitive experimental analysis of the influence of interruption on goal-directed behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research Areas
- Cyberpsychology
- Intelligent Mobility & Future Transport (e.g. Connected and Autonomous Vehicles)
- Human-Machine Interface Design and Human-Computer Interaction
- AI
- Automation
- Human-Robot Interaction
- Interruption and Distraction
- Military Psychology
- Memory
- Problem Solving
At Level 6 (final-year undergraduate), I developed (2017-18) and contribute to the Human Factors Psychology (PS3118) module. I also supervise final year projects (Level 6 PS3000) on various topics related to my research areas of expertise.
- Sep 2020-: Professor (Personal Chair) in Human Factors and Cognitive Science, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Mar 2019-: Reader in Human Factors and Cognitive Science, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Mar 2019-: Senior Researcher and Technical Lead in Cyber Psychology and Human Factors, Airbus, Newport, UK (Secondment)
- Sep 2017-Feb 2019: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Science and Human Factors, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Jan 2015-Aug 2017: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive and Human Factors Psychology, Department of Health and Social Sciences - Psychology, UWE-Bristol
- Sep 2013-Jan 2015: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of South Wales
- May 2011-Aug 2013: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Wales, Newport
- Dec 2010-Jan 2011: Part-time Visiting Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Wales, Newport
- Jun 2005-May 2011: Research Associate, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Jan 2005-May 2005: Research Assistant, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Oct 2004-Dec 2004: Research Technician, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Oct 2002-Sep 2004: Research and Statistics Advisor, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
Honours and awards
Undergraduate education
- 2001: BSc (Hons) Psychology – School of Psychology, Cardiff University
Postgraduate education
- 2002: PGDip Research Methods – School of Social Sciences, Cardiff University (Distinction)
- 2005: PhD 'Now, where was I?’ A cognitive experimental analysis of the influence of interruption on goal-directed behaviour’ – School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- 2012: PGCHE – School of Education, University of Wales (Distinction)
Professional memberships
Professional memberships
Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society (AFBPS)
Member of the Experimental Psychology Society (EPS)
Associate Fellow of the Association of Learning Technology (AFALT)
Fellow of the HEA (FHEA)
Academic positions
- Sep 2020-: Professor (Personal Chair) in Human Factors and Cognitive Science, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Mar 2019-: Reader in Human Factors and Cognitive Science, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Mar 2019-: Senior Researcher and Technical Lead in Cyber Psychology and Human Factors, Airbus, Newport, UK (Secondment)
- Sep 2017-Feb 2019: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Science and Human Factors, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Jan 2015-Aug 2017: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive and Human Factors Psychology, Department of Health and Social Sciences - Psychology, UWE-Bristol
- Sep 2013-Jan 2015: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of South Wales
- May 2011-Aug 2013: Senior Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Wales, Newport
- Dec 2010-Jan 2011: Part-time Visiting Lecturer in Cognitive Psychology, University of Wales, Newport
- Jun 2005-May 2011: Research Associate, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Jan 2005-May 2005: Research Assistant, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
- Oct 2004-Dec 2004: Research Technician, School of Psychology, Cardiff University
Speaking engagements
Recent Examples
2023: Keynote Speaker – Human Factors and Ergonomics Society New Zealand (HFESNZ) Annual Conference – Arrowtown, Queenstown, New Zealand - ‘Optimizing Humans’ within AI, Robotic and Autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems.
2023: Invited Speaker – University of Auckland, New Zealand (including industry and defence organisations) – Sociotechnical Barriers & Enablers to the Acceptance, Adoption & Safe Use of AI & Automation.
2023: Invited Speaker – New Zealand Government – Wellington, New Zealand – Transportation Human Factors, Automation & Cyberpsychology.
2022: Invited Speaker – Data61 CSRIO (Melbourne, Australia) - A Human Factors Approach to Optimising Humans in Cyber Security.
2022: Keynote Speaker at PeepSec 2022 (part of London Tech Week) - People & Tech: ‘The Age of Empathy.
2022: Special Panel (Keynote) Session at EXPO 2022 - Changing our Behaviours to Advance - Distributed Trust.
2022: Keynote Speaker at the People Matter Conference Series - People Matter: Applying Behavioural Science to Security Behaviours.
2021 – Keynote Speaker at the Think Cyber for Government event - Why People Matter in Cyber Security.
2021: Special Panel (Keynote) for the International Chamber of Shipping - Cyber Security – Safety and Security in the Digital Age.
2021: Co-Chair of a workshop on Humans in Autonomous Systems with Beijing Normal University (BNU) – one of two Keynote Speakers.
2021: Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE) Transportation Psychology Section – Winner of Best Paper.
2020: Keynote Speaker at PeepSec 2020 (part of London Tech Week) – Human-Centric Cyber Security.
2020: Keynote Speaker at the OutThink Cyber Annual Conference - Why is Tackling the People Component of Cyber Security so Hard?
2020: Airbus Security Symposium – Human-Centric Cyber Security Interactive Session delivered to >800 Airbus Security staff (including Heads of Security and Cyber Security and HR).
2020: Keynote Speaker at IMPACT 2020 - ‘Are we really the Weakest Link?’: The Story (so far) of a Cyberpsychology Research Team Embedded within a Large-scale Organisation to Enhance Human Cyber Security Strengths and Protect against Vulnerabilities.
Committees and reviewing
2020-: Scientific Advisory Board: HCI for Cyber Security, Privacy and Trust - Human-Computer Interaction International (HCII)
2019-: Scientific Advisory Board: Advances in Human Factors in Cyber Security - Applied Ergonomics and Human Factors (AHFE)
Human Factors; human-machine interface (HMI) design / human-computer interaction (HCI); Cyberpsychology; humans in automation and AI; transport and intelligent-mobility (with a key focus on connected and / or autonomous vehicles); trust in and blame on technology in the event of an incident(s); and the effects of interruption and distraction on task performance.
Current supervision
Past projects
Louise Bowen (2018-2023) - Behavioural Aspects of Safer Transport. ESRC.
Laura Bishop (2018-2023) - The Employee Experience in Cyber Security and how to Mitigate Risk. With Airbus.
Craig Williams (2016-2022). Craig held a UWE-Bristol fully funded PhD studentship - examining the effects of task interruption and distraction within emergency and critical care healthcare settings. Another goal of Craig’s PhD was to develop methods to adapt computer interfaces within emergency and critical care healthcare settings to influence cognitive strategy and mitigate negative effects of interruptions.
Anna Bornioli (2014-2017). Anna held a UWE-Bristol fully funded PhD studentship and examined the influence of the built environment on affective walking experience by drawing upon research within the fields of environmental psychology and geography. Her research has implications for policy and design of urban environments with an overarching health and well-being theme promoted through stress recovery and restoration. Anna is currently working with supervisors (Prof Graham Parkhurst and Dr Phillip Morgan) to publish all of her PhD studies (and has already published two journal articles with a third under revision). Anna is currently a Research Fellow within the Public Health Research Group and Centre for Appearance Research at UWE-Bristol.
Janet Mundy (Cardiff University School of Psychology). Janet’s PhD was part funded by REET and the School of Psychology at Cardiff University. Janet was examining individual differences in spatial ability and task strategy with a focus on measures used to assess mental rotation abilities amongst university students studying STEM and non-STEM subjects. Janet aims to inform the design of tests to measure mental rotation ability for selection (eg., employment) purposes. Writing-up.
Contact Details
+44 29225 10784
Tower Building, Floor 9, Room 9:18, 70 Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT
Research themes
- Cognition
- Human Factors
- Automation
- AI
- Cybersecurity and privacy