My expertise lies in developing and evaluating complex public health and mental health interventions, particularly those aimed at vulnerable and marginalised groups. I joined CTR (Centre for Trials Research), formally SEWTU (South East Wales Trials Unit), in July 2013. During my time here I have supported and led the delivery of a number of studies and trials.
Before joining CTR I was based in the Public Health team at the University of the West of England (UWE) in Bristol and worked on the Musical Pathways study which was evaluating the health, well-being and social inclusion of young offenders involved in a music intervention.
My research interests include:
- Qualitative research methods
- Process evaluation methods
- Mental Health
- Health inequalities
- Vulnerable groups
- Self-harm
- Prison health
- Young offenders
- Behaviour change
- Complex health interventions
- Arts & Health
- Moriarty, Y. and Willis, P. 2024. Interventions addressing care staff views of older LGBTQ+ people in residential and homecare settings: a scoping review protocol.. BMJ Open 14(10), article number: e086497. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086497)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Lifford, K. J. et al. 2024. Satisfaction with remote consultations in primary care during COVID-19: a population survey of UK adults. British Journal of General Practice 74(739), pp. e96-e103. (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0092)
- Anyanwu, P. et al. 2022. Health behaviour change among UK adults during the pandemic: findings from the COVID-19 Cancer Attitudes and Behaviours study. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 1437. (10.1186/s12889-022-13870-x)
- Allen, D. et al. 2022. Development, implementation and evaluation of an early warning system improvement programme for children in hospital: the PUMA mixed-methods study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 10(1) (10.3310/CHCK4556)
- Allen, D. et al. 2022. Development, implementation and evaluation of an evidence-based paediatric early warning system improvement programme: the PUMA mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research 22(1), article number: 9. (10.1186/s12913-021-07314-2)
- Wilson, R. et al. 2021. Intentions to participate in cervical and colorectal cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. Preventive Medicine 153, article number: 106826. (10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106826)
- Moriarty, Y. et al. 2021. Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a targeted cancer awareness intervention for adults living in deprived areas of the UK. British Journal of Cancer 125, pp. 1100-1110. (10.1038/s41416-021-01524-5)
- Quinn-Scoggins, H. et al. 2021. Cancer symptom experience and help-seeking behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: a cross-sectional population survey. BMJ Open 11(9), article number: e053095. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053095)
- Kolovou, V. et al. 2020. Recruitment and retention of participants from socioeconomically deprived communities: lessons from the awareness and beliefs about cancer (ABACus3) randomised controlled trial. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20, article number: 272. (10.1186/s12874-020-01149-x)
- Taylor, P. J. et al. 2020. A randomised controlled trial of a Group psychological intervention to increase locus of control for alcohol consumption among Alcohol-Misusing Short-term (male) Prisoners (GASP). Addiction 115(10), pp. 1844-1854. (10.1111/add.15006)
- O'Connor, S., Bezeczky, Z., Moriarty, Y., Kalebic, N. and Taylor, P. J. 2020. Adjustment to short-term imprisonment under low prison staffing. BJPsych Bulletin 44(4), pp. 139-144. (10.1192/bjb.2020.2)
- Jacob, N. et al. 2019. Optimising paediatric afferent component early warning systems: a hermeneutic systematic literature review and model development. BMJ Paediatrics Open 9(11), article number: e028796. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028796)
- Moriarty, Y. et al. 2019. Improving cancer symptom awareness and help-seeking among adults living in socioeconomically deprived communities in the UK using a facilitated health check: A protocol for the Awareness and Beliefs About Cancer (ABACus) Randomised Control Trial. BMC Public Health 19(1), article number: 285. (10.1186/s12889-019-6612-9)
- Thomas-Jones, E. et al. 2018. A prospective, mixed-methods, before and after study to identify the evidence base for the core components of an effective paediatric early warning system and the development of an implementation package containing those core recommendations for use in the UK: Paediatric early warning system – utilisation and mortality avoidance– the PUMA study protocol. BMC Pediatrics 18(1), article number: 244. (10.1186/s12887-018-1210-z)
- Daykin, N., de Viggiani, N., Moriarty, Y. and Pilkington, P. 2017. Music-making for health and wellbeing in youth justice settings: mediated affordances and the impact of context and social relations. Sociology of Health & Illness 39(6), pp. 941-958. (10.1111/1467-9566.12549)
- Moriarty, Y., McNamara, R., Robling, M. R., Bezeczky, Z., Playle, R. A. and Taylor, P. J. 2016. Contextual and personal factors impact on intervention delivery in the GASP (Groups for Alcohol-misusing Short-term Prisoners) trial. Presented at: 12th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting: Complex interventions in a complex world: applications of Behavioural Medicine, Cardiff, UK, 1-2 December 2016.
- Moriarty, Y., McNamara, R., Robling, M. R., Kissell, A., Playle, R. A. and Taylor, P. J. 2015. Developing a process evaluation model in the GASP (groups for alcohol-misusing short-term prisoners) trial. Trials 16(S2), pp. 9. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-P9)
- Simpson, S. A. et al. 2015. A feasibility randomised controlled trial of a motivational interviewing-based intervention for weight loss maintenance in adults. Health Technology Assessment 19(50) (10.3310/hta19500)
- Daykin, N., De Viggiani, N., Pilkington, P. and Moriarty, Y. 2013. Music making for health, well-being and behaviour change in youth justice settings: a systematic review. Health Promotion International 28(2), pp. 197-210. (10.1093/heapro/das005)
- De Viggiani, N., Daykin, N., Moriarty, Y., Pilkington, P. and Superact CIC, Live Music Now South West, . 2013. Musical pathways: exploring young people's health, wellbeing and social inclusion in the criminal justice system.. Project Report. [Online]. Big Lottery. Available at: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/21914
- Daykin, N., Moriarty, Y., De Viggiani, N. and Pilkington, P. 2011. Evidence review: Music making with young offenders and young people at risk of offending.. Project Report. [Online]. Youth Music. Available at: http://www.youthmusic.org.uk/what-we-do/our-research/evidence-review-music-making-with-young-offenders-and-young-people-at-risk-of-offending.html
- Moriarty, Y., McNamara, R., Robling, M. R., Bezeczky, Z., Playle, R. A. and Taylor, P. J. 2016. Contextual and personal factors impact on intervention delivery in the GASP (Groups for Alcohol-misusing Short-term Prisoners) trial. Presented at: 12th UKSBM Annual Scientific Meeting: Complex interventions in a complex world: applications of Behavioural Medicine, Cardiff, UK, 1-2 December 2016.
- Moriarty, Y. and Willis, P. 2024. Interventions addressing care staff views of older LGBTQ+ people in residential and homecare settings: a scoping review protocol.. BMJ Open 14(10), article number: e086497. (10.1136/bmjopen-2024-086497)
- Segrott, J. et al. 2024. Integrating qualitative research within a clinical trials unit: developing strategies and understanding their implementation in contexts. Trials 25(1), article number: 323. (10.1186/s13063-024-08124-7)
- Lifford, K. J. et al. 2024. Satisfaction with remote consultations in primary care during COVID-19: a population survey of UK adults. British Journal of General Practice 74(739), pp. e96-e103. (10.3399/BJGP.2023.0092)
- Anyanwu, P. et al. 2022. Health behaviour change among UK adults during the pandemic: findings from the COVID-19 Cancer Attitudes and Behaviours study. BMC Public Health 22, article number: 1437. (10.1186/s12889-022-13870-x)
- Allen, D. et al. 2022. Development, implementation and evaluation of an early warning system improvement programme for children in hospital: the PUMA mixed-methods study. Health and Social Care Delivery Research 10(1) (10.3310/CHCK4556)
- Allen, D. et al. 2022. Development, implementation and evaluation of an evidence-based paediatric early warning system improvement programme: the PUMA mixed methods study. BMC Health Services Research 22(1), article number: 9. (10.1186/s12913-021-07314-2)
- Wilson, R. et al. 2021. Intentions to participate in cervical and colorectal cancer screening during the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods study. Preventive Medicine 153, article number: 106826. (10.1016/j.ypmed.2021.106826)
- Moriarty, Y. et al. 2021. Randomised controlled trial and economic evaluation of a targeted cancer awareness intervention for adults living in deprived areas of the UK. British Journal of Cancer 125, pp. 1100-1110. (10.1038/s41416-021-01524-5)
- Quinn-Scoggins, H. et al. 2021. Cancer symptom experience and help-seeking behaviour during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United Kingdom: a cross-sectional population survey. BMJ Open 11(9), article number: e053095. (10.1136/bmjopen-2021-053095)
- Kolovou, V. et al. 2020. Recruitment and retention of participants from socioeconomically deprived communities: lessons from the awareness and beliefs about cancer (ABACus3) randomised controlled trial. BMC Medical Research Methodology 20, article number: 272. (10.1186/s12874-020-01149-x)
- Taylor, P. J. et al. 2020. A randomised controlled trial of a Group psychological intervention to increase locus of control for alcohol consumption among Alcohol-Misusing Short-term (male) Prisoners (GASP). Addiction 115(10), pp. 1844-1854. (10.1111/add.15006)
- O'Connor, S., Bezeczky, Z., Moriarty, Y., Kalebic, N. and Taylor, P. J. 2020. Adjustment to short-term imprisonment under low prison staffing. BJPsych Bulletin 44(4), pp. 139-144. (10.1192/bjb.2020.2)
- Jacob, N. et al. 2019. Optimising paediatric afferent component early warning systems: a hermeneutic systematic literature review and model development. BMJ Paediatrics Open 9(11), article number: e028796. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-028796)
- Moriarty, Y. et al. 2019. Improving cancer symptom awareness and help-seeking among adults living in socioeconomically deprived communities in the UK using a facilitated health check: A protocol for the Awareness and Beliefs About Cancer (ABACus) Randomised Control Trial. BMC Public Health 19(1), article number: 285. (10.1186/s12889-019-6612-9)
- Thomas-Jones, E. et al. 2018. A prospective, mixed-methods, before and after study to identify the evidence base for the core components of an effective paediatric early warning system and the development of an implementation package containing those core recommendations for use in the UK: Paediatric early warning system – utilisation and mortality avoidance– the PUMA study protocol. BMC Pediatrics 18(1), article number: 244. (10.1186/s12887-018-1210-z)
- Daykin, N., de Viggiani, N., Moriarty, Y. and Pilkington, P. 2017. Music-making for health and wellbeing in youth justice settings: mediated affordances and the impact of context and social relations. Sociology of Health & Illness 39(6), pp. 941-958. (10.1111/1467-9566.12549)
- Moriarty, Y., McNamara, R., Robling, M. R., Kissell, A., Playle, R. A. and Taylor, P. J. 2015. Developing a process evaluation model in the GASP (groups for alcohol-misusing short-term prisoners) trial. Trials 16(S2), pp. 9. (10.1186/1745-6215-16-S2-P9)
- Simpson, S. A. et al. 2015. A feasibility randomised controlled trial of a motivational interviewing-based intervention for weight loss maintenance in adults. Health Technology Assessment 19(50) (10.3310/hta19500)
- Daykin, N., De Viggiani, N., Pilkington, P. and Moriarty, Y. 2013. Music making for health, well-being and behaviour change in youth justice settings: a systematic review. Health Promotion International 28(2), pp. 197-210. (10.1093/heapro/das005)
- De Viggiani, N., Daykin, N., Moriarty, Y., Pilkington, P. and Superact CIC, Live Music Now South West, . 2013. Musical pathways: exploring young people's health, wellbeing and social inclusion in the criminal justice system.. Project Report. [Online]. Big Lottery. Available at: http://eprints.uwe.ac.uk/21914
- Daykin, N., Moriarty, Y., De Viggiani, N. and Pilkington, P. 2011. Evidence review: Music making with young offenders and young people at risk of offending.. Project Report. [Online]. Youth Music. Available at: http://www.youthmusic.org.uk/what-we-do/our-research/evidence-review-music-making-with-young-offenders-and-young-people-at-risk-of-offending.html
Research Awards:
2024 - 2026 Centre for Homlessness Impact - Test & Learn Programme: Nurse Health Outreach for rough sleepers. (co-applicant & trial managment methods) £599,061
2022 - 2024 NIHR PHR - PHaCT: Preventing Homelessness, improving health for people leaving prison: a pilot randomised controlled trial of a Critical Time intervention (co-applicant, trial managment methods) £744,144
2022 - 2023 Welcome Trust - ASSISTANT: Accessible software to accelerate non-commercial trials for rapid patient impact. (co-applicant, Qualitative lead) £24,317
2018 - 2022 HCRW RfPPB - TAPERS: Treating Anxiety to prevent Relaps in pSychosis - a feasability trial (Co-applicant, Qualitative lead) £229,865
2014 - 2015 Wales Dementias - COPER-HD: Co-producing resiliance in huntingtons disease (HD), intervention development (co-investigator/qualitative methods) £5,752
2011 - 2011 Youth Music - Evidence Review: Music making with young offenders and young people at risk of offending (co-applicant) £15,000
Current Studies:
- OBS UK: Obstetric Bleeding Study (OBS UK) - Senior Trial Manager, Psychological sub-study
- Test & Learn - Nurse Health Outreach - Senior Trial Manager
- Homlessness and mortality systematic review and meta-analysis - Senior Trial Manager
- Preventing Homelessness, improving health for people leaving prison: a pilot randomised controlled trial of a Critical Time intervention (PHaCT) - Senior Trial Manager
Completed studies:
- Accessible software to accelerate non-commercial trials for rapid patient impact: ASSISTANT - Qualitative lead
- Cancer Attitudes and Behaviours Study during COVID-19 (CABS) - Study manager - www.cabs-study.yolasite.com
- Treating Anxiety to Prevent Relaps in Psychosis: a feasability trial (TAPERS) - Qualitative lead
- Awarness and Beliefs About Cancer (ABACus) 3 - Trial Manager
- Paediatric early warning sysyem - Utilisation and Mortality Avoidance (PUMA) - Qualitative
- Groups for Alcohol-misusing Short-term Prisoners (GASP) - Process evaulation
- Painting Art Therapy to promote Child Health (PATCH) - Study manager/Qualitative
- Healthy Eating and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (HELP) - Qualitative
- WeIght Loss Maintenance in Adults (WILMA) - Qualitative/Data manager
- Music making with young offenders: Evidence review
- Musical Pathways - Study manager
I am currently teaching on the BSc Intercalated Epidemiology Research Methods module and also supervise dissertation students.
In the past I have taught on the following programmes:
- MSc Public Health
- BSc Criminology
- BSc Social Work
- BSc Psychology
MSc Forensic Psychology, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2010
BSc (Hons) Psychology 2.1, University of Stirling, 2008
Career Overview:
2022 - Current: Research Fellow, Centre for Trials Research (Senior Trial Managment), Cardiff University
2017 - 2022: Research Associate, Center for Trials Research (Trial Management), Cardiff University
2013 - 2017: Research Assistant, Center for Trials Research (Qualitative), Cardiff University
2010 - 2013: Research Associate, Department of Health and Social Science (Public Health Team), University of the West of England, Bristol
Honours and awards
- Cardiff University MEDIC Star EDI award 2021 to CTR Wellbeing Group
- Alcohol Research UK Conference Grant, £300, March 2017 to attend International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services conference in Split, Croatia on 13 – 15 June 2017
- Royal Society for Public Health: Arts & Health Award 2013 for 'Musical Pathways' in recognition of original and excellent contributions to research and knowledge exchange in the field of Arts and Health in Criminal Justice.
Professional memberships
- British Psychological Society (BPS)
- UK Society of Behavioural Medicine (UKSBM)
- Offender Health Research Network (OHRN)
Committees and reviewing
Panel member:
2023: Centre for Homlessness Impact Panel of Evaluators
Journal review editor:
2023 - Current Frontiers in Public Health, IF 5.2
Journal reviewer:
2023 - Current Journal of Prevention, IF 2.529
2019 - Current Youth Justice, IF 1.3
2018 - Current Journal of Public Health 5.058
Contact Details
- Public health
- Qualitative research methods
- Health Inequalities
- clinical trials