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Simon Noble

Professor Simon Noble

Director, Division of Population Medicine


I hold a Marie Curie Chair in Supportive and Palliative Medicine and am co-director of the Marie Curie Palliative Care Reserch Group, which sits in the Division of Population Medicine. I am also an honorary consultant in Palliative Medicine at Aneurin Bevan Universirty Health Board

My research and clinical interests lie with cancer associated thrombosis with particular emphasis on management in advanced cancer and where the evidence is lacking. I have collaborated with international researchers to explore the impact of cancer associated thrombosis on the lives of patients with cancer associated thrombosis and am a strong advocate for patient partner working in all apsect of thrombosis research.

I believe the management of conditions affecting palliative care patients should be evidenced based and that it is essential for  good patient care that we challenge dogma which is based on poor evidence. Dying is the one clinical process that every patient will experience. We owe it to our patients (and ourselves) to ensure the evidence base of end of life care is held to the same scrutiny as newly marketed pharmaceuticals.

I have lectured in over 40 countries across five continents. My hobbies include trekking, the history of cinema and hip-hop.
























I am involved in the following research projects and collaborations:

Research Assessment for Malignant Bowel Obstruction (RAMBO) (CI Noble S, Boland J). This is a collaboration with Hull York Medical School to develop a core outcome set for malignant bowel obstruction based on COMET methodology. Funded by Marie Curie.

Patient Experence of LIving with CANcer associted thrombosis (PELICAN) (CI Noble S). This International collaboration is a qualitative study to explore the commonalities and differences different healthcare systems and cultures have on the quality of life of cancer patients who have been diagnosed with venous thromboembolism. To date we have interveiwed 20 patients from each of the following countries: United Kingdom, France (PI Mahe I), Spain (PI Font C), Canada (PI Lee AYY), New Zealand (PI Woulfe T), Singapore (PI Yap ES).

Lung Cancer Bio Clot: (CI Evans P, Noble S). This work is a collaboration between the Haemostasis Biomedical Research Unit within the Welsh Centre for Emergency Medicine at Swansea University and the MCPCRC within the Division of Population Medicine. We are looking at changes in the clot microstructure of lng cancer patients receiving systemic anti cancer therapies with correlation to radiological outcomes. Funded by VElindre Stepping Stoones Charitable Funds.

Stopping Anticoagulation for isolated or incidental subsegmental pulmonary embolism (STOPAPE) (CI Lasserson) This NIHR multicentre study aims to recruit 1466 patients withisolated or incidental SSPE to explore whether the best management is to continue or stop anticoagulation at diagnosis. Co-ordinated through Warwick University. Funded by NIHR.


Committees and reviewing

Quality of Life and Cancer Associated Thrombosis”   Scandinavian Thrombosis Conference Online November 2020

Cancer Associated Thrombosis at the End of Life”, Scandinavian Thrombosis Conference, Online November 2020

“Cancer Associated Thrombosis: what’s old and what’s new?”  Nordic Conference on Thrombosis and Haemostasis, Billund, Denmark, September 2019

“The truth is out there: untangling the association of heparins with cancer survival”  Multi-professional Association Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), San Francisco, USA, June 2019

“Update on venous thromboembolism at end of life”, Multi-professional Association Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC), San Francisco, USA, June 2019

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29206 87245
Campuses Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 6th Floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS