Dr Claire Nollett
Research Fellow and Academic Lead for Public Involvement and Engagement
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I have a background in managing research into interventions for mental health conditions, including depression, anxiety and eating disorders. My expertise is in designing and managing clinical trials, in particular non-drug studies involving complex interventions such as psychological therapies. I also have clinical experience in treating anxiety and depression using low intensity cognitive behavioural therapy in the NHS.
I currently work in the Centre for Trials Research where I am the Academic Lead for Public Involvement & Engagement. I co-ordinate the activities of the Centre's PI&E Hub. For five years until March 2023 I was also a Consultant with the Research Design and Conduct Service (RDCS). I helped social care colleagues and NHS practitioners from a wide range of medical specialties to design and develop their research studies and apply for grant funding.
- Calvert, C. et al. 2025. Developing generic clinical trial animated explainer videos in the UK: results of a survey and case study. Trials 26(1), pp. 25. (10.1186/s13063-024-08687-5)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
- Nollett, C., Ryan, B. and Latham, K. 2024. Humanising health care: Assessing the impact of an educational resource to share real patient stories with eye care students. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241294211)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Nollett, C., Brookes-Howell, L., Robling, M. and Trubey, R. 2024. Exploring public views on the use of synthetic datasets for research - results from the DELIMIT study. International Journal of Population Data Science 9(5), article number: 426. (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2919)
- Nollett, C., Eberl, M., Fitzgibbon, J., Joseph-Williams, N. and Hatch, S. 2024. Public involvement and engagement in scientific research and higher education: The only way is ethics?. Research Involvement and Engagement 10(1), article number: 50. (10.1186/s40900-024-00587-x)
- Nollett, C., Cooke, P., Labbett, S., Margrain, T. and Thurston, M. 2024. Involving stakeholders in designing a mental health curriculum for staff in the vision impairment sector. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241250210)
- Finch, F., Parker, P., Nollett, C. and Burns, S. 2024. The novel application of the Lightning Process to treat Long COVID in primary care – Case report. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 20(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.explore.2023.08.009)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Barber, V. S., Calvert, C., Appelbe, D., Sprange, K., Nollett, C., Tanner, S. and Richards, D. B. 2024. Current usage of explainer animations in trials: a survey of the UKCRC registered clinical trial units in the UK. Trials 25(1), article number: 224. (10.1186/s13063-024-08060-6)
- van Munster, E. P. J., van Nispen, R. M. A., Nollett, C. L., Holloway, E. E., Maarsingh, O. R., Heymans, M. W. and van der Aa, H. P. A. 2023. Discussing depression in patients with visual impairment differs across countries: Validation of a prediction model in healthcare providers. Acta Ophthalmologica 101(7), pp. 766-774. (10.1111/aos.15663)
- Bisson, J. et al. 2023. Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of guided self-help versus individual cognitive behavioural therapy with a trauma focus for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID). Health Technology Assessment 27, article number: 26. (10.3310/YTQW8336)
- Simon, N. et al. 2023. The acceptability of a guided internet-based trauma-focused self-help programme (Spring) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2), article number: 2212554.
- Eberl, M., Joseph-Williams, N., Nollett, C., Fitzgibbon, J. and Hatch, S. 2023. Overcoming the disconnect between scientific research and the public. Immunology and Cell Biology 101(7), pp. 590-597. (10.1111/imcb.12657)
- Burgher, T., Shepherd, V. and Nollett, C. 2023. Effective approaches to public involvement in care home research: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Research Involvement and Engagement 9(38) (10.1186/s40900-023-00453-2)
- van Munster, E., Nollett, C., Holloway, E., van Nispen, R., Maarsingh, O., Heymans, M. and van der Aa, H. 2022. Improving detection of depression in adults with vision impairment. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2657.
- Bisson, J. I. et al. 2022. Guided, internet based, cognitive behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial (RAPID). BMJ 377, article number: e069405. (10.1136/bmj-2021-069405)
- Read, S. et al. 2021. Normalisation process theory and the implementation of a new glaucoma clinical pathway in hospital eye services: perspectives of doctors, nurses and optometrists. PLoS ONE 16(8), article number: e0255564. (10.1371/journal.pone.0255564)
- Bartlett, R., Acton, J., Ryan, B., Man, R., Pickles, T. and Nollett, C. 2021. Training results in increased practitioner confidence and identification of depression in people with low vision: a mixed methods study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 41(2), pp. 316-330. (10.1111/opo.12788)
- Waterman, H. et al. 2020. Acceptability, adherence and economic analyses of a new clinical pathway for the identification of non-responders to glaucoma eye drops: a prospective observational study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 104(12), pp. 1704-1709. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-315436)
- Nollett, C., Bartlett, R., Man, R., Pickles, T., Ryan, B. and Acton, J. H. 2020. Barriers to integrating routine depression screening into community low vision rehabilitation services: a mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry 20, pp. 419. (10.1186/s12888-020-02805-8)
- Read, S. et al. 2020. Chronic conditions and behavioural change approaches to medication adherence: rethinking clinical guidance and recommendations. Patient Preference and Adherence 14, pp. 581-586., article number: 52446. (10.2147/PPA.S239916)
- Nollett, C., Bartlett, R., Man, R., Pickles, T., Ryan, B. and Acton, J. H. 2019. How do community-based eye care practitioners approach depression in patients with low vision? A mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry 19(1), article number: 426. (10.1186/s12888-019-2387-x)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2019. Depressive symptoms in people with a vision impairment: A cross-sectional study to identify who is most at risk. BMJ Open 9(1), article number: e026163. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026163)
- Santer, M. et al. 2018. Adding emollient bath additives to standard eczema management for children with eczema: the BATHE RCT. Health Technology Assessment 22(57) (10.3310/hta22570)
- Stuart, B. et al. 2018. Feasibility of weekly participant-reported data collection in a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care: Experiences from the BATHE trial (Bath Additives for the Treatment of cHildhood Eczema). Trials 19, article number: 582.
- Santer, M. et al. 2018. Emollient bath additives for the treatment of childhood eczema (BATHE): multicentre pragmatic parallel group randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost effectiveness. BMJ 361, article number: k1332. (10.1136/bmj.k1332)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2018. Pragmatic RAndomised controlled trial of a trauma-focused guided self-help Programme versus InDividual trauma-focused cognitive Behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID): trial protocol. BMC Psychiatry 18(1), article number: 77. (10.1186/s12888-018-1665-3)
- Nollett, C. 2017. C55224: Depression: A guide for eye care practitioners - Part 2. Optician 253
- Nollett, C. 2016. C54038: Depression: A guide for eye care practitioners – part 1. Optician 252, article number: C54038.
- Nollett, C., Kelson, M. J. and Hood, K. 2016. Site visits to initiate recruitment in a clinical trial: Does it matter who conducts the visit? Protocol for implementation in trials. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 9(4), pp. 225-227. (10.1111/jebm.12212)
- Nollett, C. L. et al. 2016. Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): a randomized clinical trial of depression treatments in people with low vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(10), pp. 4247-4254. (10.1167/iovs.16-19345)
- Jumbe, S., Nollett, C., Jumbe, S. L. and Meyrick, J. 2016. The effectiveness of bariatric surgery on long term psychosocial quality of life - A systematic review. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 10(3), pp. 225-242. (10.1016/j.orcp.2015.11.009)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2016. High prevalence of untreated depression in patients accessing low-vision services. Ophthalmology 123(2), pp. 440-441. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.07.009)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2012. The depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): trial design and protocol. BMC Psychiatry 12(1), article number: 57. (10.1186/1471-244X-12-57)
- Nollett, C. and Button, E. J. 2005. Questionnaire measures of psychopathology in eating disorders: Comparisons between clinical groups. European Eating Disorders Review 13(3), pp. 211-215. (10.1002/erv.632)
- Button, E. J., Benson, E., Nollett, C. and Palmer, R. L. 2005. Don't forget EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified): patterns of service use in an eating disorders service. Psychiatric Bulletin 29(4), pp. 134-136. (10.1192/pb.29.4.134)
- Calvert, C. et al. 2025. Developing generic clinical trial animated explainer videos in the UK: results of a survey and case study. Trials 26(1), pp. 25. (10.1186/s13063-024-08687-5)
- Nollett, C., Ryan, B. and Latham, K. 2024. Humanising health care: Assessing the impact of an educational resource to share real patient stories with eye care students. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241294211)
- Lugg-Widger, F., Nollett, C., Brookes-Howell, L., Robling, M. and Trubey, R. 2024. Exploring public views on the use of synthetic datasets for research - results from the DELIMIT study. International Journal of Population Data Science 9(5), article number: 426. (10.23889/ijpds.v9i5.2919)
- Nollett, C., Eberl, M., Fitzgibbon, J., Joseph-Williams, N. and Hatch, S. 2024. Public involvement and engagement in scientific research and higher education: The only way is ethics?. Research Involvement and Engagement 10(1), article number: 50. (10.1186/s40900-024-00587-x)
- Nollett, C., Cooke, P., Labbett, S., Margrain, T. and Thurston, M. 2024. Involving stakeholders in designing a mental health curriculum for staff in the vision impairment sector. British Journal of Visual Impairment (10.1177/02646196241250210)
- Finch, F., Parker, P., Nollett, C. and Burns, S. 2024. The novel application of the Lightning Process to treat Long COVID in primary care – Case report. Explore: The Journal of Science and Healing 20(2), pp. 248-252. (10.1016/j.explore.2023.08.009)
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play!: protocol for a feasibility study of a remotely delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (ages 0–8) across UK early years and children’s services. Pilot and Feasibility Studies 10(1), article number: 55. (10.1186/s40814-024-01491-7)
- Barber, V. S., Calvert, C., Appelbe, D., Sprange, K., Nollett, C., Tanner, S. and Richards, D. B. 2024. Current usage of explainer animations in trials: a survey of the UKCRC registered clinical trial units in the UK. Trials 25(1), article number: 224. (10.1186/s13063-024-08060-6)
- van Munster, E. P. J., van Nispen, R. M. A., Nollett, C. L., Holloway, E. E., Maarsingh, O. R., Heymans, M. W. and van der Aa, H. P. A. 2023. Discussing depression in patients with visual impairment differs across countries: Validation of a prediction model in healthcare providers. Acta Ophthalmologica 101(7), pp. 766-774. (10.1111/aos.15663)
- Bisson, J. et al. 2023. Pragmatic randomised controlled trial of guided self-help versus individual cognitive behavioural therapy with a trauma focus for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID). Health Technology Assessment 27, article number: 26. (10.3310/YTQW8336)
- Simon, N. et al. 2023. The acceptability of a guided internet-based trauma-focused self-help programme (Spring) for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). European Journal of Psychotraumatology 14(2), article number: 2212554.
- Eberl, M., Joseph-Williams, N., Nollett, C., Fitzgibbon, J. and Hatch, S. 2023. Overcoming the disconnect between scientific research and the public. Immunology and Cell Biology 101(7), pp. 590-597. (10.1111/imcb.12657)
- Burgher, T., Shepherd, V. and Nollett, C. 2023. Effective approaches to public involvement in care home research: a systematic review and narrative synthesis. Research Involvement and Engagement 9(38) (10.1186/s40900-023-00453-2)
- Bisson, J. I. et al. 2022. Guided, internet based, cognitive behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder: pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial (RAPID). BMJ 377, article number: e069405. (10.1136/bmj-2021-069405)
- Read, S. et al. 2021. Normalisation process theory and the implementation of a new glaucoma clinical pathway in hospital eye services: perspectives of doctors, nurses and optometrists. PLoS ONE 16(8), article number: e0255564. (10.1371/journal.pone.0255564)
- Bartlett, R., Acton, J., Ryan, B., Man, R., Pickles, T. and Nollett, C. 2021. Training results in increased practitioner confidence and identification of depression in people with low vision: a mixed methods study. Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics 41(2), pp. 316-330. (10.1111/opo.12788)
- Waterman, H. et al. 2020. Acceptability, adherence and economic analyses of a new clinical pathway for the identification of non-responders to glaucoma eye drops: a prospective observational study. British Journal of Ophthalmology 104(12), pp. 1704-1709. (10.1136/bjophthalmol-2019-315436)
- Nollett, C., Bartlett, R., Man, R., Pickles, T., Ryan, B. and Acton, J. H. 2020. Barriers to integrating routine depression screening into community low vision rehabilitation services: a mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry 20, pp. 419. (10.1186/s12888-020-02805-8)
- Read, S. et al. 2020. Chronic conditions and behavioural change approaches to medication adherence: rethinking clinical guidance and recommendations. Patient Preference and Adherence 14, pp. 581-586., article number: 52446. (10.2147/PPA.S239916)
- Nollett, C., Bartlett, R., Man, R., Pickles, T., Ryan, B. and Acton, J. H. 2019. How do community-based eye care practitioners approach depression in patients with low vision? A mixed methods study. BMC Psychiatry 19(1), article number: 426. (10.1186/s12888-019-2387-x)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2019. Depressive symptoms in people with a vision impairment: A cross-sectional study to identify who is most at risk. BMJ Open 9(1), article number: e026163. (10.1136/bmjopen-2018-026163)
- Santer, M. et al. 2018. Adding emollient bath additives to standard eczema management for children with eczema: the BATHE RCT. Health Technology Assessment 22(57) (10.3310/hta22570)
- Stuart, B. et al. 2018. Feasibility of weekly participant-reported data collection in a pragmatic randomised controlled trial in primary care: Experiences from the BATHE trial (Bath Additives for the Treatment of cHildhood Eczema). Trials 19, article number: 582.
- Santer, M. et al. 2018. Emollient bath additives for the treatment of childhood eczema (BATHE): multicentre pragmatic parallel group randomised controlled trial of clinical and cost effectiveness. BMJ 361, article number: k1332. (10.1136/bmj.k1332)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2018. Pragmatic RAndomised controlled trial of a trauma-focused guided self-help Programme versus InDividual trauma-focused cognitive Behavioural therapy for post-traumatic stress disorder (RAPID): trial protocol. BMC Psychiatry 18(1), article number: 77. (10.1186/s12888-018-1665-3)
- Nollett, C. 2017. C55224: Depression: A guide for eye care practitioners - Part 2. Optician 253
- Nollett, C. 2016. C54038: Depression: A guide for eye care practitioners – part 1. Optician 252, article number: C54038.
- Nollett, C., Kelson, M. J. and Hood, K. 2016. Site visits to initiate recruitment in a clinical trial: Does it matter who conducts the visit? Protocol for implementation in trials. Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine 9(4), pp. 225-227. (10.1111/jebm.12212)
- Nollett, C. L. et al. 2016. Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): a randomized clinical trial of depression treatments in people with low vision. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 57(10), pp. 4247-4254. (10.1167/iovs.16-19345)
- Jumbe, S., Nollett, C., Jumbe, S. L. and Meyrick, J. 2016. The effectiveness of bariatric surgery on long term psychosocial quality of life - A systematic review. Obesity Research & Clinical Practice 10(3), pp. 225-242. (10.1016/j.orcp.2015.11.009)
- Nollett, C. et al. 2016. High prevalence of untreated depression in patients accessing low-vision services. Ophthalmology 123(2), pp. 440-441. (10.1016/j.ophtha.2015.07.009)
- Margrain, T. H. et al. 2012. The depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT): trial design and protocol. BMC Psychiatry 12(1), article number: 57. (10.1186/1471-244X-12-57)
- Nollett, C. and Button, E. J. 2005. Questionnaire measures of psychopathology in eating disorders: Comparisons between clinical groups. European Eating Disorders Review 13(3), pp. 211-215. (10.1002/erv.632)
- Button, E. J., Benson, E., Nollett, C. and Palmer, R. L. 2005. Don't forget EDNOS (eating disorder not otherwise specified): patterns of service use in an eating disorders service. Psychiatric Bulletin 29(4), pp. 134-136. (10.1192/pb.29.4.134)
- van Munster, E., Nollett, C., Holloway, E., van Nispen, R., Maarsingh, O., Heymans, M. and van der Aa, H. 2022. Improving detection of depression in adults with vision impairment. Presented at: 2022 ARVO Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, USA, 01-04 May 2022, Vol. 63. Vol. 7. Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology pp. 2657.
- Randell, E. et al. 2024. Watch Me Play! A pilot feasibility study of a remotely- delivered intervention to promote mental health resilience for children (aged 0-8) across UK early years and children's services.. Project Report. Foundations.
Research Interests
I have managed several trials of psychological interventions for common mental health disorders, including RAPID, a study of online Guided Self Help vs individual face-to-face therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The success of the trial was widely reported in the news.
Following my earlier involvement in the Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT), I am working on ways to improve the mental wellbeing of people with sight loss. Please get in touch if you wish to collaborate.
I have a keen interest in public involvement and engagement and delivering impact in the 'real-world' based on my research. Many of my grants are for co-produced work or impact projects. I also have a commitment to supporting women academics and co-established EMPOWER, a network for Cardiff Univeristy staff who identify as a woman.
Project Grants
Deliberative workshops with public members: Establishing trust in the use of synthetic data (DELIMIT). UKRI/ADR UK - £120, 893 (Co-applicant) - 2024
Encouraging multidisciplinarity and leadership amongst aspiring and current women principal investigators in Cardiff University (EMPOWER). Internal funding - £26, 000 - 07/24
Producing an educational resource to share real life patient stories with eye care students: humanising healthcare. Impact Acceleration Account - £8940 (Lead applicant) - 03/2023
Liver Disease Cymru. NIHR Research Partnership – £99, 896 (Co-applicant: Lead for public involvement) - 02/2023
EXPLAIN Initiative: Creating videos to explain trials concepts to the public. NIHR, £61, 822 (Co-applicant) - 08/2022
Co-producing a mental health training curriculum for frontline staff in the sight loss sector. RWIF Impact Funding - £24, 632 (Lead applicant) - 29/09/2021
Improving the detection of depression in adults with vision impairment. ZonMw - 53, 980 euros (Co-applicant) - 11/2020
Saponins for Macular Disease (SAMADI) - AltRegen - £1.2m (Co-applicant) - 04/2019
What is the impact of training low vision practitioners to screen & refer for depression on their attitudes and practice? Thomas Pocklington Trust - £8,278 (Lead applicant) - 31/07/2018
Feasibility and Acceptability of a new Clinical Pathway for the Identification of Non-Responders to Glaucoma Eye Drops (the TRIAGE study) Research for Patient and Public Benefit - £225,135 (Co-applicant) - 22/08/2017
Travel & Mobility Grants
Conference Grant - Thomas Pocklington Trust - £850 (Lead Applicant) - 04/2021
Travel Grant - Global Wales International Research Mobility Fund - £1350 (Lead applicant) - 10/11/2020
I have successful collaborations with my colleagues in the School of Optometry & Vision Sciences at Cardiff University and researchers at the Singapore Eye Research Institute and Amsterdam University Medical Centre. I am currently working with RNIB, Guide Dogs, Thomas Pocklington Trust and the Rehabilitation Workers Professional Network.
Teaching in the School of Optometry
I have provided online teaching to undergraduate and postgraduate optometry students on topics including 'Research Methods in Healthcare' and 'Identifying and Managing Depression in Low Vision'.
Education and Qualifications
- 2021 PhD in low vision and depression, Cardiff University
- 2011 Post-graduate Certificate Psychological Wellbeing Practitioner, Exeter University
- 2000 BSc Social Psychology, Loughborough University
Career Overview
- 2020 - Present Academic Lead for Public Involvement & Engagement, Centre for Trials Research
- 2017 - Present Research Associate/Consultant, Research Design and Conduct Service
- 2014 - 2017 Research Associate/Trial Manager, Centre for Trials Research, Cardiff University
- 2011 - 2014 Research Fellow/Trial Manager, School of Optometry & Vision Sciences, Cardiff University
- 2009 - 2011 Psychological Wellebing Practitioner, AWP NHS Trust
- 2007 - 2009 Explorer and Teacher of English as a Foreign Language
- 2005 - 2007 Research Assistant, Eating Disorders, University of London
- 2001 - 2005 Research Assistant, Eating Disorders, University of Leicester
Speaking engagements
- 2019 Oral presentation at the European Society for Low Vision Research & Rehabilitation annual conference
- 2018 Advisor on depression for an online training module hosted by the College of Optometrists
- 2018 PPI workshop "Wellbeing for people with sight loss: Let's create a clear vision for future research"
- 2017 Expert panel member in a training video "The Ageing Eye: Visual Impairment" for the College of Optometrists
- 2016 Presented a webinar on Mental Health to optometrists for NHS Education for Scotland
- 2016 Presented the findings of DEPVIT trial at Mental Health Awareness Day, Bridgend Coallition for Disabled People
Committees and reviewing
- Journal article reviewer for the following eye care journals: Ophthalmic & Physiological Optics, British Journal of Visual Impairment, Ophthalmic Epidemiology, Acta Opthalmologica and JAMA Ophthalmology. Reviews also conducted for BJ Psych Open, Brain and Behaviour, Royal Society Open Science and Pilot and Feasibility Studies.
Contact Details
- Clinical research
- Mental Health
- Vision impairment