Mrs Sharon Norman
Programme Director
- +44 29225 11567
- Neuadd Meirionnydd, Room 6th Floor, University Hospital of Wales, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4YS
I have a passion for the education of acute and critical care healthcare professionals from primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare settings. I am a Senior Lecturer and Programme Director for the MSc Critical Care and my current responsibilities are organising, developing and managing this programme and module lead for a number of sessional modules and CPD modules in healthcare. As Programme Director I am responsible for line managing MSc Critical Care staff and supporting my academic peers, PSS staff, undertaking the academic administration of the programme and the pastoral care of our students.
I have developed an expertise in construction, development and delivery of e-Learning education including teaching, lecturing, with a specific interest in enhancing the student enagement, motivation and their experience, through innovative assessment and feedback/feedforward strategies. I am an active member of MEDIC PGT Board of Studies, Extenuating Circumstance Committee, PGT Community of Practice and PGT Assessment Group and act as rotational chair for the PGT Programme Development and PGT Marketing groups.
I am an active member of Welsh Intensive Care Society and have sat on Council since 2018: Nurse AHP Lead 2018-2021, Secretary 2021 - ongoing.
I was also a member of the BACCN's Welsh Regional Committee 2019-2024 (Winners of 2023 BACCN Best Study Day and 2023 BACCN Most Outstanding Region).
- Greene, A., Vu, E. N., Archer, T., Norman, S., Trojanowski, J. and Shih, A. W. 2021. A service evaluation of prehospital blood transfusion by critical care paramedics in British Columbia, Canada. Air Medical Journal 40(6), pp. 441-445. (10.1016/j.amj.2021.07.004)
- Robitaille-Fortin, M., Norman, S., Archer, T. and Mercier, E. 2021. Prehospital decompression of pneumothorax: a systematic review of recent evidence. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 36(4), pp. 450-459. (10.1017/S1049023X21000509)
- Xantus, G., Penny, A., Norman, S. E. and Kanizsai, P. L. 2020. A korai krisztalloidbolus előnyei felnőtt szeptikus betegek sürgősségi kezelésében Szisztematikus áttekintés és metaanalízis-protokoll. Orvosi Hetilap 161(39), article number: 1668. (10.1556/650.2020.31864)
- Xantus, G., Allen, P., Norman, S. and Kanizsai, P. 2019. Antibiotics administered within 1 hour to adult emergency department patients screened positive for sepsis: a systematic review. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 27(4), pp. 260-267. (10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000654)
- Batt, A. M., Tomkinson, C. B., Morgan, L. and Norman, S. 2016. Do paramedics have a role to play in organ donation? [Letter]. Transplantation 100(8), pp. e42-e43. (10.1097/TP.0000000000001212)
- Evans, A., Ellis, G., Norman, S. and Luke, K. 2014. Patient safety education - a description and evaluation of an international, interdisciplinary e-learning programme. Nurse Education Today 34(2), pp. 248-251. (10.1016/j.nedt.2013.03.009)
- Greene, A., Vu, E. N., Archer, T., Norman, S., Trojanowski, J. and Shih, A. W. 2021. A service evaluation of prehospital blood transfusion by critical care paramedics in British Columbia, Canada. Air Medical Journal 40(6), pp. 441-445. (10.1016/j.amj.2021.07.004)
- Robitaille-Fortin, M., Norman, S., Archer, T. and Mercier, E. 2021. Prehospital decompression of pneumothorax: a systematic review of recent evidence. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine 36(4), pp. 450-459. (10.1017/S1049023X21000509)
- Xantus, G., Penny, A., Norman, S. E. and Kanizsai, P. L. 2020. A korai krisztalloidbolus előnyei felnőtt szeptikus betegek sürgősségi kezelésében Szisztematikus áttekintés és metaanalízis-protokoll. Orvosi Hetilap 161(39), article number: 1668. (10.1556/650.2020.31864)
- Xantus, G., Allen, P., Norman, S. and Kanizsai, P. 2019. Antibiotics administered within 1 hour to adult emergency department patients screened positive for sepsis: a systematic review. European Journal of Emergency Medicine 27(4), pp. 260-267. (10.1097/MEJ.0000000000000654)
- Batt, A. M., Tomkinson, C. B., Morgan, L. and Norman, S. 2016. Do paramedics have a role to play in organ donation? [Letter]. Transplantation 100(8), pp. e42-e43. (10.1097/TP.0000000000001212)
- Evans, A., Ellis, G., Norman, S. and Luke, K. 2014. Patient safety education - a description and evaluation of an international, interdisciplinary e-learning programme. Nurse Education Today 34(2), pp. 248-251. (10.1016/j.nedt.2013.03.009)
In 2017 I won a full Cardiff University CEI grant for Education Innovation Funding to research alligning marker feedback comments to Cardiff University generic marking criteira rubrics. I lead and project managed for this project. This actively engaged students to ensure the student voicewais at the heart of the project and developed a standardised bank of feedback comments, directly alligned to CU's generic marking criteria, and developed Turnitin (Tii) Feedback resources to share between academics across the university. Results and resources from this project can be obtained by contacting me.
I am Programme Director for the MSc Critical Care and module lead for the following modules:
- Research Governance and Evidence Based Practice
- Quality and Safety
- Professional Practice and Management Issues
- Management of Clinical Specialities
- MSc Critical Care Dissertation
I am also module lead for a number of sessional modules and CPD modules in healthcare.
As a registered nurse from 2005 I began my career in intensive care and worked in a tiertiary centre in Cardiff. Here I became Senior Staff Nurse and Clinical Development Nurse (Practice Educator) before stepping into the world of academic education in 2003 to became a Lecturer for the MSc Critical Care at Cardiff University. I became Programme Lead for the MSc Critical Care in 2007 and developed the course from distance learning to e-Learning in 2009. This has developed and embraced innovative, patient centred learning and assessment strategies.
I have Diplomas in Nursing, Teaching, Assessing in Clinical Practice and Critical Care. I completed a Masters in Business Administration in 2005 and I graduated with my PGCHE in 2017. and I am currently undertaking a part time PhD at School of Medicine, Cardiff University.
I am External Examiner for Advanced Practice (Critical Care) at Bradford University and previously for for College of Human and Health Sciences at Swansea Univeristy and I have sat as an expert panel member for School Advisory Panel for MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, SoHCS, Cardiff University, University of Northampton's Quality Unit, The College of Human and Health Sciences at Anglian Ruskin University and the Faculty of Health and Social Care at Edgehill University.
Professional memberships
- Welsh Intensive Care Society
Academic positions
- Programme Lead (2007-2022)
- Lecturer (2003 - 2022)
Committees and reviewing
- C4ME PGT Board of Studies
- C4ME PGTProgramme Development Group
- C4ME PGT Extenuating Circumstances Group
- C4ME PGT Marketing Group
To ensure personal development and support other academics my citizenship roles in C4ME include membership of the following:
- Teaching Excellence working group
- Independent observer
- Chaired of exam Board for MSc Advanced Surgical Practice and MSc Medical Education
- Programme Development Group
- PGT Admissions and Marketing Group
- Mentoring Circles
- PGT Student Voice (Academic lead)
- Staff Student panel academic lead for MSc Advanced Surgical, MSc Critical Care, MSc Pain Management, and MSc Pain Management (Primary Care) programmes
- PTES task and finish group
- Community of Practice
- Dissertation Rubrics Working Group
- Assessment Group
- Academic Mentor/Personal Tutor
My citizen roles in College of BLS include:
- Member of School Advisory Panel for MSc Advanced Clinical Practice, SoHCS, 2012
- Clinical skills teaching in own time in SOHCS 2016/17
- Cardiff University Multi Mini Interviews Adult Undergraduate Nursing 2017
- Interview Panel Member for Lecturer position in School of Dentistry 2017
- Consult/collaborate with SOHCS on common themes, such as quality and safety, nutrition, obsterics.
My citizen roles within Cardiff University include:
- Cardiff University Educational Seminar – Oral Presentation 2016
- Run Workshop at Cardiff University CEI Education Conference “To Tech or not to Tech” 2017
- Project Manager and leader for CEI Education Innovation Fund ( £30K) Education Innovation Fund project “Associated Marking - linking marking rubrics and Quickmark sets within Grademark”.
- Assessment Mark Integration Progect
- Acute care
- Critical Care
- e-Learning
- Curriculum and pedagogy
- Education assessment and evaluation