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Kate O'Sullivan

Dr Kate O'Sullivan

Research Associate


I am currently working as part of the BuildZero research project - exploring a circular economy of UK building stock in which it is zero carbon, zero waste and requires zero material extraction by 2050. Working on WP1 with Prof. Kersty Hobson, we aim to explore how stakeholders and the public in the UK envision a BuildZero future and co-create pathways in which these BuildZero futures might be realised.   

My background is in human geography and my research interests centre around the relational and multi-scale interplay between humans and environment, and the implications for how places are understood and experienced. My research has included the exploration of decarbonisation for peripheral communities in Wales which with a focus on energy and spatial justice. This work highlighted connections between spatial structures and the distribution of costs and benefits of decarbonisation.

My most recent research was as part of the Greenhouse Gas Removal by Enhanced Rock Weathering project (ERW), contributing to knowledge of the social and ethical conditions for deployment of new and unfamiliar carbon dioxide removal approaches in the UK. During this research we developed novel tools to co-create representations of place, ethical concerns around MRV, governance systems and environmental impacts with communities likely to be impacted by ERW if deployed. Prior to this I worked as part of the Active Building Centre Research Programme, exploring lived experiences of new and novel low and zero carbon homes in Wales. Through unpacking the perspectives of the housing developers, emplaced communities and new residents, this research has elucidated how such developments are subject to, and can inform, placemaking processes. In this way they hold potential to evolve with existing community attachments to place, contribute to identity, as well as addressing local and societal scale concerns for climate change.









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My research interests are on the interplay between environmental, spatial and energy justice. I am concerned with how the sustainable and equitable use of natural resources is influenced by various economic, political and socio-spatial structures and how this manifests geographically. Research in this area is increasingly important as decarbonisation progresses and opportunities are presented that could enable emerging systems and structures become more just. My PhD research (2015-20) has highlighted the connections between political power, recognition, socio-economic development and the distribution of costs and benefits emerging from low carbon transition.


Henwood, K., Pidgeon, N., Shirani, F., O'Sullivan, K. and Hale, R. 2023. Living well in low carbon homes project report. Project Report. Self-publish.

O'Sullivan, K., Shirani, F., Hale, R., Pidgeon, N. and Henwood, K. 2023. Identity, place narrative and biophilic urban development: Connecting the past, present and future for sustainable liveable cities. Frontiers in Sustainable Cities 5 (10.3389/frsc.2023.1139029)

O'Sullivan, K., Shirani, F., Hale, R., Pidgeon, N., and Henwood, K. 2023. New communities and new values? Exploring the role of green spaces in low carbon neighbourhoods. Architecture, Media, Politics and Society. Cultures, Community and Design, [Online], Calgary Canada, June 28-30. Available: Amps-Proceedings-Series-30..pdf (  

Shirani, F., O'Sullivan, K., Hale, R., Pidgeon, N., and Henwood, K. 2022. From Active Houses to Active Homes: Understanding Resident Experiences of Transformational Design and Social Innovation. Energies 15.   

Shirani, F., O'Sullivan, K., Henwood, K., Hale, R., and Pidgeon, N. 2022. Living in an Active Home: Houshold dynamics and unintended consiquences. Buildings and cities, 3(1), pp. 589-604. 

Shirani, F., O'Sullivan, K., Hale. R., Pidgeon, N., and Henwood, K. 2022. Transformational innovation in home energy: How developers imagine and engage with future residents of low carbon homes in the United Kingdom. Energy Research and social science. 

O'Sullivan, K., Shirani, F., Pidgeon, N., and Henwood, K. 2022. Why Active Buildings? Realising the potentials of energy networked homes: A social scientific perspective. In: Vahidinasab, V., Mohammadi-Ivatloo, B. (eds) Active Building Energy Systems Operation and Control. Springer: Nottingham. 

O'Sullivan, K., Henwood, K., and Pidgeon, N. 2020. Active Buildings in a changing policy landscape: conceptual challanges and sociel scientific perspectives. Active Building Centre Research Programme White Paper Series. Avaiable at: 

O'Sullivan, K., Golubchikov, O. and Mehmood, A. 2020. Uneven energy transitions: Understanding continued energy peripheralization in rural communities. Energy Policy 138, article number: 111288. (10.1016/j.enpol.2020.111288)

Golubchikov, O. and O'Sullivan, K. 2020. Energy periphery: uneven development and the precarious geographies of low-carbon transition. Energy and Buildings (10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.109818)

Marquand, J., O’ Sullivan, K., & Pearce, S.  2019. Factors influencing local and community engagement in renewable energy in Wales. Cardiff: The Wales Institute of Social and Economic Research, Data and Methods for the Institute of Welsh Affairs. (final project report available at:

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76262
Campuses Glamorgan Building, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3WA