Since April 2023 I'm an operations manager with MFL Mentoring. Prior to this, I was a Project Coordinator between September 2019 - March 2023.
MFL Mentoring mobilises mentoring methodologies to improve motivation and resilience for language learning at GCSE and beyond. Our project encourages a multilingual, global mindset that is open to all regardless of a learner's socio-economic background or proficiency in the language classroom. Our learners are encouraged to be curious and to challenge their perspectives and assumptions by exploring the world through language and culture. This project is funded by the Welsh Government and enjoys fruitful partnerships with Aberystwyth, Bangor, Cardiff Metropolitan, Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama (RWCMD), Swansea, University of South Wales (USW), University of Wales Ttrinity St. David's (UWTSD) and Wrexham Universities.
The project trains university students to mentor learners aged 12-14 as they make their GCSE option choices. Mentoring sessions take place either in the classroom or online depending on the needs of the school. Mentors run six sessions each autumn and spring term with small groups of mentees to provide a learner-centred approach. Each session focuses on a different theme to help learners see the multidisciplinary nature of language learning. The themes explore all languages and cultures around the world rather than promoting one language in particular. This ensures that, regardless of a learner's language profile or proficiency, there is something to inspire and motivate. We have worked in over 165 of the secondary schools across Wales.
During the Covid-19 pandemic, I helped to create a fully digital and immersive transformation project for post-16 learners due to school closures across the UK. This part of the project was created with the aim to develop a positive experience around digital learning, as well as expand learners' knowledge about the opportunities available at university in terms of degree choices.
- Jenkins, L, Beckley, R, Kirkby, R, Owen, G. 2021. Rainbows in our Windows: Childhood in the Time of Corona, Moving Online: A post-16 languages recovery project in an era of Covid-19. English Association Issues in English. 2020(15), pp. 75-90. Not available online.
2019: Masters in History (Distinction) : Cardiff University
2018: BA History and German (Second Class Upper Division) : Cardiff University
April 2023 - present: Operations Manager, MFL Mentoring (Welsh Government)
September 2019- March 2023: Project Coordinator, MFL Mentoring Project (Welsh Government)