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Amy Paine   FHEA  BSc, PhD

Dr Amy Paine



Available for postgraduate supervision

Teams and roles for Amy Paine


Research summary

My core research area is social development, with a focus on protective factors in children's close relationships such as family members and friends. In my work I use observation and longitudinal methods to investigate how children develop understanding of the social world through play. I am also interested in understanding the social, emotional, and cognitive mechanisms that underpin emotional and behavioural problems in childhood. I am the Co-Director of the Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit in the Cardiff University Centre for Human Developmental Science and I am working on projects aiming to develop understanding of the experiences and support needs of adoptive and special guardianship families. 

Teaching summary

I contribute to teaching on the BSc in Psychology Developmental Psychology module in Year 2 and the Research Methods in Developmental Psychology module in Final Year.

At postgraduate level, I am the Placement Co-ordinator for the MSc in Psychology. I also contribute to teaching and supervise dissertation projects on the MSc in Children's Psychological Disorders.











Book sections



Research Summary

My core research area is social development, with a focus on protective factors in children's close relationships such as family members and friends. In my work I use observation and longitudinal methods to investigate how children develop understanding of the social world through play. I am also interested in understanding the social, emotional, and cognitive mechanisms that underpin emotional and behavioural problems in childhood. I am the Co-Director of the Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit in the Cardiff University Centre for Human Developmental Science and I am working on projects aiming to develop understanding of the experiences and support needs of adoptive and special guardianship families. 

Funding Awards

Paine, A. L., Perra, O. & Shelton, K. H. (2025-2026). Developmental trajectories and transitions of adopted children in Wales 10-years post-placement. Welsh Government.

Marquès, T., Tomova, L., & Paine, A. L. (2024-2028). ESRC-MRC WGSSS Studentship.

Stabler, L., Paine, A. L., Shelton, K. H., & Warner, N. (2024-2026). Understanding the characteristics, pathways, and support needs of carers and children with Special Guardianship Orders. Nuffield Foundation.

Paine, A. L., Martin, F., Birdsey, N., & Thomas, K. (2023-2024). Supporting the Wellbeing of Children in Hospital with Humorous Play. UKRI Harmonised Impact Accelerator Award.

Paine, A. L., Howe, N., & Rothschild, N. (2023-2024). Harnessing the Power of Humour in Primary School Education. Welsh Government.

Shelton, K. H. & Paine, A. L. (2022-2023). Supporting the mental health of adopted children: The protective effects of warm parenting. Welsh Government.

Paine, A. L. (2022). A Very Funny Summer! Holiday Enrichment Programme, Food and Fun. Cardiff University Civic Mission.

Paine, A. L., van Goozen, S., & Shelton, K. (2022-2025). ESRC-DTP Collaborative Studentship.

Paine, A. L., Robinson, C., Thomas, K., & Smilie, I. (2021-2022). Laughing all the Way to Better Wellbeing in Childhood. Innovation for All Civic Mission Fund.

Gambi, C., Paine, A. L., Thomas, K., Hughes, A., Langley, K., Jones, C., Gerson, S., Shelton, K., & Smilie, I. (2021-2022). Co-producing developmental science: Working with educators and children to set priorities for research that matters. Innovation for All Public Engagement Fund.

Paine, A. L. (2021). UKRI COVID-19 Grant Allocation.

Shelton, K. H. & Paine, A.L. (2020-2021). The Wales Adoption Cohort Study. Welsh Government.

Paine, A. L., Mitchell, P., & Howe, N. (2020-2024). Humour in Childhood: Pathways to Better Wellbeing. Economic and Social Research Council New Investigator Award.

Paine, A. L. (2019). Humour in Children's Close Relationships. The Leverhulme Trust Study Abroad Studentship.

Paine, A. L. (2019). L'humour dans les relations proches des enfants. FRQNT Postdoctoral Quebec Merit Scholarship Programme for Foreign Nationals.

Mitchell, P., et al. (2019). Inferring others’ inner states: Different developmental trends across Britain and Japan? ESRC-AHRC UK-Japan SSH Connections Grant.

Paine, A. L. (2013-2017). School of Psychology, Cardiff University, 4 year funded PhD studentship.


'Playful Learning - Giggle Games in a Wales-Quebec Partnership' Play for Wales Magazine (2024) 

'Children's Play in Hospital - How Can we Improve Their Experiences?' Play for Wales Magazine (2024) 

'Giggle Games.' Play for Wales Magazine (2023) 

Play and Humour in Schools, Play Wales (2022) 

'Humour in Play.' Playful Childhoods, Play Wales (2022)

‘The Wales Adoption Cohort Study: childhood risk and resilience.’ Research Outreach (2020)

‘Adopted children can experience lasting mental health problems.’ NIHR Alerts (2020)

‘Humour in lessons? You must be joking! (No really, you must).' Times Education Supplement (2019)

‘New research examines the use of humour in middle childhood.’ Concordia University (2019)

'How joking around with your brothers and sisters shapes your sense of humour.' The Conversation (2019)

Research Groups

Developmental & Health Psychology

Cardiff Child Development Study (CCDS)

Neurodevelopment Assessment Unit 

Wales Adoption Study 


I contribute to teaching on the BSc in Psychology Developmental Psychology module in Year 2 and the Research Methods in Developmental Psychology module in Final Year.

At postgraduate level, I am the Placement Co-ordinator for the MSc in Psychology. I also contribute to teaching and supervise dissertation projects on the MSc in Children's Psychological Disorders.


Undergraduate education

2013: BSc Psychology with Professional Placement, Cardiff University

Postgraduate education

2017:  PhD Developmental and Health Psychology, Cardiff University


2020 - present: Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

2016 - 2020: Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy


2024 - present: Senior Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2019 - 2024: Lecturer, School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2019 - 2020: Research Associate, School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2018 - 2019: Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Nottingham

2017 - 2018: Research Associate, School of Psychology, Cardiff University

2016:  Research Assistant, South East Wales Trials Unit, School of Medicine, Cardiff University

2011 - 2012: Research Assistant, Institute of Psychiatry, King's College London.

Honours and awards

2020: British Psychological Society Undergraduate Research Assistantship Scheme.

2019: British Psychological Society Undergraduate Research Assistantship Scheme.

2018: British Psychological Society Early Career Conference Bursary. 

2017: British Psychological Society Postgraduate Study Visit Scheme.

2017: Cardiff University School of Psychology Hadyn Ellis Prize for Best Doctoral Dissertation.

Professional memberships

Member of the International Play Association (IPA) Cymru Wales

Member of British Psychological Society (BPS) Developmental Section


I am interested in supervising research projects in the area of developmental psychology with a particular focus on children's interactions with family members and friends in relation to their developing social and emotional understanding.

If you are interested in applying for a PhD, or would like further information regarding my postgraduate research, please contact me directly (contact details above).

Current supervision

Contact Details

Research themes


  • Child and adolescent development
  • Family and household studies
  • Developmental Psychopathology
  • social care