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Panos Paris

Dr Panos Paris


Senior Lecturer

Available for postgraduate supervision


I work in aesthetics, ethics, and the intersection between these realms of value. I've published articles on beauty, including the notion of moral beauty, the ethical criticism of art, the concept of ugliness, and the situationist debate in moral psychology. Currently, I am concentrating on beauty, as a way into thinking about value more generally.

I joined Cardiff as a Lecturer in 2019, upon completing my PhD in philosophy at the University of St Andrews (2017), and working as a Research Fellow at the University of Birmingham (2018), an Associate Tutor at Birkbeck College, University of London (2018-9), and an Associate Lecturer at the University of York (2019).

I am a Trustee of the British Society of Aesthetics, a co-founder and former organiser of the Scottish Aesthetics Forum, and a co-founder and co-director of the newly-formed Aesthetics & Ethics Research Group.










Book sections



My research is in aesthetics, ethics, and the intersection between these realms of value.

My doctoral thesis defended the moral beauty view, whereby the moral virtues are beautiful, and the moral vices are ugly character traits. 

Currently, I am working on three interrelated projects. First, I am developing a dual-component theory of beauty, which seeks to strike a balance between formalist theories (which emphasise the objective, formal features of objects) and subjectivist theories (which emphasise the pleasure that subjects experience upon encounters with beautiful objects).

Second, I am looking into how art can foster understanding, including offering unique insights into human character and personality, and how this is a fundamental aesthetic value (right now I'm focusing on cinematic art, and especially television series).

Finally, I am examining naturalist theories of ethical and aesthetic value, elaborating on my views concerning the relationship between personality traits studied by psychologists and the virtues.

Ultimately, I am interested in laying the groundwork for a unified theory of value in which beauty plays a fundamental role, not only genealogically, but also heuristically and practically.


Autumn Semester 

Beauty & Ethics (UG, Y3)

Philosophy through Fiction and Film (UG, Y1)

Spring Semester 

Aesthetics (UG, Y2)

Art, Beauty, & Value (MA)


2023 - : Senior Lecturer in Philosophy, Cardiff University
2019 - 2023: Lecturer in Philosophy, Cardiff University
2019: Associate Lecturer in Philosophy, University of York
2018 - 2019: Associate Tutor in Philosophy, Birkbeck, University of London
2017 - 2018: Research Fellow, University of Birmingham.
2012 - 2017: PhD in Philosophy, University of St Andrews.
2011 - 2012: MLitt in Philosophy, University of St Andrews.
2010 - 2011: MA in Filmmaking, Goldsmiths, University of London.
2005 - 2009: MA (Hons) in Philosophy and Film & TV Studies, University of Glasgow.

Honours and awards

2023: Grant to set up a Welsh Aesthetics Forum / Fforwm Estheteg Cymru and organise an initial four talks in Cardiff, British Society of Aesthetics (co-applicant).
2023: UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account Grant to initiate project as a pathway to creating an impact case (co-applicant).
2022: Innovation for All grant for hosting a conference in the Welsh Government's Pierhead Building, and having political consultancy Camlas run it, Cardiff University (co-applicant).
2020 - 2021: Grant for a departmental conference on values and virtues for our changing world, Royal Institute of Philosophy (co-applicant).
2019: Grant for conference organisation, British Society of Aesthetics (co-applicant).
2019: Travel Award, British Society of Aesthetics.
2019: Travel Award, American Society for Aesthetics.
2018 - 2019: Grant for conference organisation, Thought Trust.
2017 - 2018: Grant for conference organisation, British Society of Aesthetics.
2017 - 2018: Grant for conference organisation, The Mind Association.
2018: Travel Award, British Society of Aesthetics.
2017: Prize for outstanding student/early-career paper ('Functional Beauty, Pleasure, and Experience), American Society for Aesthetics.
2017: Travel Award, British Society of Aesthetics.
2014 - 2017: Grants for events organisation (Scottish Aesthetics Forum), Scots Philosophical Association.
2014 - 2017: Grants for events organisation (Scottish Aesthetics Forum), British Society of Aesthetics.
2017: Travel Award, British Society of Aesthetics.
2012 - 2016: PhD Scholarship (4 years), Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation.
2016: Travel Award, British Society of Aesthetics.
2011 - 2012: MLitt Scholarship (1 year), Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation.
2009: Prize for distinction in Junior Honours written work in Philosophy, University of Glasgow.

Professional memberships

2018 - : Trustee of the British Society of Aesthetics (3-year term; re-elected in 2021)
2017 - : Member of the American Society for Aesthetics
2016 - : Member of the European Society for Aesthetics
2016 - : Member of the British Society of Aesthetics


I welcome PhD proposals in value theory, especially in aesthetics and the philosophy of art, philosophy of film, moral psychology, and virtue ethics.

Topics that I am particularly interested in supervising include, but are not limited to:

• beauty
• the relationship between aesthetics and ethics
• virtue aesthetics
• medium-specificity in film and/or television aesthetics
• the nature of character traits
• the relationship between personality and character
• virtue theory and evolution
• research that explores topics in virtue theory or aesthetics in light of empirical evidence

Please do get in touch if you're interested in pursuing a PhD at Cardiff in any of these or related areas or topics.

Prospective students are encouraged to explore different funding opportunities available for pursuing a PhD at Cardiff, including the SWW DTP studentship.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 76581
Campuses John Percival Building, Room Room 1.42, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU

Research themes


  • Aesthetics
  • Moral Philosophy
  • Moral psychology
  • Value Theory