Dr Jacob Pattem
BSc (Hons), MRes, PhD
Lecturer Biomaterials
- Available for postgraduate supervision
I am a multidisciplinary biophysical scientist whose research lies at the interface of physics, micro-to-molecular biology, and nanotechnology. I develop and apply advanced multi scale, 5-dimensional correlative microscopy approaches (X, Y, Z imaging, force, and time), revealing structure-function relations in human, animal and plant health and disease. I have developed numerous internationally recognized, innovative, and high throughput nano mechanical analysis approaches in bio - atomic force microscopy (BioAFM).
My research focuses on unraveling molecular informed mechanisms that underpin biophysical responses to complex biological processes such as dental erosion, remineralization, single- and mult-cell microbial colonization, oral biofilm control, oral and gastrointestinal mucus barrier modulation, alternatives to anti-microbials, infection and biosensing.
My goal is to bridge the gaps between micro and molecular biology, bio, organic and inorganic chemistry, polymer physics, nanometrology, and computational science research to unravel complex biological research questions. I always aim to conduct research with the goal of clinical translation for patient benefit, particularly, those suffering from debilitating health conditions and 3rd world rural communities with poor access and reluctance to treatment.
- Abu Hammad, K. et al. 2023. Comparative sedimentation equilibrium analysis of two IgG1 glycoforms: IgGCri and IgGWid. European Biophysics Journal 52(4-5), pp. 439-443. (10.1007/s00249-023-01656-x)
- Chun, T., Pattem, J., Gillis, R. B., Dinu, V. T., Yakubov, G. E., Corfeld, A. P. and Harding, S. E. 2023. Comparative hydrodynamic and nanoscale imaging study on the interactions of teicoplanin-A2 and bovine submaxillary mucin as a model ocular mucin. Scientific Reports 13, article number: 11367. (10.1038/s41598-023-38036-6)
- Chun, T., Pattem, J., Gillis, R. B., Dinu, V. T., Yakubov, G. E., Corfeld, A. P. and Harding, S. E. 2023. Self-association of the glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin A2 in aqueous solution studied by molecular hydrodynamics. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 1969. (10.1038/s41598-023-28740-8)
- Pattem, J., Field, J., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2022. The dynamic interplay of dietary acid pH and concentration during early-stage human enamel and dentine erosion. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 3, article number: 1040565. (10.3389/fdmed.2022.1040565)
- Dinu, V. et al. 2022. Flavour compounds affect protein structure: the effect of methyl anthranilate on bovine serum albumin conformation. Food Chemistry 388, article number: 133013. (10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133013)
- Riccardo, F. et al. 2022. Root angle is controlled by EGT1 in cereal crops employing an antigravitropic mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(31), article number: e2201350119. (10.1073/pnas.2201350119)
- Pattem, J. et al. 2021. Dependency of hydration and growth conditions on the mechanical properties of oral biofilms. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 16234. (10.1038/s41598-021-95701-4)
- Pattem, J., Swift, T., Rimmer, S., Holmes, T., MacNeil, S. and Shepherd, J. 2021. Development of a novel micro-bead force spectroscopy approach to measure the ability of a thermo-active polymer to remove bacteria from a corneal model. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 13697. (10.1038/s41598-021-93172-1)
- Pattem, J., Davrandi, M., Aguayo, S., Allen, E., Spratt, D. and Bozec, L. 2018. A multi-scale biophysical approach to develop structure-property relationships in Oral Biofilms. Scientific Reports 8(1), article number: 5691. (10.1038/s41598-018-23798-1)
- Abu Hammad, K. et al. 2023. Comparative sedimentation equilibrium analysis of two IgG1 glycoforms: IgGCri and IgGWid. European Biophysics Journal 52(4-5), pp. 439-443. (10.1007/s00249-023-01656-x)
- Chun, T., Pattem, J., Gillis, R. B., Dinu, V. T., Yakubov, G. E., Corfeld, A. P. and Harding, S. E. 2023. Comparative hydrodynamic and nanoscale imaging study on the interactions of teicoplanin-A2 and bovine submaxillary mucin as a model ocular mucin. Scientific Reports 13, article number: 11367. (10.1038/s41598-023-38036-6)
- Chun, T., Pattem, J., Gillis, R. B., Dinu, V. T., Yakubov, G. E., Corfeld, A. P. and Harding, S. E. 2023. Self-association of the glycopeptide antibiotic teicoplanin A2 in aqueous solution studied by molecular hydrodynamics. Scientific Reports 13(1), article number: 1969. (10.1038/s41598-023-28740-8)
- Pattem, J., Field, J., Waterhouse, P. J. and German, M. J. 2022. The dynamic interplay of dietary acid pH and concentration during early-stage human enamel and dentine erosion. Frontiers in Dental Medicine 3, article number: 1040565. (10.3389/fdmed.2022.1040565)
- Dinu, V. et al. 2022. Flavour compounds affect protein structure: the effect of methyl anthranilate on bovine serum albumin conformation. Food Chemistry 388, article number: 133013. (10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133013)
- Riccardo, F. et al. 2022. Root angle is controlled by EGT1 in cereal crops employing an antigravitropic mechanism. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 119(31), article number: e2201350119. (10.1073/pnas.2201350119)
- Pattem, J. et al. 2021. Dependency of hydration and growth conditions on the mechanical properties of oral biofilms. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 16234. (10.1038/s41598-021-95701-4)
- Pattem, J., Swift, T., Rimmer, S., Holmes, T., MacNeil, S. and Shepherd, J. 2021. Development of a novel micro-bead force spectroscopy approach to measure the ability of a thermo-active polymer to remove bacteria from a corneal model. Scientific Reports 11, article number: 13697. (10.1038/s41598-021-93172-1)
- Pattem, J., Davrandi, M., Aguayo, S., Allen, E., Spratt, D. and Bozec, L. 2018. A multi-scale biophysical approach to develop structure-property relationships in Oral Biofilms. Scientific Reports 8(1), article number: 5691. (10.1038/s41598-018-23798-1)
- MSc Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Module Lead: "Tissue Engineering - from Concept to Clinical Practice"
Career Overview
- 2023 - Present: Lecturer in Biomaterials - Cardiff School of Dentistry
- 2020 - 2023: BBSRC Research Fellow - University of Nottingham, Soft Matter Biomaterials and Biointerfaces, National Centre for Molecular Hydrodynamics, Food Science: Biophysical defence in the mammalian gut: Unlocking the molecular mechanisms of dietary fibre interaction with mucin glycoproteins.
- 2019 - 2020: Senior Applications Scientist - CN Technical Services Ltd, UK: Bio-AFM and 3D bioprinting
- 2018 - 2019: 1) Post Doctoral Research Associate - Sheffield University, School of Clinical Dentistry. Medcial Research Council: Developing Nano-mechanical approaches to assess non-AMR based Interventions in the Prevention of Microbial Keratits, in-vitro. 2) Post Doctoral Research Associate - Sheffield University, School of Clinical Dentistry. Global Challeneges Research Fund and Global Impact Acceleration Account: Developing a low-cost easy to use device for detecting fungal eye infections in rural India.
- 2016 - 2018: Post Doctoral Research Associate and Honorary Research Consultant - University College London, Eastman Dental Institute, Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. BBSRC and Procter & Gamble Post Doctoral Research Award: Developing a high throuput system for the production, microsbiology and nano-mechanical property analysis of varying oral biofilms.
- 2015 - 2016: Post Doctoral Research Associate - Newcastle University Centre for Oral Health Research. Newcastle Dental School Bradlaw Post Doctoral Award. 1) Nanoscale analysis of the effect of acids on human enamel and dentine erosion and the effect of metallic ions on its prevention: an AFM quantitative imaging study. 2) Nanoscale analysis of the effect of acids on mouse molar erosion and the effect of induced hypodontia: An in-vitro AFM quantitative imaging study.
Education and Qualifications
- 2011 - 2014: Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) in Dental Sciences and Cellular Pathology, Newcastle University Centre for Oral Health Research, Dental Materials/ BBSRC CASE award with GlaxoSmithKline . The effect of dietary acid pH and concentration on the nano-morphological and -mechanical properties of human enamel and dentine in-vitro.
- 2009 - 2010: Masters of Research in Medical and Molecular Biosciences (M.Res Merit), Newcastle University Centre for Oral Health Research, Dental Materials.
- 2006 - 2009: Bacherlors of Science in Nanotechnology (B.Sc Hons, 2.1), University of Leeds, Self Organising Molecular Systems (SOMS)
Honours and awards
- 2018 - Procter & Gamble Research Perfomance Award
- 2017 - Internation Association of Dental Research (IADR) - Cariology Research Prize
- 2015 - British Society of Dental Research (BSODR) GSK Mineralised Tissue Group (GSKMINTIG) Prize
- 2011 - Institue of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3) Young Persons Lecture Competition Regional WInner
Professional memberships
- Member of the International Association for Dental Research/British Society for Oral and Dental Research.
Speaking engagements
- 2022 - 2023: "Redesigning Root Architecture for Climate Resilience". Institue of Physics, Physics for Life 2023, Harrogate, UK
Committees and reviewing
- Early Career Champion Royal Microscopy Society Scanning Probe Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy Section
- Reviewer for Archives of Oral Biology
- Reviewer for Advanced Healthcare Materials
- Reviewer for Langmuir
- Reviewer for Nature Scientific Reports
Open to recieve PhD applications from:
The China Scholarship Council (CSC) in areas related to:
- Biofilm nanomechanics under healthy and diseased conditions
- Single cell force spectroscopy (Bacterial cell - surface interactions on implants, coatings and tissue scaffolds)
- Exopolysaccharide characterisation of biofilms informing nanomechanics
- Liposome-Cargo Nanomechanics
- Nanomechanics of liposome - biofilm interactions on topographically distinct clincal and antimicrobial surfaces
- Controlling biofilm matrix properties to enahnce antimicrobial delivery
- Novel atomic force microscopy approaches in the characterisation of infection and disease
- Other general areas of consideration include:
- Oral health
- Wound healing
- Biointerfaces and barrier protection
Cardiff University is offering tuition fee scholarships to successful China Scholarship Council students not currently enrolled in a PhD programme. Applications should be made in accordance with CSC guidance. Apply here Cardiff University PhD application form. Apply to Cardiff University by 30 November 2023 to study for your chosen PhD, ideally for an October 2024 start.
Contact Details
University Dental Hospital, Floor 5, Room 5F.03, Heath Park, Cardiff, CF14 4XY
Research themes
- Bio-Atomic Force Microscopy and Spectroscopy
- Biomedical imaging
- Applications in life sciences
- Tissue engineering
- Regenerative medicine