Professor Joanne Patterson
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Joanne Patterson
Professorial Research Fellow, Director of Research
Jo is Director of Research at the WSA and is part of the Management Board of the recently established Cardiff University (CU) Net Zero Innovation Institute.
As Strategic Lead of the EPSRC Harmonised Impact Accelerator Account at CU Jo works with a team of experts from across CU to fund projects that bridge the gap between research and the world’s understanding of its outputs to generate genuine impact.
Jo has recently been selected as part of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College as part of the Chair Pool that will run until autumn 2025, working across the UKRI disciplines. She is CU representative and Deputy Chair of the Wales Innovation Network Net Zero Strategic Board.
Jo is currently Co-Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Green Transitions Ecosystems project 'Transforming Housing and Homes for Future Generations' (2023 - 25), she led the Low Carbon Built Environment Project that helped provide evidence to support the implementation of low of low carbon technologies in the built environment. She also played a key role in the delivery of EnergyREV, a highly interdisciplinary team of 70+ researchers from 22 Universities from across the UK providing solutions for scaling up smart local energy systems.
- Shaddick, G. et al. 2025. Data science and AI for sustainable futures: Opportunities and challenges. Sustainability 17(5), article number: 2019. (10.3390/su17052019)
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J. and Ionas, M. 2025. Evaluating the performance of six 1970s off-gas deep retrofit bungalows. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 46(1), pp. 9-25. (10.1177/01436244241287111)
- Tweed, A. and Patterson, J. 2024. Retrofitting in context: Pushing the boundaries of building performance evaluation in UK housing. In: Bobic, N. and Haghighi, F. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Volume II., Vol. 2. Routledge
- Al Qaed, A. A. and Patterson, J. 2024. Investigating the impact of passive cooling strategies on energy consumption and thermal performance: A case study of courtyard housing in a hot arid climate. Presented at: PLEA 2024: 37th PLEA Conference (Re)thinking resilience, Wrocław, Poland, 25-28 June 2024 Presented at Widera, B. et al. eds.PLEA 2024: (Re)thinking Resilience. The book of proceedings. Wroclaw, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej pp. 711-716., (10.37190/PLEA_2024)
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Li, X., Bassas, E. C., Jenkins, H. and Ionas, M. 2024. Solid wall end-terrace retrofit. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 11-12 April, 2024Fit for 2050 Delivering buildings and defining performance for a net zero built environment. Cardiff, UK: CIBSE Symposium
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E., Jenkins, H., Jones, P. and Lannon, S. 2024. Five domestic retrofits in South Wales. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M. and Tallent, E. 2024. A case study of modelling informing whole house energy systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Zero Carbon Built Environment Conference, Nottingham, UK, 03-05 July 2024.
- Patterson, J. and Perisoglou, E. 2024. Challenges building service engineers can help overcome to assist the large-scale delivery of whole house energy retrofitting to achieve Net Zero. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Tallent, E., Ionas, M. and Li, X. 2024. Six 1990s domestic low carbon retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Hou, S., Li, X., Tallent, E. and Ionas, M. 2024. Three solid wall owner-occupied domestic retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J. et al. 2024. Six 1970s off-gas bungalow retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Al Qaed, A. and Patterson, J. 2024. The impact of greenery on improving thermal performance of historic housing in hot-arid climate. Presented at: 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK, 3 - 5 July 2024 Presented at Al Qaed, A. and Patterson, J. eds.Proceedings 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment. University of Nottingham, UK: University of Nottingham pp. 1-8.
- Tadrak, W., Patterson, J. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2023. Exploring the potential of scaling up Smart Local Energy Systems to transform clusters of housing: Insights from a case study in Wales, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(2), article number: 22011. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/2/022011)
- Patterson, J., Cui, Z. and Coma-Bassas, E. 2023. Developing a practical retrofit early-stage survey tool to inform the decision-making process for existing homes. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Tallent, E., Morewood, J., Perisoglou, E. and Ionas, M. 2023. Investigation of architects’ needs for upskilling to enable efficient and effective whole house systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Association Of Architectural Educators Conference 2023, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.AAE Conference 2023: Productive-Disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Cardiff: pp. 274-284.
- Patterson, J., Bray, R., Davies, G. and Ford, R. 2023. How interdisciplinary collaborative research can enable a better transition towards a Net Zero future. Technical Report.
- Farooq, F., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M., Lannon, S., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2023. An investigation of MVHR system performance based on health and comfort criteria in bedrooms of low-carbon social housing in Wales. Presented at: 43rd AIVC, 11th TightVent, 9th venticool Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-5 October 2023Proceedings 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference. Air infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC)
- Ionas, M. et al. 2022. Whole house energy system retrofit of six off-gas bungalows in South Wales. Presented at: CABE Research Forum, Newport, 13 October 2022.
- Jones, P., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E., Perisoglou, E. and Patterson, J. 2020. Energy-positive house: performance assessment through simulation and measurement. Energies 13(18), article number: 4705. (10.3390/en13184705)
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J., Varriale, F. and Iorwerth, H. 2020. Decarbonising the Welsh housing stock: from practice to policy. Buildings and Cities 1(1), pp. 277-292. (10.5334/bc.19)
- Coma Bassas, E., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2020. A review of the evolution of green residential architecture. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 125, article number: 109796. (10.1016/j.rser.2020.109796)
- Li, X., Jones, P. and Patterson, J. 2019. Modelling and developing a renewable energy system for the cold stores of a food park in the UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343(1), article number: 12102. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012102)
- Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2019. Building monitoring protocol development for deep energy retrofit. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 329, article number: 12038. (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012038)
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J., Variale, F. and Iorwerth, H. 2019. Understanding the decarbonisation of housing: Wales as a case study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 329, article number: 12001. (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012001)
- Li, X., Patterson, J., Coma Bassas, E. and Jones, P. 2019. A feasibility study to evaluate the potential replication of an energy positive house in the UK. Presented at: Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Cardiff, 24-25 Sept 2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 329. Vol. C1. IOP Publishing, (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012049)
- Ionas, M. and Patterson, J. 2019. Monitoring the built environment: Developing a dynamic tool to optimise renewable energy use and energy efficiency at a community scale using GIS. Presented at: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 Sep 2018International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018): Proceedings.
- Perisoglou, E., Li, X., Ionas, M., Patterson, J., Coma Bassas, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Evaluation of building and systems performance for a deep domestic retrofit. Presented at: Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era (CISBAT 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2019, Vol. 1343. IOP Publishing pp. 12176.
- Li, X., Jones, P. and Patterson, J. 2019. Modelling and developing a renewable energy system for the cold stores of a food park in the UK. Presented at: CISBAT 2019 - Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2019.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Investigating the energy and thermal implications of installation of an air curtain and an automatic door in convenience stores in Wales. Presented at: 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Li, X. et al. 2019. Modelling and developing a neighbourhood low carbon system for five dwellings in the U.K.. Presented at: The 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Perisoglou, E. et al. 2018. Steady state and dynamic modelling of residential transpired solar collectors performance. Presented at: 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 September 2018. pp. -.
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J. and Variale, F. 2018. Homes of today for tomorrow: Decarbonising Welsh Housing between 2020 and 2050. Project Report. Welsh Government.
- Jones, P., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Patterson, J. 2017. Five energy retrofit houses in South Wales. Energy and Buildings 154, pp. 335-342. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.08.032)
- Li, X., Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. 2017. Building and community energy retrofit housing in Wales. Presented at: World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Action, Hong Kong, China, 5-7 June 2017.
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Stevenson, E. V. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Investigating the application of small scale transpired solar collectors as air preheaters for residential buildings. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017.
- Jones, P., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E. and Patterson, J. 2017. The SOLCER energy positive house: whole system simulation. Presented at: Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-9 August 2017 Presented at Barnaby, C. S. and Wetter, M. eds.Proceedings of Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9, 2017. , (10.26868/25222708.2017.341)
- Patterson, J. L. 2016. Evaluation of a regional retrofit programme to upgrade existing housing stock to reduce carbon emissions, fuel poverty and support the local supply chain. Sustainability 8(12), article number: 1261. (10.3390/su8121261)
- Patterson, J. L. 2016. Traffic modelling in cities – validation of space syntax at an urban scale. Indoor and Built Environment 25(7), pp. 1163-1178. (10.1177/1420326X16657675)
- Jones, P. J., Li, X., Patterson, J. L., Coma Bassas, E. and Lannon, S. C. 2016. Preparation for an energy positive community in the UK: modelling-led innovative housing practice in Wales. Presented at: PLEA 2016 - 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Los Angeles, USA, 11-13 July Presented at La Roche, P. and Schiller, M. eds.PLEA 2016 - 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Vol. 2. PLEA pp. 1095-1101.
- Patterson, J. 2016. Evaluation of a regional scale retrofit programme to upgrade existing housing stock to reduce fuel poverty, reduce carbon emissions and support the supply chain. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions Conference 2016, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11-12 February 2016 Presented at Patterson, J. and Varriale, F. eds.Proceedings of the International Conference 'Smart Energy Regions'. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 132-142.
- Condurat, M. and Patterson, J. 2016. Welsh and Romanian policies for transition towards low carbon mobility. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions Conference 2016, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11-12 February 2016Proceedings of the International Conference 'Smart Energy Regions'. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 59-69.
- Calzada, J. R. et al. eds. 2016. Smart Energy Regions – skills, knowledge and supply chains. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Patterson, J. L., Coma Bassas, E. and Varriale, F. 2016. Systems based approach to replicable low cost housing: renewable energy supply, storage and demand reduction.. In: Roset Calzada, J. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains. [Smart Energy Regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains]. Cardiff: Weslh School of Architecture, pp. 239-245.
- Patterson, J. L. 2014. Urban scale modelling of traffic and cycling flow using spatial analysis and an assessment of factors that influence cyclist behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
- Jones, P. et al. eds. 2014. Smart energy regions. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Jones, P. J. 2014. Introduction. In: Jones, P. J. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions. Cardiff: The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, pp. v-xii.
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. and Varriale, F. 2014. United Kingdom. In: Jones, P. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, pp. 267-280.
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2013. Retrofitting existing housing: how far, how much?. Building Research and Information 41(5), pp. 532-550. (10.1080/09613218.2013.807064)
- Patterson, J. L. 2012. Arbed 1 Scheme: Evaluation of the Warm Wales Programme. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Zhang, K., Patterson, J. and Liang, L. 2012. Sustainable school projects as the education tool for sustainability. Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition) 11(2), pp. 74-83.
- Zhang, K., Patterson, J. L. and Liang, L. 2011. The Flagship effect - sustainable schools projects as the education tool for sustainability. Presented at: International Conference of WREC-Asia & SuDBE 2011, Chongqing, China, 28-31 October 2011.
- Brandão Alves, F., Cortesão, J. and Patterson, J. L. 2010. Bioclimatic urban renewal in compact urban fabrics. Presented at: XXXVII IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, Santander, Spain, 26-29 October 2010.
- Jones, P. J. et al. eds. 2009. European carbon atlas. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Brandão Alves, F., Cortesão, J., Patterson, J. L. and Góis, J. 2009. Investigation of potential bioclimatic interventions for a Portuguese city. ISOCARP Review 05 5, pp. 160-174.
- Jones, P. J., Pinho, P., Patterson, J. L. and Tweed, A. C. 2009. L-CUBE European carbon atlas. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: ESF and Welsh School of Architecture. Available at:
- Patterson, J. L. 2008. Evaluation of an energy efficiency scheme to upgrade the existing domestic building stock of a local authority region. [Report to Warm Wales]. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University. Available at:
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. L. and Lannon, S. C. 2007. Modelling the built environment at an urban scale - Energy and health impacts in relation to housing. Landscape and Urban Planning 83(1), pp. 39-49. (10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.05.015)
- Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2007. The development of a practical evaluation tool for urban sustainability. Indoor and Built Environment 16(3), pp. 255-272. (10.1177/1420326X07079446)
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2007. Energy and environmental report for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. Technical Report.
- Thomas, H. et al. 2007. Mental health and quality of residential environment. British Journal of Psychiatry 191(6), pp. 500-505. (10.1192/bjp.bp.107.039438)
- Lyons, R. A., Newcombe, R. G., Jones, S. J., Patterson, J. L., Palmer, S. R. and Jones, P. J. 2006. Injuries in homes with certain built forms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 30(6), pp. 513-520. (10.1016/j.amepre.2006.02.007)
- Lyons, R. A. et al. 2006. Modification of the home environment for the reduction of injuries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 18(4), article number: CD003600. (10.1002/14651858.CD003600)
- Dunstan, F. D. J. et al. 2005. An observation tool to assist with the assessment of urban residential environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology 25(3), pp. 293-305. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2005.07.004)
- Newcombe, R. G., Lyons, R. A., Jones, S. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2005. Home injuries and built form – methodological issues and developments in database linkage. BMC Health Services Research 5, article number: 12. (10.1186/1472-6963-5-12)
- Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2005. Tools for urban sustainability. Presented at: Conference on Sustainable Buildings 2004 - South-East Asia (SB04-SEA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-13th April 2005.
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. Urban sustainability in practice. MADE at wsa 2, pp. 55.
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. PETUS: practical evaluation tools for urban sustainability. Scala News: construction and architecture news for the public sector, pp. 23-24.
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. Sustainable urban infrastructures. The Parliament Magazine
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. L., Lannon, S. C. and Weaver, N. 2004. Modelling the built environment to assist with planning for sustainable development. Presented at: Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Approaches, Solutions, Methods, COST C8, Best Practice in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Trento, Italy, 6-8 November 2003 Presented at Zanon, B. ed.Sustainable urban infrastructure: Approaches, Ssolutions, methods. Trento: Temi Editrice pp. 416-426.
- Weaver, N., Patterson, J. L., Weightman, A. L., Kitcher, H. N., Temple, J. M. F., Jones, P. J. and Palmer, S. R. 2002. Taking STOX: developing a cross disciplinary methodology for systematic reviews of research on the built environment and the health of the public. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 56(1), pp. 48 - 55. (10.1136/jech.56.1.48)
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2001. Modelling building energy use at urban scale. Presented at: Seventh International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-15 August 2001 Presented at Lamberts, R., Ribeiro Negrão, C. O. and Hensen, J. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation '01. [College Station, Tex.]: Organizing Committee of Building Simulation '01, IBPSA Brazil pp. 175-180.
- Shaddick, G. et al. 2025. Data science and AI for sustainable futures: Opportunities and challenges. Sustainability 17(5), article number: 2019. (10.3390/su17052019)
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J. and Ionas, M. 2025. Evaluating the performance of six 1970s off-gas deep retrofit bungalows. Building Services Engineering Research & Technology 46(1), pp. 9-25. (10.1177/01436244241287111)
- Tadrak, W., Patterson, J. and Chatzivasileiadi, A. 2023. Exploring the potential of scaling up Smart Local Energy Systems to transform clusters of housing: Insights from a case study in Wales, UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2600(2), article number: 22011. (10.1088/1742-6596/2600/2/022011)
- Jones, P., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E., Perisoglou, E. and Patterson, J. 2020. Energy-positive house: performance assessment through simulation and measurement. Energies 13(18), article number: 4705. (10.3390/en13184705)
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J., Varriale, F. and Iorwerth, H. 2020. Decarbonising the Welsh housing stock: from practice to policy. Buildings and Cities 1(1), pp. 277-292. (10.5334/bc.19)
- Coma Bassas, E., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2020. A review of the evolution of green residential architecture. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 125, article number: 109796. (10.1016/j.rser.2020.109796)
- Li, X., Jones, P. and Patterson, J. 2019. Modelling and developing a renewable energy system for the cold stores of a food park in the UK. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1343(1), article number: 12102. (10.1088/1742-6596/1343/1/012102)
- Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2019. Building monitoring protocol development for deep energy retrofit. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 329, article number: 12038. (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012038)
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J., Variale, F. and Iorwerth, H. 2019. Understanding the decarbonisation of housing: Wales as a case study. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 329, article number: 12001. (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012001)
- Jones, P., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Patterson, J. 2017. Five energy retrofit houses in South Wales. Energy and Buildings 154, pp. 335-342. (10.1016/j.enbuild.2017.08.032)
- Patterson, J. L. 2016. Evaluation of a regional retrofit programme to upgrade existing housing stock to reduce carbon emissions, fuel poverty and support the local supply chain. Sustainability 8(12), article number: 1261. (10.3390/su8121261)
- Patterson, J. L. 2016. Traffic modelling in cities – validation of space syntax at an urban scale. Indoor and Built Environment 25(7), pp. 1163-1178. (10.1177/1420326X16657675)
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2013. Retrofitting existing housing: how far, how much?. Building Research and Information 41(5), pp. 532-550. (10.1080/09613218.2013.807064)
- Zhang, K., Patterson, J. and Liang, L. 2012. Sustainable school projects as the education tool for sustainability. Journal of Chongqing University (English Edition) 11(2), pp. 74-83.
- Brandão Alves, F., Cortesão, J., Patterson, J. L. and Góis, J. 2009. Investigation of potential bioclimatic interventions for a Portuguese city. ISOCARP Review 05 5, pp. 160-174.
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. L. and Lannon, S. C. 2007. Modelling the built environment at an urban scale - Energy and health impacts in relation to housing. Landscape and Urban Planning 83(1), pp. 39-49. (10.1016/j.landurbplan.2007.05.015)
- Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2007. The development of a practical evaluation tool for urban sustainability. Indoor and Built Environment 16(3), pp. 255-272. (10.1177/1420326X07079446)
- Thomas, H. et al. 2007. Mental health and quality of residential environment. British Journal of Psychiatry 191(6), pp. 500-505. (10.1192/bjp.bp.107.039438)
- Lyons, R. A., Newcombe, R. G., Jones, S. J., Patterson, J. L., Palmer, S. R. and Jones, P. J. 2006. Injuries in homes with certain built forms. American Journal of Preventive Medicine 30(6), pp. 513-520. (10.1016/j.amepre.2006.02.007)
- Lyons, R. A. et al. 2006. Modification of the home environment for the reduction of injuries. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 18(4), article number: CD003600. (10.1002/14651858.CD003600)
- Dunstan, F. D. J. et al. 2005. An observation tool to assist with the assessment of urban residential environments. Journal of Environmental Psychology 25(3), pp. 293-305. (10.1016/j.jenvp.2005.07.004)
- Newcombe, R. G., Lyons, R. A., Jones, S. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2005. Home injuries and built form – methodological issues and developments in database linkage. BMC Health Services Research 5, article number: 12. (10.1186/1472-6963-5-12)
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. Urban sustainability in practice. MADE at wsa 2, pp. 55.
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. PETUS: practical evaluation tools for urban sustainability. Scala News: construction and architecture news for the public sector, pp. 23-24.
- Patterson, J. L. 2005. Sustainable urban infrastructures. The Parliament Magazine
- Weaver, N., Patterson, J. L., Weightman, A. L., Kitcher, H. N., Temple, J. M. F., Jones, P. J. and Palmer, S. R. 2002. Taking STOX: developing a cross disciplinary methodology for systematic reviews of research on the built environment and the health of the public. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 56(1), pp. 48 - 55. (10.1136/jech.56.1.48)
Book sections
- Tweed, A. and Patterson, J. 2024. Retrofitting in context: Pushing the boundaries of building performance evaluation in UK housing. In: Bobic, N. and Haghighi, F. eds. The Routledge Handbook of Architecture, Urban Space and Politics, Volume II., Vol. 2. Routledge
- Patterson, J. L., Coma Bassas, E. and Varriale, F. 2016. Systems based approach to replicable low cost housing: renewable energy supply, storage and demand reduction.. In: Roset Calzada, J. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains. [Smart Energy Regions - Skills, knowledge, training and supply chains]. Cardiff: Weslh School of Architecture, pp. 239-245.
- Jones, P. J. 2014. Introduction. In: Jones, P. J. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions. Cardiff: The Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, pp. v-xii.
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. and Varriale, F. 2014. United Kingdom. In: Jones, P. et al. eds. Smart Energy Regions. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, pp. 267-280.
- Calzada, J. R. et al. eds. 2016. Smart Energy Regions – skills, knowledge and supply chains. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture.
- Jones, P. et al. eds. 2014. Smart energy regions. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Jones, P. J. et al. eds. 2009. European carbon atlas. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Al Qaed, A. A. and Patterson, J. 2024. Investigating the impact of passive cooling strategies on energy consumption and thermal performance: A case study of courtyard housing in a hot arid climate. Presented at: PLEA 2024: 37th PLEA Conference (Re)thinking resilience, Wrocław, Poland, 25-28 June 2024 Presented at Widera, B. et al. eds.PLEA 2024: (Re)thinking Resilience. The book of proceedings. Wroclaw, Poland: Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej pp. 711-716., (10.37190/PLEA_2024)
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Li, X., Bassas, E. C., Jenkins, H. and Ionas, M. 2024. Solid wall end-terrace retrofit. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, 11-12 April, 2024Fit for 2050 Delivering buildings and defining performance for a net zero built environment. Cardiff, UK: CIBSE Symposium
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E., Jenkins, H., Jones, P. and Lannon, S. 2024. Five domestic retrofits in South Wales. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M. and Tallent, E. 2024. A case study of modelling informing whole house energy systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Zero Carbon Built Environment Conference, Nottingham, UK, 03-05 July 2024.
- Patterson, J. and Perisoglou, E. 2024. Challenges building service engineers can help overcome to assist the large-scale delivery of whole house energy retrofitting to achieve Net Zero. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Tallent, E., Ionas, M. and Li, X. 2024. Six 1990s domestic low carbon retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J., Perisoglou, E., Hou, S., Li, X., Tallent, E. and Ionas, M. 2024. Three solid wall owner-occupied domestic retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Patterson, J. et al. 2024. Six 1970s off-gas bungalow retrofits. Presented at: CIBSE Technical Symposium, Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK, 11-12 April 2024.
- Al Qaed, A. and Patterson, J. 2024. The impact of greenery on improving thermal performance of historic housing in hot-arid climate. Presented at: 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment, University of Nottingham, UK, 3 - 5 July 2024 Presented at Al Qaed, A. and Patterson, J. eds.Proceedings 1st International Conference of Net Zero Carbon Built Environment. University of Nottingham, UK: University of Nottingham pp. 1-8.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Tallent, E., Morewood, J., Perisoglou, E. and Ionas, M. 2023. Investigation of architects’ needs for upskilling to enable efficient and effective whole house systems-based retrofit in the UK. Presented at: Association Of Architectural Educators Conference 2023, 12-15 July 2023 Presented at McVicar, M. ed.AAE Conference 2023: Productive-Disruptive: Spaces of exploration in-between architectural pedagogy and practice. Cardiff: pp. 274-284.
- Farooq, F., Perisoglou, E., Ionas, M., Lannon, S., Patterson, J. and Jones, P. 2023. An investigation of MVHR system performance based on health and comfort criteria in bedrooms of low-carbon social housing in Wales. Presented at: 43rd AIVC, 11th TightVent, 9th venticool Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-5 October 2023Proceedings 43rd AIVC - 11th TightVent - 9th venticool Conference. Air infiltration and Ventilation Centre (AIVC)
- Ionas, M. et al. 2022. Whole house energy system retrofit of six off-gas bungalows in South Wales. Presented at: CABE Research Forum, Newport, 13 October 2022.
- Li, X., Patterson, J., Coma Bassas, E. and Jones, P. 2019. A feasibility study to evaluate the potential replication of an energy positive house in the UK. Presented at: Sustainable Built Environment Conference, Cardiff, 24-25 Sept 2019IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Vol. 329. Vol. C1. IOP Publishing, (10.1088/1755-1315/329/1/012049)
- Ionas, M. and Patterson, J. 2019. Monitoring the built environment: Developing a dynamic tool to optimise renewable energy use and energy efficiency at a community scale using GIS. Presented at: International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018), London, UK, 12-13 Sep 2018International Conference for Sustainable Design of the Built Environment (SDBE 2018): Proceedings.
- Perisoglou, E., Li, X., Ionas, M., Patterson, J., Coma Bassas, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Evaluation of building and systems performance for a deep domestic retrofit. Presented at: Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era (CISBAT 2019), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2019, Vol. 1343. IOP Publishing pp. 12176.
- Li, X., Jones, P. and Patterson, J. 2019. Modelling and developing a renewable energy system for the cold stores of a food park in the UK. Presented at: CISBAT 2019 - Climate Resilient Cities - Energy Efficiency & Renewables in the Digital Era, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4-6 September 2019.
- Hou, S., Patterson, J., Li, X., Perisoglou, E. and Jones, P. 2019. Investigating the energy and thermal implications of installation of an air curtain and an automatic door in convenience stores in Wales. Presented at: 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Li, X. et al. 2019. Modelling and developing a neighbourhood low carbon system for five dwellings in the U.K.. Presented at: The 16th IBPSA International Conference, Rome, 2-4 September 2019. pp. -.
- Perisoglou, E. et al. 2018. Steady state and dynamic modelling of residential transpired solar collectors performance. Presented at: 4th Building Simulation and Optimization Conference, Cambridge, UK, 11-12 September 2018. pp. -.
- Li, X., Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. 2017. Building and community energy retrofit housing in Wales. Presented at: World Sustainable Built Environment Conference 2017 Hong Kong Transforming Our Built Environment through Innovation and Integration: Putting Ideas into Action, Hong Kong, China, 5-7 June 2017.
- Perisoglou, E., Patterson, J., Stevenson, E. V. and Jenkins, H. 2017. Investigating the application of small scale transpired solar collectors as air preheaters for residential buildings. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainability in Energy and Buildings, Chania, Greece, 5-7 July 2017.
- Jones, P., Li, X., Coma Bassas, E. and Patterson, J. 2017. The SOLCER energy positive house: whole system simulation. Presented at: Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, CA, USA, 7-9 August 2017 Presented at Barnaby, C. S. and Wetter, M. eds.Proceedings of Building Simulation 2017: 15th Conference of International Building Performance Simulation Association, San Francisco, USA, August 7-9, 2017. , (10.26868/25222708.2017.341)
- Jones, P. J., Li, X., Patterson, J. L., Coma Bassas, E. and Lannon, S. C. 2016. Preparation for an energy positive community in the UK: modelling-led innovative housing practice in Wales. Presented at: PLEA 2016 - 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Los Angeles, USA, 11-13 July Presented at La Roche, P. and Schiller, M. eds.PLEA 2016 - 32nd International Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture. Cities, Buildings, People: Towards Regenerative Environments, Vol. 2. PLEA pp. 1095-1101.
- Patterson, J. 2016. Evaluation of a regional scale retrofit programme to upgrade existing housing stock to reduce fuel poverty, reduce carbon emissions and support the supply chain. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions Conference 2016, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11-12 February 2016 Presented at Patterson, J. and Varriale, F. eds.Proceedings of the International Conference 'Smart Energy Regions'. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 132-142.
- Condurat, M. and Patterson, J. 2016. Welsh and Romanian policies for transition towards low carbon mobility. Presented at: Smart Energy Regions Conference 2016, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 11-12 February 2016Proceedings of the International Conference 'Smart Energy Regions'. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture pp. 59-69.
- Zhang, K., Patterson, J. L. and Liang, L. 2011. The Flagship effect - sustainable schools projects as the education tool for sustainability. Presented at: International Conference of WREC-Asia & SuDBE 2011, Chongqing, China, 28-31 October 2011.
- Brandão Alves, F., Cortesão, J. and Patterson, J. L. 2010. Bioclimatic urban renewal in compact urban fabrics. Presented at: XXXVII IAHS World Congress on Housing Science, Santander, Spain, 26-29 October 2010.
- Jones, P. J. and Patterson, J. L. 2005. Tools for urban sustainability. Presented at: Conference on Sustainable Buildings 2004 - South-East Asia (SB04-SEA), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 11-13th April 2005.
- Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. L., Lannon, S. C. and Weaver, N. 2004. Modelling the built environment to assist with planning for sustainable development. Presented at: Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Approaches, Solutions, Methods, COST C8, Best Practice in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Trento, Italy, 6-8 November 2003 Presented at Zanon, B. ed.Sustainable urban infrastructure: Approaches, Ssolutions, methods. Trento: Temi Editrice pp. 416-426.
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2001. Modelling building energy use at urban scale. Presented at: Seventh International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-15 August 2001 Presented at Lamberts, R., Ribeiro Negrão, C. O. and Hensen, J. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation '01. [College Station, Tex.]: Organizing Committee of Building Simulation '01, IBPSA Brazil pp. 175-180.
- Patterson, J., Cui, Z. and Coma-Bassas, E. 2023. Developing a practical retrofit early-stage survey tool to inform the decision-making process for existing homes. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Government.
- Patterson, J., Bray, R., Davies, G. and Ford, R. 2023. How interdisciplinary collaborative research can enable a better transition towards a Net Zero future. Technical Report.
- Green, E., Lannon, S., Patterson, J. and Variale, F. 2018. Homes of today for tomorrow: Decarbonising Welsh Housing between 2020 and 2050. Project Report. Welsh Government.
- Patterson, J. L. 2012. Arbed 1 Scheme: Evaluation of the Warm Wales Programme. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University.
- Jones, P. J., Pinho, P., Patterson, J. L. and Tweed, A. C. 2009. L-CUBE European carbon atlas. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: ESF and Welsh School of Architecture. Available at:
- Patterson, J. L. 2008. Evaluation of an energy efficiency scheme to upgrade the existing domestic building stock of a local authority region. [Report to Warm Wales]. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh School of Architecture, Cardiff University. Available at:
- Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2007. Energy and environmental report for Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council. Technical Report.
- Patterson, J. L. 2014. Urban scale modelling of traffic and cycling flow using spatial analysis and an assessment of factors that influence cyclist behaviour. PhD Thesis, Cardiff University.
Research interests
Jo Patterson is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University and has more than 25 years of experience in the development and delivery of fundamental and applied research projects in the area of sustainability in the built environment with a particular focus on energy. These projects have involved multidisciplinary groups from Wales, the UK and Europe including both academic industrial and government partners, with projects funded by through the EU, Government, UKRI and industry.
Recent research has focussed on combining renewable energy supply, storage and demand technologies (systems based approach) in housing and communities; investigating the drivers and barriers that encourage the uptake of low carbon system technologies both in the UK and Europe. Previous research includes urban energy modelling for domestic properties and transport networks; evaluation tools for urban sustainability; housing and neighbourhoods and health; and sustainable schools. Jo completed her PhD on 'Urban scale modelling of traffic and cycling flow using space syntax modelling' in 2014. Current research aims to consolidate previous research in the improvement of existing built environments to enhance quality of life and sustainability, providing evidence on how this can be achieved.
Main expertise
Enhancing the phases of planning, designing, procuring, implementing and operationalising/maintaining renewable energy supply, storage and demand reduction solutions at different scales and within different sectors of the built environment.
Supervision experience
1 PhD to completion, currently supervising 5 PhDs.
Additional supervision interests
Interests include implementation of low carbon technologies at different scales, urban scale sustainability, retrofitting the existing built environment.
Teaching profile
Undertakes lectures and dissertation supervision on subjects related to research on the following courses:
MSC in Environmental Design of Buildings MSC in Building Energy and Environmental Performance Modelling MSc Theory & Practice of Sustainable Design, MSc in Sustainable Energy and Environment MArch (Master in Architecture)
Professor Jo Patterson is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University and has more than 25 years of experience in the development and delivery of fundamental and applied research projects in the area of sustainability in the built environment with a particular focus on energy. These projects have involved multidisciplinary groups from Wales, the UK and Europe including both academic industrial and government partners, with projects funded by through the EU, Government, UKRI and industry.
Jo is Director of Research at the WSA and is part of the Management Board of the recently established Cardiff University (CU) Net Zero Innovation Institute.
As Strategic Lead of the EPSRC Harmonised Impact Accelerator Account at CU Jo works with a team of experts from across CU to fund projects that bridge the gap between research and the world’s understanding of its outputs to generate genuine impact.
Jo has recently been selected as part of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College as part of the Chair Pool that will run until autumn 2025, working across the UKRI disciplines. She is CU representative and Deputy Chair of the Wales Innovation Network Net Zero Strategic Board.
With regards to research, Jo is currently Co-Director for the AHRC funded Green Transitions Ecosystem ‘Transforming Housing and Homes for Future Generations’ which aims to create a new multi-partner, transdisciplinary, design ecosystem to transform housing for future generations using bio-based and non-extractive materials, together with renewable energy supply and storage. This research programme, in partnership with the Universities of Bath, Bristol and Exeter as well as stakeholders from design, the community, supply chains and government will help to make a further step towards ‘Beyond Net Zero’ homes.
This works builds directly onto the SPECIFIC 2 Low Carbon Built Environment (LCBE) project, a £3.5 million initiative at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) at Cardiff University to provide evidence to support the implementation of low carbon technologies in the built environment. Replicable, affordable and appropriate whole house energy systems have been planned, designed and installed into a range of buildings across South Wales combining renewable energy supply, energy storage and energy demand reduction solutions. Monitoring takes place before (with retrofits) and after installation works which provides valuable evidence of the benefits of work reducing carbon emissions and fuel poverty, whilst improving health and wellbeing and quality of the built environment. Having worked with a broad range of stakeholders include social housing companies, local authorities, industry, technology manufacturers, installers and of course, occupants, to ensure successful delivery of the projects. This work followed Jo playing a key role in the development and delivery of the Low Carbon Research Institute supported by the Welsh Government/WEFO. Associated funding including monitoring and evaluation of the Homes As Power Stations programme that will run until 2028, with funding for £1m.
Between 2018-2023 Jo was a key part of the leadership team and led the Knowledge Management, Engagement and Dissemination activities for the UKRI/Innovate UK funded EnergyREV consortium. 70+ interdisciplinary researchers from 22 Universities across the UK worked together to provide evidence on solutions to scale up smart local energy systems. Throughout this project Jo was able to share her experiences from a range of demonstration projects within LCRI and LCBE with a broad multi-disciplinary group who are working together to tackle the challenges associated with smart local energy systems from an interdisciplinary and whole-systems viewpoint to provide breadth and depth of knowledge to increase scaling up of SLES.
Current supervision
Jack Morewood
Contact Details
+44 29208 74754
Bute Building, Room T.16, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB
Research themes
- retrofitting
- integrated energy systems
- housing