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Joanne Patterson  PhD

Professor Joanne Patterson


Professorial Research Fellow, Director of Research

Available for postgraduate supervision


Jo is Director of Research at the  WSA and is part of the Management Board of the recently established Cardiff University (CU) Net Zero Innovation Institute.

As Strategic Lead of the EPSRC  Harmonised Impact Accelerator Account at CU Jo works with a team of experts from across CU to fund projects that bridge the gap between research and the world’s understanding of its outputs to generate genuine impact.

Jo has recently been selected as part of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College as part of the Chair Pool that will run until autumn 2025, working across the UKRI disciplines. She is CU representative and Deputy Chair of the Wales Innovation Network Net Zero Strategic Board.

Jo is currently Co-Director of the Arts and Humanities Research Council funded Green Transitions Ecosystems project 'Transforming Housing and Homes for Future Generations' (2023 - 25), she led the Low Carbon Built Environment Project that helped provide evidence to support the implementation of low of low carbon technologies in the built environment. She also played a key role in the delivery of EnergyREV, a highly interdisciplinary team of 70+ researchers from 22 Universities from across the UK providing solutions for scaling up smart local energy systems.






















  • Jones, P. J., Patterson, J. L., Lannon, S. C. and Weaver, N. 2004. Modelling the built environment to assist with planning for sustainable development. Presented at: Sustainable Urban Infrastructure: Approaches, Solutions, Methods, COST C8, Best Practice in Sustainable Urban Infrastructure, Trento, Italy, 6-8 November 2003 Presented at Zanon, B. ed.Sustainable urban infrastructure: Approaches, Ssolutions, methods. Trento: Temi Editrice pp. 416-426.



  • Jones, P. J., Lannon, S. C. and Patterson, J. L. 2001. Modelling building energy use at urban scale. Presented at: Seventh International IBPSA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 13-15 August 2001 Presented at Lamberts, R., Ribeiro Negrão, C. O. and Hensen, J. eds.Proceedings of the Seventh International IBPSA Conference: Building Simulation '01. [College Station, Tex.]: Organizing Committee of Building Simulation '01, IBPSA Brazil pp. 175-180.


Book sections






Research interests

Jo Patterson is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University and has more than 25 years of experience in the development and delivery of fundamental and applied research projects in the area of sustainability in the built environment with a particular focus on energy. These projects have involved multidisciplinary groups from Wales, the UK and Europe including both academic industrial and government partners, with projects funded by through the EU, Government, UKRI and industry.

Recent research has focussed on combining renewable energy supply, storage and demand technologies (systems based approach) in housing and communities; investigating the drivers and barriers that encourage the uptake of low carbon system technologies both in the UK and Europe. Previous research includes urban energy modelling for domestic properties and transport networks; evaluation tools for urban sustainability; housing and neighbourhoods and health; and sustainable schools. Jo completed her PhD on 'Urban scale modelling of traffic and cycling flow using space syntax modelling' in 2014. Current research aims to consolidate previous research in the improvement of existing built environments to enhance quality of life and sustainability, providing evidence on how this can be achieved.

Main expertise

Enhancing the phases of planning, designing, procuring, implementing and operationalising/maintaining renewable energy supply, storage and demand reduction solutions at different scales and within different sectors of the built environment.

Supervision experience

1 PhD to completion, currently supervising 5 PhDs.

Additional supervision interests

Interests include implementation of low carbon technologies at different scales, urban scale sustainability, retrofitting the existing built environment.


Teaching profile

Undertakes lectures and dissertation supervision on subjects related to research on the following courses:

MSC in Environmental Design of Buildings MSC in Building Energy and Environmental Performance Modelling MSc Theory & Practice of Sustainable Design, MSc in Sustainable Energy and Environment MArch (Master in Architecture)


Professor Jo Patterson is a Professorial Research Fellow at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA), Cardiff University and has more than 25 years of experience in the development and delivery of fundamental and applied research projects in the area of sustainability in the built environment with a particular focus on energy. These projects have involved multidisciplinary groups from Wales, the UK and Europe including both academic industrial and government partners, with projects funded by through the EU, Government, UKRI and industry.

Jo is Director of Research at the WSA and is part of the Management Board of the recently established Cardiff University (CU) Net Zero Innovation Institute.

As Strategic Lead of the EPSRC Harmonised Impact Accelerator Account at CU Jo works with a team of experts from across CU to fund projects that bridge the gap between research and the world’s understanding of its outputs to generate genuine impact.

Jo has recently been selected as part of the UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College as part of the Chair Pool that will run until autumn 2025, working across the UKRI disciplines. She is CU representative and Deputy Chair of the Wales Innovation Network Net Zero Strategic Board.

With regards to research, Jo is currently Co-Director for the AHRC funded Green Transitions Ecosystem ‘Transforming Housing and Homes for Future Generations’ which aims to create a new multi-partner, transdisciplinary, design ecosystem to transform housing for future generations using bio-based and non-extractive materials, together with renewable energy supply and storage. This research programme, in partnership with the Universities of Bath, Bristol and Exeter as well as stakeholders from design, the community, supply chains and government will help to make a further step towards ‘Beyond Net Zero’ homes.

This works builds directly onto the SPECIFIC 2 Low Carbon Built Environment (LCBE) project, a £3.5 million initiative at the Welsh School of Architecture (WSA) at Cardiff University to provide evidence to support the implementation of low carbon technologies in the built environment. Replicable, affordable and appropriate whole house energy systems have been planned, designed and installed into a range of buildings across South Wales combining renewable energy supply, energy storage and energy demand reduction solutions. Monitoring takes place before (with retrofits) and after installation works which provides valuable evidence of the benefits of work reducing carbon emissions and fuel poverty, whilst improving health and wellbeing and quality of the built environment. Having worked with a broad range of stakeholders include social housing companies, local authorities, industry, technology manufacturers, installers and of course, occupants, to ensure successful delivery of the projects. This work followed Jo playing a key role in the development and delivery of the Low Carbon Research Institute supported by the Welsh Government/WEFO. Associated funding including monitoring and evaluation of the Homes As Power Stations programme that will run until 2028, with funding for £1m.

Between 2018-2023 Jo was a key part of the leadership team and led the Knowledge Management, Engagement and Dissemination activities for the UKRI/Innovate UK funded EnergyREV consortium. 70+ interdisciplinary researchers from 22 Universities across the UK worked together to provide evidence on solutions to scale up smart local energy systems.  Throughout this project Jo was able to share her experiences from a range of demonstration projects within LCRI and LCBE with a broad multi-disciplinary group who are working together to tackle the challenges associated with smart local energy systems from an interdisciplinary and whole-systems viewpoint to provide breadth and depth of knowledge to increase scaling up of SLES.


Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 74754
Campuses Bute Building, Room T.16, King Edward VII Avenue, Cardiff, CF10 3NB


  • retrofitting
  • integrated energy systems
  • housing

External profiles