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Fabrizio Pertusati

Dr Fabrizio Pertusati


Available for postgraduate supervision


I hold a MSc in Physical Organic Chemistry from Turin University (synthesis and characterisation of cationic surfactants) and a PhD in asymmetric organic chemistry from the Cardiff School of Chemistry, (atropisomeric bis-quinazolinones).

I conducted my post-doctoral training at Emory University (solid-phase synthesis of polymethine dyes) and in the laboratory of the Nobel laureate Prof. George Olah, at the University of Southern California, where I gain expertise in organofluorine, organoboron and polymer chemistry).

Since 2011, I have been working in Chris McGuigan’s group where I was involved in various drug discovery projects. 

Research in my group involves the design and synthesis of small molecules as therapeutics against Rare Diseases (congenital disorder of glycosylation, Niemann-Pick, Cystinosis and GNE myopathy), infectious diseases, and recently antifungal drug discovery

Key Expertises

  • Organofluorine, organophosphorus, carbohydrates chemistry.
  • Design and synthesis of phosphate/phosphonate prodrugs of carbohydrate scaffolds
  • Translational drug Discovery
  • Rare diseases drug discovery: GNE myopathy, Cystinosis and Niemann-Pick releated disorders.
  • Synthesis of small molecules with antifungal activities


















Book sections




The research in the group is mainly in synthetic organic chemistry aimed to solve a range of medicinal chemistry problems in the area of:

Rare Diseases

  • Lysosomal Storage diseases: Cystinosys, Nieman-Pick, Mucolipidoses IV.

Inborn errors of metabolism

  • Carbohydrate based compounds for the treatment of Congenital Disorder of Glycosylation.
  • Nucleoside analogues prodrugs for the treatment of Mitocondrial Depletion Syndrome.

Infectious diseases

  • Synthesis of nucleosides and non nucleoside scaffolds as novel antibacterial agents.
  • Fluorinated heterocycles as antifungal agents
  • Fluorinated small molecules as novel antileishmaniasys drugs.

Synthetic Chemistry

-Synthesis of new acyclic nucleoside phosphate and phosphonate scaffolds as antifungal and antiparasitic drugs.

-Development of synthetic methodologies for the diasteroselective and enantioselective preparation of organophosphorus compounds via P(V) and P(III) chemistries.


Rare Diseases:

  • Dr Emyr Lloyd Evans (Lysosomal storage disease, School of Bioscience)
  • Prof. Hanns Lockmuller (University of Ottawa)
  • Prof Pierluigi Caboni (Cagliari University)
  • Prof. Rudiger Horskorte (Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg)
  • Prof Paula Videira (Nova School of Science, Lisbon)

Infectious diseases

Antifungal Drug Discovery

  • Prof Elaine Bignell (MRC centre for Medical Mycology, Exeter University)

Antiparasitic Drug Discovery (Leishmaniasis)

  • Dr. Samanta Borborema (Centre for Parasitology and Mycology, Instituto Adolfo Lutz, São Paulo, Brazil)


For more information on specific research projects available with Dr Fabrizio Pertusati please review the Molecular Synthesis section of our research project themes.



  • CHT223 Industrial Applications of Biocatalysis
  • CHT352 Techniques in Drug Discovery
  • CHT353 Drug Targets
  • CHT354 Drug Development from Laboratory to Clinic
  • CHT216 Colloquium
  • CH5130 Introduction to Drug Development
  • CH3325 Project
  • CH5207 Intoduction to the chemistry of life


I obtained my MSc degree in physical organic chemistry from Turin University (synthesis and characterisation of cationic surfactants). After three years spent in PCB industry as formulator scientist, I obtained my PhD in synthetic organic chemistry (Cardiff School of Chemistry, atropisomeric bis-quinazolinones as chiral auxiliaries for asymmetric synthesis). I conducted my post-doctoral training at Emory University (solid-phase synthesis of polymethine dyes) and in the laboratory of the Nobel laureate Prof. George Olah, at the University of Southern California (organofluorine, organoboron and polymer chemistry).

Since 2011, I have been working in Chris McGuigan's group where I was involved in various medicinal chemistry projects spanning from diastereoselective synthesis of nucleosides (cyclic and acyclic) phosphoroamidate prodrugs, to fluorinated androgen-receptors antagonist for prostate cancer treatment, and design and synthesis of novel compounds acting on the Central Nervous System).

In 2016, I was promoted to Research Fellow in medicinal chemistry. My current research interests are in the synthesis of novel fluorinated antibiotics for the treatment of Gram-positive bacterial infections and biofilm formation (in collaboration with prof. Hans Steenackers at Leuven University) and in congenital disorders of glycosylation. I am also interested in drug design for the treatment of lysosomal storage disorders (Niemann-Pick, Huntington) in collaboration with Prof. Lloyd-Evans (Cardiff School of Bioscience).

Professional memberships

  • Member of Scientific Advisory Board of Ichorion Therapeutics (2017-2018)
  • Member of Glycobiology Society

Committees and reviewing

  • Reviewer for The following Journal.

Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, The journal of Organic Chemistry, ChemMedChem, Molecules, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, Organic Letters and Dyes and Pigments.

  • Reviewer Grant: MRC-fellowship.

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29225 12036
Campuses Main Building, Floor 1, Room 1.89C, Park Place, Cardiff, CF10 3AT

Research themes


  • Organic chemistry
  • Organic chemical synthesis
  • Translational Drug Discovery