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Ed Poole

Dr Ed Poole

Reader in Politics

Welsh speaking
Media commentator
Available for postgraduate supervision


About me:

I'm a Reader in Politics at Cardiff University where I teach Political Economy and Territorial Politics. My research interests lie in the politics of the historic nations and nationalities of Europe, fiscal decentralisation, and government responsiveness in multilevel political systems. I completed my PhD in Political Science at the London School of Economics.

I obtained a Masters in Public Administration at the University of Pennsylvania and subsequently worked in a number of positions in budget and finance in the United States, including working for the state of Pennsylvania as a special advisor to two budget secretaries in the cabinet of Governor Edward G. Rendell.










Book sections



Teaching 2024-25

Modern Welsh Politics - 2nd year students

Political Economy - 3rd year students

Contemporary Welsh Politics: Political Behaviour and Current Issues - Masters' students



Education and Qualifications

2017: PhD in Political Science, London School of Economics. Thesis Title: "Essays on the Political Economy of Decentralization"

2016: PgCUTL: Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (Fellow of the Higher Education Academy), Cardiff University

2013: Welsh: Passed WJEC Examination for Ysgrifennu Graenus (Writing at Proficiency level). Part of Tystysgrif mewn Hyfedredd Iaith: Defnyddio’r Gymraeg ("Certificate in Language Proficiency: Using Welsh"). University of South Wales

2013: PGCertHE: Postgraduate Certificate in Higher Education (Associate Level), London School of Economics

2011: MRes in Political Science (Quantitative Stream), London School of Economics

2004: MGA (Master of Government Administration), University of Pennsylvania, Fels Institute of Government

1999: BSc in Government, London School of Economics, First Class Honours

Career Overview

2014-present: Lecturer and Senior Lecturer, Wales Governance Centre, Cardiff School of Law and Politics

2012-13: Graduate Teaching Assistant, London School of Economics

2006-10: Special Adviser to the Secretary of the Budget, Governor’s Budget Office, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

2004-06: Budget Consultant, Public Financial Management, Inc., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Honours and awards

‘Welsh Education Champion’, Cardiff University's Enriching Student Life Awards (2016)

Academic positions

2012-2013: Graduate Teaching Assistant, London School of Economics

Committees and reviewing

Journal reviewer: Regional and Federal Studies, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Public Administration.