Professor Laura Purvis
Professor in Supply Chain Management
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Laura is a Professor in Supply Chain Management at Cardiff Business School, Cardiff University. Her main research interests are in the areas of supply chain management strategies, agile and resilient supply networks, flexible supply systems and supply networks design. She has been involved in projects in the fashion, textile and food sectors.
Laura joined Cardiff University in September, 2007, having previously worked in Edinburgh Napier University, where she also completed her PhD, entitled 'Agile Supply Chain Management in the Fashion Sector'. She holds a BEng first class degree from Transilvania University, Brasov, Romania in Industrial Engineering.
Laura is a member of the Logistics and Operations Management Section. She is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She lectures on a variety of Operations and Supply Chain Management topics at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and acts as supervisor to MSc, MBA and PhD students on a range of Operations and Supply Chain Management projects.
- Iftikhar, A., Purvis, L., Giannoccaro, I. and Wang, Y. 2023. The impact of supply chain complexities on supply chain resilience: the mediating effect of big data analytics. Production Planning and Control 34(16), pp. 1562-1582. (10.1080/09537287.2022.2032450)
- Iftikhar, A., Purvis, L. and Giannoccaroc, I. 2021. A meta-analytical review of antecedents and outcomes of firm resilience. Journal of Business Research 135, pp. 408-425. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.06.048)
- Purvis, L., Lahy, A., Mason, R. and Wilson, M. 2021. Distributed manufacturing as an opportunity for service growth in logistics firms. Supply Chain Management 26(3), pp. 307-322. (10.1108/SCM-03-2019-0096)
- Liu, H., Purvis, L., Mason, R. and Wells, P. 2020. Developing logistics value propositions: drawing Insights from a distributed manufacturing solution. Industrial Marketing Management 89, pp. 517-527. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.03.011)
- Ciccullo, F., Pero, M., Gosling, J., Caridi, M. and Purvis, L. 2020. When sustainability becomes an order winner: linking supply uncertainty and sustainable supply chain strategies. Sustainability 12(15), pp. 6009-6035. (10.3390/su12156009)
- Soroka, A., Bristow, G., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2020. Measuring regional business resilience. Regional Studies 54(6), pp. 838-850. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1652893)
- Veldhuis, A. J. et al. 2019. Re-distributed manufacturing and the food-water-energy nexus: opportunities and challenges. Production Planning and Control 30(7), pp. 593-609. (10.1080/09537287.2018.1540055)
- Egbunike, O., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2018. A systematic review of research into the management of manufacturing capabilities. Production Planning and Control 29(16), pp. 1349-1366. (10.1080/09537287.2018.1535147)
- Meng, X., Purvis, L. and Disney, S. 2018. Understanding your supply chain: dynamic value stream mapping for business improvement. Presented at: 25th International EurOMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 June 2018.
- Ciccullo, F., Pero, M., Cardi, M., Gosling, J. and Purvis, L. 2018. Integrating the environmental and social sustainability pillars into the lean and agile supply chain management paradigms: A literature review and future research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, pp. 2336-2350. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.176)
- Lin, J., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2017. The extension and exploitation of the inventory and order based production control system archetype from 1982 to 2015. International Journal of Production Economics 194, pp. 135-152. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.12.003)
- Ryan, M. J., Eyers, D. R., Potter, A. T., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2017. 3D printing the future: scenarios for supply chains reviewed. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 47(10), pp. 992-1014. (10.1108/IJPDLM-12-2016-0359)
- Ryan, M., Gosling, J., Eyers, D., Potter, A. and Purvis, L. 2017. Envisioning the future of 3D printing: a vignette-based approach. Presented at: EurOMA 2017: 24th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 1 - 5 July 2017.
- Purvis, L. and Dreyer, H. 2017. Indirect sourcing in local food supply chains. Presented at: 24th EUROMA Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2-6 July. pp. 201-224.
- Purvis, L., Spall, S., Naim, M. and Spiegler, V. 2016. Developing a resilient supply chain strategy during 'boom' and 'bust'. Production Planning and Control 27(7-8), pp. 579-590. (10.1080/09537287.2016.1165306)
- Lin, J., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2016. The extension and exploitation of the inventory and order based production control system archetype from 1982-2015. Presented at: 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics., Innsbruck, Austria, 18-22 February 2016.
- Soroka, A. J., Naim, M. M., Bristow, G. I. and Purvis, L. 2016. An exploratory study of the resilience of manufacturing in the Cardiff Capital Region. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-16), Chania, Crete, Greece, April 2016 Presented at Setchi, R. et al. eds.Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016, Vol. 52. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol. 52. Springer pp. 589-599., (10.1007/978-3-319-32098-4_50)
- Purvis, L. and Slater, S. 2016. Inter-organisational cultural fit for supply chain flexibility and responsiveness in innovative markets. Presented at: 23rd EUROMA Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 17-22 June,2016.
- Rudrajeet, P., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2016. Resilience development process during financial crises: A dynamic capability approach. Presented at: The 19th International Working Symposium on Production Economics Proceedings, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2016.
- Soroka, A., Naim, M., Purvis, L. and Hopkins, A. 2015. Supply chain re-shoring and its relationship with supply chain resilience. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Management Conference, Seville, Spain, 9- 10 November 2015.
- Purvis, L. and MacCarthy, B. 2015. The role of intermediaries in global supply chains. Presented at: 6th Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI15), Taormina, Italy, 31 May-3 June 2015.
- Mason, R., Purvis, L., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2015. Overcoming the challenges of being innovative in outsourced logistics provision. Presented at: 20th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2015), Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July 2015.
- Egbunike, O., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2015. The process of identifying manufacturing related capabilities in advanced technology firms for enhanced competitive advantage. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015.
- Cardi, M., Gosling, J., Pero, M., Purvis, L., Sianesi, A. and Towill, D. 2015. Understanding the role of sustainability in Lean and Agile supply chain strategies: literature review and future research directions. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2014. The development of a lean, agile and leagile supply network taxonomy based on differing types of flexibility. International Journal of Production Economics 151, pp. 100-111. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.02.002)
- Purvis, L., Mason, R., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2014. Logistics innovation solutions for re-distributed manufacturing. Presented at: 18th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, UK, September,2014.
- Spall, S., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Spiegler, V. 2014. The development of a resilient global supply chain strategy during boom and bust. Presented at: 19th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Huddersfield, UK, 3-5 September 2014.
- Egbunike, O., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2014. The philosophies of manufacturing capabilities research: A 30 year systematic review. Presented at: The 18th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24-28 February 2014.
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. M. and Towill, D. R. 2013. Intermediation in agile global fashion supply chains. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 5(2), pp. 38-48. (10.4314/ijest.v5i2.3S)
- Sohal, A., Purvis, L., Williams, S. and Naim, M. 2012. Australia-China-UK wool supply chain: A study of supply chain management issues. Presented at: International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, SA., 5 - 7 July 2012.
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. M. and Towill, D. R. 2011. Design and implementation of agile global supply chains. Presented at: 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011), Berlin, Germany, 10-13 July 2011. pp. 555-563.
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. and Towill, D. 2011. Global sourcing and intermediation in agile fashion supply chains. Presented at: International Annual EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands., July 2011.
- Pettit, S. J., Beresford, A. K. C., Chao, P. and Purvis, L. 2011. Defining and measuring multimodal transport services. Presented at: ICTL.
- Gosling, J., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2010. Supply chain flexibility as a determinant of supplier selection. International Journal of Production Economics 128(1), pp. 11-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.08.029)
- Mason, R. J. and Purvis, L. 2009. Exploring the challenges surrounding the management of triadic inter-organisational relationships in supply networks. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2009, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009.
- Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2009. The role of intermediation in enhancing the flexibility of supply systems. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Logistics (14th ISL), Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July 2009.
- Gosling, J., Naim, M. M., Sassi, P., Purvis, L. and Lark, R. 2008. Flexible buildings for an adaptable and sustainable future. Presented at: Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1-3 September 2008.
- Gosling, J., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A multidimensional approach to supply chain flexibility in the construction sector. Presented at: 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 July 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008Proceedings of the 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008. European Operations Management Association
- Masson, R., Purvis, L., MacKerron, G. and Fernie, J. 2007. Managing Complexity in Agile Global Fashion Industry Supply Chains. International Journal of Logistics Management 18(2), pp. 238-254. (10.1108/09574090710816959)
- Iftikhar, A., Purvis, L., Giannoccaro, I. and Wang, Y. 2023. The impact of supply chain complexities on supply chain resilience: the mediating effect of big data analytics. Production Planning and Control 34(16), pp. 1562-1582. (10.1080/09537287.2022.2032450)
- Iftikhar, A., Purvis, L. and Giannoccaroc, I. 2021. A meta-analytical review of antecedents and outcomes of firm resilience. Journal of Business Research 135, pp. 408-425. (10.1016/j.jbusres.2021.06.048)
- Purvis, L., Lahy, A., Mason, R. and Wilson, M. 2021. Distributed manufacturing as an opportunity for service growth in logistics firms. Supply Chain Management 26(3), pp. 307-322. (10.1108/SCM-03-2019-0096)
- Liu, H., Purvis, L., Mason, R. and Wells, P. 2020. Developing logistics value propositions: drawing Insights from a distributed manufacturing solution. Industrial Marketing Management 89, pp. 517-527. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2020.03.011)
- Ciccullo, F., Pero, M., Gosling, J., Caridi, M. and Purvis, L. 2020. When sustainability becomes an order winner: linking supply uncertainty and sustainable supply chain strategies. Sustainability 12(15), pp. 6009-6035. (10.3390/su12156009)
- Soroka, A., Bristow, G., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2020. Measuring regional business resilience. Regional Studies 54(6), pp. 838-850. (10.1080/00343404.2019.1652893)
- Veldhuis, A. J. et al. 2019. Re-distributed manufacturing and the food-water-energy nexus: opportunities and challenges. Production Planning and Control 30(7), pp. 593-609. (10.1080/09537287.2018.1540055)
- Egbunike, O., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2018. A systematic review of research into the management of manufacturing capabilities. Production Planning and Control 29(16), pp. 1349-1366. (10.1080/09537287.2018.1535147)
- Ciccullo, F., Pero, M., Cardi, M., Gosling, J. and Purvis, L. 2018. Integrating the environmental and social sustainability pillars into the lean and agile supply chain management paradigms: A literature review and future research directions. Journal of Cleaner Production 172, pp. 2336-2350. (10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.11.176)
- Lin, J., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2017. The extension and exploitation of the inventory and order based production control system archetype from 1982 to 2015. International Journal of Production Economics 194, pp. 135-152. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2016.12.003)
- Ryan, M. J., Eyers, D. R., Potter, A. T., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2017. 3D printing the future: scenarios for supply chains reviewed. International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 47(10), pp. 992-1014. (10.1108/IJPDLM-12-2016-0359)
- Purvis, L., Spall, S., Naim, M. and Spiegler, V. 2016. Developing a resilient supply chain strategy during 'boom' and 'bust'. Production Planning and Control 27(7-8), pp. 579-590. (10.1080/09537287.2016.1165306)
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2014. The development of a lean, agile and leagile supply network taxonomy based on differing types of flexibility. International Journal of Production Economics 151, pp. 100-111. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2014.02.002)
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. M. and Towill, D. R. 2013. Intermediation in agile global fashion supply chains. International Journal of Engineering, Science and Technology 5(2), pp. 38-48. (10.4314/ijest.v5i2.3S)
- Gosling, J., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2010. Supply chain flexibility as a determinant of supplier selection. International Journal of Production Economics 128(1), pp. 11-21. (10.1016/j.ijpe.2009.08.029)
- Masson, R., Purvis, L., MacKerron, G. and Fernie, J. 2007. Managing Complexity in Agile Global Fashion Industry Supply Chains. International Journal of Logistics Management 18(2), pp. 238-254. (10.1108/09574090710816959)
- Meng, X., Purvis, L. and Disney, S. 2018. Understanding your supply chain: dynamic value stream mapping for business improvement. Presented at: 25th International EurOMA Conference, Budapest, Hungary, 24-26 June 2018.
- Ryan, M., Gosling, J., Eyers, D., Potter, A. and Purvis, L. 2017. Envisioning the future of 3D printing: a vignette-based approach. Presented at: EurOMA 2017: 24th Annual Conference, Edinburgh, 1 - 5 July 2017.
- Purvis, L. and Dreyer, H. 2017. Indirect sourcing in local food supply chains. Presented at: 24th EUROMA Conference, Edinburgh, UK, 2-6 July. pp. 201-224.
- Lin, J., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Gosling, J. 2016. The extension and exploitation of the inventory and order based production control system archetype from 1982-2015. Presented at: 19th International Working Seminar on Production Economics., Innsbruck, Austria, 18-22 February 2016.
- Soroka, A. J., Naim, M. M., Bristow, G. I. and Purvis, L. 2016. An exploratory study of the resilience of manufacturing in the Cardiff Capital Region. Presented at: International Conference on Sustainable Design and Manufacturing (SDM-16), Chania, Crete, Greece, April 2016 Presented at Setchi, R. et al. eds.Sustainable Design and Manufacturing 2016, Vol. 52. Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies Vol. 52. Springer pp. 589-599., (10.1007/978-3-319-32098-4_50)
- Purvis, L. and Slater, S. 2016. Inter-organisational cultural fit for supply chain flexibility and responsiveness in innovative markets. Presented at: 23rd EUROMA Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 17-22 June,2016.
- Rudrajeet, P., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2016. Resilience development process during financial crises: A dynamic capability approach. Presented at: The 19th International Working Symposium on Production Economics Proceedings, Innsbruck, Austria, February 2016.
- Soroka, A., Naim, M., Purvis, L. and Hopkins, A. 2015. Supply chain re-shoring and its relationship with supply chain resilience. Presented at: Sustainable Design and Management Conference, Seville, Spain, 9- 10 November 2015.
- Purvis, L. and MacCarthy, B. 2015. The role of intermediaries in global supply chains. Presented at: 6th Annual Conference of the European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI15), Taormina, Italy, 31 May-3 June 2015.
- Mason, R., Purvis, L., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2015. Overcoming the challenges of being innovative in outsourced logistics provision. Presented at: 20th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2015), Bologna, Italy, 5-8 July 2015.
- Egbunike, O., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2015. The process of identifying manufacturing related capabilities in advanced technology firms for enhanced competitive advantage. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015.
- Cardi, M., Gosling, J., Pero, M., Purvis, L., Sianesi, A. and Towill, D. 2015. Understanding the role of sustainability in Lean and Agile supply chain strategies: literature review and future research directions. Presented at: 22nd EurOMA Conference, Neuchâtel, Switzerland, 26 June - 1 July 2015.
- Purvis, L., Mason, R., Lahy, A. and Wilson, M. 2014. Logistics innovation solutions for re-distributed manufacturing. Presented at: 18th Cambridge International Manufacturing Symposium, Cambridge, UK, September,2014.
- Spall, S., Naim, M. M., Purvis, L. and Spiegler, V. 2014. The development of a resilient global supply chain strategy during boom and bust. Presented at: 19th Annual Logistics Research Network Conference, Huddersfield, UK, 3-5 September 2014.
- Egbunike, O., Naim, M. and Purvis, L. 2014. The philosophies of manufacturing capabilities research: A 30 year systematic review. Presented at: The 18th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, 24-28 February 2014.
- Sohal, A., Purvis, L., Williams, S. and Naim, M. 2012. Australia-China-UK wool supply chain: A study of supply chain management issues. Presented at: International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2012), Cape Town, SA., 5 - 7 July 2012.
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. M. and Towill, D. R. 2011. Design and implementation of agile global supply chains. Presented at: 16th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2011), Berlin, Germany, 10-13 July 2011. pp. 555-563.
- Purvis, L., Naim, M. and Towill, D. 2011. Global sourcing and intermediation in agile fashion supply chains. Presented at: International Annual EurOMA Conference, Amsterdam, Netherlands., July 2011.
- Pettit, S. J., Beresford, A. K. C., Chao, P. and Purvis, L. 2011. Defining and measuring multimodal transport services. Presented at: ICTL.
- Mason, R. J. and Purvis, L. 2009. Exploring the challenges surrounding the management of triadic inter-organisational relationships in supply networks. Presented at: Logistics Research Network Annual Conference 2009, Cardiff, UK, 9-11 September 2009.
- Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2009. The role of intermediation in enhancing the flexibility of supply systems. Presented at: 14th International Symposium on Logistics (14th ISL), Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 July 2009.
- Gosling, J., Naim, M. M., Sassi, P., Purvis, L. and Lark, R. 2008. Flexible buildings for an adaptable and sustainable future. Presented at: Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM) Annual Conference, Cardiff, UK, 1-3 September 2008.
- Gosling, J., Purvis, L. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A multidimensional approach to supply chain flexibility in the construction sector. Presented at: 13th International Symposium on Logistics (ISL 2008), Bangkok, Thailand, 6-8 July 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008.
- Purvis, L., Gosling, J. and Naim, M. M. 2008. A life cycle approach to the implementation of a network flexibility strategy. Presented at: 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008Proceedings of the 15th International Annual European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) Conference, Groningen, Netherlands, 15-18 June 2008. European Operations Management Association
- Veldhuis, A. J. et al. 2019. Re-distributed manufacturing and the food-water-energy nexus: opportunities and challenges. Production Planning and Control 30(7), pp. 593-609. (10.1080/09537287.2018.1540055)
PhD supervision research interests
- Resilient supply networks
- Collaboration in global supply chains,
- Flexible supply systems
- Supply networks design
Teaching commitments
- International Business Logistics (Year 3, BSc Business Management)
- Strategic SCM (MSc Logistics and Operations Management)
Current supervision
Mutala Fuseini
Contact Details
+44 29208 79368
Aberconway Building, Room C16, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU