Dr Yipeng Qin
BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA
- Available for postgraduate supervision
Teams and roles for Yipeng Qin
Senior Lecturer; Deputy Director of Research
I am the Deputy Director of Research, Lead of the Computer Vision Research Group of the Visual Computing research section, and a Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in the School of Computer Science and Informatics. I am also a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College. I received my PhD in Computer Science from the National Centre for Computer Animation (NCCA), Bournemouth University, UK in 2017, and my BSc in Electrical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2013.
My research interests are centred around machine learning and its applications in computer vision, computer graphics, human-computer interactions, etc. My current research revolves around the following three themes: i) unboxing the deep learning black-box, ii) creative artificial intelligence (AI) and iii) prototyping wearable devices for motion monitoring and analysis. I am also interested in other related topics like semantic segmentation, domain adaptation, semi-supervised learning, etc.
All kinds of collaboration are welcome!
For CSC applicants: Cardiff University benefits from an official partnership with China Scholarship Council (CSC). If you are interested in doing research with me, please contact me via email as soon as possible as additional deadlines/steps may apply.
- Ren, T. et al. 2025. Diverse motion in-betweening from sparse keyframes with dual posture stitching. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 31(2), pp. 1402-1413. (10.1109/TVCG.2024.3363457)
- Alwadee, E. J., Sun, X., Qin, Y. and Langbein, F. C. 2025. LATUP-Net: A lightweight 3D attention U-Net with parallel convolutions for brain tumor segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine 184, article number: 109353. (10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.109353)
- Wu, Z., Jiang, L., Li, X., Fang, C., Qin, Y. and Li, G. 2025. Hierarchically controlled deformable 3D gaussians for talking head synthesis. Presented at: The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2025, Pennsylvania, USA, 25 February – 04 March 2025.
- Zhao, G. et al. 2024. Exploration and exploitation of unlabeled data for open-set semi-supervised learning. International Journal of Computer Vision 132, pp. 5888-5904. (10.1007/s11263-024-02155-y)
- Zhan, L., Ying, E., Gan, J., Guo, S., Gao, B. and Qin, Y. 2024. SATPose: Improving monocular 3D pose estimation with spatial-aware ground tactility. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 6192-6201., (10.1145/3664647.3681654)
- Hou, B., Zhang, G., Liu, H., Qin, Y. and Chen, Y. 2024. DCCTNet: Kidney tumors segmentation based on dual-level combination of CNN and transformer. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2024), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 October 2024Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE pp. 3112-3116., (10.1109/ICIP51287.2024.10647912)
- Alwadee, E., Sun, X., Qin, Y. and Langbein, F. 2024. Assessing and enhancing the robustness of brain tumor segmentation using a probabilistic deep learning architecture. Presented at: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Singapore, 04-09 May 2024Proceedings 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Vol. 4526. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine pp. 1-6.
- Chen, X. et al. 2024. Full-body human motion reconstruction with sparse joint tracking using flexible sensors. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 20(2), article number: 44. (10.1145/3564700)
- Ying, E., Xiong, T., Zhu, G., Qiu, M., Qin, Y. and Guo, S. 2024. WristSketcher: Creating 2D dynamic sketches in AR with a sensing wristband. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (10.1080/10447318.2024.2301857)
- Chen, J., Qin, Y., Liu, L., Lu, J. and Li, G. 2024. NeRF-HuGS: Improved neural radiance fields in non-static scenes using heuristics-guided segmentation. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Zuo, C., Wang, Y., Zhan, L., Guo, S., Yi, X., Xu, F. and Qin, Y. 2024. Loose inertial poser: Motion capture with IMU-attached loose-wear jacket. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Liang, Y., Garg, B., Rosin, P. and Qin, Y. 2024. Deep generative model based rate-distortion for image downscaling assessment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Ning, S., Wang, D., Qin, Y., Jin, Z., Wang, B. and Han, X. 2024. PICTURE: PhotorealistIC virtual Try-on from UnconstRained dEsign. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2024. Efficient precision and recall metrics for assessing generative models using hubness-aware sampling. Presented at: The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Vienna, Austria, 21-27 July 2024, Vol. 235. pp. 29682-29699.
- Fang, J., Song, H., Zuo, C., Gao, X., Chen, X., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2024. SuDA: Support-based domain adaptation for Sim2Real hinge joint tracking with flexible sensors. Presented at: The Forty-First International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Vienna, Austria, 21 - 27 July 2024Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, Vol. 235.
- Wu, Y., Wang, C., Yin, L., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2024. Accurate and steady inertial pose estimation through sequence structure learning and modulation. Presented at: Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), Vancouver, Canada, 10-15 December 2024.
- Alshewaier, H., Qin, Y. and Sun, X. 2024. (ExMod) model for medical image segmentation using scribble annotations. Presented at: The 5th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Manchester, UK, 19-21 November 2024.
- Zhan, L. et al. 2023. TouchEditor: Interaction design and evaluation of a flexible touchpad for text editing of head-mounted displays in speech-unfriendly environments. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 7(4), pp. 1-29., article number: 198. (10.1145/3631454)
- Wang, K., Xu, X., Zheng, Y., Zhou, D., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Guo, X. 2023. Computational design of wiring layout on tight suits with minimal motion resistance. Presented at: The 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023), Sydney, Australia, 12 - 15 December 2023 Presented at Kim, J., Lin, M. C. and Bickel, B. eds.SA '23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-12., (10.1145/3610548.3618200)
- Song, S., Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2023. Feature proliferation — the "cancer" in StyleGAN and its treatments. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023, Paris, France, October 1 - 6, 2023Proceedings of IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE pp. 2360-2370., (10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00224)
- Fang, F. et al. 2023. Handwriting velcro: Endowing AR glasses with personalized and posture-adaptive text input using flexible touch sensor. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 6(4), pp. 1-31., article number: 163. (10.1145/3569461)
- Zhao, X. et al. 2023. CUDAS: Distortion-aware saliency benchmark. IEEE Access 11, pp. 58025-58036. (10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3283344)
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Qin, Y., Han, X., Cui, S. and Li, G. 2023. Universal semi-supervised model adaptation via collaborative consistency training. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024), Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States, 4 - 8 January 2024.
- Zuo, C., Fang, J., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2023. Self-adaptive motion tracking against on-body displacement of flexible sensors. Presented at: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, United States, 10 - 16 December 2023.
- Jones, O., Poudevigne-Durance, T. and Qin, Y. 2023. Synthesis of time-series with missing observations using generative adversarial networks. Presented at: 34th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, 19-22 May 2022. Greek Statistical Institute pp. 154-166.
- Zhou, W., Yue, G., Zhang, R., Qin, Y. and Liu, H. 2023. Reduced-reference quality assessment of point clouds via content-oriented saliency projection. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 30, pp. 354-358. (10.1109/LSP.2023.3264105)
- Huang, R., Lai, P., Qin, Y. and Li, G. 2023. Parametric implicit face representation for audio-driven facial reenactment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y. and Yu, Y. 2023. Improved distribution matching for dataset condensation. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Poudevigne-Durance, T., Jones, O. D. and Qin, Y. 2022. MaWGAN: a generative adversarial network to create synthetic data from datasets with missing data. Electronics 11(6), article number: 837. (10.3390/electronics11060837)
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Li, G., Qin, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2022. Multi-level consistency learning for semi-supervised domain adaptation. Presented at: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022), Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July 2022.
- Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2022. Exploring and exploiting hubness priors for high-quality GAN latent sampling. Presented at: The 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), Baltimore, Maryland USA, 17-23 July 2022, Vol. 162.
- Chen, C., Shi, X., Qin, Y., Li, X., Yang, T., Han, X. and Guo, S. 2022. Real-world blind super-resolution via feature matching with implicit high-resolution priors. Presented at: the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022). ACM
- Yu, X., Tang, J., Qin, Y., Li, C., Han, X., Bao, L. and Cui, S. 2022. PVSeRF: joint pixel-, voxel- and surface-aligned radiance field for single-image novel view synthesis. Presented at: 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings ACMMM 2022 : 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. New York: ACM, (10.1145/3503161.3547893)
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y., Liu, F. and Yu, Y. 2022. Centrality and consistency: two-stage clean samples identification for learning with instance-dependent noisy labels. Presented at: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022), Tel Aviv, Israel, 23-27 October 2022.
- Yan, Z., Yu, X., Qin, Y., Wu, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2021. Pixel-level intra-domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2021, Chengdu, China, 20-24 October 2021MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 404-413., (10.1145/3474085.3475174)
- Zhu, Z. et al. 2021. Robust elbow angle prediction with aging soft sensors via output-level domain adaptation. IEEE Sensors Journal 21(20), pp. 22976-22984. (10.1109/JSEN.2021.3091004)
- Su, J., Gao, X., Qin, Y. and Guo, S. 2021. Correcting corrupted labels using mode dropping of ACGAN. Presented at: 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2021), Xiamen, China, 14-16 April 20212021 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). IEEE pp. 98-103., (10.1109/ISMICT51748.2021.9434911)
- Chen, Z., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Liao, M. 2021. Human posture tracking with flexible sensors for motion recognition. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (10.1002/cav.1993)
- Qin, Y., Mitra, N. and Wonka, P. 2020. How does Lipschitz regularization influence GAN training?. Presented at: 16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), Glasgow, Scotland, 23-28 August 2020 Presented at Vevaldi, A. et al. eds.Computer Vision – ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part XVI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 310-326., (10.1007/978-3-030-58517-4_19)
- Zhu, P., Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. SEAN: image synthesis with semantic region-adaptive normalization. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 14-19 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. Image2StyleGAN++: how to edit the embedded images?. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 16-18 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2019. Image2StyleGAN: How to embed images into the styleGAN latent space?. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019, Seoul, South Korea, 27 October 2019 - 3 November 2019Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019. IEEE pp. 4431-4440., (\10.1109/ICCV.2019.00453)
- Qin, Y., Yu, H. and Zhang, J. 2017. Fast and memory-efficient Voronoi diagram construction on triangle meshes. Computer Graphics Forum 36(5), pp. 93-104. (10.1111/cgf.13248)
- Qin, Y., Han, X., Yu, H., Yu, Y. and Zhang, J. 2016. Fast and exact discrete geodesic computation based on triangle-oriented wavefront propagation. ACM Transactions on Graphics 35(4), article number: 125. (10.1145/2897824.2925930)
- Yu, H., Qin, Y. and Zhang, J. J. 2015. Eigenspace-based surface completeness. Journal of Electronic Imaging 24(2), article number: 23037. (10.1117/1.JEI.24.2.023037)
- Ren, T. et al. 2025. Diverse motion in-betweening from sparse keyframes with dual posture stitching. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 31(2), pp. 1402-1413. (10.1109/TVCG.2024.3363457)
- Alwadee, E. J., Sun, X., Qin, Y. and Langbein, F. C. 2025. LATUP-Net: A lightweight 3D attention U-Net with parallel convolutions for brain tumor segmentation. Computers in Biology and Medicine 184, article number: 109353. (10.1016/j.compbiomed.2024.109353)
- Zhao, G. et al. 2024. Exploration and exploitation of unlabeled data for open-set semi-supervised learning. International Journal of Computer Vision 132, pp. 5888-5904. (10.1007/s11263-024-02155-y)
- Chen, X. et al. 2024. Full-body human motion reconstruction with sparse joint tracking using flexible sensors. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 20(2), article number: 44. (10.1145/3564700)
- Ying, E., Xiong, T., Zhu, G., Qiu, M., Qin, Y. and Guo, S. 2024. WristSketcher: Creating 2D dynamic sketches in AR with a sensing wristband. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (10.1080/10447318.2024.2301857)
- Zhan, L. et al. 2023. TouchEditor: Interaction design and evaluation of a flexible touchpad for text editing of head-mounted displays in speech-unfriendly environments. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 7(4), pp. 1-29., article number: 198. (10.1145/3631454)
- Fang, F. et al. 2023. Handwriting velcro: Endowing AR glasses with personalized and posture-adaptive text input using flexible touch sensor. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 6(4), pp. 1-31., article number: 163. (10.1145/3569461)
- Zhao, X. et al. 2023. CUDAS: Distortion-aware saliency benchmark. IEEE Access 11, pp. 58025-58036. (10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3283344)
- Zhou, W., Yue, G., Zhang, R., Qin, Y. and Liu, H. 2023. Reduced-reference quality assessment of point clouds via content-oriented saliency projection. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 30, pp. 354-358. (10.1109/LSP.2023.3264105)
- Poudevigne-Durance, T., Jones, O. D. and Qin, Y. 2022. MaWGAN: a generative adversarial network to create synthetic data from datasets with missing data. Electronics 11(6), article number: 837. (10.3390/electronics11060837)
- Zhu, Z. et al. 2021. Robust elbow angle prediction with aging soft sensors via output-level domain adaptation. IEEE Sensors Journal 21(20), pp. 22976-22984. (10.1109/JSEN.2021.3091004)
- Chen, Z., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Liao, M. 2021. Human posture tracking with flexible sensors for motion recognition. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (10.1002/cav.1993)
- Qin, Y., Yu, H. and Zhang, J. 2017. Fast and memory-efficient Voronoi diagram construction on triangle meshes. Computer Graphics Forum 36(5), pp. 93-104. (10.1111/cgf.13248)
- Qin, Y., Han, X., Yu, H., Yu, Y. and Zhang, J. 2016. Fast and exact discrete geodesic computation based on triangle-oriented wavefront propagation. ACM Transactions on Graphics 35(4), article number: 125. (10.1145/2897824.2925930)
- Yu, H., Qin, Y. and Zhang, J. J. 2015. Eigenspace-based surface completeness. Journal of Electronic Imaging 24(2), article number: 23037. (10.1117/1.JEI.24.2.023037)
- Wu, Z., Jiang, L., Li, X., Fang, C., Qin, Y. and Li, G. 2025. Hierarchically controlled deformable 3D gaussians for talking head synthesis. Presented at: The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2025, Pennsylvania, USA, 25 February – 04 March 2025.
- Zhan, L., Ying, E., Gan, J., Guo, S., Gao, B. and Qin, Y. 2024. SATPose: Improving monocular 3D pose estimation with spatial-aware ground tactility. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2024, Melbourne, Australia, 28 October - 1 November 2024MM '24: Proceedings of the 32nd ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 6192-6201., (10.1145/3664647.3681654)
- Hou, B., Zhang, G., Liu, H., Qin, Y. and Chen, Y. 2024. DCCTNet: Kidney tumors segmentation based on dual-level combination of CNN and transformer. Presented at: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP 2024), Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, 27-30 October 2024Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing. IEEE pp. 3112-3116., (10.1109/ICIP51287.2024.10647912)
- Alwadee, E., Sun, X., Qin, Y. and Langbein, F. 2024. Assessing and enhancing the robustness of brain tumor segmentation using a probabilistic deep learning architecture. Presented at: 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Singapore, 04-09 May 2024Proceedings 2024 ISMRM & ISMRT Annual Meeting & Exhibition. Vol. 4526. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine pp. 1-6.
- Chen, J., Qin, Y., Liu, L., Lu, J. and Li, G. 2024. NeRF-HuGS: Improved neural radiance fields in non-static scenes using heuristics-guided segmentation. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Zuo, C., Wang, Y., Zhan, L., Guo, S., Yi, X., Xu, F. and Qin, Y. 2024. Loose inertial poser: Motion capture with IMU-attached loose-wear jacket. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Liang, Y., Garg, B., Rosin, P. and Qin, Y. 2024. Deep generative model based rate-distortion for image downscaling assessment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Ning, S., Wang, D., Qin, Y., Jin, Z., Wang, B. and Han, X. 2024. PICTURE: PhotorealistIC virtual Try-on from UnconstRained dEsign. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2024. Efficient precision and recall metrics for assessing generative models using hubness-aware sampling. Presented at: The Forty-first International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Vienna, Austria, 21-27 July 2024, Vol. 235. pp. 29682-29699.
- Fang, J., Song, H., Zuo, C., Gao, X., Chen, X., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2024. SuDA: Support-based domain adaptation for Sim2Real hinge joint tracking with flexible sensors. Presented at: The Forty-First International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), Vienna, Austria, 21 - 27 July 2024Proceedings of the 41st International Conference on Machine Learning, Vol. 235.
- Wu, Y., Wang, C., Yin, L., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2024. Accurate and steady inertial pose estimation through sequence structure learning and modulation. Presented at: Thirty-Eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2024), Vancouver, Canada, 10-15 December 2024.
- Alshewaier, H., Qin, Y. and Sun, X. 2024. (ExMod) model for medical image segmentation using scribble annotations. Presented at: The 5th International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Manchester, UK, 19-21 November 2024.
- Wang, K., Xu, X., Zheng, Y., Zhou, D., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Guo, X. 2023. Computational design of wiring layout on tight suits with minimal motion resistance. Presented at: The 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023), Sydney, Australia, 12 - 15 December 2023 Presented at Kim, J., Lin, M. C. and Bickel, B. eds.SA '23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-12., (10.1145/3610548.3618200)
- Song, S., Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2023. Feature proliferation — the "cancer" in StyleGAN and its treatments. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023, Paris, France, October 1 - 6, 2023Proceedings of IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE pp. 2360-2370., (10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00224)
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Qin, Y., Han, X., Cui, S. and Li, G. 2023. Universal semi-supervised model adaptation via collaborative consistency training. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024), Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States, 4 - 8 January 2024.
- Zuo, C., Fang, J., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2023. Self-adaptive motion tracking against on-body displacement of flexible sensors. Presented at: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, United States, 10 - 16 December 2023.
- Jones, O., Poudevigne-Durance, T. and Qin, Y. 2023. Synthesis of time-series with missing observations using generative adversarial networks. Presented at: 34th Panhellenic Statistics Conference, 19-22 May 2022. Greek Statistical Institute pp. 154-166.
- Huang, R., Lai, P., Qin, Y. and Li, G. 2023. Parametric implicit face representation for audio-driven facial reenactment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y. and Yu, Y. 2023. Improved distribution matching for dataset condensation. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Li, G., Qin, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2022. Multi-level consistency learning for semi-supervised domain adaptation. Presented at: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022), Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July 2022.
- Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2022. Exploring and exploiting hubness priors for high-quality GAN latent sampling. Presented at: The 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), Baltimore, Maryland USA, 17-23 July 2022, Vol. 162.
- Chen, C., Shi, X., Qin, Y., Li, X., Yang, T., Han, X. and Guo, S. 2022. Real-world blind super-resolution via feature matching with implicit high-resolution priors. Presented at: the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022). ACM
- Yu, X., Tang, J., Qin, Y., Li, C., Han, X., Bao, L. and Cui, S. 2022. PVSeRF: joint pixel-, voxel- and surface-aligned radiance field for single-image novel view synthesis. Presented at: 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings ACMMM 2022 : 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. New York: ACM, (10.1145/3503161.3547893)
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y., Liu, F. and Yu, Y. 2022. Centrality and consistency: two-stage clean samples identification for learning with instance-dependent noisy labels. Presented at: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022), Tel Aviv, Israel, 23-27 October 2022.
- Yan, Z., Yu, X., Qin, Y., Wu, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2021. Pixel-level intra-domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2021, Chengdu, China, 20-24 October 2021MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 404-413., (10.1145/3474085.3475174)
- Su, J., Gao, X., Qin, Y. and Guo, S. 2021. Correcting corrupted labels using mode dropping of ACGAN. Presented at: 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT 2021), Xiamen, China, 14-16 April 20212021 15th International Symposium on Medical Information and Communication Technology (ISMICT). IEEE pp. 98-103., (10.1109/ISMICT51748.2021.9434911)
- Qin, Y., Mitra, N. and Wonka, P. 2020. How does Lipschitz regularization influence GAN training?. Presented at: 16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), Glasgow, Scotland, 23-28 August 2020 Presented at Vevaldi, A. et al. eds.Computer Vision – ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part XVI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 310-326., (10.1007/978-3-030-58517-4_19)
- Zhu, P., Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. SEAN: image synthesis with semantic region-adaptive normalization. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 14-19 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. Image2StyleGAN++: how to edit the embedded images?. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 16-18 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2019. Image2StyleGAN: How to embed images into the styleGAN latent space?. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019, Seoul, South Korea, 27 October 2019 - 3 November 2019Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019. IEEE pp. 4431-4440., (\10.1109/ICCV.2019.00453)
- Ren, T. et al. 2025. Diverse motion in-betweening from sparse keyframes with dual posture stitching. IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 31(2), pp. 1402-1413. (10.1109/TVCG.2024.3363457)
- Chen, X. et al. 2024. Full-body human motion reconstruction with sparse joint tracking using flexible sensors. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications 20(2), article number: 44. (10.1145/3564700)
- Ying, E., Xiong, T., Zhu, G., Qiu, M., Qin, Y. and Guo, S. 2024. WristSketcher: Creating 2D dynamic sketches in AR with a sensing wristband. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (10.1080/10447318.2024.2301857)
- Zuo, C., Wang, Y., Zhan, L., Guo, S., Yi, X., Xu, F. and Qin, Y. 2024. Loose inertial poser: Motion capture with IMU-attached loose-wear jacket. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Liang, Y., Garg, B., Rosin, P. and Qin, Y. 2024. Deep generative model based rate-distortion for image downscaling assessment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024, Seattle, USA, 17-21 June 2024.
- Zhan, L. et al. 2023. TouchEditor: Interaction design and evaluation of a flexible touchpad for text editing of head-mounted displays in speech-unfriendly environments. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 7(4), pp. 1-29., article number: 198. (10.1145/3631454)
- Wang, K., Xu, X., Zheng, Y., Zhou, D., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Guo, X. 2023. Computational design of wiring layout on tight suits with minimal motion resistance. Presented at: The 16th ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Asia (SIGGRAPH ASIA 2023), Sydney, Australia, 12 - 15 December 2023 Presented at Kim, J., Lin, M. C. and Bickel, B. eds.SA '23: SIGGRAPH Asia 2023 Conference Papers. New York: Association for Computing Machinery pp. 1-12., (10.1145/3610548.3618200)
- Song, S., Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2023. Feature proliferation — the "cancer" in StyleGAN and its treatments. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023, Paris, France, October 1 - 6, 2023Proceedings of IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision. IEEE pp. 2360-2370., (10.1109/ICCV51070.2023.00224)
- Fang, F. et al. 2023. Handwriting velcro: Endowing AR glasses with personalized and posture-adaptive text input using flexible touch sensor. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT) 6(4), pp. 1-31., article number: 163. (10.1145/3569461)
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Qin, Y., Han, X., Cui, S. and Li, G. 2023. Universal semi-supervised model adaptation via collaborative consistency training. Presented at: IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV 2024), Waikoloa, Hawaii, United States, 4 - 8 January 2024.
- Zuo, C., Fang, J., Guo, S. and Qin, Y. 2023. Self-adaptive motion tracking against on-body displacement of flexible sensors. Presented at: Thirty-seventh Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2023), New Orleans, United States, 10 - 16 December 2023.
- Huang, R., Lai, P., Qin, Y. and Li, G. 2023. Parametric implicit face representation for audio-driven facial reenactment. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y. and Yu, Y. 2023. Improved distribution matching for dataset condensation. Presented at: The IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2023, Vancouver, Canada, 18 - 22 June 2023.
- Yan, Z., Wu, Y., Li, G., Qin, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2022. Multi-level consistency learning for semi-supervised domain adaptation. Presented at: 31st International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-ECAI 2022), Vienna, Austria, 23-29 July 2022.
- Liang, Y., Wu, J., Lai, Y. and Qin, Y. 2022. Exploring and exploiting hubness priors for high-quality GAN latent sampling. Presented at: The 39th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2022), Baltimore, Maryland USA, 17-23 July 2022, Vol. 162.
- Chen, C., Shi, X., Qin, Y., Li, X., Yang, T., Han, X. and Guo, S. 2022. Real-world blind super-resolution via feature matching with implicit high-resolution priors. Presented at: the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022). ACM
- Yu, X., Tang, J., Qin, Y., Li, C., Han, X., Bao, L. and Cui, S. 2022. PVSeRF: joint pixel-, voxel- and surface-aligned radiance field for single-image novel view synthesis. Presented at: 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (ACMMM 2022), Lisbon, Portugal, 10 - 14 October 2022Proceedings ACMMM 2022 : 30th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. New York: ACM, (10.1145/3503161.3547893)
- Zhao, G., Li, G., Qin, Y., Liu, F. and Yu, Y. 2022. Centrality and consistency: two-stage clean samples identification for learning with instance-dependent noisy labels. Presented at: European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2022), Tel Aviv, Israel, 23-27 October 2022.
- Yan, Z., Yu, X., Qin, Y., Wu, Y., Han, X. and Cui, S. 2021. Pixel-level intra-domain adaptation for semantic segmentation. Presented at: ACM Multimedia 2021, Chengdu, China, 20-24 October 2021MM '21: Proceedings of the 29th ACM International Conference on Multimedia. ACM pp. 404-413., (10.1145/3474085.3475174)
- Zhu, Z. et al. 2021. Robust elbow angle prediction with aging soft sensors via output-level domain adaptation. IEEE Sensors Journal 21(20), pp. 22976-22984. (10.1109/JSEN.2021.3091004)
- Chen, Z., Chen, X., Ma, Y., Guo, S., Qin, Y. and Liao, M. 2021. Human posture tracking with flexible sensors for motion recognition. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (10.1002/cav.1993)
- Qin, Y., Mitra, N. and Wonka, P. 2020. How does Lipschitz regularization influence GAN training?. Presented at: 16th European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV 2020), Glasgow, Scotland, 23-28 August 2020 Presented at Vevaldi, A. et al. eds.Computer Vision – ECCV 2020: 16th European Conference, Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020, Proceedings, Part XVI. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Springer pp. 310-326., (10.1007/978-3-030-58517-4_19)
- Zhu, P., Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. SEAN: image synthesis with semantic region-adaptive normalization. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 14-19 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2020. Image2StyleGAN++: how to edit the embedded images?. Presented at: Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2020), Seattle, Washington, USA, 16-18 June 2020.
- Abdal, R., Qin, Y. and Wonka, P. 2019. Image2StyleGAN: How to embed images into the styleGAN latent space?. Presented at: International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019, Seoul, South Korea, 27 October 2019 - 3 November 2019Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019. IEEE pp. 4431-4440., (\10.1109/ICCV.2019.00453)
- Qin, Y., Yu, H. and Zhang, J. 2017. Fast and memory-efficient Voronoi diagram construction on triangle meshes. Computer Graphics Forum 36(5), pp. 93-104. (10.1111/cgf.13248)
- Qin, Y., Han, X., Yu, H., Yu, Y. and Zhang, J. 2016. Fast and exact discrete geodesic computation based on triangle-oriented wavefront propagation. ACM Transactions on Graphics 35(4), article number: 125. (10.1145/2897824.2925930)
My research interests are centered around machine learning (ML) and its applications in computer vision (CV), computer graphics (CG), human-computer interactions (HCI), etc. My current research revolves around the following three themes:
- Unboxing the deep learning black-box, which aims to understand the training dynamics of various deep neural networks, e.g. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
- Creative Artificial Intelligence (AI), including GAN inversion, region-wise image disentanglement for diverse and controllable image synthesis/manipulation, etc.
- Prototyping wearable devices for motion monitoring and analysis, which aims to model the relationships between sensor signals and human motion using machine learning. This is collaborative research with Prof. Shihui Guo from Xiamen University, China.
I am also interested in other related topics like semantic segmentation, domain adaptation, semi-supervised learning, etc.
Current Projects
- A Natural Language Interface for Directing Virtual Character Performances, £59,981, PI, XR Network+ project (EP/W020602/1) of EPSRC, Sep 2024 - Feb 2025
- Prototyping Smart Clothes for Population-level Motion Monitoring and Analysis, £12,000, PI, Royal Society International Exchanges 2021 Cost Share (NSFC), No. IEC\NSFC\211022, Mar 2022 - Mar 2025
- Uncovering the “Instincts” of Deep Generative Models for Fair and Unbiased Visual Content Creation, approx. £72,922, Main Supervisor, EPSRC DTP, No. EP/T517951/1 (2599521), Oct 2021 - Mar 2025
Previous Projects
- CU-XMU Collaboration Funding, £1,880, Co-I, Cardiff University, Nov 2024 - Dec 2024
- Cardiff University 2024 Research Culture Fund, £2,500, Co-I, HEFCW, May 2024 - Aug 2024
- Roadmap Development – Creating Chattable AI Personas for Museums and Archives, £4,000, PI, Digital Transformation Innovation Institute (DTII) Seedcorn Funding, No. DTIIR3SC04, Apr 2024 - Aug 2024
- Revolutionizing Visitor Experiences of Cultural Heritage: Unleashing the Power of AI-Powered Chattable Avatars in Interactive Exhibitions, £15,000, PI, UKRI Harmonised Impact Acceleration Account (IAA), No. 521632 (525436), Nov 2023 - May 2024
- Charting New Frontiers: An Exploratory Expedition and Pilot Study on Chattable Virtual Avatars, Unveiling Ethical and Social Dimensions in Content Delivery, £5,000, PI, GW4 Crucible 2023 Seed Funding, No. Cru23_01, Sep 2023 - Mar 2024
- Sensor Layout Optimization for 3D Body Shape Reconstruction, £3,200, PI, Cardiff-Xiamen University Research Collaboration Funding, Jul 2020 - Aug 2020
- 2024 Festival of Social Science, Artificial Intelligence in culture and heritage, organised by Dr. Jenny Kidd with support from our team, November 7, 2024.
- Conversations with History: bringing historical characters to life through AI-powered avatars, organised by National Trust with support from our team, October 26-27, 2024.
- Roadmap Development Workshops, Organised by Dr. Yipeng Qin, May 31 and July 24, 2024.
- [AI UK Fringe 2024 Event] Past Meets Future: Can AI Personas Bring Historic Figures to Life?, Organised by Dr. Yipeng Qin, March 27, 2024
- Cardiff University and National Trust Workshop on AI Avatars, Co-organised by Dr. Daniel Finnegan and Dr. Yipeng Qin, March 13, 2024
- Chattable Virtual Avatars for Museum & Archive Workshop, Co-organised by Dr. Barbara Caddick from the University of Bristol and Dr. Yipeng Qin, March 11, 2024.
Modular Teaching
- 2021/22 - now, CMT307 Applied Machine Learning
- 2021/22 - now, CMT316 Applications of Machine Learning: Natural Language Processing/Computer Vision
- 2019/20 - now, CM1205 Architecture and Operating Systems, Module Lead
- Learning and Teaching Collaboration of the Year (Nomination)
- Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) 2024
- BY: Cardiff University and Cardiff Students Union (CUSU)
- Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Nomination)
- Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) 2024
- BY: Cardiff University and Cardiff Students Union (CUSU)
Education and Qualifications
- 2017: PhD in Computer Science, National Centre for Computer Animation, Bournemouth University, UK
- 2013: BEng in Electrical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
Career overview
- 2023 - present: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK
- 2019 - 2023: Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK
- 2017 - 2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Visual Computing Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Administrative Role
- 2024.09 - now, Deputy Director of Research
- 2024.02 - now, Lead of Computer Vision Research Group
- 2024.04 - 2024.09, PGT Admissions Tutor
- 2020.10 - 2024.09, PGT Programme Lead (COMSC) of MSc Data Science and Analytics and MSc Data Analytics for Government
Honours and awards
- CHCI 2024 Best Technology Demonstration Award
- Human Motion Capture System Based on Loose-wear Inertial Sensors
- BY: The 20th Chinese Human-Computer Interaction Conference (CHCI 2024)
- CVPR 2024 Best Paper Award Candidate
- BY: The Computer Vision Foundation (CVF)
- Learning and Teaching Collaboration of the Year (Nomination)
- Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) 2024
- BY: Cardiff University and Cardiff Students Union (CUSU)
- Champion for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (Nomination)
- Enriching Student Life Awards (ESLAs) 2024
- BY: Cardiff University and Cardiff Students Union (CUSU)
Professional memberships
- EPSRC Peer Review College
- Member of ACM SIGGRAPH, Computer Vision Foundation (CVF), AsiaGraphics
- HEA Fellowship
- Learned Society of Wales - Advisory Group for Researcher Development
- Humanities and Data Science Special Interest Group @ The Alan Turing Institute
- British Academy Early Career Researcher Network
Academic positions
- 2023 - present: Senior Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK
- 2019 - 2023: Lecturer, Cardiff University, UK
- 2017 - 2019: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Visual Computing Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Committees and reviewing
- Area Chair: ICML 2025, ICML 2024
- Grant Reviewer:
- Turing AI World-Leading Researcher Fellowships
- UKRI Future Leaders Fellowships (FLF)
- EPSRC Peer Review College
- EPSRC New Investigator Award (NIA)
- EPSRC Additional Funding Programme for Mathematical Science
- Belgium Concerted Research Actions (CRAs)
- Journal Reviewer:
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI)
- ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (TIP)
- IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
- IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (TMM)
- Computer Graphics Forum (CGF)
- Pattern Recognition
- Neurocomputing
- Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds (CAVW)
- Computers & Graphics
- Signal, Image and Video Processing
- Journal of Open Humanities Data
- IEEE Access
- Visual Informatics
- World Wide Web
- Image and Vision Computing
- Frontiers in Imaging
- Conference Program Committee (PC) Member / Reviewer:
- NeurIPS
- ICLR BlogPosts Track
- Eurographics
- Pacific Graphics
- Book Reviewer: CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group
I am interested in supervising PhD students in the areas of:
- AI for Generative Modelling
- Image Synthesis and Manipulation
- Interpretable ML/AI for Visual Content Generation
- Bias and Fairness in AI
- 3D Geometry Processing
For CSC applicants: Cardiff University benefits from an official partnership with China Scholarship Council (CSC). If you are interested in doing research with me, please contact me via email as soon as possible as additional deadlines/steps may apply.
Current PhD Supervision
- Stephen Miles (2021/07 - now) - Image Restoration with Deep Learning (Part-time).
- Yuanbang Liang (2021/10 - now) - Uncovering The “instincts” Of Deep Generative Models For Fair And Unbiased Visual Content Creation (EPSRC DTP).
- Shuang Song (2021/10 - now) - A Novel Depth Estimation Network For Image Stitching (CSC).
- Jinqi Wang (2022/10 - now) - AI-based Anime Content Creation
- Zhuoling Jiang (2024/01 - now) - AI-driven NPCs for Next-Generation Gaming (School-funded)
- Yuan Wang (2024/10 - now) - AI-powered Photography
- Xin Zhao (2019/10 - now) - Eye Attentive Prediction From The Medical Professionals In The Medical Image (co-supervised with Dr. Hantao Liu).
- Hateef Alshewaier (2021/04 - now) - Ensemble Methods For Multimedia Data Classification (co-supervised with Dr. Xianfang Sun).
- Ebtihal Alwadee (2021/10 - now) - Novel Adaptive Down-Sample Neural Network Classification For Detecting Brain Tumour From Mri Brain Images (co-supervised with Dr. Frank Langbein and Dr. Xianfang Sun).
- Nada Saad M Alharbi (2023/10 - now) - Detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (co-supervised with Dr. Xianfang Sun).
- Yang Li (2023/10 - now) - Generative Models for Architectural Facade Design (co-supervised with Dr. Bailin Deng and Prof. Wassim Jabi).
- Zhengwen Chen (2024/10 - now) - Advanced Fine-Tuning of Large-Scale Image Generation Pretrained Models for Enhanced Performance and Control in Specialized Tasks (co-supervised with Prof. Yukun Lai and Dr. Oktay Karakus)
Current supervision
Past projects
- Thomas Poudevigne-Durance (2019/10 - 2024/06) - Generative Adversarial Networks For Rare Event Augmentation (co-supervised with Prof. Owen Jones, School of Mathematics).
Contact Details
+44 29208 75537
Abacws, Room 2.20, Senghennydd Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4AG
Research themes
- Artificial intelligence
- Computer graphics
- Computer vision
- Machine learning
- Human Computer Interaction