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Hayley Reed  B.Sc. (Hons), M.A., M.Sc., PhD.

Dr Hayley Reed


B.Sc. (Hons), M.A., M.Sc., PhD.

Research Fellow, DECIPHer

Available for postgraduate supervision


I am a researcher undertaking a Health and Care Research Wales Health Fellowship at DECIPHer (the Centre for Development, Evaluation, Complexity and Implementation in Public Health Improvement) in the School of Social Sciences.

My research has a substantive focus on mental health and wellbeing, particularly for children and young people.  My current fellowship is investigating the need to identify and adapt global mental health programmes to Wales to address adolescent mental health issues.  

My methodological focuses are on co-producing, adapting and implementing school and family-based health interventions, with a particular focus on participatory and qualitative approaches. My PhD optimised and tested theory for the co-production of school-based health interventions to support other researchers and school stakeholders to be able develop health and wellbeing interventions. I also have a track record in the design, conduct and reporting of systematic reviews. 

I currently also lead/co-lead on research projects evaluating a Veteran family-based intervention and a Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize project exploring the influences on school connectedness. I've recently worked on a National Institute of Health Research project, via the Public Health Responsive Studies Team based between Bristol and Cardiff University.  This project is evaluating the impact and implementation of a school-based intervention about ‘Mindset Teams’ in Scotland.




















Research Interests 

  • Children and young people
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • School-based intervention
  • Family-based intervention, notably in Veteran families. 
  • Co-production, adaptation, and implementation of interventions
  • Participatory and Qualitative research methods
  • Systematic reviews

Previous grants

  • 2023 - Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize Sustainability Phase - Piloting and Sustainability for a Digital Dashboard for Secondary Schools to access and understand their Student Health Data. (£140,000)
  • 2023 - Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize Prototyping Phase - Development of a Digital Dashboard for Secondary Schools to access and understand their Student Health Data. (£100,000)
  • 2022 - Health and Care Research Wales Health Fellowship - The Identification and Adaptation of an Effective Mental Health Intervention for Implementation with Welsh Secondary School Students aged 11-18 (£431,000)
  • 2022 - Wellcome Trust Mental Health Data Prize Discovery Phase  - Secondary Data Analysis of School Health Research Network (SHRN) data to understand what influences school connectedness (£40,000) 
  • 2017 - Forces in Mind Trust - A Pragmatic Formative Evaluation of a Restorative Approaches Veteran and Families Service Project (£51,000)
  • 2016 - 1+3 ESRC Masters & PhD Doctor of Philosophy (Social Sciences) - Co-producing School-Based Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions: A Mixed Methods Intervention Development Study
  • 2016 - Wellcome Trust (Institutional Strategic Support Fund Public Health Award) - Research literacy for the Welsh Baccalaureate: a scoping study. (£18,555)
  • 2015 - TGP Cymru - Evaluation of the Restorative Approaches Family Engagement Project (£20,000)
  • 2015 - ESRC Engagement Fund - Mental Health Film Engagement Event for young people during the Festival of Social Science (£500).


I have Fellowship status with the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).  My current and recent teaching experience includes:

ADEPT HSC training  - Developed for Public Health Wales practitoners and delivered in 2023. 

DECIPHer Short Courses on Process Evaluations and Intervention Adaptation. 

Developing and Evaluating Interventions in Complex Social Systems (Level 7) – I have been a contributing lecturer to this module within the DECIPHer Research Centre since 2019.

Health Inequalities (Level 6) - I have been a contibuting lecturer to this module convened by MEDIC since 2021.

Developmental Psychology (Level 5) - I convened an on-line module for LEARN at Cardiff University for undergraduate students and those on the Pathway to a degree in Healthcare.

Research Methods and Policy (Level 6) – I was a seminar tutor for four years running seminars face-to-face and on-line in the disciplines of Research Methods and Educational Policy.



Education and Qualifications:

  • 2017-2021  Doctor of Philosophy (Social Sciences) project entitled Co-producing School-Based Mental Health and Wellbeing Interventions: A Mixed Methods Intervention Development Study
  • 2016- 2017 MSc. Social Science Research Methods, Distinction, Cardiff University
  • 2009-2012 MA. Childhood Studies, Distinction, Swansea University
  • 2003-2007 BSc. (Hons.) Psychology, Swansea University

Career overview:

  • 2023 - Current - Research Fellow, DECIPHer, Cardiff University
  • 2021-2023- Post Doctoral Research Associate, DECIPHer, Cardiff University
  • 2016-2021 - 1+3 ESRC PhD Studentship
  • 2011-2017 - Involving Young People Research Officer, DECIPHer, Cardiff University

Honours and awards

Welsh Crucible 2024

I was accepted on to this competitive award-wining programme of personal, professional and leadserhip development for the future research leaders of Wales. 

Mental Health Data Prize Winning Team Leader 

I was a co-chief investigator on the winning team for the first Mental Health Data Prize by the Wellcome Trust. We developed and piloted a digital dashboard that empowers schools to use bespoke data to create environments that promote good mental and physical health. 

Academic positions

I have previously been a Trial Steering Group member for:

  • Feasibility study to evaluate the effectiveness of the Breakthrough Mentoring Scheme from 2013 - 2015.
  • Preventing Substance Misuse: Randomised Controlled Trial of the Strengthening Families 10-14 UK Programme from 2011 - 2016.
  • Preventing alcohol misuse in young people: An exploratory trial of the Kids, Adults Together (KAT) Programme from 2012 - 2014.


I am a supervisor and co-supervisor for undergraduate and postgraduate dissertation students in the School of Social Sciences.

I am interested in supervising masters and undergraduate students in the areas of:

  • Mental Health and Wellbeing
  • Co-production
  • Restorative Approaches
  • Family-based and School-based Interventions

Contact Details

Telephone +44 29208 79053
Campuses sbarc|spark, Floor 2, Maindy Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF24 4HQ

Research themes