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Emma Richards

Dr Emma Richards


Senior Lecturer in Physical Chemistry and Director of Admissions and Recruitment

Available for postgraduate supervision


The research interests of the group focus on utilizing the powerful technique of Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy and associated hyperfine methodologies [e.g. Electron Nuclear Double Resonance (ENDOR), Hyperfine Sublevel Correlation Spectroscopy (HYSCORE)), including Time-Resolved measurements in two main areas of activity:

  1. investigating electron transfer processes in inorganic reactions, focussing on the use of earth-abundant materials for sustainable chemical transformations; 
  2. elucidating excited state properties and resulting redox events for photoactive organometallic complexes and organic compounds, for application in imaging devices and electron transport technologies.

The broad applicability of these methodologies is evidenced by their use in the wide range of chemical, physical, biological and earth sciences. We welcome enquiries from researchers seeking to develop collaborative opportunities.

The group is equipped with both continuous wave (CW) and Pulsed EPR/ENDOR facilities at X- and Q-band frequencies.

For more information, click on the 'Research' tab above.






















Book sections




Earth-Abundant Catalysis

Coupling reactions for the formation of C-C and C-X bonds are important targets for academic chemistry, and have been prevalent since the 19th Century.  The 2010 Nobel Prize for Palladium-catalysed C-C bond construction proceeds via double-electron transfer, whereas recent efforts using first-row metals undergo single-electron transfer processes.  In parallel with these advances, over the last 10 years an emerging trend in earth-abundant metals and metal-free catalysis has been established to provide alternative and sustainable routes to achieve similar chemical transformations. We are exploring the use of 1st row transition metals (e.g. Cu/ Ni/ Fe/ Cr) as replacements for precious metals, and also main-group systems (e.g. P/B) to challenge the traditional two-electron transfer reaction pathways, to suggest a low-energy single-electron processes can predominate. We aim to provide a connection between the structure of reactants, the proposed mechanism, and the identity of radical intermediates/products, which has previously not always been clearly established.


Photoactive Materials

Photon upconversion, a process by which multiple low energy photons from solar radiation are converted into more useful higher energy photons (in the visible-light region), has received significant attention in recent years as a means of increasing the efficacy of light harvesting processes, finding utility in several important disciplines, such as electroluminescence, photovoltaics, photocatalysis, and bioimaging. We have recently developed new Ir(III) complexes which exhibit leading conversion efficiencies for visible photons through triplet-triplet annihilation upconversion (TTA), in which the Ir(III) acts as a donor sensitiser that stimulates long-lived fluorescence from an appropriate annihilator acceptor molecule. The sensitiser should possess good molar absorption at the wavelength of excitation and a long triplet lifetime.  We aim to develop a library of ligand architectures to enable tuning of the excited-state properties and emission characteristics, which are essential criteria for optimising TTA-based applications. 

Current approaches to the development of TTA systems have relied upon a trial-and-error approach.  However, we seek to employ a vast range of advanced spectroscopic, including Time-Resolved Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectroscopy (TR-EPR) and fluorescence techniques, supported by computational tools to fully interrogate the excited state properties. These combined results will deliver groundbreaking new mechanistic insights into upconversion optimization through structure-activity relationships, leading to an acceleration in the delivery of a range of novel, highly efficient and tunable photoactive materials for use in light harvesting processes and photoredox catalysis. 


For more information on specific projects available with Dr Emma Richards please review the Spectroscopy and dynamics science section of our research project themes.



CH5110 Chemistry Foundation Practical    [Yr 1 Core]

CH5201 Advanced Physical Chemistry      [Yr 2 Core]

CH3307 Advanced Spectroscopy and Diffraction    [Yr 3 Optional]

CHT219 Preparation and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Catalysts     [PGT]

Details of modules can be found in course finder.


  • Director of Recruitment and Admissions (2023 - date)
  • Senior Lecturer (2022), Lecturer (2015 - 2022) Cardiff School of Chemistry
  • PhD, University of Wales, Cardiff (2003 – 2007, Prof D. Murphy);
  • BSc(Hons) Natural Sciences with study in Industry, (Infineum, Oxfordshire; 1st Class Honours, Accenture prize for highest graduating student), University of Bath (1999 – 2003);

Professional memberships

  • Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy

Committees and reviewing

  • Royal Society International Fellowship Scheme (2018 - date)
  • Athena Swan External Panel Assessor (2022 - date)


  • Analytical chemistry
  • Reaction mechanisms
  • Photocatalysis
  • Organometallic chemistry