I have been a member of staff at Cardiff Business School since 1994. I have a wide range of research interests relating to regional economics and policy, regional input-output analysis, economic evaluation, foreign direct investment, and economic development.
I was a founder member of the Welsh Economy Research Unit (WERU), and am Deputy Director. With WERU members I have been involved in a number of a number of externally funded research projects which have been undertaken for private and public sector organisations, recent examples include:
- Research and evaluation around the UKRI Strength in Places Fund relating to the Compound Semiconductor Cluster in South Wales
- An extensive programme of research examining small firm impacts of access to superfast broadband services.
- Economic Intelligence Wales research programme examining small firm finance.
My most recent academic journal publications have been in Transport Policy (2023), the National Institute Economic Review (2021) and European Planning Studies (2021). In previous years I have published in journals such as the European Journal of Operational Research, Marine Policy and Urban Studies. I addition, I have published numerous project reports as part of externally funded research activities.
I am Editor of the Welsh Economic Review, which is published online by Cardiff University Press. https://wer.cardiffuniversitypress.org/
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2025. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected/ Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/t52dosq5/weru-csconnected-sipf-2024-annual-report.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202024%20ENG_ACCESSIBLE_V1%202.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Cai, W., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2024. The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: The case of the semiconductor industry in Wales. European Planning Studies 32(7), pp. 1594-1612. (10.1080/09654313.2024.2319704)
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Pickernell, D., Rich, N., Davies, G., Roberts, A., Moghadam, P. S., Walpole, G. and Price, A. 2024. Max headroom: making time and space for Welsh manufacturing SMEs to flourish. Welsh Economic Review 29, pp. 17-28. (10.18573/wer.268)
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Cai, W. 2023. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. September 2023. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202023%20ENG_ACCESSBILITY_V1.pdf
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2023. Re-appraising ‘in-process’ benefits of strategic infrastructure improvements: Capturing the unexpected socio-economic impacts for lagging regions. Transport Policy 134, pp. 119-127. (10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.02.012)
- Cai, W., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2023. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales Ltd. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-01/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20Jan2023%20Covid-19%20intervention.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Jin, N. 2022. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual report September 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-11/Annual%20report%202021_22%20Economic%20Intelligence%20Wales_0.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2022. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-09/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%202022%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENGLISH-v4.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R. and Roberts, A. 2022. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales January 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ryunhxaa/csconnected-annual-report-cardiff-university-business-school.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2022. CSconnected: Does CS cluster inward investment improve regional economic prospects?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/utkj4qir/csconnected_inward-investment_cardiff-business-school-report.pdf#:~:text=The%20evidence%20suggests%20that%20the%20CS%20cluster%20has,potentially%20better%20placed%20to%20generate%20local%20economic%20transformation.
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual Report August 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-10/ENG%20EIW%20Annual%20report%2020_21.pdf
- Henderson, D., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. The regional consequences of new digital infrastructure: can Welsh SMEs gain an edge from access and adoption of superfast broadband?. National Institute Economic Review 255, pp. 42-55. (10.1017/nie.2020.48)
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Huggins, R. 2021. Revised economic baseline: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 18th February 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/vdsn3fgo/csconnected-annual-report-2021.pdf
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. Exploring a low SME equity equilibrium in Wales. European Planning Studies 29(10), pp. 1777-1797. (10.1080/09654313.2021.1882945)
- Henley, A., Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Covid-19 Welsh government financial interventions: an analysis of Welsh beneficiaries. Technical Report.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. The digital maturity survey for Wales 2020. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Business succession in Wales. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: http://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2020-05/EIW succession report May 2020 ENG Final.pdf
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2020. A road for regional recovery? The socio-economic impacts of local spending on the A465 road improvement scheme in South Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 25-32. (10.18573/wer.255)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation project: Digital Maturity Survey for Wales 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation programme: research and intelligence Digital Maturity Economic Impact Report 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/economic-impact-research
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Medium-sized businesses and Welsh business structure. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-11/EIW Quarterly Bespoke report English.pdf
- Dickenson, M., Hipwood, T., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Willimas, R. 2019. EU transition trade prospects for key Welsh sectors. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Xu, C. and Norris, L. 2019. Digital maturity economic impact report 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Equity clusters in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-04/Equity Clusters Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2019. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Williams, R. 2019. Export finance in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-02/English_Bespoke Report_FINAL_25 Feb2019.pdf
- Crawley, A., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2018. How serious is a devolved data deficit? A Welsh perspective. Local Economy 33(8), pp. 862-876. (10.1177/0269094218820286)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Reynolds, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2018. Digital maturity economic impact report for Wales 2017. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Scedrova, A. and Reynolds, L. 2018. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2017. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Morgan, K., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2017. Local economic development opportunities from NHS spending: evidence from Wales. Urban Studies 54(13), pp. 3138-3156. (10.1177/0042098016658248)
- Roberts, A. et al. 2017. Assessing the contribution of recreational sea angling to the English economy. Marine Policy 83, pp. 146-152. (10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.028)
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Economic impact report 2016. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Collins, A. and Roberts, A. 2017. Assessing the environmental impact of economic activity surrounding major sport events. In: McCullough, B. and Kellison, T. eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 207 - 219., (10.4324/9781315619514-15)
- Roberts, A., Roche, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2016. What is the value of a Premier League football club to a regional economy?. European Sport Management Quarterly 16(5), pp. 575-591. (10.1080/16184742.2016.1188840)
- Court, C. D., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Turner, K. 2015. Can hazardous waste supply chain 'hotspots' be identified using an input-output framework?. European Journal of Operational Research 241(1), pp. 177-187. (10.1016/j.ejor.2014.08.011)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental Consequences of Tourism Consumption at Major Events: An Analysis of the UK Stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Collins, A. J., Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cplan/sites/default/files/Tour-de-France.pdf
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Collins, A. J. and Roberts, A. 2010. The economic and environmental impacts of the UK stages of the Tour de France. Presented at: Regional Studies Associations (British and Irish Section), Glasgow, UK, 25-27 August 2010.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Collins, A. J. and Roberts, A. 2008. The BRASS journey: Assessing the impact of UK events. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Forecast and Scenarios for a More Sustainable Society, London.
- Morgan, K., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A. and Vanni, F. 2007. The impact of further education institutions on the economy of Wales. Welsh Economic Review 19(1), pp. 26-29. (10.18573/j.2007.10395)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Bryan, J. and Roberts, A. 2007. The economic impact of S4C on the Welsh economy 2002-2006. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: S4C. Available at: http://www.s4c.co.uk/abouts4c/corporate/pdf/s4c_economic_report_2007.pdf
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Using DS/AHP to rank of sectors on their potential to strengthen regional economic development. Presented at: MCDM 2006, Chania, Greece, 19-23 June 2006.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. and Roberts, A. 2006. One NorthEast: identifying and assessing sector strengths using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Project Report. [Online]. One NorthEast. Available at: http://www.nerip.com/reports_briefing.aspx?id=208
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Welsh economic development: the differences and similarities of DS/AHP and SMART analyses. Presented at: OR 48: annual conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, UK, 11–13 September 2006.
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term review of the Objective 1 programme for West Wales and the Valleys. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: CRG.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Dewhuirst, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: Hollowing out and foreign direct investment?. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Jones, C. J., Munday, M. C., Bryan, J., Roberts, A., McNicoll, I. and McLellan, D. 2004. UK tourism satellite account - first steps project. London: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Available at: http://old.culture.gov.uk/images/research/tsafirststepprojectreportpt1.pdf
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Input-output tables for Wales 2000. Cardiff University.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Regional and national tourism satellite accounts in the UK. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section, 34th Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 18th - 20th August 2004.
- Roberts, A., Driffield, N. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Inward investment, transactions linkages, and productivity spillovers. Economics of Governance 83(4), pp. 699-722.
- Roberts, A., Dewhurst, J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: hollowing out and foreign direct investment. In: Bojar, E. ed. The Role of FDI in Competitive Economy. TNOiK "Dom Organizatora", pp. 63-80.
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Welsh input-output tables for 2000. Technical Report.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2003. Regional tourism satellite accounts: a useful policy tool?. Urban Studies 40(13), pp. 2777-2794. (10.1080/0042098032000146894)
- Matthews, J., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2003. Project report: a Welsh index of sustainable economic welfare. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 33-36. (10.18573/wer.206)
- Jones, C., McGregor, P., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2003. Project report: Welsh input-output for 2000 and development of a computable general equilibrium model for the Welsh economy. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 37-38. (10.18573/wer.207)
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2003. Mid-term review of the Objective 3 operational programme for East Wales. Project Report. CRG.
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Project report: Regional environmental input-output analysis for Wales. Welsh Economic Review 14(2), pp. 47-48. (10.18573/wer.195)
- Pickernell, D., Parsons, L., Munday, M. C. R., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2002. Housing, financial services and the Welsh economy. Working paper. London, UK: Council of Mortgage Lenders.
- Driffield, N., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Transactions Linkages, and the Performance of the Domestic Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business 9(3), pp. 335-351. (10.1080/1357151021000010000)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. The Role of Forestry Industry Transactions in the Rural Economy. Journal of Rural Studies 17(3), pp. 333-346. (10.1016/S0743-0167(01)00010-9)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2001. Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 92(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1111/1467-9663.00150)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2001. Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives. Policy Studies 22(1), pp. 51-60. (10.1080/01442870120047721)
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Cai, W., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2024. The transformative potential of inward investment on industrial cluster development: The case of the semiconductor industry in Wales. European Planning Studies 32(7), pp. 1594-1612. (10.1080/09654313.2024.2319704)
- Pickernell, D., Rich, N., Davies, G., Roberts, A., Moghadam, P. S., Walpole, G. and Price, A. 2024. Max headroom: making time and space for Welsh manufacturing SMEs to flourish. Welsh Economic Review 29, pp. 17-28. (10.18573/wer.268)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2023. Re-appraising ‘in-process’ benefits of strategic infrastructure improvements: Capturing the unexpected socio-economic impacts for lagging regions. Transport Policy 134, pp. 119-127. (10.1016/j.tranpol.2023.02.012)
- Henderson, D., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. The regional consequences of new digital infrastructure: can Welsh SMEs gain an edge from access and adoption of superfast broadband?. National Institute Economic Review 255, pp. 42-55. (10.1017/nie.2020.48)
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2021. Exploring a low SME equity equilibrium in Wales. European Planning Studies 29(10), pp. 1777-1797. (10.1080/09654313.2021.1882945)
- Munday, M., Reynolds, L. and Roberts, A. 2020. A road for regional recovery? The socio-economic impacts of local spending on the A465 road improvement scheme in South Wales. Welsh Economic Review 27, pp. 25-32. (10.18573/wer.255)
- Crawley, A., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2018. How serious is a devolved data deficit? A Welsh perspective. Local Economy 33(8), pp. 862-876. (10.1177/0269094218820286)
- Morgan, K., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2017. Local economic development opportunities from NHS spending: evidence from Wales. Urban Studies 54(13), pp. 3138-3156. (10.1177/0042098016658248)
- Roberts, A. et al. 2017. Assessing the contribution of recreational sea angling to the English economy. Marine Policy 83, pp. 146-152. (10.1016/j.marpol.2017.05.028)
- Roberts, A., Roche, N., Jones, C. and Munday, M. 2016. What is the value of a Premier League football club to a regional economy?. European Sport Management Quarterly 16(5), pp. 575-591. (10.1080/16184742.2016.1188840)
- Court, C. D., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Turner, K. 2015. Can hazardous waste supply chain 'hotspots' be identified using an input-output framework?. European Journal of Operational Research 241(1), pp. 177-187. (10.1016/j.ejor.2014.08.011)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental Consequences of Tourism Consumption at Major Events: An Analysis of the UK Stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Morgan, K., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A. and Vanni, F. 2007. The impact of further education institutions on the economy of Wales. Welsh Economic Review 19(1), pp. 26-29. (10.18573/j.2007.10395)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Roberts, A., Driffield, N. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Inward investment, transactions linkages, and productivity spillovers. Economics of Governance 83(4), pp. 699-722.
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2003. Regional tourism satellite accounts: a useful policy tool?. Urban Studies 40(13), pp. 2777-2794. (10.1080/0042098032000146894)
- Matthews, J., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2003. Project report: a Welsh index of sustainable economic welfare. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 33-36. (10.18573/wer.206)
- Jones, C., McGregor, P., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Swales, K. and Turner, K. 2003. Project report: Welsh input-output for 2000 and development of a computable general equilibrium model for the Welsh economy. Welsh Economic Review 15(1), pp. 37-38. (10.18573/wer.207)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Project report: Regional environmental input-output analysis for Wales. Welsh Economic Review 14(2), pp. 47-48. (10.18573/wer.195)
- Driffield, N., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Transactions Linkages, and the Performance of the Domestic Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business 9(3), pp. 335-351. (10.1080/1357151021000010000)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. The Role of Forestry Industry Transactions in the Rural Economy. Journal of Rural Studies 17(3), pp. 333-346. (10.1016/S0743-0167(01)00010-9)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2001. Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 92(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1111/1467-9663.00150)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2001. Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives. Policy Studies 22(1), pp. 51-60. (10.1080/01442870120047721)
Book sections
- Collins, A. and Roberts, A. 2017. Assessing the environmental impact of economic activity surrounding major sport events. In: McCullough, B. and Kellison, T. eds. Routledge Handbook of Sport and the Environment. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 207 - 219., (10.4324/9781315619514-15)
- Roberts, A., Dewhurst, J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: hollowing out and foreign direct investment. In: Bojar, E. ed. The Role of FDI in Competitive Economy. TNOiK "Dom Organizatora", pp. 63-80.
- Collins, A. J. and Roberts, A. 2010. The economic and environmental impacts of the UK stages of the Tour de France. Presented at: Regional Studies Associations (British and Irish Section), Glasgow, UK, 25-27 August 2010.
- Collins, A. J. and Roberts, A. 2008. The BRASS journey: Assessing the impact of UK events. Presented at: ESRC Seminar Series on Sustainable Consumption and Production: Forecast and Scenarios for a More Sustainable Society, London.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Using DS/AHP to rank of sectors on their potential to strengthen regional economic development. Presented at: MCDM 2006, Chania, Greece, 19-23 June 2006.
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Welsh economic development: the differences and similarities of DS/AHP and SMART analyses. Presented at: OR 48: annual conference of the Operational Research Society, Bath, UK, 11–13 September 2006.
- Dewhuirst, J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: Hollowing out and foreign direct investment?. Presented at: 44th European Congress of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA 2004), Porto, Portugal, 25-29 August 2004.
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2004. Regional and national tourism satellite accounts in the UK. Presented at: Regional Science Association International: British and Irish Section, 34th Annual Conference, Cork, Ireland, 18th - 20th August 2004.
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2025. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 2024. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected/ Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/t52dosq5/weru-csconnected-sipf-2024-annual-report.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202024%20ENG_ACCESSIBLE_V1%202.pdf
- Lang, M., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2024. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: Final analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2024-05/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20April2024%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENG_Accessibility1.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Lang, M. and Roberts, A. 2024. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/trijjr3n/csconnected-sipf-weru-annual-report-2023.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Cai, W. 2023. Economic Intelligence Wales: Annual report. September 2023. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-09/EIW%20Annual%20Report%202023%20ENG_ACCESSBILITY_V1.pdf
- Cai, W., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2023. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Wrexham: Economic Intelligence Wales Ltd. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2023-01/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%20Jan2023%20Covid-19%20intervention.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Jin, N. 2022. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual report September 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-11/Annual%20report%202021_22%20Economic%20Intelligence%20Wales_0.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2022. Covid-19 Welsh Government financial interventions: An analysis of administrative and beneficiary survey data. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-09/EIW%20Bespoke%20Report%202022%20Covid-19%20intervention_ENGLISH-v4.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R. and Roberts, A. 2022. Annual Report: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales January 2022. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/ryunhxaa/csconnected-annual-report-cardiff-university-business-school.pdf
- Munday, M., Huggins, R., Kapitsinis, N. and Roberts, A. 2022. CSconnected: Does CS cluster inward investment improve regional economic prospects?. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/utkj4qir/csconnected_inward-investment_cardiff-business-school-report.pdf#:~:text=The%20evidence%20suggests%20that%20the%20CS%20cluster%20has,potentially%20better%20placed%20to%20generate%20local%20economic%20transformation.
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Kapitsinis, N. 2021. Economic Intelligence Wales Annual Report August 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Economic Intelligence Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2022-10/ENG%20EIW%20Annual%20report%2020_21.pdf
- Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Huggins, R. 2021. Revised economic baseline: Compound semiconductor cluster in South Wales 18th February 2021. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: CSconnected. Available at: https://csconnected.com/media/vdsn3fgo/csconnected-annual-report-2021.pdf
- Henley, A., Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Covid-19 Welsh government financial interventions: an analysis of Welsh beneficiaries. Technical Report.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. The digital maturity survey for Wales 2020. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2020. Business succession in Wales. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: http://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2020-05/EIW succession report May 2020 ENG Final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation project: Digital Maturity Survey for Wales 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/digital-maturity-survey
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2020. Superfast broadband business exploitation programme: research and intelligence Digital Maturity Economic Impact Report 2019. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff University. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/superfast-broadband-project/economic-impact-research
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Medium-sized businesses and Welsh business structure. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-11/EIW Quarterly Bespoke report English.pdf
- Dickenson, M., Hipwood, T., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Willimas, R. 2019. EU transition trade prospects for key Welsh sectors. Project Report. Cardiff: Welsh Economy Research Unit.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Xu, C. and Norris, L. 2019. Digital maturity economic impact report 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M. and Roberts, A. 2019. Equity clusters in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-04/Equity Clusters Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Xu, C. 2019. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2018. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Kapitsinis, N., Munday, M., Roberts, A. and Williams, R. 2019. Export finance in Wales. Project Report. [Online]. Development Bank of Wales. Available at: https://developmentbank.wales/sites/default/files/2019-02/English_Bespoke Report_FINAL_25 Feb2019.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Reynolds, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2018. Digital maturity economic impact report for Wales 2017. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Roche, N., Roberts, A., Scedrova, A. and Reynolds, L. 2018. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2017. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Economic impact report 2016. Project Report. Cardiff: Cardiff University.
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Henderson, D., Jones, C., Munday, M., Norris, L., Roberts, A., Roche, N. and Scedrova, A. 2017. Digital maturity survey for Wales 2016. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Cardiff Business School. Available at: https://www.cardiff.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0004/1137775/SFBBE-2016-National-Digital-Maturity-Survey-Report_final.pdf
- Collins, A. J., Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2012. The environmental impacts of major cycling events: reflections on the UK stages of the Tour de France. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: Centre for Business Relationships, Accountability, Sustainability and Society (BRASS), Cardiff University. Available at: http://www.cardiff.ac.uk/cplan/sites/default/files/Tour-de-France.pdf
- Bryan, J. and Roberts, A. 2007. The economic impact of S4C on the Welsh economy 2002-2006. Project Report. [Online]. Cardiff: S4C. Available at: http://www.s4c.co.uk/abouts4c/corporate/pdf/s4c_economic_report_2007.pdf
- Bryan, J., Jones, C., Munday, M. C. and Roberts, A. 2006. One NorthEast: identifying and assessing sector strengths using multi-sectoral qualitative analysis. Project Report. [Online]. One NorthEast. Available at: http://www.nerip.com/reports_briefing.aspx?id=208
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2005. Mid-term review of the Objective 1 programme for West Wales and the Valleys. Project Report. Cardiff, UK: CRG.
- Jones, C. J., Munday, M. C., Bryan, J., Roberts, A., McNicoll, I. and McLellan, D. 2004. UK tourism satellite account - first steps project. London: Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Available at: http://old.culture.gov.uk/images/research/tsafirststepprojectreportpt1.pdf
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Input-output tables for Wales 2000. Cardiff University.
- Munday, M. C. R., Bryan, J., Jones, C. and Roberts, A. 2004. Welsh input-output tables for 2000. Technical Report.
- Bristow, G. I., Roberts, A., Martin, S. J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2003. Mid-term review of the Objective 3 operational programme for East Wales. Project Report. CRG.
- Pickernell, D., Parsons, L., Munday, M. C. R., Roberts, A. and Roche, N. 2002. Housing, financial services and the Welsh economy. Working paper. London, UK: Council of Mortgage Lenders.
- Collins, A. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Environmental consequences of tourism consumption at major events: An analysis of the UK stages of the 2007 Tour de France. Journal of Travel Research 51(5), pp. 577-590. (10.1177/0047287511434113)
- Morgan, K. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2012. Project report: The economic impact of NHS procurement: A study of the Aneurin Bevan Health Board. Welsh Economic Review 23(Spring), pp. 33-34. (10.18573/j.2012.10439)
- Collins, A. J. and Roberts, A. 2010. The economic and environmental impacts of the UK stages of the Tour de France. Presented at: Regional Studies Associations (British and Irish Section), Glasgow, UK, 25-27 August 2010.
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2009. Top down or bottom up? Issues in the development of sub-national tourism satellite accounts. Current Issues in Tourism 12(4), pp. 301-313. (10.1080/13683500802346177)
- Collins, A. J., Flynn, A., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2007. Assessing the Environmental Consequences of Major Sporting Events: The 2003-04 FA Cup Final. Urban Studies 44(3), pp. 457-476. (10.1080/00420980601131878)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2006. Developing approaches to measuring and monitoring sustainable development in Wales: A review. Regional Studies 40(5), pp. 535-544. (10.1080/00343400600757726)
- Midmore, P., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing industry linkages using regional input-output tables. Regional Studies 40(3), pp. 329-343. (10.1080/00343400600631673)
- Bryan, J., Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2006. Assessing the economic significance of port activity: evidence from ABP Operations in industrial South Wales. Maritime Policy & Management 33(4), pp. 371-386. (10.1080/03088830600895600)
- Beynon, M. J., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2005. Ranking sectors using fuzzy output multipliers. Economic Systems Research 17(3), pp. 237-253. (10.1080/09535310500221716)
- Roberts, A., Dewhurst, J. and Munday, M. C. R. 2004. Changes in manufacturing linkage patterns in Scotland and Wales: hollowing out and foreign direct investment. In: Bojar, E. ed. The Role of FDI in Competitive Economy. TNOiK "Dom Organizatora", pp. 63-80.
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2004. Building for the future: housing-related sectors and the Welsh economy. Local Economy 19(3), pp. 212-225. (10.1080/02690940410001692386)
- Jones, C., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2003. Regional tourism satellite accounts: a useful policy tool?. Urban Studies 40(13), pp. 2777-2794. (10.1080/0042098032000146894)
- Driffield, N., Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2002. Foreign Direct Investment, Transactions Linkages, and the Performance of the Domestic Sector. International Journal of the Economics of Business 9(3), pp. 335-351. (10.1080/1357151021000010000)
- Roberts, A. and Munday, M. C. R. 2001. The Role of Forestry Industry Transactions in the Rural Economy. Journal of Rural Studies 17(3), pp. 333-346. (10.1016/S0743-0167(01)00010-9)
- Munday, M. C. R. and Roberts, A. 2001. Assessing the Regional Transactions of Foreign Manufacturers in Wales: Issues and Determinants. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 92(2), pp. 202-216. (10.1111/1467-9663.00150)
- Munday, M. C. R., Pickernell, D. and Roberts, A. 2001. Regional Policy Effectiveness and Local Governance Issues: Some Welsh Perspectives. Policy Studies 22(1), pp. 51-60. (10.1080/01442870120047721)
My research interests focus on regional economics and policy, regional input-output analysis, economic evaluation, foreign direct investment, and economic development. Current long-term projects include Economic Intelligence Wales, which focuses around demand and supply side issues related to SME finance in Wales, research and evaluation relating to the Compound Semiconductor Cluster in Wales, and an analysis of the economic impacts of the A465 road improvement schemes.
Selected recent funded research projects:
2020-2024 UKRI Strength in Places Funds, CSconnected, Compound Semiconductor Cluster, Research and Evaluation, with M. Munday and R. Huggins.
2018-2021: Economic Intelligence Wales: Data analysis and research on SMEs and their role in the Welsh Economy. With M. Munday. Quarterly and Bespoke reporting.
2018: Understanding the implications of global trade and decarbonisation post Brexit. For Welsh Government, with C. Jones and M. Munday.
2018-19: Capturing the wider economic benefits of A465 construction: Socio-economic dashboard. Analysis of socio-economic effects of major road redevelopment at Head of the Valleys. Report for Arcadis and Welsh Government (with WERU team).
2017: EU Transition and prospects for Anchors and RICs in Wales. Report for Welsh Government, with C. Jones and M.Munday.
2017: Economic activity supported by inward investment in Wales. For Welsh Government.
2016: ERDF Superfast Broadband Exploitation project, Digital Maturity Survey for Wales, with WERU team. Annual Digital Maturity Survey report, and Annual Economic Impact Report.
PhD supervision research interests
- Economic impact analysis
- Foreign direct investment
- Regional development policy
- Regional economics/modelling
- Welsh economy
Current Teaching and Learning: Summary
- Most teaching relates to the undergraduate Business Economics stream within the Economics section of Cardiff Business School
- Undergraduate teaching on BS2560 Managerial Economics (Module leader), and BS3561 Modern Business Enterprise.
- Also, teaching on the Business Strategy and Entrepreneurship MSc programme - BST186 Economics and the Business Environment.
- Supervise 5-7 MSc dissertations per annum.
- Personal tutor to both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- PhD Economics, 1996
- BSc (Econ), Economics, 1991
Academic Positions
- Professor of Economics, Cardiff Business School.
- Deputy Director, Welsh Economy Research Unit.
- Editor, Welsh Economic Review.
Contact Details
+44 29208 75058
Aberconway Building, Room T01b, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU