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Matthew Robson

Professor Matthew Robson

Head of Marketing and Strategy
Professor of Marketing and International Management

Cardiff Business School

+44 29208 76434
Aberconway Building, Room F02, Colum Road, Cathays, Cardiff, CF10 3EU
Available for postgraduate supervision


Matthew Robson is Professor of Marketing and International Management at Cardiff Business School. He is also Associate Editor of Journal of International Marketing.   His reseach and teaching interests focus on, but are not limited to, the domains of international, strategic, relationship, and retail marketing.






  • Robson, M. 2020. Competition and the future of retailing. In: Schlegelmilch, B. and Winer, R. eds. The Routledge Companion to Strategic Marketing. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188.








Book sections

  • Robson, M. 2020. Competition and the future of retailing. In: Schlegelmilch, B. and Winer, R. eds. The Routledge Companion to Strategic Marketing. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 175-188.



Prof. Robson actively researches the following topics: strategic alliances; exporting; franchising; international management; distribution channel relationships; retailing services; new product development; marketing strategy; and sustainability.

A full list of refereed journal publications is as follows:

"The Legitimacy Defeat of Huawei in the Media: Cause, Context, and Process" (with Zhang, A. and Xu, Y., 2022), International Business Review, forthcoming.

"Moral Categorization of Opportunists in Cross-border Interfirm Relationships" (with Kadic-Maglajlic, S., Obadia, C., and Vida, I., 2022), Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming. 

"New Product Development Process Execusion, Integration Mechanisms, Capabilities, and Outcomes: Evidence from Chinese High-Technology Ventures" (lead author, with Chuang, F.-M., Morgan, R.E., Bicakcioglu-Peynirci, N., and Di Benedetto, A., 2022), British Journal of Management, forthcoming.

"Relationships of Stressors and Opportunism in Cross-border Exchange Partnership Contexts: When and How Monitoring Matters" (with Zaefarian, G., Najafi-Tavani, Z., and Spyropoulou, S., 2022), Journal of International Business Studies, forthcoming.

"Machiavellianism in Alliance Partnerships" (with Musarra, G. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2022), Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.

"When Customer Involvement Hinders/Promotes Product Innovation Performance: The Concurrent Effect of Relationship Quality and Role Ambiguity" (with Najafi-Tavani, S., Zaefarian, G., Naude, Peter, and Abbasi, F., 2022), Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.

"The Two Sides of Cooperation in Export Relationships: When More is Not Better" (with Obadia, C., 2021), Journal of International Business Studies, 52(8), 1616-1627.

"Partner-based Opportunism, Interface Structure, and Performance Efficiency in Upstream and Downstream Alliance Activities Contexts" (with Musarra, G., Tejedor Bowen, K., Spyropoulou, S., 2021), Industrial Marketing Management, 93, 76-89. 

"Corporate Sustainability Strategies in Institutional Adversity: Antecedent, outcome, and contingency effects" (with Nwoba, A. and Boso, N., 2020), Business Strategy and the Environment, 30(2), 787-807.

"Do Export Learning Processes Affect Sales Growth in Exporting Activities?" (with Assadinia, S., Boso, N., and Hultman, H., 2019), Journal of International Marketing, 27(3), 1-25. [Paper won the S. Tamer Cavusgil Award 2019.]

"Alliance Capabilities, Interpartner Attributes, and Performance Outcomes in International Strategic Alliances." (lead author, with Katsikeas, C.S., Schlegelmilch, B.B., and Pramböck, B., 2019),  Journal of World Business, 54(3), 137-153.

“Building Subsidiary Local Responsiveness: (When) Does the Directionality of Intrafirm Knowledge Transfers Matter?” (with Najafi-Tavani, Z., Zaefarian, G., Ulf, A., and Chong, Y., 2018), Journal of World Business, 53(4), 475-492.

“Alignments and Misalignments of Realized Marketing Strategies with Administrative Systems: Performance Implications” (with Chari, S., Balabanis, G., and Slater, S., 2017), Industrial Marketing Management, 63, 129-144.

“Money Can’t Buy Me Trust: Evidence of Exogenous Influences Crowding Out Process-based Trust in Alliances” (with Christoffersen, J., 2017), British Journal of Management, 28, 1, 135-153.

“Psychic Distance and Country Image in Exporter–Importer Relationships” (with Durand, A. and Turkina, E., 2016), Journal of International Marketing, 24, 3, 31-57.

“The Influence of Desire for Control on Monitoring Decisions and Performance Outcomes in Strategic Alliances” (with Musarra, G. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2016), Industrial Marketing Management, 55, 10-21.

“Customer and Competitor Insights, New Product Development Competence, and New Product Creativity: Differential, Integrative, and Substitution Effects” (with Chuang, F.-M. and Morgan, R.E., 2015), Journal of Product Innovation Management, 32, 2, 175–182.

“Sustainable Export Marketing Strategy Fit and Performance” (with Zeriti, A., Spyropoulou, S., and Leonidou, C.N., 2014), Journal of International Marketing, 22, 4, 44-66.

“Measures of Strategic Alliance Performance, Classified and Assessed” (with Christoffersen, J. and Plenborg, T., 2014), International Business Review, 23, 479-489.

"Emergent Marketing Strategies and Performance: The Effects of Market Uncertainty and Strategic Feedback Systems" (with Chari, S., Katsikeas, C.S., and Balabanis, G., 2014), British Journal of Management, 25, 2, 145-165.

“Perceptions of Web Knowledge and Usability: When Sex and Experience Matter” (with Page, K. and Uncles, M., 2012), International Journal of Human–Computer Studies, 70, 12, 907-919, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhcs.2012.07.006

“Resource Deployment Stability and Performance in International R&D Alliances: A Self-Determination Theory Explanation” (lead author, with Schlegelmilch, B.B. and Bojkowszky, B., 2012), Journal of International Marketing, 20, 1, 1-18, DOI

“Social Capital in Japanese–Western Alliances: Understanding Cultural Effects” (with Slater, S., 2012), International Marketing Review, 29, 1, 6-23, DOI: 10.1108/02651331211201525

“A Value-in-Process Analysis of Relationship Interactions in Non-Equity Alliances” (with Toon, M.A. and Morgan, R.E., 2012), Industrial Marketing Management, 41, 1, 186-196, DOI: 10.1016/j.indmarman.2011.11.016

“Clan Culture, Strategic Orientation and New Product Performance in Chinese Marketing Ventures: An Exploration of Main and Moderating Effects” (with Chuang, F.-M. and Morgan, R.E., 2012), Journal of Strategic Marketing, 20, 3, 267-286, DOI: 10.1080/0965254X.2011.643914

“Cultural Interpretations of Destructive Acts and Trust in Japanese Supply Channel Partnerships” (with Slater, S., 2012), International Business Review, 21, 3, 357-368, DOI: 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2011.04.003

“Export Promotion Strategy and Performance: The Role of International Experience” (with Hultman, M. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2011), Journal of International Marketing, 19, 4, 17-39, DOI: 10.1509/jim.11.002

“Does Accommodating a Self-Serving Partner in an International Marketing Alliance Payoff?” (with Bello, D. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2010), Journal of Marketing, 74, November, 77-93, DOI: 10.1509/jmkg.74.6.77

“Realising Product-Market Advantage in High-Technology International New Ventures: The Mediating Role of Ambidextrous Innovation” (with Hughes, M., Martin, S.L., and Morgan, R.E., 2010), Journal of International Marketing, 18, 4, 1-21, DOI: 10.1509/jimk.18.4.1

“Antecedents and Consequences of Firms’ Export Commitment: An Empirical Study”, (with Navarro, A., Acedo, F.J., Ruzo, E., and Losada, F., 2010), Journal of International Marketing, 18, 3, 41-61, DOI: 10.1509/jimk.18.3.41

“Export Product Strategy Fit and Performance: An Empirical Investigation” (with Hultman, M. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2009), Journal of International Marketing, 17, 4, 1-23, DOI: 10.1509/jimk.17.4.1

“Determinants of Relationship Quality in Importer–Exporter Relationships” (with Skarmeas, D., 2008), British Journal of Management, 19, 171-184, DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8551.2007.00537.x

“Drivers and Performance Outcomes of Trust in International Strategic Alliances: The Role of Organizational Complexity” (lead author, with Katsikeas, C.S. and Bello, D., 2008), Organization Science, 19, 4, 647-665, DOI: 10.1509/jimk.18.4.1

“Behavioral Attributes and Performance in International Strategic Alliances: Review and Future Directions” (lead author, with Skarmeas, D. and Spyropoulou, S., 2006), International Marketing Review, 23, 6, 585-609 (winner of the IMR best paper award 2006), DOI: 10.1509/jimk.18.3.41

“Anxiety of Dependency in International Joint Ventures? An Empirical Study of Drivers and Consequences of Relationship Insecurity” (lead author, with Spyropoulou, S. and Al-Khalifa, A.K., 2006), Industrial Marketing Management, 35, 5, 556-566, DOI: 10.1509/jimk.17.4.1

“The Roles of Perceived Value, Perceived Equity and Relational Commitment in a Disconfirmation Framework: An Initial Assessment in a Relationship-Rich Consumption Environment” (with Musa, R. and Pallister, J., 2005), Advances in Consumer Research, 32, 349-357.

“International Strategic Alliance Relationships within the Foreign Investment Decision Process” (lead author, with Katsikeas, C.S., 2005), International Marketing Review, 22, 4, 399-419, DOI: 10.1108/02651330510608433

“In Search of Relevance and Rigour for Research in Marketing” (with Katsikeas, C.S. and Hulbert, J.M., 2004), Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 22, 5, 568-578. DOI: 10.1108/02634500410551941

“Top Management Staffing in Strategic Alliances: A Conceptual Explanation of Decision Perspective and Objective Formation” (lead author, with Paparoidamis, N. and Ginoglou, D., 2003), International Business Review, 12, 173-191, DOI: 10.1016/S0969-5931(02)00095-1

“Factors Influencing International Joint Venture Performance: Theoretical Perspectives, Assessment, and Future Directions” (lead author, with Leonidou, L.C. and Katsikeas, C.S., 2002), Management International Review, 42, 4, 385-418.

“Partner Selection in Successful International Strategic Alliances: The Role of Cooperation” (single authorship, 2002), Journal of General Management, 28, 1, 1-15.

“Communication Apprehension and Perceptions of Salesperson Performance: A Multinational Perspective” (with Pitt, L.F. and Berthon, P., 2000), Journal of Managerial Psychology, 15, 1, 68-86.

“Developing a Pan-European Co-Marketing Alliance: The Case of BP-Mobil” (lead author, with Dunk, M.A.J., 1999), International Marketing Review, 16, 3, 216-230.

“Value-for-Money and Local Government Services Pricing: The Marketing Perspective” (lead author, with Pitt, L.F. and Nel, D., 1999), Contemporary Issues in Business and Government, 5, 2, 41-45.

“Communication in the Salesperson/Customer Dyad: An Empirical Investigation” (with Gillis, C., Pitt, L.F. and Berthon, P., 1998), Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 26, 2, 100-106.

“The Internationalisation of Management Knowledge Dissemination: A Dialectic” (with Pitt, L.F. and Berthon, P., 1997), (formerly Columbia) Journal of World Business, 32, 4, 369-386.


Classroom Teaching in 2022-2023 Academic Year:

BS3543 Strategic Management;

BS3746 Services Marketing;

BST191 Venture Growth and Development.


Prof. Robson earned his Ph.D. and began his academic career at Cardiff Business School.  Prof. Robson rejoined CARBS in January 2019, after a ten year spell at Leeds University Business School (Prof. Robson spent six of these as their Head of Marketing, i.e., a Department Chair). In this capacity, he helped to establish the ESRC-funded Consumer Data Research Centre, was a founder member of the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics, and was founding Programme Director of MSc Consumer Analytics and Marketing Strategy. He has been involved as Primary- or Co-Investigator in funded research projects that total approximately seven million pounds.

Prof. Robson's teaching and research interests focus on international, strategic, relationship, and retail marketing.  He has won a number of awards for teaching and research. Prof. Robson has published in many journals of international repute including British Journal of Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of Marketing, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, and Organization Science. 

He currently serves as Associate Editor of Journal of International Marketing, and is on the Editorial Advisory Board of British Journal of Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Marketing Channels, and Journal of Management Studies.  His classroom teaching and doctoral supervision work spans several areas of (international) marketing strategy. Prof. Robson has supervised nineteen doctoral students through to completion.

Prof. Robson has been involved in consultancy work for Cummins, Holiday Inn, General Motors, and Marks and Spencer, among other firms.


Prof. Robson is available to supervise doctoral students under the topics advertised on the Research tab. Indeed, he has a successful track record in building the academy, having supervised nineteen through to completion. Many of his former students are now established academics.     He has also been involved in the organization of training for doctoral students throughout his career, having run an MRes and capstone modules on an MRes, and having sat as external examiner for MRes programmes around the UK.

Current supervision

Katerina Boncheva

Katerina Boncheva

Research Student/Graduate Tutor